Trump's Revenge: Dems Will Not Be Able To Steal 2024

We may not throw you into exile in Haiti.

We MAY be in a good mood.


You should probably start with an attitude adjustment now....ya know....

Before it's too late. ;)
So, I guess you retards will still whine and throw a fit? Okaydocky.

But the next time do give us advance knowledge when you retards invade Congress, ok? I watched you guys get beaten up the last time on tv but would like to come and see it live. Promise?
Same question to you, retard. You guys going to whine and throw a fit when you lose or are you over that?
Whining is a waste of energy. While you're watching the presidential race the real power is changing hands in other places.
Do you have to ask?

These degenerates will never admit Trump lost fair and square, because Trump can never admit being a loser at something.

It’s ok, you are obviously too dumb to get simple concepts like Trump’s polarizing nature turning out voters.
Your lack of vocabulary combined with a paucity of common sense created a word that heretofore did not exist.

So, in other words, you couldn’t respond? Yup, thought so.

Not to worry. Didn’t think you retards can give up whining when you lose.

Why do you think we call you losers? :itsok:
i had a fun day wearing a maga hat in a high end reno for a DC dem that's all about hiding the bodies out here in the sticks...... :dev3:

I guarantee you that Democrats have multiple schemes in place to steal the election, BANK on it.
The statist left have pulled off some humdingers in the past for sure. To underrate their capabilities would be foolish to do. The statist left well realize that they are heavily outgunned so will not be coming in for a toe to toe slugfest, rather they will be on the defensive looking for openings where they can come in rapidly with short but effective counter attacks(past GOP scandals, etc.) that will both confuse(smoke & mirrors) & slow down the pushing/crowding right wing style of offensive. My take on it is the DNC will do there utmost to convince our American public that racism = closed borders, climate change = GOP backing of industry, inflation = supporting Israel, & increased crime = low wages. Being INFLATION effects all Americans look for the DNC to lead with inflation as well as to try their best to convince Americans that the current middle east violence is a result of Trump's support of Israel & neglect of the so called palestinians(former philistines).
So, I guess you retards will still whine and throw a fit? Okaydocky.

But the next time do give us advance knowledge when you retards invade Congress, ok? I watched you guys get beaten up the last time on tv but would like to come and see it live. Promise?
Well, they seem pretty pleased about this RNC purge. At least for now.

If he loses, they'll just reverse course and say it was all rigged, but maybe they'll be happy for a while. So that's good.
Yep, its our turn now. Lets see how you guys like it. All of your inevitable complaints will fall on deaf ears. Democrats 100% earned the payback that is coming their way. :dunno:
It will be a low point of our Democracy if a President is above the law and can avoid penalty by getting elected and having partisan crony’s drop the case

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