Trump's Plan is to be Hillary's Perot

Regarding the lead. I can't figure out why the Republicans haven't been banging this gong from the start. It is indeed obvious.
Perot got Bill Clinton elected
Nader got George W Bush elected

Truump will get Hillary elected

"You are sorely misinformed." bd
About many things perhaps. But NOT about that.
Fact is Perot did not get Clinton elected. That is a myth.
Determining the truth of it is an arithmetic simplicity. All we need do is tally the votes, in accordance with our Electoral College standards.

H. Ross Perot split the Republican vote, and helped Governor Clinton into the White House by giving Clinton the electoral plurality. And it may have been the single best thing H. Ross Perot ever did for the People of the United States of America.

it was the worst thing Perot did for the U.S.

The Clintons are a poisonous force in American politics and our culture.

Yeah, I really hated that 8 years of peace and prosperity We need more bloodshed and wars

The right should be lining up to award Bill a hummer for all that prosperity.

I doubt that there's any room considering all the Leftwing loons standing in line.

This topic deserves more discussion.
"The Clintons are a poisonous force in American politics and our culture." bo #16
Poison is by definition toxic, a detriment to the body.

cc #19 nailed it.
The prosperity of the Clinton administration was unprecedented.
Because of that prosperity I was able to retire at age 43.
I turned 60 last year.
You won't find me talking bad about WJC.

Thanks cc, for being able to distinguish between a morally flawed person, and a superior president.
Perot got Bill Clinton elected
Nader got George W Bush elected

Truump will get Hillary elected

Fact is Perot did not get Clinton elected. That is a myth.
What planet do you come from, and when did you arrive on Earth?

Are you totally unable to Google this issue and find out the truth for yourself?

He's just fallen for the Clinton Machine spin. Bubba won only 43% of the vote - and they've been spinning for years that Perot actually took votes away from him.
"The Clintons are a poisonous force in American politics and our culture." bo #16
Poison is by definition toxic, a detriment to the body.

cc #19 nailed it.
The prosperity of the Clinton administration was unprecedented.
Because of that prosperity I was able to retire at age 43.
I turned 60 last year.
You won't find me talking bad about WJC.

Thanks cc, for being able to distinguish between a morally flawed person, and a superior president.

You are historically and economically illiterate. The economy in the 90s was robust largely due to the impact of Reaganomics and the end of the Cold War, combined with Newt forcing welfare reform. There was a temporary lift due to the Y2K-Dotcom-Telecom bubble, which quickly reversed starting in 2000. Bubba got lucky on that one.
"You are historically and economically illiterate." bo
That's ad. hom. insult, not persuasive fact-based refutation.

I may have been born in the morning sir / m'am. But I wasn't born this morning.

I understand reality doesn't mesh with your own tenaciously clinged to prejudice.

But news-flash bo:
Your personal preference is not the criterion of truth or factual validity.

But insult away. Clearly that's your comfort level. Meanwhile I'll focus on substance.
Perot got Bill Clinton elected
Nader got George W Bush elected

Truump will get Hillary elected

Fact is Perot did not get Clinton elected. That is a myth.
What planet do you come from, and when did you arrive on Earth?

Are you totally unable to Google this issue and find out the truth for yourself?

I can tell you the truth. When Perot dropped out of the race temporarily in the summer of 1992,

Bill Clinton's numbers went up, not George Bush's.

Why do you suppose that was?
Perot got Bill Clinton elected
Nader got George W Bush elected

Truump will get Hillary elected

Fact is Perot did not get Clinton elected. That is a myth.

You are sorely misinformed.

I have the facts. You have the dismal error of conventional wisdom.
Show me your facts. I note that you have posted no links to back up what you say.

Oh, there are tons of leftwing links that parrot the Clintons' talking points.
Perot got Bill Clinton elected
Nader got George W Bush elected

Truump will get Hillary elected

Fact is Perot did not get Clinton elected. That is a myth.

You are sorely misinformed.

I have the facts. You have the dismal error of conventional wisdom.
Show me your facts. I note that you have posted no links to back up what you say.

I notice that you've posted nothing to back up your claim.

Historical polling for U.S. Presidential elections - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Perot got Bill Clinton elected
Nader got George W Bush elected

Truump will get Hillary elected

Fact is Perot did not get Clinton elected. That is a myth.

You are sorely misinformed.

I have the facts. You have the dismal error of conventional wisdom.

You are congenitally unable to grok a true fact as you are thoroughly marinated in Prog propaganda.

Historical polling for U.S. Presidential elections - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Perot got Bill Clinton elected
Nader got George W Bush elected

Truump will get Hillary elected

Fact is Perot did not get Clinton elected. That is a myth.

You are sorely misinformed.

I have the facts. You have the dismal error of conventional wisdom.

You are congenitally unable to grok a true fact as you are thoroughly marinated in Prog propaganda.

Historical polling for U.S. Presidential elections - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Oh WOW! A Wikipedia link!

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