Trump's Noble Virtue

The obvious hypocrisy and TDS is strong in this thread..:)
Read the OP. I said nothing disparaging about Trump. I asked what are his virtues.

If you can’t cite just one, it’s fair to assume he has no virtue. And that makes it your delusion, not mine.

I didn’t vote for him because I did not see virtue in him.

If you do, please point it out.

Did you vote for Hillary and define yourself as a virtueless hypocrite?

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Our government has become the laughingstock of the world. Has been that way for a long time and getting worse. The only way to save face is to change out the whole bunch.
The obvious hypocrisy and TDS is strong in this thread..:)
Read the OP. I said nothing disparaging about Trump. I asked what are his virtues.

If you can’t cite just one, it’s fair to assume he has no virtue. And that makes it your delusion, not mine.

I didn’t vote for him because I did not see virtue in him.

If you do, please point it out.

Did you vote for Hillary and define yourself as a virtueless hypocrite?

View attachment 242149
I wonder if Stop Hillary 1016 was a product of Russian effort?
As no man is an island, I believe no one is without at least one redeeming virtue. Nobility exists in the most humble person. So it must exist in the most profane. And nobility must exist in a leader.

In your opinion, what noble virtue lives in Donald Trump's heart?
Greed. greed is good.

Am i doing it right?
He seems to at least like his children (one child - Ivanka - WAY too much).

He seems to be for bringing the troops home.

There are probably others.

And I don't think he is evil...I think he is INCREDIBLY SELF-CENTRED.

I don't think he enjoys harming others. But he seems to enjoy punishing anyone who hurts him. Unfortunately, his skin is so microscopically thin that that can include almost anyone.

I truly believe he is a manchild.

And I genuinely feel sorry for the guy.

I blame the people who voted for (and continue to support) Trump FAR more than I do Trump himself. They put him where he is and they keep him there.
The fault is mostly theirs.

If you elect a child to run the country...whose fault is it when the child inevitably ruins the country? The child's or those who elected him?
The obvious hypocrisy and TDS is strong in this thread..:)
Read the OP. I said nothing disparaging about Trump. I asked what are his virtues.

If you can’t cite just one, it’s fair to assume he has no virtue. And that makes it your delusion, not mine.

I didn’t vote for him because I did not see virtue in him.

If you do, please point it out.

Did you vote for Hillary and define yourself as a virtueless hypocrite?

View attachment 242149
I wonder if Stop Hillary 1016 was a product of Russian effort?

As no man is an island, I believe no one is without at least one redeeming virtue. Nobility exists in the most humble person. So it must exist in the most profane. And nobility must exist in a leader.

In your opinion, what noble virtue lives in Donald Trump's heart?
Greed. greed is good.

Am i doing it right?

I believe that list goes: Pride, Greed, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Wrath and Sloth. Seven for seven on that. :thup:

  1. "I will be the greatest jobs president that god ever created"
  2. Stiffing his debts, even to the point of veterans charity benefits
  3. Stormy Daniels, Karen MacDougal, Marla Maples, Ivanka Trump....
  4. "Little Marco", "Pocahontas", et al
  5. Six more cheeseburgers and a diet Coke please
  6. "Blood coming out of her wherever" et al
  7. Never held a job in his life
Herein lies the problem with a blind electorate led by a revenge-fueled media that claims to know what is in any polticians heart. No one knows Trump or any other elected official except the people that live and work closely with him or her daily.
As no man is an island, I believe no one is without at least one redeeming virtue. Nobility exists in the most humble person. So it must exist in the most profane. And nobility must exist in a leader.

In your opinion, what noble virtue lives in Donald Trump's heart?
/——/ Now let’s talk about Hillary’s redeeming qualities.
Abandoned her friend to die in Benghazi.
As no man is an island, I believe no one is without at least one redeeming virtue. Nobility exists in the most humble person. So it must exist in the most profane. And nobility must exist in a leader.

In your opinion, what noble virtue lives in Donald Trump's heart?
/——/ Now let’s talk about Hillary’s redeeming qualities.
Abandoned her friend to die in Benghazi.
No. Rather than a cheap, unsubstantiated equivocation, let’s list Trump’s virtues.
As no man is an island, I believe no one is without at least one redeeming virtue. Nobility exists in the most humble person. So it must exist in the most profane. And nobility must exist in a leader.

In your opinion, what noble virtue lives in Donald Trump's heart?
/——/ Now let’s talk about Hillary’s redeeming qualities.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand Pogo's Law makes yet another nickel.

I think I have just about every one in circulation by now.
He seems to at least like his children (one child - Ivanka - WAY too much).

He seems to be for bringing the troops home.

There are probably others.

And I don't think he is evil...I think he is INCREDIBLY SELF-CENTRED.

I don't think he enjoys harming others. But he seems to enjoy punishing anyone who hurts him. Unfortunately, his skin is so microscopically thin that that can include almost anyone.

I truly believe he is a manchild.

And I genuinely feel sorry for the guy.

I blame the people who voted for (and continue to support) Trump FAR more than I do Trump himself. They put him where he is and they keep him there.
The fault is mostly theirs.

If you elect a child to run the country...whose fault is it when the child inevitably ruins the country? The child's or those who elected him?
/——/ I feel your pain
As no man is an island, I believe no one is without at least one redeeming virtue. Nobility exists in the most humble person. So it must exist in the most profane. And nobility must exist in a leader.
In your opinion, what noble virtue lives in Donald Trump's heart?
He cares for the US...and he has remained constant in staying within the Constitutional constraints that define / limit his powers as President while repeatedly calling for Congress to do its job of resolving issues through legislation.

He has so far refused to violate Constitution / Law to push his agenda, which can not be said for the last President or others before him.
As no man is an island, I believe no one is without at least one redeeming virtue. Nobility exists in the most humble person. So it must exist in the most profane. And nobility must exist in a leader.
In your opinion, what noble virtue lives in Donald Trump's heart?
He cares for the US...and he has remained constant in staying within the Constitutional constraints that define / limit his powers as President while repeatedly calling for Congress to do its job of resolving issues through legislation.

He has so far refused to violate Constitution / Law to push his agenda, which can not be said for the last President or others before him.

Yyyyyyyyyyyyyyeaaaahhh ummmmmmmm...... he pissed on the Constitution as soon as he got in. How soon we forget:

The memory is the second thing to go.
As no man is an island, I believe no one is without at least one redeeming virtue. Nobility exists in the most humble person. So it must exist in the most profane. And nobility must exist in a leader.

In your opinion, what noble virtue lives in Donald Trump's heart?
Anyone who causes snowflakes butthurt can't be all bad.

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