Trump's number one lie of the election

Don't be afraid of the white working class, kid. I am saying that Trump cannot provide those jobs he promised. Thus that class will turn on him.
We'll see.

Globalists forged and enacted the treaties and deals that got us into this mess. Obama toted himself as a 'business man' yet embarrassingly had to admit to the world he didn't even know there was no such thing as 'shovel-ready jobs'.

Trump IS a businessman, which gives him a much better shot at creating jobs and helping the economy than a 'Globalist and Community Organizer'.

Can he deliver? We'll see.
Actually, if you subtract the supposed 3 million illegals who voted Trump did win the Popular vote....unless Snowflakes want to make the laughable argument that illegals would actually vote for the candidate who has vowed to send them home. :p
SUPPOSED? Where's your evidence of "3 million illegals who voted"?

Where's your evidence even one vote was miss counted in MI, WI or PA? Even Stein admits no evidence exists.
I'm not the one asking for a recount. But let's see the "SUPPOSED" evidence of 3 million illegals voting. I want to see that. (Of course easy65 will provide it for us.....he's so honest)
We stomped your ass. You looking for another beating?

From who? Yall are the same retards who were all tea party, but quit because whwn yall elected those guys they just did the same old thing politicians always do. Again, the average trumpkin watches dancing with stars and follows twitter. As trumppromises go unfilled, yall will cry more. And YOU wont stomp shit, YOU diddnt stomp shit.Grow up a little.

And we stomped your ass. We took on Hillary and the MSM and kicked your ass on your home turf, the blue wall crumbled. We went into PA, MI, and WI and whooped your ass, it was embarrassing. Poor Hillary bawled her eyes out and the looks on the MSM faces, priceless. :Boom2:
You narrowly won the election. The white working class in the upper midwest is why you won. Trump will not be able to fulfill their job hopes is going to be his problem.

You fascists are already digging a hole from which you can't emerge.
Wow. And we need t be scared of the "alt-right" boogie man? You mean the "white working class" who pay all the bills and are being crushed by the ruling class ?
Don't be afraid of the white working class, kid. I am saying that Trump cannot provide those jobs he promised. Thus that class will turn on him.

Trump is already providing those jobs. Just go bake your rainbow cookies while we clean up your mess.
The Donald is insisting that he won the popular vote (though he did not) and there were millions of illegal votes (though there was not). And you Trumpkins and -ettes are worried about the majority of us who voted against him? Yes, you should be.

Donald Trump closed out the Thanksgiving holiday weekend by tweeting an outrageous lie about the 2016 election.

"In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally," the president-elect tweeted on Sunday.

He went on to directly target states he lost: "Serious voter fraud in Virginia, New Hampshire and California — so why isn't the media reporting on this? Serious bias — big problem!"

To begin with the obvious: There is no evidence whatsoever that any of this happened. Why a weekend of raging Trump tweets should give us pause

Twitter will be a big reason Trump is a one term president.
We can only hope.
President Trump! say it libs....say it. Live it love it learn it.....
Lots of Americans are calling that guy something else besides President and will never give him the respect of being call President. Your whining about the disrespect shown to him will be ignored.
From who? Yall are the same retards who were all tea party, but quit because whwn yall elected those guys they just did the same old thing politicians always do. Again, the average trumpkin watches dancing with stars and follows twitter. As trumppromises go unfilled, yall will cry more. And YOU wont stomp shit, YOU diddnt stomp shit.Grow up a little.

And we stomped your ass. We took on Hillary and the MSM and kicked your ass on your home turf, the blue wall crumbled. We went into PA, MI, and WI and whooped your ass, it was embarrassing. Poor Hillary bawled her eyes out and the looks on the MSM faces, priceless. :Boom2:
You narrowly won the election. The white working class in the upper midwest is why you won. Trump will not be able to fulfill their job hopes is going to be his problem.

You fascists are already digging a hole from which you can't emerge.
Wow. And we need t be scared of the "alt-right" boogie man? You mean the "white working class" who pay all the bills and are being crushed by the ruling class ?
Don't be afraid of the white working class, kid. I am saying that Trump cannot provide those jobs he promised. Thus that class will turn on him.

Trump is already providing those jobs. Just go bake your rainbow cookies while we clean up your mess.

You lie.
The Donald is insisting that he won the popular vote (though he did not) and there were millions of illegal votes (though there was not). And you Trumpkins and -ettes are worried about the majority of us who voted against him? Yes, you should be.

Donald Trump closed out the Thanksgiving holiday weekend by tweeting an outrageous lie about the 2016 election.

"In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally," the president-elect tweeted on Sunday.

He went on to directly target states he lost: "Serious voter fraud in Virginia, New Hampshire and California — so why isn't the media reporting on this? Serious bias — big problem!"

To begin with the obvious: There is no evidence whatsoever that any of this happened. Why a weekend of raging Trump tweets should give us pause
We'll need to ask him where he got his info from.

Its next to the real Obama Birth Cert and Ms Muchado's sex tape buried next to the rifle Ted Cruz daddy killed JFK with
Agree 100%, but trump aint much better. I voted for the question mark, not Hillary for all those reason you posted.
The DNC CHOSE to lose the election when they decided to rig the election, to f* Bernie and his supporters, and to run the most corrupt Presidential Candidate in US history!

You said, 'Trump ain't MUCH BETTER...' BUT HE IS BETTER! If the DNC had run any other, non/less-crooked, non-globalist, non-self-serving candidate the DNC probably would have won hands down.

The DNC, Hillary, Obama, and the 'All-In' media F*ed Bernie, F*ed their own members, F*ed the Party, and F*ed this country, proving they did not listen and did not learn a d*mn thing from their historic record-setting loss in 2014. They were determined to give the people the middle finger and impose on them what THEY (Libs) wanted, just like they did with the ACA.
Actually, if you subtract the supposed 3 million illegals who voted Trump did win the Popular vote....unless Snowflakes want to make the laughable argument that illegals would actually vote for the candidate who has vowed to send them home. :p
SUPPOSED? Where's your evidence of "3 million illegals who voted"?

Where's your evidence even one vote was miss counted in MI, WI or PA? Even Stein admits no evidence exists.

They can legally have the recount without 'evidence'.

Again, where are the 3 million illegals who voted?
From who? Yall are the same retards who were all tea party, but quit because whwn yall elected those guys they just did the same old thing politicians always do. Again, the average trumpkin watches dancing with stars and follows twitter. As trumppromises go unfilled, yall will cry more. And YOU wont stomp shit, YOU diddnt stomp shit.Grow up a little.

And we stomped your ass. We took on Hillary and the MSM and kicked your ass on your home turf, the blue wall crumbled. We went into PA, MI, and WI and whooped your ass, it was embarrassing. Poor Hillary bawled her eyes out and the looks on the MSM faces, priceless. :Boom2:
You narrowly won the election. The white working class in the upper midwest is why you won. Trump will not be able to fulfill their job hopes is going to be his problem.

You fascists are already digging a hole from which you can't emerge.
Wow. And we need t be scared of the "alt-right" boogie man? You mean the "white working class" who pay all the bills and are being crushed by the ruling class ?
Don't be afraid of the white working class, kid. I am saying that Trump cannot provide those jobs he promised. Thus that class will turn on him.

Trump is already providing those jobs. Just go bake your rainbow cookies while we clean up your mess.
See, you continue to lie. There are no jobs, bub. I hope I am wrong on this for the working person's sake, but this Trump the liar and his minions we are talking about.
Agree 100%, but trump aint much better. I voted for the question mark, not Hillary for all those reason you posted.
The DNC CHOSE to lose the election when they decided to rig the election, to f* Bernie and his supporters, and to run the most corrupt Presidential Candidate in US history!

You said, 'Trump ain't MUCH BETTER...' BUT HE IS BETTER! If the DNC had run any other, non/less-crooked, non-globalist, non-self-serving candidate the DNC probably would have won hands down.

The DNC, Hillary, Obama, and the 'All-In' media F*ed Bernie, F*ed their own members, F*ed the Party, and F*ed this country, proving they did not listen and did not learn a d*mn thing from their historic record-setting loss in 2014. They were determined to give the people the middle finger and impose on them what THEY (Libs) wanted, just like they did with the ACA.

You lie.
you "conservatives" are nothing more then trend followers.

We stomped your ass. You looking for another beating?

From who? Yall are the same retards who were all tea party, but quit because whwn yall elected those guys they just did the same old thing politicians always do. Again, the average trumpkin watches dancing with stars and follows twitter. As trumppromises go unfilled, yall will cry more. And YOU wont stomp shit, YOU diddnt stomp shit.Grow up a little.

And we stomped your ass. We took on Hillary and the MSM and kicked your ass on your home turf, the blue wall crumbled. We went into PA, MI, and WI and whooped your ass, it was embarrassing. Poor Hillary bawled her eyes out and the looks on the MSM faces, priceless. :Boom2:
You narrowly won the election. The white working class in the upper midwest is why you won. Trump will not be able to fulfill their job hopes is going to be his problem.

You fascists are already digging a hole from which you can't emerge.

Wow. And we need t be scared of the "alt-right" boogie man? You mean the "white working class" who pay all the bills and are being crushed by the ruling class ?
My goodness. You are making the claim that the "white working class" is all White Supremist oriented? Not too many people are willing to paint all white working people with that brush....but you just did.
Agree 100%, but trump aint much better. I voted for the question mark, not Hillary for all those reason you posted.
The DNC CHOSE to lose the election when they decided to rig the election, to f* Bernie and his supporters, and to run the most corrupt Presidential Candidate in US history!

You said, 'Trump ain't MUCH BETTER...' BUT HE IS BETTER! If the DNC had run any other, non/less-crooked, non-globalist, non-self-serving candidate the DNC probably would have won hands down.

The DNC, Hillary, Obama, and the 'All-In' media F*ed Bernie, F*ed their own members, F*ed the Party, and F*ed this country, proving they did not listen and did not learn a d*mn thing from their historic record-setting loss in 2014. They were determined to give the people the middle finger and impose on them what THEY (Libs) wanted, just like they did with the ACA.

The ACA was imposed on the people? WTF does that mean?
Actually, if you subtract the supposed 3 million illegals who voted Trump did win the Popular vote....unless Snowflakes want to make the laughable argument that illegals would actually vote for the candidate who has vowed to send them home. :p
SUPPOSED? Where's your evidence of "3 million illegals who voted"?

Where's your evidence even one vote was miss counted in MI, WI or PA? Even Stein admits no evidence exists.
I'm not the one asking for a recount. But let's see the "SUPPOSED" evidence of 3 million illegals voting. I want to see that. (Of course easy65 will provide it for us.....he's so honest)

You want selective honesty, awesome.
Trump already has pretty much backed off his very first campaign promise.

Trump hasn't even been sworn in yet, so declaring Trump hasn't kept any campaign promises is extremely premature. Besides, comparing him to Obama, Trump has already surpassed Barry in keeping campaign promises. :p
Twitter will be a big reason Trump is a one term president.
So far all of Trump's detractors have seen their own demise.

Trump to Jeb Bush during the debates..."Jeb pretty soon you will be way out on the end of the stage" LMAO the look on Jeb Bush face was historic. Funniest damn thing I ever saw in a debate. That Trump called Hillary a liar to her face on national tv...well its been one awesome presidential election for we conservatives.

you "conservatives" are nothing more then trend followers.

We stomped your ass. You looking for another beating?
Actually, we won. You got in on a technicality. And you keep bragging because that is what classless idiots do.
And we stomped your ass. We took on Hillary and the MSM and kicked your ass on your home turf, the blue wall crumbled. We went into PA, MI, and WI and whooped your ass, it was embarrassing. Poor Hillary bawled her eyes out and the looks on the MSM faces, priceless. :Boom2:
You narrowly won the election. The white working class in the upper midwest is why you won. Trump will not be able to fulfill their job hopes is going to be his problem.

You fascists are already digging a hole from which you can't emerge.
Wow. And we need t be scared of the "alt-right" boogie man? You mean the "white working class" who pay all the bills and are being crushed by the ruling class ?
Don't be afraid of the white working class, kid. I am saying that Trump cannot provide those jobs he promised. Thus that class will turn on him.

Trump is already providing those jobs. Just go bake your rainbow cookies while we clean up your mess.
See, you continue to lie. There are no jobs, bub. I hope I am wrong on this for the working person's sake, but this Trump the liar and his minions we are talking about.

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