Trump's methodology

How'd repeal go for you? But Trump tweets #Winning and you swoon like a little bitch.
Well if it isn't repealed, it will fail on it's own. Remember who owns obamacare, the Democrat party 100%. I heard obamacare rates are going to increase 31% next year. Looks like democrats gonna be losing more seats! Thank obama!
Republicans have spent years sabotaging the ACA and it still hasn't collapsed. Any premium increases are on you rubes, as you failed to do scrap the ACA amd instead continue to sabotage it.
The only thing that has been done to it, is end the mandate. Other than that it hasn't changed. You own it 100%.
You sabotaged the high risk corridors, GOP governors refused to expand medicare, Trump threatens to end federal subsidies, and you killed the mandate. 8 years of sabotage. But you still couldn't pass repeal, despite voting for it 61 times under Obama, proving repeal was a political stunt and no more.
If obamacare was so great, why make excuses for it. Yes republicans tried to repeal and failed, so that did absolutely nothing to it. The only thing that has been done to it, is to end the mandate.
Trump's methodology
Trump is profligately impulsive. He is not contemplative, introspective, or philosophic enough to espouse and apply a methodology. At best, he might borrow a piece of someone else's and inaptly apply it.

To wit, nobody at seventy years-old and who has a methodology also flip-flops the way Trump does and has:
It's one thing to change one's mind on one, maybe even two, major issues. The man has articulated positions "all over the map," figuratively fishing to suss out which of them he'll embrace. That's not the behavior of anyone who undertakes anything with an approach coherent enough to be be called a methodology.
How'd repeal go for you? But Trump tweets #Winning and you swoon like a little bitch.
Well if it isn't repealed, it will fail on it's own. Remember who owns obamacare, the Democrat party 100%. I heard obamacare rates are going to increase 31% next year. Looks like democrats gonna be losing more seats! Thank obama!
Republicans have spent years sabotaging the ACA and it still hasn't collapsed. Any premium increases are on you rubes, as you failed to do scrap the ACA amd instead continue to sabotage it.
The only thing that has been done to it, is end the mandate. Other than that it hasn't changed. You own it 100%.
You sabotaged the high risk corridors, GOP governors refused to expand medicare, Trump threatens to end federal subsidies, and you killed the mandate. 8 years of sabotage. But you still couldn't pass repeal, despite voting for it 61 times under Obama, proving repeal was a political stunt and no more.
If obamacare was so great, why make excuses for it. Yes republicans tried to repeal and failed, so that did absolutely nothing to it. The only thing that has been done to it, is to end the mandate.

Not only that, but if Commie Care was so great, why did Democrats try to shift blame to the Republicans who didn't vote for it?

They kept bringing up Romney Care, they kept bringing up some stupid article that the Heritage Foundation wrote many years ago, they kept telling us how Republicans were responsible for stopping single payer; how they were instrumental in changing the bill........

If it were so great, trust me, they wouldn't have given the Republicans an ounce of credit.
Trump plan to to take something away & if Congress wants it back, they hsave to give him whjat he wants.

This is not governing, this is extorsion.

Case in point. DACA. Trump ended it by saying how it is up to Congress to make it law instead of by EO. Like he was trying to help those affected by DACA.

Well, the lying fuck did it to extort Congress. If they want to reinstate DACA, they have to bujild his stupiid wall along with other items that most consider a poison pill.

Wow, this is governing? To hold thousand of people hostage & threaten their lives unless he gets what he wants. These people are in this country not of their own doing, this country is all they know & that Orange ASSHOLE wants to send them back to a country whdre a lot have no connections & some don't even speak the language.

This is the Moron you Trumpettes elected.

He is doing this with NAFTA. Trump is demanding shit that will not fly & lead to an end for the agreement. I do a lot of business in Mexico exporting US made products. Mexico buys a lot of our grain & food. WE import oil from Mexico.

Name the Mexican companies that are taking away business from American forms? You can't. It is the American companies that chose to go to Mexico & manufacture. Blame them, not the Mexicans. Before NAFTA, US companies manufactured in Mexico in duty freed zones all along the border.

Trump will decertify the Iran Agreement & not because they have violated the agreement. Because Trump said they violated the "spirit" of the agrerenment.

The fucking moron then calls our major European allies dumbasses for being so stupid to sign such a stupid agreement. What the fuck is wrong with that dick how fucking stupid were/are the idiots that voted for him..

Trump is uneducated, uninformed, mentally deranged asshole. When will the Republican party get rid of him before the Republican party gets blames for his stupidity.

Yeah, how underhanded can you get?

The New Louisiana Purchase: Obamacare's $4.3 Billion Boondoggle
It's "extortion" not extorsion". Funny how empty headed lefties who never had a clue about politics now judge the president's "methodology".

What methodology? He has no principles, no policies, no core belief system. He's just a fucking goon from Queens who lies pathologically.
It's "extortion" not extorsion". Funny how empty headed lefties who never had a clue about politics now judge the president's "methodology".

What methodology? He has no principles, no policies, no core belief system. He's just a fucking goon from Queens who lies pathologically.
Get a gripe.

Stop watching CNN and MSLSD. This will help immensely.
It's "extortion" not extorsion". Funny how empty headed lefties who never had a clue about politics now judge the president's "methodology".
OP is either dyslexic or couldn't pass English. Really hard to take a post serious when the prose is written by an illiterate.

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