Trump's sniveling "witch hunt" claim

Russia interfered in our elections. You don't get that?

You can't prove that.
Watergate wasn’t a proven crime either until it was investigated.

Whitewater wasn’t a proven crime until it was investigated.

Rightard desperation to end Mueller’s investigation before it’s complete reveals how scared the right is that trump will become a proven criminal.
Not only is it a witch hunt but it is...

A Nothing burger
No collusion
Liberal conspiracy
Move along, nothing to see here
Fake News
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- Obama knew about it all and chose to do nothing to avoid pissing off Putin, whose approval Barry wanted to Un-Constitutionally invade Syria
NO, not true at all....

“At the time, we could get the Obama administration to acknowledge the Russian interference,” Schiff said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union,” noting that the response was not “sufficient.”


He knew Russians were attempting to hack senior US leaders but according to reports did not even warn those leaders.
- Perhaps Barry and the DHS were too busy trying to hack into state lection systems or too busy planning his Un-Constitutional Invasion of Syria...with Putin's blessing but without Congress' required Approval to do so!

Top Democrat: Obama Too Slow On Russia Hacking, But Trump Is ‘Sitting On His Hands’ | HuffPost
Nothing really, why all the indictments and guilty pleas then? I mean since there is nothing there?
Explained in great detail already...try going back and reading then coming back with something original....

no matter how you play it, you do not pleas guilty to these kind of charges unless you are, well you know guilty!


- Hillary Took Millions from the KGB Bank
NO, she did NOT.
Dude, the FBI - UNDER MUELLER - discovered the Russians were bribing the sh!t out of Nuclear energy reps and was discovered the Russians were especially 'charitable' to the Clintons, KNOWN for influence peddling.... You can call millions flowing from the KGB Bank into the Clinton Foundation a bunch of 'donations' instead of 'bribes' like everyone else was taking if it makes you feel better...

FBI uncovered Russian bribery plot before Obama administration approved controversial nuclear deal with Moscow
- Mueller courted / worked with a Russian Oligarch who has helped him with this investigation
NOPE....The Russian Oligarch cooperated with the FBI nearly a decade earlier on an unrelated case. The FBI didn't work for the Oligarch! :D

Do you actually think because you are not implicated in one crime means you can never be implicated in another crime later on? :lol:
Mueller isn't investigating Trump, he's investigating Russia's interference. Why are you insistent on that being about Trump?
Bwuhahahaha........ Riiiiiiiiight.

Mueller indicted a man - of lying to the FBI / Investigators - who FBI agents, according to the former Director of the FBI, said in their opinion did not lie to them when they questioned him.

Mueller indicted another man for a potential crime dating back to BEFORE OBAMA WAS ELECTED PRESIDENT (Pre-2008) because he is investigating possible Russian Interference at least 7 years later in 2015/2016...

Tasked with investigating potential Russian Interference, Mueller ignored a candidate who had taken $100+ million from the Russians, whose husband met personally with Vladimir Putin, who colluded with / paid a foreign spy working with Russians for a debunked document consisting of Russian 2nd-hand propaganda which 1) she used illegally in an election and 2) that she gave to Obama's FBI who illegally - according to the IG - used the propaganda to acquire FISA warrants to spy on the GOP candidate and his team during an election.....
*** There is your Russian Collusion Connection With Intent and Application To Effect The Outcome of the Election, completely ignored by the man tasked with investigating just that but whose sole purpose was / is to 'get Trump'.

And for going on 2 years now snowflakes have been declaring over and over how Trump was going to be 'taken down'....

Flynn pled guilty to a lesser charge, you realize that, right?

Why not wait until Mueller has released his report? There have been no (pardon the pun) trumped up charges, only guilty pleas by people who committed crimes.

If I attempt to rob a bank but don't get away with the money, am I innocent?
I 100% guarantee that YOU and the rest of the LIBs will NEVER accept Mueller's report if he finds Trump innocent of 'colluding' with the Russians.

YOU will be on this forum for years claiming somehow Trump "got away with being brought to justice".
The silver lining is every day that goes by with no Mueller indictment of Trump adds thousands of Independent voters to Trump's side.
If Mueller hasn't wrapped up his witch hunt by next Nov. the DEMs can kiss the midterms goodbye.
Ya mean like how the looney right refused to accept how Obama was born in Hawaii even after showing two separate forms of proof, both certified by the state, that he was?
Except for the fact RM has only been on the job for a year. Do not worry it will not last near as !omg as whitewater or even Watergate. And if your cheato is exonerated will it still be fake nuz then?
So you want everyone to ignore all the other fruitless investigations now, proving there was no need for Mueller or his witch hunt? lol

During Whitewater, there was a crime to investigate.
During Watergate, there was a crime to investigate.
Mueller has nothing because there was nothing.

The real collusion was easy to spot...and Democrats willingly ignored it to protect their felon they had already protected from Indictment.
- Hillary: $145 million from the KGB Bank
- Bill Clinton: $500k per speech from the KGB Bank...and he met directly with Putin.
- Mueller courted the Russian Oligarch
- Hillary colluded with a foreign spy and Russians
The IG has made it clear McCabe is dirty and should be indicted, Comey lied, and his FBI illegally acquired warrants....

Nothing really, why all the indictments and guilty pleas then? I mean since there is nothing there?
Are ANY of the indictments or guilty pleas directly related to the Trump campaign 'colluding' with Russia??????
Thought not asshole!

Didn't realize the investigation had concluded yet dick nose!
Apparently you have reading comprehension problems.
the FBI investigators said Flynn showed no physical signs of lying.... (like blinking of eyes, fidgeting, stuttering, shifting in seat etc), they also said, this was a real conundrum, because they had the facts and conversations, and KNEW he was lying... :rolleyes:
Again, thank you for proving my point. Comey stated his agents said they did not believe Flynn lied to them during their questioning of him...and the only one who thought so, the one who ended up having him indicted, was the exposed Trump-Hating, traitorous, pro-Hillary FBI Agent fired by Mueller, the agent who protected Hillary and her 2 aides from being indicted for their crimes.

Based on the opinions of multiple agents who were there at the time who stated they did not think Flynn lied AND based on the facts exposed about the disgraced / Mueller-fired criminally partisan FBI agent, Flynn should never have been indicted. Granted, he pled 'guilty' ... to lying about something not even illegal. Flynn's biggest crime was being STUPID, something Strzok and Mueller obviously took advantage of while trying to use him to go after Trump.
Were Comey’s agents aware that Flynn has been recorded talking with a Russian about the sanctions when he lied to them, denying any such conversations?
- Bill met directly with Putin
directly with Putin, one on one?

With pleasure......

Bill Clinton met Vladimir Putin instead of top Russian nuclear official

Again, you are just embarrassing yourself...but keep it up. It's fun to watch you humiliate yourself with this 'ignorant' denial act.... :p
how did I embarrass asking for a link....

Putin was NOT president, but the prime minister at the time and the article proves Clinton did not meet with any of the Uranium people, and also proves that the donations to the Clinton foundation from the Canadian man who sold off his US uranium company to the Russians occurred under president GW Bush and Hillary was the Senator for NY. :rolleyes:
- Obama knew about it all and chose to do nothing to avoid pissing off Putin, whose approval Barry wanted to Un-Constitutionally invade Syria
NO, not true at all....

“At the time, we could get the Obama administration to acknowledge the Russian interference,” Schiff said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union,” noting that the response was not “sufficient.”


He knew Russians were attempting to hack senior US leaders but according to reports did not even warn those leaders.
- Perhaps Barry and the DHS were too busy trying to hack into state lection systems or too busy planning his Un-Constitutional Invasion of Syria...with Putin's blessing but without Congress' required Approval to do so!

Top Democrat: Obama Too Slow On Russia Hacking, But Trump Is ‘Sitting On His Hands’ | HuffPost

“Uranium One scandal??”

There was no such scandal. Why do you imbeciles keep making shit up like this?
Putin was NOT president, but the prime minister at the time and the article proves Clinton did not meet with any of the Uranium people, and also proves that the donations to the Clinton foundation from the Canadian man who sold off his US uranium company to the Russians occurred under president GW Bush and Hillary was the Senator for NY. :rolleyes:

You think Medvedev seriously ran Russia? That's why Barry told Medvedev to pass on his busted secret message about he would be more flexible to what Putin wanted after his re-election....

LOL! You clowns are hilarious - you never give up spinning, I will give you that. I posted Clinton met with Putin - you asked for a link - I gave it to you, and you're still trying to wiggle away from the truth.

Ok, you're wasting my time. Have a great rest of your day, in what ever alternate universe that may be. :p
Again, thank you for proving my point. Comey stated his agents said they did not believe Flynn lied to them during their questioning of him...
NOPE! All it proves is that Flynn can lie well.... without showing physical signs of lying.... as the case with most interviews, the FBI pretty much knows the answers to the questions, before they ask them.... the questioning, helps them discern motive...criminal intent.
Putin was NOT president, but the prime minister at the time and the article proves Clinton did not meet with any of the Uranium people, and also proves that the donations to the Clinton foundation from the Canadian man who sold off his US uranium company to the Russians occurred under president GW Bush and Hillary was the Senator for NY. :rolleyes:

You think Medvedev seriously ran Russia? That's why Barry told Medvedev to pass on his busted secret message about he would be more flexible to what Putin wanted after his re-election....

LOL! You clowns are hilarious - you never give up spinning, I will give you that. I posted Clinton met with Putin - you asked for a link - I gave it to you, and you're still trying to wiggle away from the truth.

Ok, you're wasting my time. Have a great rest of your day, in what ever alternate universe that may be. :p
I take this to mean you can’t actually name any Russian bank which gave Hillary $145 million, as you idiotically claimed.

Thanks for playin’, Spunky. :thup:
NOPE....The Russian Oligarch cooperated with the FBI ....


Gee, why is it that when a Russian name comes up Hillary is always right there, too?

In this article, the same ol' Witch Hunt crowd is together mingling with Russians - Mueller, McCabe, Hillary....

'One agent who helped court Deripaska was Andrew McCabe, the recently fired FBI deputy director who played a seminal role starting the Trump-Russia case, multiple sources confirmed.'

You'll LOVE this part...I know I did:

"During an hour-long visit, the agents posited a theory that Trump’s campaign was secretly colluding with Russia to hijack the U.S. election.

“Deripaska laughed but realized, despite the joviality, that they were serious,” the lawyer said. “So he told them in his informed opinion the idea they were proposing was false. ‘You are trying to create something out of nothing,’ he told them.”

Mueller may have a conflict — and it leads directly to a Russian oligarch

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