Trump’s promise of a wall may not be fulfilled as advertised

Yes folks.

The sum total of Correll's 'vast' knowledge' and intelligence comes up with a final sentence that contained the word 'fuck' in just over 30% of the words used.
A sentence of truly epic intelligence and sophistication.
No doubt he typed this while in between sessions of various gases frequently and loudly escaping through his various orifices...all while he derived extreme pride from those which vacated his person with the highest aroma and/or decibel level.

Behold the 'Trumpbot'.

Controlling who and what enters a community is the most basic function of good governance.

Only an enemy of the community would be against this.

This is a simple truth, and your pretense of unhappiness with my use of "Fuck" is just an excuse for you to avoid dealing with that point.

Fuck you.
Correll Dems all want a strong immigration policy fucks like you refuse to admit it AND I have no problem with you using the word fuck As a matter of fact IF I had a fuck I wouldn't give it

Dems want amnesty for those already here, and to let more in, and then will be for amnesty for those too.

Your claim otherwise is a fucking lie.
We have laws Correll These laws state that a child born in America is an American citizen ,,,,regardless if they're from Mexican parents or Russian
BTW Mr Correll any illegal that wants in to America can just apply at Trumps golf courses for phony SS cards and green cards

At most, all that would mean is that the President is not practicing what he preaches.

That does not support your claim that dems support a strong immigration policy.

Indeed, that is the type of distraction fallacy that someone who knows they are lying, would use to distract from the Truth.
Controlling who and what enters a community is the most basic function of good governance.

Only an enemy of the community would be against this.

This is a simple truth, and your pretense of unhappiness with my use of "Fuck" is just an excuse for you to avoid dealing with that point.

Fuck you.
Correll Dems all want a strong immigration policy fucks like you refuse to admit it AND I have no problem with you using the word fuck As a matter of fact IF I had a fuck I wouldn't give it

Dems want amnesty for those already here, and to let more in, and then will be for amnesty for those too.

Your claim otherwise is a fucking lie.
We have laws Correll These laws state that a child born in America is an American citizen ,,,,regardless if they're from Mexican parents or Russian
BTW Mr Correll any illegal that wants in to America can just apply at Trumps golf courses for phony SS cards and green cards

At most, all that would mean is that the President is not practicing what he preaches.

That does not support your claim that dems support a strong immigration policy.

Indeed, that is the type of distraction fallacy that someone who knows they are lying, would use to distract from the Truth.
Birthright citizenship in the United States. ... Pursuant to the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution and the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), U.S. citizenship is automatically granted to any person born within and subject to the jurisdiction of the United States (known as jus soli).
Correll Dems all want a strong immigration policy fucks like you refuse to admit it AND I have no problem with you using the word fuck As a matter of fact IF I had a fuck I wouldn't give it

Dems want amnesty for those already here, and to let more in, and then will be for amnesty for those too.

Your claim otherwise is a fucking lie.
We have laws Correll These laws state that a child born in America is an American citizen ,,,,regardless if they're from Mexican parents or Russian
BTW Mr Correll any illegal that wants in to America can just apply at Trumps golf courses for phony SS cards and green cards

At most, all that would mean is that the President is not practicing what he preaches.

That does not support your claim that dems support a strong immigration policy.

Indeed, that is the type of distraction fallacy that someone who knows they are lying, would use to distract from the Truth.
Birthright citizenship in the United States. ... Pursuant to the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution and the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), U.S. citizenship is automatically granted to any person born within and subject to the jurisdiction of the United States (known as jus soli).

1. My point on Amnesty for the millions and millions of illegals living here NOW, stands.

2. My point that you dems are against securing the border, thus ensuring MORE illegals, stands.

3. My point that you would favor Amnesty for them, stands.

4. That you support the most generous interpretation of the 14th, is again, evidence that you reflexively side with the foreigners against native Americans, and that point stands also.
the Democrats give tequila to mexicans so they can vote illegally in certain states like Texas and california, big states.
Dems want amnesty for those already here, and to let more in, and then will be for amnesty for those too.

Your claim otherwise is a fucking lie.
We have laws Correll These laws state that a child born in America is an American citizen ,,,,regardless if they're from Mexican parents or Russian
BTW Mr Correll any illegal that wants in to America can just apply at Trumps golf courses for phony SS cards and green cards

At most, all that would mean is that the President is not practicing what he preaches.

That does not support your claim that dems support a strong immigration policy.

Indeed, that is the type of distraction fallacy that someone who knows they are lying, would use to distract from the Truth.
Birthright citizenship in the United States. ... Pursuant to the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution and the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), U.S. citizenship is automatically granted to any person born within and subject to the jurisdiction of the United States (known as jus soli).

1. My point on Amnesty for the millions and millions of illegals living here NOW, stands.

2. My point that you dems are against securing the border, thus ensuring MORE illegals, stands.

3. My point that you would favor Amnesty for them, stands.

4. That you support the most generous interpretation of the 14th, is again, evidence that you reflexively side with the foreigners against native Americans, and that point stands also.
Your point # 2 is dead wrong Have no time to dispute your #'s 1 ,3, and 4
So the fuck what? After reading what you posted Trump wants to build a wall made of steel slats. You are attempting to deceive people.

See more synonyms for wall on
  1. any of various permanent upright constructions having a length much greater than the thickness and presenting a continuous surface except where pierced by doors, windows, etc.: used for shelter,protection, or privacy, or to subdivide interior space, to support floors, roofs, or the like, to retain earth,to fence in an area, etc.'
the definition of wall

You see the highlighted part? A 'continuous surface'.

Trump's latest 'wall' does NOT have a continuous surface - thus it is NOT a wall but a fence.

By definition.

If you have a problem with that, I suggest you take it up with the people who write dictionaries.

We are done here.

Ta ta.

You're just playing semantics. We're done here.
Already a wall isn't a wall How many must this pos in our WH hurt to enable his huge ego? This from the party that says the truth isn't the truth
Steel slats, sandbags, rows of giant man eating plants, if it does the job, I'm happy.

Would it bother you if he gets material for his wall from russian friends and connected companies?

He will more than likely get his materials from China.
Any steel COULD be coming from Russia or from russian owner of mill You know,,one hand washes the other
We have laws Correll These laws state that a child born in America is an American citizen ,,,,regardless if they're from Mexican parents or Russian
BTW Mr Correll any illegal that wants in to America can just apply at Trumps golf courses for phony SS cards and green cards

At most, all that would mean is that the President is not practicing what he preaches.

That does not support your claim that dems support a strong immigration policy.

Indeed, that is the type of distraction fallacy that someone who knows they are lying, would use to distract from the Truth.
Birthright citizenship in the United States. ... Pursuant to the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution and the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), U.S. citizenship is automatically granted to any person born within and subject to the jurisdiction of the United States (known as jus soli).

1. My point on Amnesty for the millions and millions of illegals living here NOW, stands.

2. My point that you dems are against securing the border, thus ensuring MORE illegals, stands.

3. My point that you would favor Amnesty for them, stands.

4. That you support the most generous interpretation of the 14th, is again, evidence that you reflexively side with the foreigners against native Americans, and that point stands also.
Your point # 2 is dead wrong Have no time to dispute your #'s 1 ,3, and 4
Build that wall trump

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Republican congressman calls on Trump to use ‘own funds’ to help pay for border wall
President Trump should contribute his own money to fund his oft-promised border wall, Republican Rep. Walter Jones suggested.
Steel slats, sandbags, rows of giant man eating plants, if it does the job, I'm happy.

Would it bother you if he gets material for his wall from russian friends and connected companies?

He will more than likely get his materials from China.

Controlling who and what enters a community is the most basic function of good governance.

ONly an enemy of that community could be against that.
BTW Mr Correll any illegal that wants in to America can just apply at Trumps golf courses for phony SS cards and green cards

At most, all that would mean is that the President is not practicing what he preaches.

That does not support your claim that dems support a strong immigration policy.

Indeed, that is the type of distraction fallacy that someone who knows they are lying, would use to distract from the Truth.
Birthright citizenship in the United States. ... Pursuant to the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution and the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), U.S. citizenship is automatically granted to any person born within and subject to the jurisdiction of the United States (known as jus soli).

1. My point on Amnesty for the millions and millions of illegals living here NOW, stands.

2. My point that you dems are against securing the border, thus ensuring MORE illegals, stands.

3. My point that you would favor Amnesty for them, stands.

4. That you support the most generous interpretation of the 14th, is again, evidence that you reflexively side with the foreigners against native Americans, and that point stands also.
Your point # 2 is dead wrong Have no time to dispute your #'s 1 ,3, and 4
Build that wall trump

About this website


Republican congressman calls on Trump to use ‘own funds’ to help pay for border wall
President Trump should contribute his own money to fund his oft-promised border wall, Republican Rep. Walter Jones suggested.

Congress's job is to provide funds for good government.

This fucker needs to wake the fuck up, and stop being the Left's bitch.
At most, all that would mean is that the President is not practicing what he preaches.

That does not support your claim that dems support a strong immigration policy.

Indeed, that is the type of distraction fallacy that someone who knows they are lying, would use to distract from the Truth.
Birthright citizenship in the United States. ... Pursuant to the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution and the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), U.S. citizenship is automatically granted to any person born within and subject to the jurisdiction of the United States (known as jus soli).

1. My point on Amnesty for the millions and millions of illegals living here NOW, stands.

2. My point that you dems are against securing the border, thus ensuring MORE illegals, stands.

3. My point that you would favor Amnesty for them, stands.

4. That you support the most generous interpretation of the 14th, is again, evidence that you reflexively side with the foreigners against native Americans, and that point stands also.
Your point # 2 is dead wrong Have no time to dispute your #'s 1 ,3, and 4
Build that wall trump

About this website


Republican congressman calls on Trump to use ‘own funds’ to help pay for border wall
President Trump should contribute his own money to fund his oft-promised border wall, Republican Rep. Walter Jones suggested.

Congress's job is to provide funds for good government.

This fucker needs to wake the fuck up, and stop being the Left's bitch.
You believe most reps on the right support what this dum dum in the wh does while supposedly leading this country?? The AH has completely forgot he's SUPPOSED to represent all of the country not just 39% or less
Republicans have controlled the House and Senate for two years.

Why is this an issue now?

What IS the issue?

We're being told this is about border security. $1.3B was approved and not spent completely last year. The Senate approved that amount again this year and the GOP House has not even voted on that
Steel slats, sandbags, rows of giant man eating plants, if it does the job, I'm happy.


There isn't going to be a wall of any type.

Deportations were at record levels under Obama, so nothing is going to change there.

There may be some Republican business owners going to jail for hiring them.
Birthright citizenship in the United States. ... Pursuant to the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution and the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), U.S. citizenship is automatically granted to any person born within and subject to the jurisdiction of the United States (known as jus soli).

1. My point on Amnesty for the millions and millions of illegals living here NOW, stands.

2. My point that you dems are against securing the border, thus ensuring MORE illegals, stands.

3. My point that you would favor Amnesty for them, stands.

4. That you support the most generous interpretation of the 14th, is again, evidence that you reflexively side with the foreigners against native Americans, and that point stands also.
Your point # 2 is dead wrong Have no time to dispute your #'s 1 ,3, and 4
Build that wall trump

About this website


Republican congressman calls on Trump to use ‘own funds’ to help pay for border wall
President Trump should contribute his own money to fund his oft-promised border wall, Republican Rep. Walter Jones suggested.

Congress's job is to provide funds for good government.

This fucker needs to wake the fuck up, and stop being the Left's bitch.
You believe most reps on the right support what this dum dum in the wh does while supposedly leading this country?? The AH has completely forgot he's SUPPOSED to represent all of the country not just 39% or less

The AH?
1. My point on Amnesty for the millions and millions of illegals living here NOW, stands.

2. My point that you dems are against securing the border, thus ensuring MORE illegals, stands.

3. My point that you would favor Amnesty for them, stands.

4. That you support the most generous interpretation of the 14th, is again, evidence that you reflexively side with the foreigners against native Americans, and that point stands also.
Your point # 2 is dead wrong Have no time to dispute your #'s 1 ,3, and 4
Build that wall trump

About this website


Republican congressman calls on Trump to use ‘own funds’ to help pay for border wall
President Trump should contribute his own money to fund his oft-promised border wall, Republican Rep. Walter Jones suggested.

Congress's job is to provide funds for good government.

This fucker needs to wake the fuck up, and stop being the Left's bitch.
You believe most reps on the right support what this dum dum in the wh does while supposedly leading this country?? The AH has completely forgot he's SUPPOSED to represent all of the country not just 39% or less

The AH?
LOL come on Correll,,,,If you don't know use your imagination
Steel slats, sandbags, rows of giant man eating plants, if it does the job, I'm happy.


There isn't going to be a wall of any type.

Deportations were at record levels under Obama, so nothing is going to change there.

There may be some Republican business owners going to jail for hiring them.

I dont' believe Obama's numbers. And even if true, if they can just walk back across, it is nothing but a form of playing with one's self.

We need to build the wall and secure the border.

Your assumptions that business owners are all republicans, is just you being uninformed.
Your point # 2 is dead wrong Have no time to dispute your #'s 1 ,3, and 4
Build that wall trump

About this website


Republican congressman calls on Trump to use ‘own funds’ to help pay for border wall
President Trump should contribute his own money to fund his oft-promised border wall, Republican Rep. Walter Jones suggested.

Congress's job is to provide funds for good government.

This fucker needs to wake the fuck up, and stop being the Left's bitch.
You believe most reps on the right support what this dum dum in the wh does while supposedly leading this country?? The AH has completely forgot he's SUPPOSED to represent all of the country not just 39% or less

The AH?
LOL come on Correll,,,,If you don't know use your imagination

SO, you want to have a discussion while peppering your posts with insanely offensive partisan bullshit?

Why don't you instead just shut your face anus, and see if the build up makes your head explode.
Steel slats, sandbags, rows of giant man eating plants, if it does the job, I'm happy.


There isn't going to be a wall of any type.

Deportations were at record levels under Obama, so nothing is going to change there.

There may be some Republican business owners going to jail for hiring them.

I dont' believe Obama's numbers. And even if true, if they can just walk back across, it is nothing but a form of playing with one's self.

We need to build the wall and secure the border.

Your assumptions that business owners are all republicans, is just you being uninformed.

Don't worry, Aunt Nancy will be back in town Thursday, and you're going to have a lot bigger problem than border security.

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