Trump's Racism


Brilliant quote from a brilliant man. The time has come.

Polls show that the American people think Mrs. Tulza tells the truth more than the other candidates. What do you think that means? Never the less, off topic, I was trying to discuss why Trump is called a racist and blacks are protesting him.

Blacks are protesting him because Trump is going to wreck the race card for good.

It's ironic, they are protesting because Trump IS NOT racist.

I certainly see nothing in his past, past 1990 that indicates him being a racist against blacks. It is not like he said they need to be brought to heel or are super predators.
all we hear is this non-stop Racism blitz by all the liberscum who really are the most racist :ahole-1:S i have ever encountered.

Ex-Klansman Robert Byrd, the senior senator from West Virginia, casually used the phrase “white ni&&er” twice on national TV this weekend. Enraged civil rights groups organized a protest campaign against Sen. Byrd and demanded that he undergo sensitivity training … not.

The ex-Klansman, you see, is a Democrat. Democrats can join hate groups and utter the ugliest racial slurs and get away with it because they are Democrats. They belong to the party of racial tolerance and understanding. They’re paragons of virtue, and the rest of us are bigoted rubes.

almost forgot about this racist!!

Agreed, and their need to "take care" of minorities indicates to me what they really think of minorities.

But we are talking about Trump.
“I have never seen a thin person drinking Diet Coke.”

Are you just listing quotes? The subject is, if Trump, today, is a racist?






Ask his daughter!

My opinion of Trump:

I am just like Trump except I do not have billions of dollars or ex-wives or a bunch of children from multiple marriages...

Now with that written it is true Trump is a asshole but so am I. I do not believe Trump is a racist, but just a man that has no filter for his foul mouth, nor does he know when to just shut the hell up ( again I suffer from the same syndrome of saying something stupid ).

You can write that he is a ass and that is 110% true but to claim he is racist, well the term racist has been abused so much that it has lost it meaning to me, so a man not saying hello or good morning to a minority person could be construed as being racist when all they are is just a asshole or someone that did not notice you...

So in my personal opinion I do not believe Trump is a racist, but a punk bitch is a better description of him!

Punk bitch, just what we need to send the establishment.
Trump is an asshole for many reasons. He uses innuendo to insult and defame people. The makes empty threats to sue people, basically for saying truthful things that displease him. He constantly pretends to have "reliable" defamatory information about people he wants to slander, and hides behind "I heard this from a reliable source" so that he can't be called to task.

He has a ridiculous level of conceit, considering the fact that he truly is not terribly bright.

He surrounds himself with toadies who constantly tell him how wonderful he is. And that one is dangerous because should he ever become president (heaven forbid) he MUST keep people around him who are not afraid to tell him when he's full of shit.

If he becomes the Republican nominee, I will vote for him several times, but I very much hope that Ted Cruz is the nominee.

I am voting for Trump or no one, in the race today. I hate to be this way, but there is just something about the look of Cruz that really turns me off. And some of the BS he has pulled really turns me off.
When I was growing up, textbooks taught me that there were four (or so) distinct "races" in humanity. Caucasian, Negro, Oriental/Asian, and Australoid. We are all the same species (thus, we can mate successfully), but there were four races. Thousands of ethnicities, but only four races.

Later, for political reasons, the people who publish textbooks decided that "race" didn't exist. Seriously. It doesn't exist.

"Racism" is an irrational belief that your own race is superior to other races, or perhaps that one other race is inferior to the other races.

But since "race" doesn't exist - or so we are told - "racism" has been re-defined to refer to anyone who believed anything negative about any other ethnicity. So being an "anti-Semite" is racist. Which is total nonsense, because Ashkenazi Jews are Caucasian. Presumably, anyone who thinks "Mexicans" are inferior is a "racist," even though Mexicans do not constitute any "race" that I've ever heard of.

Trump believes that (a) anyone who comes here illegally is a law-breaker/criminal, and should be treated as such, (b) Most of the Mexicans who come here illegally are the ones who are lacking in education, skills, and intelligence (as compared with the overall Mexican population), and (c) they are disproportionately involved in OTHER criminal activity (aside from breaking our immigration laws). Hence, Trump believes that it would be rational for the U.S., as a matter of policy, to try to remove as many of those who are here illegally as possible. Putting it another way, Trump wants the U.S. to TAKE ITS OWN IMMIGRATION LAWS SERIOUSLY.

How does this constitute "racism"? I don't get it.
Barack Obama is a Racist as we have witnessed over his two terms. We hear nothing about Obama's divisive Black/White Racism that runs to his very core. But all we hear is this non-stop Racism blitz by all those who are afraid of Trump.

Thats because everytime someone asks you what events were racist you cite events that have nothing to do with race or you have to do some weird as white boy "what he really means" translation
When I was growing up, textbooks taught me that there were four (or so) distinct "races" in humanity. Caucasian, Negro, Oriental/Asian, and Australoid. We are all the same species (thus, we can mate successfully), but there were four races. Thousands of ethnicities, but only four races.

Later, for political reasons, the people who publish textbooks decided that "race" didn't exist. Seriously. It doesn't exist.

"Racism" is an irrational belief that your own race is superior to other races, or perhaps that one other race is inferior to the other races.

But since "race" doesn't exist - or so we are told - "racism" has been re-defined to refer to anyone who believed anything negative about any other ethnicity. So being an "anti-Semite" is racist. Which is total nonsense, because Ashkenazi Jews are Caucasian. Presumably, anyone who thinks "Mexicans" are inferior is a "racist," even though Mexicans do not constitute any "race" that I've ever heard of.

Trump believes that (a) anyone who comes here illegally is a law-breaker/criminal, and should be treated as such, (b) Most of the Mexicans who come here illegally are the ones who are lacking in education, skills, and intelligence (as compared with the overall Mexican population), and (c) they are disproportionately involved in OTHER criminal activity (aside from breaking our immigration laws). Hence, Trump believes that it would be rational for the U.S., as a matter of policy, to try to remove as many of those who are here illegally as possible. Putting it another way, Trump wants the U.S. to TAKE ITS OWN IMMIGRATION LAWS SERIOUSLY.

How does this constitute "racism"? I don't get it.

You must remember that in liberal ideology, everything that you don't like is racisist, sexisist, or straight up rape.

It's a bit suspicious though, if race doesn't exist, why is there such a big fuzz about it? Why do we need affirmative action? Racism doesn't even make any sense if races don't exist. How is the compatible with evolution? Ah, can't wait for the misguided liberals who believe evolution stopped to the neck to step in.
Lewis Farrakhan (sp?) once famously said that "Anti-Semite used to mean someone who didn't like Jews; now it means someone whom Jews don't like."

There's a bit of truth in that.
there is no video tape of Trump speaking before a crowd and saying "I Hate (slang for black people) and {slang for Hispanics),,,,but we do have Reid talking jive here and there.

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