Trump's pyrrhic victory: The US opts for path that can only lead to war

Yet if Doc had actually done all that, he would not be misrepresenting the religion the way he is.

What are there, something like a billion muslims in the world and he bases the actions of them on what about 2 or 3 dozen have done?

Gee, if you go by that, look at our federal and state prisons; full of protestants and Catholics... Does he apply the same calculus to their actions?
Well, to be fair, there are a whole lot more and two or three dozen Muslims who are jihadi extremists. But they are still a very small fraction of a percent of Muslims. People refuse to understand that one man's jihadi is another man's freedom fighter and that we have people screaming to set fire to all Muslims or all Iranians, same as Iranians have people screaming to destroy the US. This morning on the news, it was all about leaders warning and threatening each other, and I'm just waiting for all the air to finish blowing out of the balloon and see what we're left with.

It isn't the Muslim religion which is to blame. When we had the Crusades, it was a fight for territory between two giant powers, one which happened to be Christian, and one Muslim. Interestingly, they both wanted Jerusalem (sound familiar at all?) but please don't tell me it was all because the Pope wanted back the site of Jesus's crucifixion. The Muslims won because it was their home turf. No doubt they will again, but I'm hoping we can skip the Crusades part.

Your ignorance of history is astounding.

It's just her lack of knowledge, it's inability to comprehend that a group of people, ANY group of people would not, do not value life the same way she does.

Yes, we had protestant Presidents that have started wars that have killed thousands of people around the world….

Americans specifically and Protestants in general have no moral high ground to preach peace.

Nobody wants war, at least no sane person that's ever fought in one. I've claimed no "high ground" for anyone. The United States Government is a violent , blood thirsty greedy money making machine.
What are there, something like a billion muslims in the world and he bases the actions of them on what about 2 or 3 dozen have done?

Gee, if you go by that, look at our federal and state prisons; full of protestants and Catholics... Does he apply the same calculus to their actions?
Well, to be fair, there are a whole lot more and two or three dozen Muslims who are jihadi extremists. But they are still a very small fraction of a percent of Muslims. People refuse to understand that one man's jihadi is another man's freedom fighter and that we have people screaming to set fire to all Muslims or all Iranians, same as Iranians have people screaming to destroy the US. This morning on the news, it was all about leaders warning and threatening each other, and I'm just waiting for all the air to finish blowing out of the balloon and see what we're left with.

It isn't the Muslim religion which is to blame. When we had the Crusades, it was a fight for territory between two giant powers, one which happened to be Christian, and one Muslim. Interestingly, they both wanted Jerusalem (sound familiar at all?) but please don't tell me it was all because the Pope wanted back the site of Jesus's crucifixion. The Muslims won because it was their home turf. No doubt they will again, but I'm hoping we can skip the Crusades part.

Your ignorance of history is astounding.

It's just her lack of knowledge, it's inability to comprehend that a group of people, ANY group of people would not, do not value life the same way she does.

Yes, we had protestant Presidents that have started wars that have killed thousands of people around the world….

Americans specifically and Protestants in general have no moral high ground to preach peace.

Nobody wants war, at least no sane person that's ever fought in one. I've claimed no "high ground" for anyone. The United States Government is a violent , blood thirsty greedy money making machine.


she honestly thinks the CIA is not an evil organization that starts wars around the world.:cuckoo::iyfyus.jpg:
Well, to be fair, there are a whole lot more and two or three dozen Muslims who are jihadi extremists. But they are still a very small fraction of a percent of Muslims. People refuse to understand that one man's jihadi is another man's freedom fighter and that we have people screaming to set fire to all Muslims or all Iranians, same as Iranians have people screaming to destroy the US. This morning on the news, it was all about leaders warning and threatening each other, and I'm just waiting for all the air to finish blowing out of the balloon and see what we're left with.

It isn't the Muslim religion which is to blame. When we had the Crusades, it was a fight for territory between two giant powers, one which happened to be Christian, and one Muslim. Interestingly, they both wanted Jerusalem (sound familiar at all?) but please don't tell me it was all because the Pope wanted back the site of Jesus's crucifixion. The Muslims won because it was their home turf. No doubt they will again, but I'm hoping we can skip the Crusades part.

Your ignorance of history is astounding.

It's just her lack of knowledge, it's inability to comprehend that a group of people, ANY group of people would not, do not value life the same way she does.

Yes, we had protestant Presidents that have started wars that have killed thousands of people around the world….

Americans specifically and Protestants in general have no moral high ground to preach peace.

Nobody wants war, at least no sane person that's ever fought in one. I've claimed no "high ground" for anyone. The United States Government is a violent , blood thirsty greedy money making machine.


she honestly thinks the CIA is not an evil organization that starts wars around the world.:cuckoo::iyfyus.jpg:

Then she simply refuses to educate herself. It's all out in the open.
Your ignorance of history is astounding.

It's just her lack of knowledge, it's inability to comprehend that a group of people, ANY group of people would not, do not value life the same way she does.

Yes, we had protestant Presidents that have started wars that have killed thousands of people around the world….

Americans specifically and Protestants in general have no moral high ground to preach peace.

Nobody wants war, at least no sane person that's ever fought in one. I've claimed no "high ground" for anyone. The United States Government is a violent , blood thirsty greedy money making machine.


she honestly thinks the CIA is not an evil organization that starts wars around the world.:cuckoo::iyfyus.jpg:

Then she simply refuses to educate herself. It's all out in the open.

the UNDERSTATEMENT of the year,she has been programmed by the corporate controlled media,the idiot box in the living room.I wa sonce the same as her but unlike her,i got smart and turned it off and listen to ALTERNATIVE news now that are not bought off by special interest groups here in the US//
this poster here took her to school and OWNED her in this post here.:2up:



We have deposed their duly elected prime minister, we have installed a murderous Shah, we have blown up a civilian aircraft and killed all its passengers. WE ARE THE TERRORISTS
Trump's pyrrhic victory: The US opts for path that can only lead to war
The whole reason why Iran wants nukes is because they want use them to destroy Israel.
The Iranians don't want nukes for defense, they want them for offense.

It’s not just Israel. They want to nuke the Arabs and us too. Liberals have a false sense of security. That’s why they don’t care if Iran gets nukes.



We have deposed their duly elected prime minister, we have installed a murderous Shah, we have blown up a civilian aircraft and killed all its passengers. WE ARE THE TERRORISTS


Iran has attacked plenty of countries by proxy. Stop with the stupid talking points

another brainwashed sheep that has listens wayyyy too much what the corporate controlled media tells him. Uh that is ISRAEL in our corrupt CIA that has done all that you moron.:iyfyus.jpg::itsok::itsok:

You’re a fool
oh the irony rocko.:abgg2q.jpg:
You think Iran would drop a nuke on Israel? Really? Why would they want to do that?

You’re a fool

I’m guessing it’s a combination of your upbringing and genetics
How about we skip the meaningless childish insults and stick to the substance. As of now you avoided answering a question and opted for a petty insult which has led to pointless back and forth that has nothing to do with the topic at hand. In essence you are making yourself look like a fool by trying to label me a fool. Care to try again? Why does Iran want to nuke Israel?

There is no reasoning with you because you have no understanding of the enemy. It’s clearly willful ignorance

as always,when have been checkmated and lost an argument,you stoop to childish insults. I of course would expect that out of a moron who cant come to grips with reality the cheatriots have created the biggest scandal in sports history since the black sox scandal.:abgg2q.jpg::itsok::itsok:
What are there, something like a billion muslims in the world and he bases the actions of them on what about 2 or 3 dozen have done?

Gee, if you go by that, look at our federal and state prisons; full of protestants and Catholics... Does he apply the same calculus to their actions?
Well, to be fair, there are a whole lot more and two or three dozen Muslims who are jihadi extremists. But they are still a very small fraction of a percent of Muslims. People refuse to understand that one man's jihadi is another man's freedom fighter and that we have people screaming to set fire to all Muslims or all Iranians, same as Iranians have people screaming to destroy the US. This morning on the news, it was all about leaders warning and threatening each other, and I'm just waiting for all the air to finish blowing out of the balloon and see what we're left with.

It isn't the Muslim religion which is to blame. When we had the Crusades, it was a fight for territory between two giant powers, one which happened to be Christian, and one Muslim. Interestingly, they both wanted Jerusalem (sound familiar at all?) but please don't tell me it was all because the Pope wanted back the site of Jesus's crucifixion. The Muslims won because it was their home turf. No doubt they will again, but I'm hoping we can skip the Crusades part.

Your ignorance of history is astounding.

It's just her lack of knowledge, it's inability to comprehend that a group of people, ANY group of people would not, do not value life the same way she does.

Yes, we had protestant Presidents that have started wars that have killed thousands of people around the world….

Americans specifically and Protestants in general have no moral high ground to preach peace.

Nobody wants war, at least no sane person that's ever fought in one. I've claimed no "high ground" for anyone. The United States Government is a violent , blood thirsty greedy money making machine.

On the contrary, it’s one of the most benevolent governments that has ever ruled for any amount of time. It spends more than it makes and it could make 50X what it chooses if it merely wanted to arm the world more than it has. It could make much more if it wished to charge for citizenship, protection, etc…

At times it is corrupted politically by Presidents who have no vision beyond the next election and a Congress that now sees it’s role as non-professional (see how many people running this year say they are a professional politician) and at best, a junior partner to the Executive.
How about we skip the meaningless childish insults and stick to the substance. As of now you avoided answering a question and opted for a petty insult which has led to pointless back and forth that has nothing to do with the topic at hand. In essence you are making yourself look like a fool by trying to label me a fool. Care to try again? Why does Iran want to nuke Israel?

They don't absolutely want to nuke them, they just want to destroy them. Why? RELIGION! Same reason they want to destroy us.
There must be more factors than just religion, right? There must be a political angle and something they want to gain. Or else they’d also be targeting India and Greece and Russia and China and other surrounding countries that have different religious views. So what exactly is it that you think they want to do with the nukes and why?

Um in due time their plan is to destroy all the infidels. Educate yourself. You’re the dumbest smart guy I’ve ever seen.
You would save a lot of time if you just cut out the petty insults, they are completely meaningless.

Again I’ll ask, why Isreal? If the goal is all infidels then why aren’t they aiming to destroy the many many other surrounding countries that follow different religions? I think your missing the politics that are involved.
I answered your question. Israel is there first priority because of Jerusalem. In due time they want to conquer the world

You got THAT much correct that Israel in due time wants to conquer the world. NOW you are catching on.:up:
We're not going to war with Iran.

Hopefully. A strong America made the USSR back down. A strong America is the only way Iran will give up its nuclear program
Why won't a "strong America" make Israel at least let inspectors into to see their nukes? Why won't the WORLD put pressure on the terrorist state of Israel to dispose of its nuclear arsenal?
The whole reason why Iran wants nukes is because they want use them to destroy Israel.
The Iranians don't want nukes for defense, they want them for offense.
Bullshit. Iran has never attacked anyone,Israel and the US have. Iran wants nukes to balance the power in the Middle East. Its funny you chickenhawks cheer the US and Israel on when it picks sides and funds terrorists and commits acts of terror but when Iran or Yemen or ANYONE else does it you get all high and mighty all of a sudden.

The source , Strategic Culture Foundation, is a Moscow based anti-Zionist blog. It seems strange that lefties who claimed that President Trump colluded with Russia are now colluding with Russia for anti-Trump opinions.
I am not a leftist. I am FAR right but I am also smart enough to realize what's going on and who's pushing us towards a war NO ONE but the chickenhawks on the left and right want.

you sir have checkmated just OWNED their sorry asses.well sure do an excellent job if checkmating the Israel apologists.
Well, to be fair, there are a whole lot more and two or three dozen Muslims who are jihadi extremists. But they are still a very small fraction of a percent of Muslims. People refuse to understand that one man's jihadi is another man's freedom fighter and that we have people screaming to set fire to all Muslims or all Iranians, same as Iranians have people screaming to destroy the US. This morning on the news, it was all about leaders warning and threatening each other, and I'm just waiting for all the air to finish blowing out of the balloon and see what we're left with.

It isn't the Muslim religion which is to blame. When we had the Crusades, it was a fight for territory between two giant powers, one which happened to be Christian, and one Muslim. Interestingly, they both wanted Jerusalem (sound familiar at all?) but please don't tell me it was all because the Pope wanted back the site of Jesus's crucifixion. The Muslims won because it was their home turf. No doubt they will again, but I'm hoping we can skip the Crusades part.

Your ignorance of history is astounding.

It's just her lack of knowledge, it's inability to comprehend that a group of people, ANY group of people would not, do not value life the same way she does.

Yes, we had protestant Presidents that have started wars that have killed thousands of people around the world….

Americans specifically and Protestants in general have no moral high ground to preach peace.

Nobody wants war, at least no sane person that's ever fought in one. I've claimed no "high ground" for anyone. The United States Government is a violent , blood thirsty greedy money making machine.

On the contrary, it’s one of the most benevolent governments that has ever ruled for any amount of time. It spends more than it makes and it could make 50X what it chooses if it merely wanted to arm the world more than it has. It could make much more if it wished to charge for citizenship, protection, etc…

At times it is corrupted politically by Presidents who have no vision beyond the next election and a Congress that now sees it’s role as non-professional (see how many people running this year say they are a professional politician) and at best, a junior partner to the Executive.

Well, you've got the Company line down pat.
Do you think they want to drop a nuke on Isreal?

They will if they can. They'd do it to the Saudi's, they'd do it to Israel and if they could they'd do it to us.
Again I’ll ask, how do you know any of this shit?! Where are you getting your information from?
---------------------------------- what the feck , can't you google or read even if its only yhe news Slade . I think you have no interest . For example , there is lots of info on 'ahmadinegad' a leading 12er who headed 'iran' as a government leader . Read about 'islam' , read muslim history and how and when 'islam' was invented by 'loon mohamad' in the Arabian desert . Check out the CIA fact book for info on 'iran' , its religion and its 'shiite muslims and 12ers . i get my info from reading plus internet and talking to people . Hey , don't believe any of it , its ok with me . Actually i hope that the truth of 'islam' eventually surprise's you the same way that the Germans and Belgians , Brits , French and other 'dhimmis' are being surprised Slade .
The reason I ask these questions it to try and understand other people’s viewpoints. The reason why I ask where they get their information is so I can see if they have first hand experience or if they are going off third hand interpretations, which are often bias and also reviewable. If your understanding is Islam is based of what you read and who you talk to then it is important to look at the articles you are reading, for example the one posted here was writen and sourced by an evangelical Christian. If you are talking to Christians to get your information on Islam then you are likely going to get a scewed perspective. If you are talking to Americans about Iran then you also are likely getting an incomplete story. Especially for the Islam discussion I’d recommend engaging with more Muslims if you are really interested in gaining a better understanding of the religion.

Just more ignorance. Why don't you tell me what Taqiyya means?
What about my statement is ignorant? Be specific. I could look it up and give you a definition but if we are being honest I’ve never seen that word nor do I think it has anything to do with what I was talking about. Is this a vocabulary test or a religious and sociological discussion?
except the people who live there - well they love it that trump has done this but you won't hear that in US media on either side really.

i can dig up links or just google and find some of your own. saudis were thrilled about it. other countries were thanking god. while europe russia and china are "not happy" - they don't live there. all the people who live there aside from iran and their friends, are happy about it.

so "should" would seem to be which direction you want to go. do we pretend that iran isn't making a bomb or trying to or do we admit they are and do something about it? why people seem to think iran has zero intentions to create a bomb that will "kill the infidels" is beyond me at times, but i'll keep talking to try and understand.

if the "treaty" had zero way to enforce, we shouldn't have done it. i felt the same way about the global warming "treaty" that had no teeth and all $$$ from the US.
I truly don't see any evidence that Iran is still building their nuclear weapons. The inspectors can't find it. If Israel knew where every Iranian installation in Syria was, and if the US knew where all the chemical weapons sites in Syria were, do you really think we wouldn't know if Iran was building a nuclear weapon? We know where NoKo was building theirs. Are we that stupid? The stuff Netanyahu said about Iran lying was from over a decade ago, prior to the JCPOA.
I don't pretend to know a whole lot about it, so if you've got a reputable source showing that Iran is in actuality continuing its nuclear weapon program, like with evidence or specifics at least, please link.

I truly don't see any evidence that Iran is still building their nuclear weapons. The inspectors can't find it.

Inspectors? What inspectors? Where?

The stuff Netanyahu said about Iran lying was from over a decade ago, prior to the JCPOA.

Wait, Iran lied? About nuclear facilities? Then how can you trust them now?
Because of the inspectors.

We're not sending inspectors, who is?
The IEAE. Verification and Monitoring in Iran | IAEA

Thanks for the link.

How do they monitor military sites?

Lol, you stupid fuckers said he was going to start a war with North Korea. What happened to that? You idiots should shut up, you’ve never been right about anything.
Who is this "stupid fuckers" I NEVER said he was going to start a war with NK.....I cheered on him TALKING to NK and I am glad its happening. I voted for Trump because he said he would keep us OUT of this silly middle eastern tit for tat shit...he lied. He is kissing Israel's ass just like every other President before him.Oh and BTW no one knows what will happen with NK because they haven't even sat down and talked yet. I hope for the best though.

Lol, you stupid fuckers said he was going to start a war with North Korea. What happened to that? You idiots should shut up, you’ve never been right about anything.
After accelerating their program because of Trump’s actions, NK accidentally blew up that program. Do you think the same thing will happen in Iran? Or will the neocons Trump has surrounded himself with finally get a new war?

Yeah, Iran fired the first salvo last night. Israel kicked the shit out of them.

No Iran didn't do jack shit. Israel is lying AS USUAL because it WANTS a war in the ME because it was to completely control the ME and to do that it needs the soldiers of the USA to fight and die in its wars for them.

Sorry, you aren’t a stupid fucker, you are a bigoted fucker. I stand corrected. You should still stfu and let Trump fix things.

this coming from a troll who believes in magic bullets that stop in mid air and ignores witnesses testimonys that dont go along with the government version of events and then end up dying since their testimonys did not go along with the governments. comedy gold from the troll as always.
That’s an interesting read but I did find it odd that the source of much of its information came from a evangelical baptist Christian (Wagner). Wouldn’t you find an explaination from an actual Muslim, perhaps both a Shiite and a Sunni, to be a little more interesting and accurate when trying to explain their own point of views and interpretations?

The 12th Imam seems to be a similar story as the 2nd coming of Jesus which is a popular Christian belief.

The Imam returns in a time of Global chaos. 12vers believe that THEY can speed his return by causing that chaos. This is why Iran has no fear at all of using whatever weapons they have. They believe that in starting that WW the Mahdi will return.
What makes you think that is their belief? Did you read about it or did you learn that from Muslims first hand? I’d love to see your sources

My degree is in Comparative Religions, I don't care what you do, or don't believe. Yes I have Muslim friends, yes I've been Muslim Nations and yes I've been to Israel. Your ignorance is your concern, not mine.
That’s great, it sounds like you are well schooled. I don’t know how my asking questions translates to me being ignorant, just makes you sound like you are here to judge and squabble.

You don't really ask any question, one doesn't ask a question and in the same breath denigrate any sources another might use. That simply tells me that you don't really want to know THE truth, only YOUR truth.
What did I say that made you think I was denegrading a source? Quote me
i think that YOU hesitant types are just naive . Look at the work of muslims in the last week in many parts of the world OldLady .
Christians we’re responsible for similar types of violent actions during the crusades. It begs an interesting question, are the actions really religious or are they political?
I truly don't see any evidence that Iran is still building their nuclear weapons. The inspectors can't find it. If Israel knew where every Iranian installation in Syria was, and if the US knew where all the chemical weapons sites in Syria were, do you really think we wouldn't know if Iran was building a nuclear weapon? We know where NoKo was building theirs. Are we that stupid? The stuff Netanyahu said about Iran lying was from over a decade ago, prior to the JCPOA.
I don't pretend to know a whole lot about it, so if you've got a reputable source showing that Iran is in actuality continuing its nuclear weapon program, like with evidence or specifics at least, please link.

I truly don't see any evidence that Iran is still building their nuclear weapons. The inspectors can't find it.

Inspectors? What inspectors? Where?

The stuff Netanyahu said about Iran lying was from over a decade ago, prior to the JCPOA.

Wait, Iran lied? About nuclear facilities? Then how can you trust them now?
Because of the inspectors.

We're not sending inspectors, who is?
The IEAE. Verification and Monitoring in Iran | IAEA

Thanks for the link.

How do they monitor military sites?
I answered that already, best as I can.
Well, to be fair, there are a whole lot more and two or three dozen Muslims who are jihadi extremists. But they are still a very small fraction of a percent of Muslims. People refuse to understand that one man's jihadi is another man's freedom fighter and that we have people screaming to set fire to all Muslims or all Iranians, same as Iranians have people screaming to destroy the US. This morning on the news, it was all about leaders warning and threatening each other, and I'm just waiting for all the air to finish blowing out of the balloon and see what we're left with.

It isn't the Muslim religion which is to blame. When we had the Crusades, it was a fight for territory between two giant powers, one which happened to be Christian, and one Muslim. Interestingly, they both wanted Jerusalem (sound familiar at all?) but please don't tell me it was all because the Pope wanted back the site of Jesus's crucifixion. The Muslims won because it was their home turf. No doubt they will again, but I'm hoping we can skip the Crusades part.

Your ignorance of history is astounding.

It's just her lack of knowledge, it's inability to comprehend that a group of people, ANY group of people would not, do not value life the same way she does.

Yes, we had protestant Presidents that have started wars that have killed thousands of people around the world….

Americans specifically and Protestants in general have no moral high ground to preach peace.

Nobody wants war, at least no sane person that's ever fought in one. I've claimed no "high ground" for anyone. The United States Government is a violent , blood thirsty greedy money making machine.


she honestly thinks the CIA is not an evil organization that starts wars around the world.:cuckoo::iyfyus.jpg:
Easy with the flare... makes you sound like Pence when he brown noses Trump. Not cool

I’m guessing it’s a combination of your upbringing and genetics
How about we skip the meaningless childish insults and stick to the substance. As of now you avoided answering a question and opted for a petty insult which has led to pointless back and forth that has nothing to do with the topic at hand. In essence you are making yourself look like a fool by trying to label me a fool. Care to try again? Why does Iran want to nuke Israel?

There is no reasoning with you because you have no understanding of the enemy. It’s clearly willful ignorance

as always,when have been checkmated and lost an argument,you stoop to childish insults. I of course would expect that out of a moron who cant come to grips with reality the cheatriots have created the biggest scandal in sports history since the black sox scandal.:abgg2q.jpg::itsok::itsok:
The guy you are cheerleading is the one avoiding the questions and laying down the childish insults... did you not follow that?

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