Trumps media instincts

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I have to say watching trump lately has been interesting. Everyday I see how he makes a mistake and ive cringed at some stuff he has said, but these things end up benefiting him.

He essentially endorses Moore and the media isn't saying much about Moore anymore. They are talking about trump and his alleged sexual allegations. Meanwhile Moore looks to be resurging. If he wins it will largely because Trump is taking attention away from him with this move and other statements.

Trump tweets about Schumer and Pelosi and they get outraged and don't show up at meetings with him, so photo ops show him and others working hard for the American people with Schumer and Pelosi looking like petty people who care more about their ego than helping the American people.

His tweets/statements on Franken and Warren look absolutely cringe worthy at times. Yet it brings attention to both of their scandals potentially undermining their threw as a 2020 rival before it starts.

Absolutely fascinating really.
I' sorry but he fools only the dumb. A sane person knows he is an unqualified human being let alone a president.

Yet you do exactly what you want him to do... Strange
Media instincts? You mean the fact that almost every mainstream media outlet is a propaganda arm for the democrat party? That media instinct?
I have to say watching trump lately has been interesting. Everyday I see how he makes a mistake and ive cringed at some stuff he has said, but these things end up benefiting him.

He essentially endorses Moore and the media isn't saying much about Moore anymore. They are talking about trump and his alleged sexual allegations. Meanwhile Moore looks to be resurging. If he wins it will largely because Trump is taking attention away from him with this move and other statements.

Trump tweets about Schumer and Pelosi and they get outraged and don't show up at meetings with him, so photo ops show him and others working hard for the American people with Schumer and Pelosi looking like petty people who care more about their ego than helping the American people.

His tweets/statements on Franken and Warren look absolutely cringe worthy at times. Yet it brings attention to both of their scandals potentially undermining their threw as a 2020 rival before it starts.

Absolutely fascinating really.
Not really. It's more akin to reading a teenage girls text messages about the new boy in town.
It's beneath the office and quite embarrassing.

Sorry Gramps, after Nixon, Carter, the two Bush boobs, Bill Clinton, and Obama, there is nothing "beneath the office".

Yes Trump is a master at directing attention away from his failures.
As long as he pisses you off, I am quite content with his tweets.
Why is pissing off your opposition more important than real accomplishment? Why is division so high on your list of presidential priorities?
Because I know President Donald J. Trump is winning on making America Great Again, which is why the liberals are so pissed off. What is bad for a liberal is good for a US citizen. Got it?
Yes Trump is a master at directing attention away from his failures.
As long as he pisses you off, I am quite content with his tweets.
Why is pissing off your opposition more important than real accomplishment? Why is division so high on your list of presidential priorities?
Because I know President Donald J. Trump is winning on making America Great Again, which is why the liberals are so pissed off. What is bad for a liberal is good for a US citizen. Got it?
I don't see fomenting division as anything close to winning. Had he built the wall and made Mexico pay the bill, had he repealed and replaced the ACAwith something better for all Americans, had he garnered respect for himself and our country, then it might be winning.
The liberal media has met its match with President Trump, he gives as good as he gets and frequently comes out on top its hilarious to watch the left squirm. When the liberal media lies and spins and tells half truths President Trump rips them a new one, about damn time we had a president who stands up to these liberal media scumbags.
The OP thinks the optics of Trump and the two powerless fools sitting there with empty chairs between them are positive?

That's why the fool still has approvals in the 30's. There are quite a few idiots out here.
Oh those polls again. Never learn do you libs?

Polls are generally accurate. Yer a dummy so you don't understand.
Polls are generally accurate.

Polls: Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump - CNNPolitics
Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential race, two new polls of registered voters show -- but they differ on the size of her advantage.
A Washington Post/ABC News survey shows Clinton ahead by 12 points, 51% to 39%.
What did you say the President is polling at? Damn my ass fell off again, from laughing too hard.
Yes Trump is a master at directing attention away from his failures.
As long as he pisses you off, I am quite content with his tweets.
Why is pissing off your opposition more important than real accomplishment? Why is division so high on your list of presidential priorities?
Because I know President Donald J. Trump is winning on making America Great Again, which is why the liberals are so pissed off. What is bad for a liberal is good for a US citizen. Got it?
I don't see fomenting division as anything close to winning. Had he built the wall and made Mexico pay the bill, had he repealed and replaced the ACAwith something better for all Americans, had he garnered respect for himself and our country, then it might be winning.
Why does he have to replace something that the liberals all voted for, knowing full well that it was going to be fucked up? You liberals deserve all the misery that the liberals have forced upon you , and when the ACA collapses as it is state by state, you can blame Trump all you want, but it was your liberal elite fuckers who screwed you over "Bigly".
Trump is a genius. And the Dems, sadly, are not only criminal..but stupid and elitist. They don't learn.
I have to say watching trump lately has been interesting. Everyday I see how he makes a mistake and ive cringed at some stuff he has said, but these things end up benefiting him.

He essentially endorses Moore and the media isn't saying much about Moore anymore. They are talking about trump and his alleged sexual allegations. Meanwhile Moore looks to be resurging. If he wins it will largely because Trump is taking attention away from him with this move and other statements.

Trump tweets about Schumer and Pelosi and they get outraged and don't show up at meetings with him, so photo ops show him and others working hard for the American people with Schumer and Pelosi looking like petty people who care more about their ego than helping the American people.

His tweets/statements on Franken and Warren look absolutely cringe worthy at times. Yet it brings attention to both of their scandals potentially undermining their threw as a 2020 rival before it starts.

Absolutely fascinating really.
Love or hate Trump he knows how to use and manipulate the media to his advantage.
I have to say watching trump lately has been interesting. Everyday I see how he makes a mistake and ive cringed at some stuff he has said, but these things end up benefiting him.

He essentially endorses Moore and the media isn't saying much about Moore anymore. They are talking about trump and his alleged sexual allegations. Meanwhile Moore looks to be resurging. If he wins it will largely because Trump is taking attention away from him with this move and other statements.

Trump tweets about Schumer and Pelosi and they get outraged and don't show up at meetings with him, so photo ops show him and others working hard for the American people with Schumer and Pelosi looking like petty people who care more about their ego than helping the American people.

His tweets/statements on Franken and Warren look absolutely cringe worthy at times. Yet it brings attention to both of their scandals potentially undermining their threw as a 2020 rival before it starts.

Absolutely fascinating really.
Love or hate Trump he knows how to use and manipulate the media to his advantage.

No he doesn't. He hasn't accomplished anything. He has harmed his administration with his antics.
I have to say watching trump lately has been interesting. Everyday I see how he makes a mistake and ive cringed at some stuff he has said, but these things end up benefiting him.

He essentially endorses Moore and the media isn't saying much about Moore anymore. They are talking about trump and his alleged sexual allegations. Meanwhile Moore looks to be resurging. If he wins it will largely because Trump is taking attention away from him with this move and other statements.

Trump tweets about Schumer and Pelosi and they get outraged and don't show up at meetings with him, so photo ops show him and others working hard for the American people with Schumer and Pelosi looking like petty people who care more about their ego than helping the American people.

His tweets/statements on Franken and Warren look absolutely cringe worthy at times. Yet it brings attention to both of their scandals potentially undermining their threw as a 2020 rival before it starts.

Absolutely fascinating really.

They don't benefit him. The fact is that Trump was elected because he was not Clinton. Voters see him as dishonest, racist, sexist and a whole lot of unflattering things. Trump is just reinforcing it with these thoughtless tweets.

The fact is that Republicans cut the Democrats out of healthcare bills and a tax bill. Voters are not as stupid as you think they care. If the tax bill is passed, it will cut taxes for businesses at the expense of middle class voters. Businesses will be able to deduct state and local taxes while middle class Americans will not. Explain that one.

You are aware of the fact that Trump also has problems with sexual harassment. People who live in glass houses should not throw stones. If the only thing that you have on Warren is what her heritage is, you have a weak case.

Let us look at the results. The November election showed a suburban revolt against Trump. Democrats picked up 15 seats in the Virginia House of Delegates and most of them were in suburban districts. In the suburbs of Philadelphia, Democrats picked seats in local races for the first time ever. Then in deep red Oklahoma, Democrats picked up a legislative seat in a district that went 60%+ for Trump.

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