Trumps Parade


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017

Donald Trump will have his parade on Veteran’s Day, which, this year, also marks the hundredth anniversary of the end of a long, bloody and unnecessary war.

The first world war ended at eleven o’clock on November 11, 1918. It was the first modern war, with all the horrors we still hear about every night on the news. Arial bombardment, poison gas, automatic weapons, mass civilian casualties.

Small towns all over Europe lost most, if not all of their young men. We, in the United States, entered the war late, in 1917, so we suffered less. But we suffered. My parents spoke of men they’d known who were gassed, what was called The Great War, and had survived, but just barely.

Only Donald Trump would play soldier on such a solemn anniversary.

I am asking Americans now, to skip Trump’s military spectacle, and hold their own commemorations of the Armistice. I ask churches, synagogues and mosques to call people together to pray for peace. I ask all active citizens to write their senators and congressmen demanding that they spend our money on better schools, better housing, better infrastructure, not bigger and better ways to kill other people.

It is perhaps too much to hope that we could be the last generation to hear about the horrors of modern warfare every day. But if we were! If we could be! How marvelous this world would be. How many more children would grow up to lead good productive lives. How many more men and women would live happy and safe, in their own homes. How much more of our resources would be devoted to building instead of destroying and then rebuilding what we have destroyed.

Let Donald the Draft Dodger play soldier on Armistice day. Let those he’s conned into thinking he’s a great man, go and see him swaggering among those who have actually served.

Let the rest of us use this day, the one hundredth anniversary of the end of the war that was supposed to end all wars, to work for peace in this world.


Donald Trump will have his parade on Veteran’s Day, which, this year, also marks the hundredth anniversary of the end of a long, bloody and unnecessary war.

The first world war ended at eleven o’clock on November 11, 1918. It was the first modern war, with all the horrors we still hear about every night on the news. Arial bombardment, poison gas, automatic weapons, mass civilian casualties.

Small towns all over Europe lost most, if not all of their young men. We, in the United States, entered the war late, in 1917, so we suffered less. But we suffered. My parents spoke of men they’d known who were gassed, what was called The Great War, and had survived, but just barely.

Only Donald Trump would play soldier on such a solemn anniversary.

I am asking Americans now, to skip Trump’s military spectacle, and hold their own commemorations of the Armistice. I ask churches, synagogues and mosques to call people together to pray for peace. I ask all active citizens to write their senators and congressmen demanding that they spend our money on better schools, better housing, better infrastructure, not bigger and better ways to kill other people.

It is perhaps too much to hope that we could be the last generation to hear about the horrors of modern warfare every day. But if we were! If we could be! How marvelous this world would be. How many more children would grow up to lead good productive lives. How many more men and women would live happy and safe, in their own homes. How much more of our resources would be devoted to building instead of destroying and then rebuilding what we have destroyed.

Let Donald the Draft Dodger play soldier on Armistice day. Let those he’s conned into thinking he’s a great man, go and see him swaggering among those who have actually served.

Let the rest of us use this day, the one hundredth anniversary of the end of the war that was supposed to end all wars, to work for peace in this world.


I can probably get you a front row pass if you'd like one, PM me.

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