Trump's pyrrhic victory: The US opts for path that can only lead to war

---------------------------------------------------------------- If you are asking about 12ers , i think that iranians are 'shiite' which i think are the VAST majority of irans population . And of those 'shiites' i think that the vast majority of iranian 'shiites' are 12ers . And if i am correct its iran that is YOUR biggest worry and enemy because they support terror , want to destroy the big and little 'satans' known as Israel and the USA and are working towards building deliverable nukes that your 'mrobama' helped fund Slade .:afro:
Do you think they want to drop a nuke on Isreal?

They will if they can. They'd do it to the Saudi's, they'd do it to Israel and if they could they'd do it to us.
Again I’ll ask, how do you know any of this shit?! Where are you getting your information from?
---------------------------------- what the feck , can't you google or read even if its only yhe news Slade . I think you have no interest . For example , there is lots of info on 'ahmadinegad' a leading 12er who headed 'iran' as a government leader . Read about 'islam' , read muslim history and how and when 'islam' was invented by 'loon mohamad' in the Arabian desert . Check out the CIA fact book for info on 'iran' , its religion and its 'shiite muslims and 12ers . i get my info from reading plus internet and talking to people . Hey , don't believe any of it , its ok with me . Actually i hope that the truth of 'islam' eventually surprise's you the same way that the Germans and Belgians , Brits , French and other 'dhimmis' are being surprised Slade .
The reason I ask these questions it to try and understand other people’s viewpoints. The reason why I ask where they get their information is so I can see if they have first hand experience or if they are going off third hand interpretations, which are often bias and also reviewable. If your understanding is Islam is based of what you read and who you talk to then it is important to look at the articles you are reading, for example the one posted here was writen and sourced by an evangelical Christian. If you are talking to Christians to get your information on Islam then you are likely going to get a scewed perspective. If you are talking to Americans about Iran then you also are likely getting an incomplete story. Especially for the Islam discussion I’d recommend engaging with more Muslims if you are really interested in gaining a better understanding of the religion.

Just more ignorance. Why don't you tell me what Taqiyya means?
seems to me that you just aren't interested . I think that 'neville chamberlain' thought like you about the 'nazis' as ww2 was getting ready to go Slade .
Well, it's not a is a fact that the US has not invaded anyone that has a nuke.
If I'm in the leadership in Iran and the US President has just torn up the agreement, I'd tell the scientist I have working for me to get me a nuke as soon as possible so I don't get added to the list.

As for NK...we went into Iraq because we suspected they had WMDs, right?
We know NK has a nuke program and that they have missiles that can reach the US. It is not a theory that NK has passed the litmus test for invasion using the Iraq standard.

What fantasy are you living under that leads you to believe they have ever slowed down their programs of working for a nuclear weapon?

Does not matter now; any options toward mitigation or persuasion we had are now gone
---------------------------------------------------- GOOD , might be time for action and i think that 'iran' and Israel are warming up as i type Candy !!

Anyone who hopes for armed conflict is a sick fucker

Yes they are, it is however coming.
That’s an interesting read but I did find it odd that the source of much of its information came from a evangelical baptist Christian (Wagner). Wouldn’t you find an explaination from an actual Muslim, perhaps both a Shiite and a Sunni, to be a little more interesting and accurate when trying to explain their own point of views and interpretations?

The 12th Imam seems to be a similar story as the 2nd coming of Jesus which is a popular Christian belief.

The Imam returns in a time of Global chaos. 12vers believe that THEY can speed his return by causing that chaos. This is why Iran has no fear at all of using whatever weapons they have. They believe that in starting that WW the Mahdi will return.
What makes you think that is their belief? Did you read about it or did you learn that from Muslims first hand? I’d love to see your sources

My degree is in Comparative Religions, I don't care what you do, or don't believe. Yes I have Muslim friends, yes I've been Muslim Nations and yes I've been to Israel. Your ignorance is your concern, not mine.
That’s great, it sounds like you are well schooled. I don’t know how my asking questions translates to me being ignorant, just makes you sound like you are here to judge and squabble.
That’s an interesting read but I did find it odd that the source of much of its information came from a evangelical baptist Christian (Wagner). Wouldn’t you find an explaination from an actual Muslim, perhaps both a Shiite and a Sunni, to be a little more interesting and accurate when trying to explain their own point of views and interpretations?

The 12th Imam seems to be a similar story as the 2nd coming of Jesus which is a popular Christian belief.
------------------------------------ and as well as my explanation in post number 194 you will find that muslims are big practitioners of a muslim and 'mohamad' approved form of lying called 'taqiyah' where they will happily lie as a way of furthering 'islams' goal of making the world a 'house of peace' for and under 'mohamad' rule Slade .
Have you ever had a personal relationship with a Muslim? Friend, coworker, roommate etc? Have you ever spent time in a Muslim country, been to a mosque, and tried to learn about their culture/religion first hand? Or is your information based on what you hear and read?

In other words you don't know ANYTHING about true Islam.
Unless you are a Muslim, neither do you.

Actually I do and I'd be happy to slap you around with it honey. My degree is in Religion.
That’s an interesting read but I did find it odd that the source of much of its information came from a evangelical baptist Christian (Wagner). Wouldn’t you find an explaination from an actual Muslim, perhaps both a Shiite and a Sunni, to be a little more interesting and accurate when trying to explain their own point of views and interpretations?

The 12th Imam seems to be a similar story as the 2nd coming of Jesus which is a popular Christian belief.
------------------------------------ and as well as my explanation in post number 194 you will find that muslims are big practitioners of a muslim and 'mohamad' approved form of lying called 'taqiyah' where they will happily lie as a way of furthering 'islams' goal of making the world a 'house of peace' for and under 'mohamad' rule Slade .
Have you ever had a personal relationship with a Muslim? Friend, coworker, roommate etc? Have you ever spent time in a Muslim country, been to a mosque, and tried to learn about their culture/religion first hand? Or is your information based on what you hear and read?

In other words you don't know ANYTHING about true Islam.
How do you take a series of questions that I’ve asked and regurgitate it to bring a statement about what I do or don’t know? Grow up

What? You don't like being called out? Tough shit. My point stands you don't know ANYTHING about True Islam.
Which of my statements are you calling out? I’ve been asking questions... this ain’t a dick measuring contest so I’ll say again... Grow the fuck up, you’re acting like a child.
That’s an interesting read but I did find it odd that the source of much of its information came from a evangelical baptist Christian (Wagner). Wouldn’t you find an explaination from an actual Muslim, perhaps both a Shiite and a Sunni, to be a little more interesting and accurate when trying to explain their own point of views and interpretations?

The 12th Imam seems to be a similar story as the 2nd coming of Jesus which is a popular Christian belief.

The Imam returns in a time of Global chaos. 12vers believe that THEY can speed his return by causing that chaos. This is why Iran has no fear at all of using whatever weapons they have. They believe that in starting that WW the Mahdi will return.
What makes you think that is their belief? Did you read about it or did you learn that from Muslims first hand? I’d love to see your sources

My degree is in Comparative Religions, I don't care what you do, or don't believe. Yes I have Muslim friends, yes I've been Muslim Nations and yes I've been to Israel. Your ignorance is your concern, not mine.
That’s great, it sounds like you are well schooled. I don’t know how my asking questions translates to me being ignorant, just makes you sound like you are here to judge and squabble.

You don't really ask any question, one doesn't ask a question and in the same breath denigrate any sources another might use. That simply tells me that you don't really want to know THE truth, only YOUR truth.
------------------------------------ and as well as my explanation in post number 194 you will find that muslims are big practitioners of a muslim and 'mohamad' approved form of lying called 'taqiyah' where they will happily lie as a way of furthering 'islams' goal of making the world a 'house of peace' for and under 'mohamad' rule Slade .
Have you ever had a personal relationship with a Muslim? Friend, coworker, roommate etc? Have you ever spent time in a Muslim country, been to a mosque, and tried to learn about their culture/religion first hand? Or is your information based on what you hear and read?

In other words you don't know ANYTHING about true Islam.
How do you take a series of questions that I’ve asked and regurgitate it to bring a statement about what I do or don’t know? Grow up

What? You don't like being called out? Tough shit. My point stands you don't know ANYTHING about True Islam.
Which of my statements are you calling out? I’ve been asking questions... this ain’t a dick measuring contest so I’ll say again... Grow the fuck up, you’re acting like a child.

Projection. Tell me what Taqiya is?
------------------------------------ and as well as my explanation in post number 194 you will find that muslims are big practitioners of a muslim and 'mohamad' approved form of lying called 'taqiyah' where they will happily lie as a way of furthering 'islams' goal of making the world a 'house of peace' for and under 'mohamad' rule Slade .
Have you ever had a personal relationship with a Muslim? Friend, coworker, roommate etc? Have you ever spent time in a Muslim country, been to a mosque, and tried to learn about their culture/religion first hand? Or is your information based on what you hear and read?

In other words you don't know ANYTHING about true Islam.
Unless you are a Muslim, neither do you.
--------------------------------------- all that can be done is study of muslim history , laws , traditions plus actually seeing what muslims actually do in the here and now . It is simply the gathering of knowledge in the great Western tradition of learning Old Lady .
Yet if Doc had actually done all that, he would not be misrepresenting the religion the way he is.

Doc knows EXACTLY what he is talking about, sorry.
That’s an interesting read but I did find it odd that the source of much of its information came from a evangelical baptist Christian (Wagner). Wouldn’t you find an explaination from an actual Muslim, perhaps both a Shiite and a Sunni, to be a little more interesting and accurate when trying to explain their own point of views and interpretations?

The 12th Imam seems to be a similar story as the 2nd coming of Jesus which is a popular Christian belief.
------------------------------------ and as well as my explanation in post number 194 you will find that muslims are big practitioners of a muslim and 'mohamad' approved form of lying called 'taqiyah' where they will happily lie as a way of furthering 'islams' goal of making the world a 'house of peace' for and under 'mohamad' rule Slade .
Have you ever had a personal relationship with a Muslim? Friend, coworker, roommate etc? Have you ever spent time in a Muslim country, been to a mosque, and tried to learn about their culture/religion first hand? Or is your information based on what you hear and read?

In other words you don't know ANYTHING about true Islam.
Unless you are a Muslim, neither do you.

Actually I do and I'd be happy to slap you around with it honey. My degree is in Religion.
I can read books, too, Doc. Doesn't make me a practicing Muslim who knows what's really going on and how the religion is really viewed and lived by.
As far as slapping me around, watch it--your true personality is showing, "professor."
Have you ever had a personal relationship with a Muslim? Friend, coworker, roommate etc? Have you ever spent time in a Muslim country, been to a mosque, and tried to learn about their culture/religion first hand? Or is your information based on what you hear and read?

In other words you don't know ANYTHING about true Islam.
Unless you are a Muslim, neither do you.
--------------------------------------- all that can be done is study of muslim history , laws , traditions plus actually seeing what muslims actually do in the here and now . It is simply the gathering of knowledge in the great Western tradition of learning Old Lady .
Yet if Doc had actually done all that, he would not be misrepresenting the religion the way he is.

What are there, something like a billion muslims in the world and he bases the actions of them on what about 2 or 3 dozen have done?

Gee, if you go by that, look at our federal and state prisons; full of protestants and Catholics... Does he apply the same calculus to their actions?

Classic Progressive logical fallacy. NOBODY says ALL Muslims are radicalized, the truth is that the estimates range from 10-15%. The other mistake Progressives make is thinking the "moderate" is true Islam. It is not.
i think that YOU hesitant types are just naive . Look at the work of muslims in the last week in many parts of the world OldLady .
------------------------------------ and as well as my explanation in post number 194 you will find that muslims are big practitioners of a muslim and 'mohamad' approved form of lying called 'taqiyah' where they will happily lie as a way of furthering 'islams' goal of making the world a 'house of peace' for and under 'mohamad' rule Slade .
Have you ever had a personal relationship with a Muslim? Friend, coworker, roommate etc? Have you ever spent time in a Muslim country, been to a mosque, and tried to learn about their culture/religion first hand? Or is your information based on what you hear and read?

In other words you don't know ANYTHING about true Islam.
Unless you are a Muslim, neither do you.

Actually I do and I'd be happy to slap you around with it honey. My degree is in Religion.
I can read books, too, Doc. Doesn't make me a practicing Muslim who knows what's really going on and how the religion is really viewed and lived by.
As far as slapping me around, watch it--your true personality is showing, "professor."

You don't anything about it honey, and if it's too hot in the kitchen get out. Yes, it's my degree, yes I have Islamic friends, yes I've been to Islamic Nations and yes, I've been to Israel. I'm betting you rarely leave your living room. My true personality simply has a low idiot threshold.
Unless you are a Muslim, neither do you.
--------------------------------------- all that can be done is study of muslim history , laws , traditions plus actually seeing what muslims actually do in the here and now . It is simply the gathering of knowledge in the great Western tradition of learning Old Lady .
Yet if Doc had actually done all that, he would not be misrepresenting the religion the way he is.

What are there, something like a billion muslims in the world and he bases the actions of them on what about 2 or 3 dozen have done?

Gee, if you go by that, look at our federal and state prisons; full of protestants and Catholics... Does he apply the same calculus to their actions?
Well, to be fair, there are a whole lot more and two or three dozen Muslims who are jihadi extremists. But they are still a very small fraction of a percent of Muslims. People refuse to understand that one man's jihadi is another man's freedom fighter and that we have people screaming to set fire to all Muslims or all Iranians, same as Iranians have people screaming to destroy the US. This morning on the news, it was all about leaders warning and threatening each other, and I'm just waiting for all the air to finish blowing out of the balloon and see what we're left with.

It isn't the Muslim religion which is to blame. When we had the Crusades, it was a fight for territory between two giant powers, one which happened to be Christian, and one Muslim. Interestingly, they both wanted Jerusalem (sound familiar at all?) but please don't tell me it was all because the Pope wanted back the site of Jesus's crucifixion. The Muslims won because it was their home turf. No doubt they will again, but I'm hoping we can skip the Crusades part.

Your ignorance of history is astounding.

It's just her lack of knowledge, it's inability to comprehend that a group of people, ANY group of people would not, do not value life the same way she does.
Have you ever had a personal relationship with a Muslim? Friend, coworker, roommate etc? Have you ever spent time in a Muslim country, been to a mosque, and tried to learn about their culture/religion first hand? Or is your information based on what you hear and read?

In other words you don't know ANYTHING about true Islam.
Unless you are a Muslim, neither do you.

Actually I do and I'd be happy to slap you around with it honey. My degree is in Religion.
I can read books, too, Doc. Doesn't make me a practicing Muslim who knows what's really going on and how the religion is really viewed and lived by.
As far as slapping me around, watch it--your true personality is showing, "professor."

You don't anything about it honey, and if it's too hot in the kitchen get out. Yes, it's my degree, yes I have Islamic friends, yes I've been to Islamic Nations and yes, I've been to Israel. I'm betting you rarely leave your living room. My true personality simply has a low idiot threshold.

I think its pretty safe to say you EASILY win that bet that she never leaves her living room.always glued to what the LAMESTREAM media from our corrupt government tells her -the idiot box in the living room that she worships as the gospel truth.:iyfyus.jpg:

I always refer to the tv set in the living room as the idiot box.:abgg2q.jpg: people really should learn to turn it off and trust the alternative media that doesnt hold back the evidence.:rolleyes:

its only the western world that is biased about go around the whole world in othe countries and THEY report the TRUTH that Israel is the real threat,not the palestines.:rolleyes:
Trump’s Pyrrhic Victory: the US Opts for a Path That Can Only Lead to War

Brilliant article and 100% right.
[/QUOTE} NEWSFLASH: Everyone will lose if/when Iran becomes nuclearized. Trump's way will hold them at bay a bit longer. Obama's way paying them billions in cash in unmarked bills and releasing 5 Taliban commanders so they could use it to spread more terrorism across the globe was definitely not the answer. They're nut jobs that think killing infidels who don't worship Allah should all die and if they kill them they'll be rewarded 72 virgins, so call me crazy but I don't think they should be trusted to achieve global status as a nuclear power.

They aren't in it for the money or power, they're religious fanatics following what they think will make their Allah happy. And what makes him happy is for all the rest of the world to die so you rocket scientists do the math and figure out how this will go down.
--------------------------------------- all that can be done is study of muslim history , laws , traditions plus actually seeing what muslims actually do in the here and now . It is simply the gathering of knowledge in the great Western tradition of learning Old Lady .
Yet if Doc had actually done all that, he would not be misrepresenting the religion the way he is.

What are there, something like a billion muslims in the world and he bases the actions of them on what about 2 or 3 dozen have done?

Gee, if you go by that, look at our federal and state prisons; full of protestants and Catholics... Does he apply the same calculus to their actions?
Well, to be fair, there are a whole lot more and two or three dozen Muslims who are jihadi extremists. But they are still a very small fraction of a percent of Muslims. People refuse to understand that one man's jihadi is another man's freedom fighter and that we have people screaming to set fire to all Muslims or all Iranians, same as Iranians have people screaming to destroy the US. This morning on the news, it was all about leaders warning and threatening each other, and I'm just waiting for all the air to finish blowing out of the balloon and see what we're left with.

It isn't the Muslim religion which is to blame. When we had the Crusades, it was a fight for territory between two giant powers, one which happened to be Christian, and one Muslim. Interestingly, they both wanted Jerusalem (sound familiar at all?) but please don't tell me it was all because the Pope wanted back the site of Jesus's crucifixion. The Muslims won because it was their home turf. No doubt they will again, but I'm hoping we can skip the Crusades part.

Your ignorance of history is astounding.

It's just her lack of knowledge, it's inability to comprehend that a group of people, ANY group of people would not, do not value life the same way she does.

Yes, we had protestant Presidents that have started wars that have killed thousands of people around the world….

Americans specifically and Protestants in general have no moral high ground to preach peace.

Lol, you stupid fuckers said he was going to start a war with North Korea. What happened to that? You idiots should shut up, you’ve never been right about anything.
Who is this "stupid fuckers" I NEVER said he was going to start a war with NK.....I cheered on him TALKING to NK and I am glad its happening. I voted for Trump because he said he would keep us OUT of this silly middle eastern tit for tat shit...he lied. He is kissing Israel's ass just like every other President before him.Oh and BTW no one knows what will happen with NK because they haven't even sat down and talked yet. I hope for the best though.

Lol, you stupid fuckers said he was going to start a war with North Korea. What happened to that? You idiots should shut up, you’ve never been right about anything.
After accelerating their program because of Trump’s actions, NK accidentally blew up that program. Do you think the same thing will happen in Iran? Or will the neocons Trump has surrounded himself with finally get a new war?

Yeah, Iran fired the first salvo last night. Israel kicked the shit out of them.

No Iran didn't do jack shit. Israel is lying AS USUAL because it WANTS a war in the ME because it was to completely control the ME and to do that it needs the soldiers of the USA to fight and die in its wars for them.

exactly,same as every president since asshole traiter Lyndon Johnson all the way up to motherfucker Trump now he is kissing their ass as they all have and the motherfucker has LIED to america about keeping us out of this middle east war.

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