Trump's Mental Health- We need to keep talking about this

Right now, I think Trump is just being Trump
Same a-hole we elected

But I do see increasing paranoia. Nixon like
Worth watching
Sadly, Republicans don't have the spine to call for invocation of the 25th or anything else. As long as they get their beloved tax cuts, deregulation, and Medicaid cuts; they'll continue to wear the blinders.

Might i suggest that we also should be concerned with the mental health of his followers, including those in USMB.
Right now, I think Trump is just being Trump
Same a-hole we elected

But I do see increasing paranoia. Nixon like
Worth watching
Scares me to think this unstable asshole has nuclear power in his suitcase

Trump has a nuclear powered suitcase?

What would that suitcase need to do that requires that much power?


dont feed the trolls --LOL

good one

Sorry! It is a personality fault. I just can stand to see stupidity in action!
Sadly, Republicans don't have the spine to call for invocation of the 25th or anything else. As long as they get their beloved tax cuts, deregulation, and Medicaid cuts; they'll continue to wear the blinders.

Might i suggest that we also should be concerned with the mental health of his followers, including those in USMB.

Maybe you should try reading the 25th Amendment, then perhaps you would not appear so ignorant of the imposition of it.
Right now, I think Trump is just being Trump
Same a-hole we elected

But I do see increasing paranoia. Nixon like
Worth watching
Scares me to think this unstable asshole has nuclear power in his suitcase

Trump has a nuclear powered suitcase?

What would that suitcase need to do that requires that much power?


dont feed the trolls --LOL

good one

Sorry! It is a personality fault. I just can stand to see stupidity in action!

carry on
Sadly, Republicans don't have the spine to call for invocation of the 25th or anything else. As long as they get their beloved tax cuts, deregulation, and Medicaid cuts; they'll continue to wear the blinders.

Might i suggest that we also should be concerned with the mental health of his followers, including those in USMB.

Maybe you should try reading the 25th Amendment, then perhaps you would not appear so ignorant of the imposition of it.

I have .. several times. You lose (again)
Right now, I think Trump is just being Trump
Same a-hole we elected

But I do see increasing paranoia. Nixon like
Worth watching
Scares me to think this unstable asshole has nuclear power in his suitcase

Trump has a nuclear powered suitcase?

What would that suitcase need to do that requires that much power?


dont feed the trolls --LOL

good one

Sorry! It is a personality fault. I just can stand to see stupidity in action!

carry on

... but, but, but it's heavy!!!!!!
Sadly, Republicans don't have the spine to call for invocation of the 25th or anything else. As long as they get their beloved tax cuts, deregulation, and Medicaid cuts; they'll continue to wear the blinders.

Might i suggest that we also should be concerned with the mental health of his followers, including those in USMB.

Maybe you should try reading the 25th Amendment, then perhaps you would not appear so ignorant of the imposition of it.

I have .. several times. You lose (again)

Get someone else to read it for you. You obviously didn't understand it.
Right now, I think Trump is just being Trump
Same a-hole we elected

But I do see increasing paranoia. Nixon like
Worth watching
Scares me to think this unstable asshole has nuclear power in his suitcase

Trump has a nuclear powered suitcase?

What would that suitcase need to do that requires that much power?


dont feed the trolls --LOL

good one
jon surely you're not that dumb that our relationship with nk doesn't concern you greatly? That trump is acting like an AH just like Un??
Right now, I think Trump is just being Trump
Same a-hole we elected

But I do see increasing paranoia. Nixon like
Worth watching
Scares me to think this unstable asshole has nuclear power in his suitcase

Trump has a nuclear powered suitcase?

What would that suitcase need to do that requires that much power?


dont feed the trolls --LOL

good one

Sorry! It is a personality fault. I just can stand to see stupidity in action!
Now Admiral you're lying You've been putting up with a world class asshole for almost a year now His name is TRUMP
Right now, I think Trump is just being Trump
Same a-hole we elected

But I do see increasing paranoia. Nixon like
Worth watching
Scares me to think this unstable asshole has nuclear power in his suitcase

Trump has a nuclear powered suitcase?

What would that suitcase need to do that requires that much power?


dont feed the trolls --LOL

good one

Sorry! It is a personality fault. I just can stand to see stupidity in action!
Now Admiral you're lying You've been putting up with a world class asshole for almost a year now His name is TRUMP

You have the same name as the President? You are the only world class asshole in this thread!

Yes, Trump is so terrible. I can't name one thing he has done has affected me in any negative way.
Scares me to think this unstable asshole has nuclear power in his suitcase

Trump has a nuclear powered suitcase?

What would that suitcase need to do that requires that much power?


dont feed the trolls --LOL

good one

Sorry! It is a personality fault. I just can stand to see stupidity in action!
Now Admiral you're lying You've been putting up with a world class asshole for almost a year now His name is TRUMP

You have the same name as the President? You are the only world class asshole in this thread!

Yes, Trump is so terrible. I can't name one thing he has done has affected me in any negative way.
I've refrained from calling you the moron you seem to be. Just because you evidently lack the brains to see the forest for the trees is no reason to get nasty
Trump sure tossed those generals he 'knows more than' under the bus in the Niger debacle. He denies command responsibility, and does everything but wash his hands publicly on TV to claim personal innocence. But still the Admiral and Jon kiss trump butt Shame on them
Scares me to think this unstable asshole has nuclear power in his suitcase

Trump has a nuclear powered suitcase?

What would that suitcase need to do that requires that much power?


dont feed the trolls --LOL

good one

Sorry! It is a personality fault. I just can stand to see stupidity in action!
Now Admiral you're lying You've been putting up with a world class asshole for almost a year now His name is TRUMP

You have the same name as the President? You are the only world class asshole in this thread!

Yes, Trump is so terrible. I can't name one thing he has done has affected me in any negative way.

"he has done has affected me"

And there you have it...normally it's hard to get people to admit this is all they care about. But Trumpkins are proud of it. This is the sort of behavior we parent out of toddlers.
Yes there have been other threads on this topic. Unfortunatly they have all fallaen by the wayside. Here are two:

New Bill Would Require Trump To Undergo Mental Health Evaluation

Why We Must Talk About Trump’s Mental Health

People have a short attention span and that is not good This is a subject that must not be ignored least we wake up to a once great nation the we no longer reccognize, or worse. Not convinced?? You might want to start with this:

Fortunatly, not all law makers are asleep at the switch on this:

Lawmaker Urges Trump's Cabinet To Have Him Undergo Mental Health Evaluation | HuffPost

A new resolution introduced in the House of Representatives would encourage the vice president and the Cabinet to have President Donald Trump undergo a physical and mental health exam to determine if he is stable enough to stay in office.
Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.) introduced the resolution on Friday. Should the results of said exam be unfavorable, the resolution calls for Vice President Mike Pence and members of the Cabinet to remove Trump from office.

The move would invoke the 25th Amendment, a rarely used constitutional provision that allows the vice president and a majority of Cabinet members to jointly remove the president from office and replace him with the vice president.

In April, A bill was introduced in the House to pt teeth in the 25th Amendment on Presidential Disability and Succession

Text - H.R.2093 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Strengthening and Clarifying the 25th Amendment Act of 2017

April 14, 2017

Mr. Blumenauer introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary

To provide for an alternative body to transmit a written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office in accordance with the provisions of the 25th Amendment of the Constitution.

Lawmakers are clearly concerned
And now...This just in:

Democrats Are Calling Psychologists To Talk About Trump's Mental Health

member of the House Intelligence Committee is going where many of her colleagues have not: reaching out to people in the mental health field to talk about President Donald Trump.
“It’s one thing from my non-professional, non-clinical standpoint [to] believe that someone does not have the capacity to do the job, it’s another thing to talk to experts and [those] who can deal with mental psychosis on a daily basis, so I wanted to hear from them,” Rep. Jackie Speier, a California Democrat, told BuzzFeed News.

Ah, it's so refreshing to see all of you progressives putting your Psych 101 college class to good use! When you're done diagnosing the President...would you like to tell me what my dreams really mean?

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