Trumps' LIES

Not sure promising "a cure fore cancers" is on the same level as promising a disease that would disappear like a miracle... but yeah, Joe shouldn't have said that. Of course you're ignoring the context of what he was saying...funding research.

Everything XIDEN says is a lie Candyass, and on the rare occasion he's not lying he's parroting meaningless crap, which to me is on the same level.

Can you quote that in your signature next to "Trump's always right" please?
STATEMENT: "Leftists are evil. There is no other explanation."

RESPONSE: "EVIL: profoundly immoral and wicked." It is very clear that the neo fascist, far right wing of the Republican Party, led by Trump is evil. The facts of the past five years of the Trump Administration are incapable of being otherwise.

Consider this (link below) which the 1956 Republican Party Platform equates with these four years and counting:

I doubt you or anyone who supports DJT will read this platform, those who do even read parts of it will reject it as liberal and progressive, ideals that they believe today are evil.
You posted a pile of lies. If anything is profoundly immoral and wicked it's the Democrat party.
Not sure promising "a cure fore cancers" is on the same level as promising a disease that would disappear like a miracle... but yeah, Joe shouldn't have said that. Of course you're ignoring the context of what he was saying...funding research.
The context is that he promised a cure for cancer, scumbag.
If you like your plan, your can keep your plan!

Shovel ready!

There was no sensitive and/or classified information sent on my private e-mail server!

I have direct evidence of collusion with RUSSIA!
We will remain in Afghanistan until all Americans who want to leave are out safely. (left the next day leaving hundreds of Americans stranded)

We achieved a righteous drone strike on the planners of the suicide bombing that killed 13 US troops. (killed an aid worker and numerous young children)
For years we had faux journalists whining about Trump's "lies," compiling lists of THOUSANDS of statements, impressions, innuendos, etc., that they termed factual statements that were in fact LIES.

And yet the entire Demomocrat universe universe publishes these WHOPPERS daily, and the Lie Patrol remains silent.

Nothing Trump even supposedly lied about in the past five years comes anywhere near this.

Leftists are evil. There is no other explanation.
You are telling us that liars lying is ok if you like them?
DGS49 is spot on. Just another example of how biased the lame stream media is. All politicians lie, but personally I automatically dismiss practically everything that comes out of the Democratic camp because it's so full of misinformation and twisted half-truths.

Another Biden lie to add to the list (if it hasn't been mentioned already):

In a press conference on Dec 4, 2020, he was asked: "Do you want vaccines to be mandatory?"

To this, Biden said: "No I don't think it should be mandatory, I wouldn't demand it be mandatory."

At least he kept his lies straight, as he vehemently voiced opposition to any sort of mandates during the debates before the election.
I guess you didn't listen to your own link... The visit from the FBI agents has messed with your head (and you weren't that smart to begin with).
You prove you're a moron with every post. Birth messed with your mind.
Trumps lies? Really? I can't buy meat anymore because Biden's bullshit...inflation, businesses being alternately shut down over vaccine mandates, people being paid not to work or walking out...this is Biden's making and by extension, ALL those that voted him. Enough of this Trump bashing bullshit.

Then I suggest you make it mandantory for EVERYONE to get vaccinated.
I wonder why Biden's kids are in and out of rehab, and why Hunter is perverted like his dad on cocaine?

Could it be their dad is a creep and would sell his soul and theirs for votes? Nah, couldn't be that.

This is the level of which Xiden is a liar, but more than that how he'd sell his own family out. How low is that? Don't ask a leftist, they're a fucked up bunch.

This also demonstrates how "FACT-CHECKS" are a fraud operated my Democrats. When they claim mostly false for example, you can bet your ass it's mostly true. This Democrat check leaves out tons of context, BECAUSE IT MATTERS. For example, Biden's late wife pulled out into an intersection in front of this guy. As Democrack's do they wanted to displace blame, so they came up with the story the guy must have been drunk, for which there's NO EVIDENCE, and even if there was the unfortunate accident was his late-wife's fault.

If there's a victim role to play Biden plays that hand, even if it means selling out his own family.

80+ million votes?

Progressive and liberal are evil.
Explain how?
  • Seeking to support equal rights, equal opportunities and fair wages are evil?
  • Supporting Public Schools is evil?
  • Making Health Insurance affordable for everyone is evil?
  • Supporting fair income taxes and increasing the minimum wage is evil?
  • Allowing men to marry men and women to marry women is evil?
  • Allowing women who are impregned by rape or incest to abort the fetus is evil?
  • Allowing voters to vote my mail is evil?
  • Opening polling stations close to poor neighborhoods and allow voting on weekends for those who work M-F is evil?
  • Not allowing LGBTQ to defend our nation in our armed forces is evil?
  • Not attacking our National Capitol Building and not wounding 140 Police Officers is evil?
I could go on to what is evil with much more bullet points but one simple sentence proves what is evil:

The (tax exempt) Media Matters lists it's primary mission to "monitor (only) conservative speech", so it follows that MM was the source for at least 90% of all the anti-Trump spin. Republicans have no such propaganda tool and the mainstream media is reluctant to fact check even the most outrageous whoppers uttered by old Brandon. That's the way the system works.
And here is why!!! AND not one left/democrat/progressive/liberal refutes this!
Folks, the MSM was pissed their 96% donations to Hillary was dumped by Trump so they spent
roadcast coverage of Trump 95% negative, according to new study....“I’ve been studying the news media and elections for more than 35 years. Trust me — there’s never been anything like it,” said Rich Noyes, research director for the conservative press watchdog.
So they donated 90% to Biden and we now are suffering from that!

  • Seeking to support equal rights, equal opportunities and fair wages are evil? It's a lie, and the left are the worst offenders.
  • Supporting Public Schools is evil? Places for communist propaganda, miseducation developing snowflakes and weeds.
  • Making Health Insurance affordable for everyone is evil? I read insurance for free on someone else's dime so you can afford expensive beers, Netflix and suit your travel needs.
  • Supporting fair income taxes and increasing the minimum wage is evil? It's a lie, and the left are the worst offenders.
  • Allowing men to marry men and women to marry women is evil? Fucking A right it is, a pretense for communist goals to come, and a slap in the face of families and nature.
  • Allowing women who are impregned by rape or incest to abort the fetus is evil? But that's a lie isn't it? Using anomalies to justify common abortion.
  • Allowing voters to vote my mail is evil? Fucking A when it's marketed for bad intentions under scare tactics aimed to dumb us down for sake of communism.
  • Opening polling stations close to poor neighborhoods and allow voting on weekends for those who work M-F is evil? Sounds like a stretch to me, same as your point about abortion.
  • Not allowing LGBTQ to defend our nation in our armed forces is evil? Don't ask, don't tell no one gives a shit.
  • Not attacking our National Capitol Building and not wounding 140 Police Officers is evil? WTF told you those were all conservatives considering leftists are the primary anarchists? Stealing an election is evil for sure, which is worse, hundreds of people attacking the Capitol one time for part of a day, or the millions of pieces that go into steeling elections, and more than that the 24-7 propaganda controlled by left from miseducation to MSM?
Yes, leftists are evil.
  • Seeking to support equal rights, equal opportunities and fair wages are evil? It's a lie, and the left are the worst offenders.
  • Supporting Public Schools is evil? Places for communist propaganda, miseducation developing snowflakes and weeds.
  • Making Health Insurance affordable for everyone is evil? I read insurance for free on someone else's dime so you can afford expensive beers, Netflix and suit your travel needs.
  • Supporting fair income taxes and increasing the minimum wage is evil? It's a lie, and the left are the worst offenders.
  • Allowing men to marry men and women to marry women is evil? Fucking A right it is, a pretense for communist goals to come, and a slap in the face of families and nature.
  • Allowing women who are impregned by rape or incest to abort the fetus is evil? But that's a lie isn't it? Using anomalies to justify common abortion.
  • Allowing voters to vote my mail is evil? Fucking A when it's marketed for bad intentions under scare tactics aimed to dumb us down for sake of communism.
  • Opening polling stations close to poor neighborhoods and allow voting on weekends for those who work M-F is evil? Sounds like a stretch to me, same as your point about abortion.
  • Not allowing LGBTQ to defend our nation in our armed forces is evil? Don't ask, don't tell no one gives a shit.
  • Not attacking our National Capitol Building and not wounding 140 Police Officers is evil? WTF told you those were all conservatives considering leftists are the primary anarchists? Stealing an election is evil for sure, which is worse, hundreds of people attacking the Capitol one time for part of a day, or the millions of pieces that go into steeling elections, and more than that the 24-7 propaganda controlled by left from miseducation to MSM?
Yes, leftists are evil.
Not unexpected. A hack like With.Progs? hasn't any evidence to prove "leftists" are evil. His opinions are both ridiculous and ludicrous, expected by someone who is totally brainwashed and/or a damn liar.

Only the dumbest really believe the election last was stolen. It is an ego of Trumpism which comes back to the ideology of hate, dishonesty and corruption.
Not unexpected. A hack like With.Progs? hasn't any evidence to prove "leftists" are evil. His opinions are both ridiculous and ludicrous, expected by someone who is totally brainwashed and/or a damn liar.

Only the dumbest really believe the election last was stolen. It is an ego of Trumpism which comes back to the ideology of hate, dishonesty and corruption.





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