Trump’s own commission couldn’t find a single case of voter fraud. Trump claims there are “thousands” of cases based on no evidence

What the Washington Post found didn’t help matters.

“A Washington Post review of data from after the 2016 election found just four confirmed cases of voter fraud: three people who tried to vote for Mr Trump twice — and were caught — and an election worker in Miami who was caught trying to fill in a bubble on someone else’s ballot for a local mayoral candidate.”

All this while the death toll is 100,000. Trump won’t even acknowledge the virus because he is a narcissistic sociopathic idiot who only cares about being re-elected.

The Washington Post is most useful for when you run out of toilet paper.

That's funny - Typically I use your posts as TP. :D
Hey idiot if there isn’t election fraud in those elections, it doesn’t matter. You still haven’t explained how Trump’s own commission didn’t find jack shit for the 2016 election.

Oh and dead people still being on registration rolls doesn’t somehow magically mean they are voting idiot.

Most states voting laws allow dead people to vote.
If a person mails in an absentee ballot, which must be done several days prior to election day, and they die after mailing the ballot, their vote is legitimate and will be counted.

It's illegal for someone to try to vote using the ballot of a deceased person, especially since they have to sign the ballot envelope, and the signature is checked against the record.
Much like the voter suppression claims by the left.
Kobach found around 2 dozen illegal votes. They proved by actual voting data that the change in voting laws disenfranchised hundreds of thousands.

And worse, those changes didn't decrease illegal votes.

What the Washington Post found didn’t help matters.

“A Washington Post review of data from after the 2016 election found just four confirmed cases of voter fraud: three people who tried to vote for Mr Trump twice — and were caught — and an election worker in Miami who was caught trying to fill in a bubble on someone else’s ballot for a local mayoral candidate.”

All this while the death toll is 100,000. Trump won’t even acknowledge the virus because he is a narcissistic sociopathic idiot who only cares about being re-elected.
And our little mentally challenged Billy with yet ANOTHER "Orange Man Bad" thread. Do you EVER get tired of posting all the sh*t that you post, day after day after day after day? It's hilarious and quite SAD to see you keep doing this. And pathetic, as well.
Apparently the queer never tires of lying.
Trump is a compulsive liar, but he's also easily duped by cites like Breitbart and Info Wars. So when they talk about all this voter fraud that will happen with mail-in voting, he just takes it as fact without any investigation about it's validity!

What the Washington Post found didn’t help matters.

“A Washington Post review of data from after the 2016 election found just four confirmed cases of voter fraud: three people who tried to vote for Mr Trump twice — and were caught — and an election worker in Miami who was caught trying to fill in a bubble on someone else’s ballot for a local mayoral candidate.”

All this while the death toll is 100,000. Trump won’t even acknowledge the virus because he is a narcissistic sociopathic idiot who only cares about being re-elected.
Gun to your ahead do you believe there is zero voter fraud in the US? 100k, 55% in nursing homes. Mostly in NY/NJ (leftist states). Average age of person who died is 82. You need to criticize Trump for not opening up fully as a lot more will die from depression, drugs, alcohol and lack of seeing a medical doctor.

Facts don't care about your feelings.
Trump is a compulsive liar, but he's also easily duped by cites like Breitbart and Info Wars. So when they talk about all this voter fraud that will happen with mail-in voting, he just takes it as fact without any investigation about it's validity!
Point out three of his lies. If he is compulsive you can easily find 3.
You talk an awful lot of shit.

How come you never make intelligent comments?

Sorry, silly question wasn't it.

I have read a lot of your posts, I don't always agree with you. But I know you are a smart person. It's these folks on the left seem to be so biased no matter what Trump did or said. Yes, I don't always agree with Trump either.
If anyone on here, that I don't really agree with - you are one of the few I have respect for.

I'll leave it at that.
That was actually a response to bluzman61, not you.
My my you are so intellig, sorry I just can say it when it is so wrong. If you have a rebuttal don't be afraid. Don't worry I won't dislike you.
You are as DUMB as a rock, maybe dumber. I don't DO rebuttals to those with the intelligence of an enlightened eggplant or a gifted rutabaga. Sorry!

Actually you don't do rebuttals period because you have nothing

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