Trump's obvious "affinity" for dictators.....

Just think about what Kim Jun Un has been able to do with a moron as U.S. president......Without ANY reasons to denuclearize his country, KJU has cajoled a president to give him status as a world leader and NOT a low-life despot.

Of course, we all know that the idiot in chief praises ex-KGB Putin, possible-[president for life and Xi Jinping, and president Rodrigo Duterte.....If Stalin were still alive, Trump would probably invite him to

"Here" you "go"

"Best defense" for your orange clown....................attack Obama (and/or Clinton)............LOL

Swish. "Gnat" misses "another point."

The point "is" that this isn't "an actual" standard to you. You're lying. You flip "positions based on" which party "it is." Gawd you're "an idiot." How "did you" possibly not get "that?" Incredible


Question of morons............Were Clinton and Carter POTUS when they met with those guys?

Gnat: Stop saber rattling! We want peace. Negotiate, Trump, you're a war hawk. All we are saying is give peace a chance!

{ Trump agrees to meet with little rocket man }

Gnat: OMfingG! You're talking to him! Why would you negotiate with a liar! The man is an animal! What are you doing! Don't meet with him! Don't talk!

You're just completely transparent

according to the slant of this thread, Kim Jung isn't a world leader unless Trump recognizes him.

Wonder who's been in charge of NK the last few years?

Trump agreed to talk with NK.

Clinton and Obama protected them to develop nukes.

Who's the nut job? Trump of course

That after their hysterical don't saber rattle, you're starting WWIII meltdown.

Leftists are just plain terrible liars
And Obama celebrated Cuba's Castro's as prestigious leaders and gave the Iranian Leader nuclear technology that could be turned into weapons against us some day. Oh, don't forget Roosevelt and Truman both invited Communist Stalin to the White House.

An idiot like you would indeed compare today's environment to what was happening in WWII....

(what a fucking
Idiot, Muslim migrants have taken over Europe without firing a shot.

according to the slant of this thread, Kim Jung isn't a world leader unless Trump recognizes him.

Wonder who's been in charge of NK the last few years?

I'm sure that even YOU would admit that the above is LAME ......sure KJU has been his country's despot for several years now.....with China, Russia, Pakistan and Iran as his only trading partners.

World leader???......Nahhhhh.......Clever manipulator of Trump? ..........You bet..
nat you did not do to well in this thread......whether you like it or not little kimmy is a leader of a nation who has made the most powerful countries on the planet notice him....i wonder why?...
Gnat: Stop saber rattling! We want peace. Negotiate, Trump, you're a war hawk. All we are saying is give peace a chance!

{ Trump agrees to meet with little rocket man }

Gnat: OMfingG! You're talking to him! Why would you negotiate with a liar! The man is an animal! What are you doing! Don't meet with him! Don't talk!

You're just completely transparent

Hey, moron....I'm all for peace with NK.......Let me ask idiots like you some questions:

1. Do you think that NK will give up its nukes for a couple of red MEGA hats?
2. If not the above, what is the REAL purpose of Trump going to the Korean peninsula?
3.Why didn't Trump insist in meeting KJU in Malaysia or Cambodia or someplace neutral?
Just think about what Kim Jun Un has been able to do with a moron as U.S. president......Without ANY reasons to denuclearize his country, KJU has cajoled a president to give him status as a world leader and NOT a low-life despot.

Of course, we all know that the idiot in chief praises ex-KGB Putin, possible-[president for life and Xi Jinping, and president Rodrigo Duterte.....If Stalin were still alive, Trump would probably invite him to
I think it's been stupid to "ignore" the guy as a diplomatic tool all these years. It's some sort of great "reward" to meet with the President? Why? People are acting like the President is some sort of Wizard of Oz. You ask me, it's stupid, stuffy, diplomatic hand flapping to justify their own existence. If Trump and Un meet and "hit it off," good on them. It sure beats threatening each other with nuclear bombs.
I understand that negotiations are a different matter, and you need experts with skills for that. But that won't be what these two are talking about. Un deserves to be seen and heard same as any other leader. We're not so special that we can't meet with a two-bit dictator who is threatening to annihilate us. If Trump was willing to meet with Duterte, the bar has been lowered to the ground.

I have had mixed feelings on Trump meeting Kim, you bring up good points. I don’t trust anything Kim would say and I don’t think Kim knows how to deal with Trump. If this meeting helps to soften NK then the entire world is better off.

The current situation in North Korea is volatile and very shaken with their development with missles and warheads. Japan, S. Korea and even people in Hawaii are quite concerned with the unpredictability of NK. Time will tell.
nat you did not do to well in this thread......whether you like it or not little kimmy is a leader of a nation who has made the most powerful countries on the planet notice him....i wonder why?...

well, your reading comprehension leaves a lot to be desired.....The thread is NOT just about KJU, but about Trump's AFFINITY for despots and dictators.....and his envy for just how powerful they are in their own countries.......leaving him here with not much than 1/3 approval of his moronic antics.
Gnat: Stop saber rattling! We want peace. Negotiate, Trump, you're a war hawk. All we are saying is give peace a chance!

{ Trump agrees to meet with little rocket man }

Gnat: OMfingG! You're talking to him! Why would you negotiate with a liar! The man is an animal! What are you doing! Don't meet with him! Don't talk!

You're just completely transparent

Hey, moron....I'm all for peace with NK.......Let me ask idiots like you some questions:

1. Do you think that NK will give up its nukes for a couple of red MEGA hats?
2. If not the above, what is the REAL purpose of Trump going to the Korean peninsula?
3.Why didn't Trump insist in meeting KJU in Malaysia or Cambodia or someplace neutral?

What's your view of Slick and Hussein giving NK the time and space they needed to complete their nuclear weapons program?
I have had mixed feelings on Trump meeting Kim, you bring up good points. I don’t trust anything Kim would say and I don’t think Kim knows how to deal with Trump. If this meeting helps to soften NK then the entire world is better off.

I agree......However, KJU has established NK as yet another world nuclear powerhouse...
Is there ANY chance that NK will disarm?
If not, how is NK any different than what Iran was trying to establish for itself?
What's your view of Slick and Hussein giving NK the time and space they needed to complete their nuclear weapons program?

I see that you did NOT want to address my questions.....So be it....Here's another set of qsts.

Now, with the above, did you want Clinton and Obama to start another Korean War?....Yes or No?

If sanctions have not worked, what would be your fucked up suggestion of stopping NK from becoming a nuclear power?
Gnat: Stop saber rattling! We want peace. Negotiate, Trump, you're a war hawk. All we are saying is give peace a chance!

{ Trump agrees to meet with little rocket man }

Gnat: OMfingG! You're talking to him! Why would you negotiate with a liar! The man is an animal! What are you doing! Don't meet with him! Don't talk!

You're just completely transparent

Hey, moron....I'm all for peace with NK.......Let me ask idiots like you some questions:

1. Do you think that NK will give up its nukes for a couple of red MEGA hats?
2. If not the above, what is the REAL purpose of Trump going to the Korean peninsula?
3.Why didn't Trump insist in meeting KJU in Malaysia or Cambodia or someplace neutral?
Have I missed Breaking News? Have they announced that the meeting will be in Korea?
Have I missed Breaking News? Have they announced that the meeting will be in Korea?

No, you're correct...No venue has been established.......but, let's look at KJU's passport to see where he has visited in the past.
What's your view of Slick and Hussein giving NK the time and space they needed to complete their nuclear weapons program?

I see that you did NOT want to address my questions.....So be it....Here's another set of qsts.

Now, with the above, did you want Clinton and Obama to start another Korean War?....Yes or No?

If sanctions have not worked, what would be your fucked up suggestion of stopping NK from becoming a nuclear power?

Your questions "were" stupid.

You said Trump will do something stupid. "So I asked if: Slick and Hussein giving him nuclear weapons "was" stupid. How stupid do you think what Trump does will be on a scale from 1 to that?
Have I missed Breaking News? Have they announced that the meeting will be in Korea?

No, you're correct...No venue has been established.......but, let's look at KJU's passport to see where he has visited in the past.
I'm guessing he won't travel far. DMZ maybe? It's not a bad idea to hold it there. Oh, God, I hope Trump doesn't invite him to Mar a Lago.
Gnat: Stop saber rattling! We want peace. Negotiate, Trump, you're a war hawk. All we are saying is give peace a chance!

{ Trump agrees to meet with little rocket man }

Gnat: OMfingG! You're talking to him! Why would you negotiate with a liar! The man is an animal! What are you doing! Don't meet with him! Don't talk!

You're just completely transparent

Hey, moron....I'm all for peace with NK.......Let me ask idiots like you some questions:

1. Do you think that NK will give up its nukes for a couple of red MEGA hats?
2. If not the above, what is the REAL purpose of Trump going to the Korean peninsula?
3.Why didn't Trump insist in meeting KJU in Malaysia or Cambodia or someplace neutral?
Have I missed Breaking News? Have they announced that the meeting will be in Korea?

Gnat is such an idiot. He thinks we should turn down meeting at our ally's country and demand neutral. Gnat is such a terrible negotiator.

Gnat: No, I don't want to meet at my ally, I want to meet at a neutral country. Or better yet in an enemy country. And you're offering too much. I demand you pay less and I give you more. And another thing, I want to pay faster, your terms are too generous ...

Gnat: Think they're going to con me, no fing way ...

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