Trump's ME foreign policy, reducing freedom, supporting terrorism


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2014
Qatar crisis: Can Al Jazeera survive? - BBC News

The Qatar Crisis. It's been going on since the 5th June. Trump went to Saudi Arabia on the 20th May. It would appear that Saudi Arabia wasn't willing to take the risk of attacking Qatar under Obama, but saw in Trump someone who would support them.

Now, it gets weird. Saudi Arabia accused Qatar of supporting Terrorism. Yes, Saudi Arabia. Trump said Qatar supports terrorism.

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"Donald Trump has publicly swung behind Saudi Arabia and other Arab nations in their move to isolate Qatar for allegedly supporting terrorism, saying funding for “radical ideology” needed to be cut off."

Trump made a travel ban for seven Muslim countries. None of which were Saudi Arabia nor Qatar. Then it went down to 6. Trump said he needed time, 90 days, to figure out how to protect the borders. Which is nonsense as he's had more than 90 days and done nothing in that time but fight and fight for his ban to be put back in place with no chance that anything is going to happen at the end of 90 days.

Well, Qatar is actually a liberating force within the ME. It has Al Jazeera. One of the main issues extremely conservative countries in the region have had with Qatar is that Al Jazeera is willing to say things that the conservatives don't want heard. They don't want their people to think Democracy, they don't want them to think women are equal, they don't want any of that.

Qatar crisis: Can Al Jazeera survive? - BBC News

Al Jazeera's broadcasting has caused controversy and drawn anger in various Arab states, not least in Egypt after the fall of Hosni Mubarak during the Arab Spring and the subsequent ousting of the elected president, Mohammed Morsi - a leader of the Muslim Brotherhood.

It has already been caught up in the current crisis, with its website blocked by Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Egypt and Bahrain in late May."

So, is this all about Qatar supporting Terrorism? Probably not. It's about Saudi Arabia trying to force its neighbors to do as it wants. And Trump has supported and allowed this to happen, even though this goes against the very principles of the US Constitution.

Trump will do deals with countries that are strong, and support terrorism, and he'll put a travel ban in place on countries that are weak, and for what reason? To make the US safer? No, Saudis are MORE LIKELY to commit terrorist acts in the US than any of the countries on the travel ban. Trump isn't keeping the US safe, he's encouraging conservatism in the ME, which leads to funding of groups like al Qaeda and ISIS, and the stronger states like Saudi Arabia know he's a push over.

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