Trump's number one lie of the election

Twitter will be a big reason Trump is a one term president.
So far all of Trump's detractors have seen their own demise.

Trump to Jeb Bush during the debates..."Jeb pretty soon you will be way out on the end of the stage" LMAO the look on Jeb Bush face was historic. Funniest damn thing I ever saw in a debate. That Trump called Hillary a liar to her face on national tv...well its been one awesome presidential election for we conservatives.
Trump will be sworn is as President on January, 20 2017....true story. Now let the butthurt end
It won't end. In fact, it hasn't even begun. Your kind is so sure Trump will do something. You don't know what that something is, but you are sure it will be good for the country.

With his business record and his record on honesty and how he runs his personal life, the butthurt is coming. Oh, it's coming all right. And when you are really feeling it, I promise, you will see "miss me yet" Obama jpegs everywhere.
Clearly you are in present need of something much stronger than Preparation H.
The bottom line, the only thing that matters, is that Donald Trump is the next President of the United States.

The President of the US is elected using the Electoral College, not the Popular Vote. No amount of Snowflake butthurt whining can change that.

Hillary LOST...AGAIN.

Hillary was REJECTED...AGAIN.

Trump is your new President.
Twitter will be a big reason Trump is a one term president.
So far all of Trump's detractors have seen their own demise.

Trump to Jeb Bush during the debates..."Jeb pretty soon you will be way out on the end of the stage" LMAO the look on Jeb Bush face was historic. Funniest damn thing I ever saw in a debate. That Trump called Hillary a liar to her face on national tv...well its been one awesome presidential election for we conservatives.

you "conservatives" are nothing more then trend followers.
Twitter will be a big reason Trump is a one term president.
So far all of Trump's detractors have seen their own demise.

Trump to Jeb Bush during the debates..."Jeb pretty soon you will be way out on the end of the stage" LMAO the look on Jeb Bush face was historic. Funniest damn thing I ever saw in a debate. That Trump called Hillary a liar to her face on national tv...well its been one awesome presidential election for we conservatives.

you "conservatives" are nothing more then trend followers.

We stomped your ass. You looking for another beating?
Even in her final moments, given the opportunity to graciously step aside, that being her last memory, Hillary reminded everyone of exactly who she is...

Now the last memory of Hillary will be her regressing back to her true form - A LYING FLIP-FLOPPER.

you "conservatives" are nothing more then trend followers.
You forgot "AND WINNERS" opposed to you and Hillary

If it makes you feel better. Fact is, Yall are to stupid to see you been had. Trump already has pretty much backed off his very first campaign promise. It will be a hoot to see yall cry and lament how bad trump is when yall wanted him so bad. Ill come right out and say it, Trump is as crooked as Hillary. I voted for him because he was crooked in a diffrent way then Hillary is. But he is still nothing more then the guy at the top of the political ruling class. After yall are done bathing in his jizz, you will see this as well and it will be as fun to watch as it is watching Hillary flail.
In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally," the president-elect tweeted on Sunday.

He went on to directly target states he lost: "Serious voter fraud in Virginia, New Hampshire and California — so why isn't the media reporting on this? Serious bias — big problem!"

Trump worries me...I thought he would abandon his pathological lying once he became President. EVERYTHING a President says will be fact checked both home and abroad....This will seriously impact his credibility
Trump is a fascist, rw, never, ever doubt it. He hates the democratic process. He does not understand the Constitution. Good Americans have to oppose him every single day.
The Donald is insisting that he won the popular vote (though he did not) and there were millions of illegal votes (though there was not). And you Trumpkins and -ettes are worried about the majority of us who voted against him? Yes, you should be.

Donald Trump closed out the Thanksgiving holiday weekend by tweeting an outrageous lie about the 2016 election.

"In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally," the president-elect tweeted on Sunday.

He went on to directly target states he lost: "Serious voter fraud in Virginia, New Hampshire and California — so why isn't the media reporting on this? Serious bias — big problem!"

To begin with the obvious: There is no evidence whatsoever that any of this happened. Why a weekend of raging Trump tweets should give us pause

maybe he was drunk---on eggnog
Twitter will be a big reason Trump is a one term president.
So far all of Trump's detractors have seen their own demise.

Trump to Jeb Bush during the debates..."Jeb pretty soon you will be way out on the end of the stage" LMAO the look on Jeb Bush face was historic. Funniest damn thing I ever saw in a debate. That Trump called Hillary a liar to her face on national tv...well its been one awesome presidential election for we conservatives.

you "conservatives" are nothing more then trend followers.

We stomped your ass. You looking for another beating?

From who? Yall are the same retards who were all tea party, but quit because whwn yall elected those guys they just did the same old thing politicians always do. Again, the average trumpkin watches dancing with stars and follows twitter. As trumppromises go unfilled, yall will cry more. And YOU wont stomp shit, YOU diddnt stomp shit.Grow up a little.
In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally," the president-elect tweeted on Sunday.

He went on to directly target states he lost: "Serious voter fraud in Virginia, New Hampshire and California — so why isn't the media reporting on this? Serious bias — big problem!"

Trump worries me...I thought he would abandon his pathological lying once he became President. EVERYTHING a President says will be fact checked both home and abroad....This will seriously impact his credibility
Trump is a fascist, rw, never, ever doubt it. He hates the democratic process. He does not understand the Constitution. Good Americans have to oppose him every single day.


In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally," the president-elect tweeted on Sunday.

He went on to directly target states he lost: "Serious voter fraud in Virginia, New Hampshire and California — so why isn't the media reporting on this? Serious bias — big problem!"

Trump worries me...I thought he would abandon his pathological lying once he became President. EVERYTHING a President says will be fact checked both home and abroad....This will seriously impact his credibility
Trump is a fascist, rw, never, ever doubt it. He hates the democratic process. He does not understand the Constitution. Good Americans have to oppose him every single day.

Only on some things,, but he needs to be held accountable for his promises he is already wiggling out of.
Twitter will be a big reason Trump is a one term president.
So far all of Trump's detractors have seen their own demise.

Trump to Jeb Bush during the debates..."Jeb pretty soon you will be way out on the end of the stage" LMAO the look on Jeb Bush face was historic. Funniest damn thing I ever saw in a debate. That Trump called Hillary a liar to her face on national tv...well its been one awesome presidential election for we conservatives.

you "conservatives" are nothing more then trend followers.

We stomped your ass. You looking for another beating?
You won by 36 EV majority, and you lost the popular vote by seven million.

Stop your trumptation. Trumptation = deliberate lie.
In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally," the president-elect tweeted on Sunday.

He went on to directly target states he lost: "Serious voter fraud in Virginia, New Hampshire and California — so why isn't the media reporting on this? Serious bias — big problem!"

Trump worries me...I thought he would abandon his pathological lying once he became President. EVERYTHING a President says will be fact checked both home and abroad....This will seriously impact his credibility
Trump is a fascist, rw, never, ever doubt it. He hates the democratic process. He does not understand the Constitution. Good Americans have to oppose him every single day.
NO roflmao
Yes, just as you are a fascist and hate the democratic process.
Twitter will be a big reason Trump is a one term president.
So far all of Trump's detractors have seen their own demise.

Trump to Jeb Bush during the debates..."Jeb pretty soon you will be way out on the end of the stage" LMAO the look on Jeb Bush face was historic. Funniest damn thing I ever saw in a debate. That Trump called Hillary a liar to her face on national tv...well its been one awesome presidential election for we conservatives.

you "conservatives" are nothing more then trend followers.

We stomped your ass. You looking for another beating?

From who? Yall are the same retards who were all tea party, but quit because whwn yall elected those guys they just did the same old thing politicians always do. Again, the average trumpkin watches dancing with stars and follows twitter. As trumppromises go unfilled, yall will cry more. And YOU wont stomp shit, YOU diddnt stomp shit.Grow up a little.

And we stomped your ass. We took on Hillary and the MSM and kicked your ass on your home turf, the blue wall crumbled. We went into PA, MI, and WI and whooped your ass, it was embarrassing. Poor Hillary bawled her eyes out and the looks on the MSM faces, priceless. :Boom2:
The Donald is insisting that he won the popular vote (though he did not) and there were millions of illegal votes (though there was not). And you Trumpkins and -ettes are worried about the majority of us who voted against him? Yes, you should be.

Donald Trump closed out the Thanksgiving holiday weekend by tweeting an outrageous lie about the 2016 election.

"In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally," the president-elect tweeted on Sunday.

He went on to directly target states he lost: "Serious voter fraud in Virginia, New Hampshire and California — so why isn't the media reporting on this? Serious bias — big problem!"

To begin with the obvious: There is no evidence whatsoever that any of this happened. Why a weekend of raging Trump tweets should give us pause

maybe he was drunk---on eggnog
Trump does not drink. That is another thing you got wrong.
So far all of Trump's detractors have seen their own demise.

Trump to Jeb Bush during the debates..."Jeb pretty soon you will be way out on the end of the stage" LMAO the look on Jeb Bush face was historic. Funniest damn thing I ever saw in a debate. That Trump called Hillary a liar to her face on national tv...well its been one awesome presidential election for we conservatives.

you "conservatives" are nothing more then trend followers.

We stomped your ass. You looking for another beating?

From who? Yall are the same retards who were all tea party, but quit because whwn yall elected those guys they just did the same old thing politicians always do. Again, the average trumpkin watches dancing with stars and follows twitter. As trumppromises go unfilled, yall will cry more. And YOU wont stomp shit, YOU diddnt stomp shit.Grow up a little.

And we stomped your ass. We took on Hillary and the MSM and kicked your ass on your home turf, the blue wall crumbled. We went into PA, MI, and WI and whooped your ass, it was embarrassing. Poor Hillary bawled her eyes out and the looks on the MSM faces, priceless. :Boom2:
You narrowly won the election. The white working class in the upper midwest is why you won. Trump will not be able to fulfill their job hopes is going to be his problem.

You fascists are already digging a hole from which you can't emerge.
Twitter will be a big reason Trump is a one term president.
So far all of Trump's detractors have seen their own demise.

Trump to Jeb Bush during the debates..."Jeb pretty soon you will be way out on the end of the stage" LMAO the look on Jeb Bush face was historic. Funniest damn thing I ever saw in a debate. That Trump called Hillary a liar to her face on national tv...well its been one awesome presidential election for we conservatives.

you "conservatives" are nothing more then trend followers.

We stomped your ass. You looking for another beating?
You won by 36 EV majority, and you lost the popular vote by seven million.

Stop your trumptation. Trumptation = deliberate lie.

There's no such thing as a popular vote fool. We whooped your ass on your home turf, the blue wall crumbled. PA, MI, WI we turned them red. You don't want a rematch after that beating trust me.
Three million illegals voting does not seem impossible. Lord knows Democrats tried hard to sign them up.

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