Trump''s NASA


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Side note: islamic beasts should not be allowed in any space exploration, they could infect the universe with the religion of death...
Trump''s NASA: From Muslim Self-Esteem to the Moon
March 13, 2017
Daniel Greenfield

Obama destroyed NASA. As I discussed in detail in my investigative piece, Muslim Self-Esteem or the Stars.


There's more. A lot more. It's an issue that has been only lightly covered. But it's one of the ways in which Obama tore down what made America great.

But there's also a fresh new wind blowing through America. It envisions NASA doing something other than Muslim self-esteem and Global Warming. Like actually going out there. In his State of the Union speech, President Trump said, "American footprints on distant worlds are not too big a dream."

Now some of his advisers are signaling that we might go to the moon.


"There is certainly a renewed interest in the Moon in the Trump administration," said John Logsdon, former director of the Space Policy Institute at The George Washington University.

Some of Trump's advisors worked on the Constellation program, conceived by former president George W. Bush with a goal to return humans to the Moon for the first time since the pioneering US Apollo missions of the 1960s and '70s.

The possibilities are great. If we choose to reach for them.

Trump''s NASA: From Muslim Self-Esteem to the Moon
Some people wondered if Obama was all there when he assigned NASA on the Muslim self esteem mission. Talk about out there - lost in space out there! Pun intended.....
Some people wondered if Obama was all there when he assigned NASA on the Muslim self esteem mission. Talk about out there - lost in space out there! Pun intended.....
^ :cuckoo:
You don't have to tell us your nut's, hey maybe this will keep you busy for a while...

I MISS THE OLD SCHOOL | When The 80s Rocked And The 90s Kicked Serious Ass! :bye1:
LOL Puny ass decades, indeed. Now the '60s rocked. Real change and progress.
Commercial Space exploration is the way to go. At 10,000 dollars a pound putting shit into orbit and beyond is just to damn expensive. Give huge tax breaks to companies who invest in space and we will be back on the Moon in no time and then the rest of the Solar System is ours.
Exploration of aliens is necessary for us but remember! Do you really think our current civilization and understanding of life (not universe, just life) is enough for that ? According to me NO! We still have so many people who believe in dogmatic beliefs-opinions. Firstly we have solve that problem, then we can communicate with them.

There is an article about that:
Finding Aliens

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