Trumps purpose was never a Muslim ban

It's all about the percentages... If you have any group in this nation (whether it be Muslims who were in the highlight recently, skin heads, a biker gang or gangs like MS-13, black racist, white racist, rednecks and on and on it all goes, and they start killing citizens in the name of their special group,... If we can't get proper Intel or vetting on individuals or a group from within or from without, then a ban if the threat is from without should be put in place until we get the situation under control. If the threat is from within, then a ban on certain activities might be in order.... This goes for any group if decides to create violence here or engage in violence here.

White males comprise the biggest group of serial killers. It would be hard to exclude them.
. They don't operate in groups or on behalf of a group.

Uh yes, they do.

Start with drumpf and the kkk.

Seriously, that's really bizarre thing to say.

That's not to say there are not white 'lone wolf' nutters but there are also white nutter groups.
I listed them idiot... The poster was speaking about serial killers. Keep up.
The difference is, and I hate to state the obvious, but Christians haven't been killing people or terrorizing people in group think. Yes, their are lone wolves in everything imaginable, but you are being disengenuious in your comparisons here. You know good and well by the latest attacks, that there is a problem with the beliefs and ideologies (not their appearence) of a people that condone, and pull off these attacks under a specific label or title. Now if you want to gamble with American's lives then that is you, but don't expect any of us to follow you're flawed logic that could endanger our people. Attacking Christian's on behalf of Islam say's what about you ?
What about the Spanish Inquisition? Christians did a lot of killing there. What about the over 1 million Iraqis killed as a result of a Christian led invasion? What about all the African-American's killed by these bullshit Christians down in the bible belt.
It's all about the percentages... If you have any group in this nation (whether it be Muslims who were in the highlight recently, skin heads, a biker gang or gangs like MS-13, black racist, white racist, rednecks and on and on it all goes, and they start killing citizens in the name of their special group,... If we can't get proper Intel or vetting on individuals or a group from within or from without, then a ban if the threat is from without should be put in place until we get the situation under control. If the threat is from within, then a ban on certain activities might be in order.... This goes for any group if decides to create violence here or engage in violence here.

White males comprise the biggest group of serial killers. It would be hard to exclude them.
. They don't operate in groups or on behalf of a group.

Uh yes, they do.

Start with drumpf and the kkk.

Seriously, that's really bizarre thing to say.

That's not to say there are not white 'lone wolf' nutters but there are also white nutter groups.
I listed them idiot... The poster was speaking about serial killers. Keep up.

So was IO.

The difference is, and I hate to state the obvious, but Christians haven't been killing people or terrorizing people in group think. Yes, their are lone wolves in everything imaginable, but you are being disengenuious in your comparisons here. You know good and well by the latest attacks, that there is a problem with the beliefs and ideologies (not their appearence) of a people that condone, and pull off these attacks under a specific label or title. Now if you want to gamble with American's lives then that is you, but don't expect any of us to follow you're flawed logic that could endanger our people. Attacking Christian's on behalf of Islam say's what about you ?
What about the Spanish Inquisition? Christians did a lot of killing there. What about the over 1 million Iraqis killed as a result of a Christian led invasion? What about all the African-American's killed by these bullshit Christians down in the bible belt.
. Can you people keep it current please... Good grief already.
The difference is, and I hate to state the obvious, but Christians haven't been killing people or terrorizing people in group think. Yes, their are lone wolves in everything imaginable, but you are being disengenuious in your comparisons here. You know good and well by the latest attacks, that there is a problem with the beliefs and ideologies (not their appearence) of a people that condone, and pull off these attacks under a specific label or title. Now if you want to gamble with American's lives then that is you, but don't expect any of us to follow you're flawed logic that could endanger our people. Attacking Christian's on behalf of Islam say's what about you ?
What about the Spanish Inquisition? Christians did a lot of killing there. What about the over 1 million Iraqis killed as a result of a Christian led invasion? What about all the African-American's killed by these bullshit Christians down in the bible belt.

Got a link for that? Tally up the numbers and all.
Can you people keep it current please... Good grief already.
It is current. The same bullshit Christians claiming they're people of faith, are still killing people through unprovoked wars of aggression; police brutality; capital punishment and so on. Those very same bullshit Christians are all over this website.
Got a link for that? Tally up the numbers and all.
Is this a joke? You don't really know what the SI or racism in the deep South, was all about? Maybe if you went to a public school, you'd know this stuff?

I got $5 says you did not attend a Southern public school.
I don't know what "SI" is, is it Sports Illustrated?

:dunno: You're a hyper Yankee communist, I'd bet on that.
I got $5 says you did not attend a Southern public school.
I don't know what "SI" is, is it Sports Illustrated?
If that public school is in Southern California, then hell yes I attended. That's where I was taught about History and Sociology, which is how I know about SI. How you know anything is beyond me?

:dunno: You're a hyper Yankee communist, I'd bet on that.
"Yankee communist"? Is that an oxy-moron? How is that possible? How can someone be a "Yankee" and a "communist"? How can a Dodger fan be a Yankee at all?

Now, a normal, publicly schooled person, wouldn't make a claim like that without being able to list 3 examples proving their claim. Can you name 3 things you based me being a communist on? Or is this another Obama is a marxist rant?
Can you people keep it current please... Good grief already.
It is current. The same bullshit Christians claiming they're people of faith, are still killing people through unprovoked wars of aggression; police brutality; capital punishment and so on. Those very same bullshit Christians are all over this website.
. If you are anti-christian, then you are anti-American. So are you the enemy of America, and if so how did you get here or have you been here but your fellow citizens don't realize that you are their enemy ? Just curious, because you sure talk alot of anti-American crap.
I got $5 says you did not attend a Southern public school.
I don't know what "SI" is, is it Sports Illustrated?
If that public school is in Southern California, then hell yes I attended. That's where I was taught about History and Sociology, which is how I know about SI. How you know anything is beyond me?

:dunno: You're a hyper Yankee communist, I'd bet on that.
"Yankee communist"? Is that an oxy-moron? How is that possible? How can someone be a "Yankee" and a "communist"? How can a Dodger fan be a Yankee at all?

Now, a normal, publicly schooled person, wouldn't make a claim like that without being able to list 3 examples proving their claim. Can you name 3 things you based me being a communist on? Or is this another Obama is a marxist rant?

Your posts

Your rants

Your future posts.

I win!
I got $5 says you did not attend a Southern public school.
I don't know what "SI" is, is it Sports Illustrated?
If that public school is in Southern California, then hell yes I attended. That's where I was taught about History and Sociology, which is how I know about SI. How you know anything is beyond me?

:dunno: You're a hyper Yankee communist, I'd bet on that.
"Yankee communist"? Is that an oxy-moron? How is that possible? How can someone be a "Yankee" and a "communist"? How can a Dodger fan be a Yankee at all?

Now, a normal, publicly schooled person, wouldn't make a claim like that without being able to list 3 examples proving their claim. Can you name 3 things you based me being a communist on? Or is this another Obama is a marxist rant?
Southern California says it all... You have been schooled to be an enemy of the United States of America & the enemy of Christianity.....California is no longer a state in this union by it's leftist citizens choice or desires, so that makes you a foriegner from a foriegn land now, and hopefully the Trump wall will cut California off from this country. LOL.
If you are anti-christian, then you are anti-American. So are you the enemy of America, and if so how did you get here or have you been here but your fellow citizens don't realize that you are their enemy ? Just curious, because you sure talk alot of anti-American crap.
Unlike you fuckers, I don't have a problem answering direct questions, because I don't fear the truth. For the record, I'm a white Irish Catholic. I was born here and I'm a lot more American than you'll ever be and I'll prove it right now... of our core American values, is a person is "innocent until proven guilty". However, in your post, you accused me of:
  • being anti-American
  • being the enemy of America
  • talking a lot of anti-American crap
Not once in any of your posts have I been given the benefit of the doubt. And I know for a fact, you don't know jack shit about me, yet you jumped to those conclusions anyway. Real Americans don't accuse someone of "guilt", then ask them to "prove" their innocence. That's the kind of shit that went down in Weimar, Germany. You have more in common with those Germans then you do with real Americans.

If you support the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, you are not an American. Real Americans don't believe in wars of aggression. Real Americans don't combine church and state, like they do in Iran. Real Americans don't make irresponsible accusations like the Brownshirts of Germany in the 1930's.

Bottom line is, you ain't no fuckin' American, but you do make a fine German.
Southern California says it all... You have been schooled to be an enemy of the United States of America & the enemy of Christianity.....California is no longer a state in this union by it's leftist citizens choice or desires, so that makes you a foriegner from a foriegn land now, and hopefully the Trump wall will cut California off from this country. LOL.
Let me guess.............home school.............right?
If you are anti-christian, then you are anti-American. So are you the enemy of America, and if so how did you get here or have you been here but your fellow citizens don't realize that you are their enemy ? Just curious, because you sure talk alot of anti-American crap.
Unlike you fuckers, I don't have a problem answering direct questions, because I don't fear the truth. For the record, I'm a white Irish Catholic. I was born here and I'm a lot more American than you'll ever be and I'll prove it right now... of our core American values, is a person is "innocent until proven guilty". However, in your post, you accused me of:
  • being anti-American
  • being the enemy of America
  • talking a lot of anti-American crap
Not once in any of your posts have I been given the benefit of the doubt. And I know for a fact, you don't know jack shit about me, yet you jumped to those conclusions anyway. Real Americans don't accuse someone of "guilt", then ask them to "prove" their innocence. That's the kind of shit that went down in Weimar, Germany. You have more in common with those Germans then you do with real Americans.

If you support the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, you are not an American. Real Americans don't believe in wars of aggression. Real Americans don't combine church and state, like they do in Iran. Real Americans don't make irresponsible accusations like the Brownshirts of Germany in the 1930's.

Bottom line is, you ain't no fuckin' American, but you do make a fine German.
There are more Germans in America than Irish.
I've noticed where the disconnect is with conservatives and progressives on trumps statements about banning Muslims. The issue is the context.

Conservatives see Trumps statements on banning Muslim in the context he made them. Trump saw the immigration issue as a national security issue. We need to keep Jihadists from entering the country to protect ourselves. His first instinct was to ban Muslims to keep jihadists out and was foolish enough to say it because of his political inexperience. He was quickly told he couldn't do that and revised his position. Why?

Because his intent was never banning Muslims. His intent was national security. Banning Muslims was his mean to those ends until he realized he couldn't do that. Then he focused on more tailored approach.

Progressives on the other hand think his intention is to ban Muslims. Presumably because he is a hatefilled islamophobe who wants to oppress minorities or some nonsense like that. They are completely losing the obvious national security issue with jihadists.

To conservatives his foolish statements were a means to an end: national security. Why? Because that's the context the statements were made. To progressives his statements were the ends and he is going to implement them by any means.

But trump never cared about banning Muslims in and of itself. Here are five reasons at prove that:

1) the context he made his statements were always wit national security in mind.

2) his executive order does not attempt to ban Muslims or any other group based on religion. it does not even attempt to apply to all muslims

3) it applies to all people in the affected countries regardless to religious iviewpoints

4) removing Iraq from the list when they complied with what the administration requested shows they never cared about banning Muslims.

5) the order has always been temporary, which makes no sense if the purpose was secretly to ban Muslims.
Ok. That much text is apparently needed to assplain trumps moves.
The federal statute 8 USC Sec 1152 (f) actually supports Trump’s position 100% and is on point.

The President has virtually unlimited discretion in determining who enters the country.

There was nothing legally wrong with the first ban, let alone the second.

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