Trump's sniveling "witch hunt" claim

Russia interfered in our elections. You don't get that?

You can't prove that.

Provide the evidence. Prove the Russians changed one single vote from Hillary to Trump! YOU CAN'T!

Did they attempt to hack state election machines / processes?
-- OBAMA AND HIS DHS DID! Obama tried to make the case that HIS DOJ needed to take over all state election processes to prevent the 'Russians' from hacking in and changing the outcome. Obama and his DHS, thank God, failed to do so ...numerous times.
*** Georgia Confirms Homeland Security Attempted To Hack Election Database 10 Separate Times

Did they rig primaries, help cheat in debates?
*** Donna Brazile’s bombshell about the DNC and Hillary Clinton, explained

Snowflakes attempt to accuse others of what the Democrats DID do, without providing any evidence. Unfortunately for them evidence does exist proving the Democrats did it.


You silly RWNJ. I don't have to prove the Russians interfered in our elections. Every security organization we have already did that. I want you to reread your last sentence. That is without a doubt one of the stupidest things I have ever read here.
You silly RWNJ. I don't have to prove the Russians interfered in our elections

....and the white flag comes out.... :p


Yeah, I know - the great thing about being a Trump-hating liberal snowflake is that you never have to prove anything - you just keep throwing sh!te at the wall and hope that something sticks.

Russia interfered in our elections
Evidence shows the Russians attempted to hack the power grid - that's not hacking the election.

Evidence shows the Russians successfully got liberal snowflakes to organize and march fr them by using social media to manipulate them using their own already-existing hate. that's not interfering in elections - that's manipulating hate-driven stupid people.

Evidence shows the Russians PAID LIBERAL GROUPS - to include Black Lives Matter, The Black Fist, and Antifa - to spread racial division and violence. That's not interfering in elections. That's manipulating weak liberal racists.

Evidence shows the Russians attempted to hack senior US govt officials ... and failed. That's not interfering in US elections....and Barry never did anything about it.

Evidence shows Barry and his DHS attempted to hack state election processes - that IS attempting to interfere in US elections!

Evidence shows Hillary DID interfere by violating US election laws by using the fake news dossier she bought from foreign spies and Russians illegally in a US election....and the IG proved the FBI illegally used that report to acquire warrants to spy on the GOP candidate and his team...which ARE attempts to interfere in the election.

Evidence shows the DNC rigged primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud...the FBI and DOJ Obstructed Justice to keep a felon on the ballot when she should never have been there.....

Empty snowflake claims versus reality backed by evidence.

Sorry, but I can only deal with crazy for so long at the time. You've reached your limit for now. Try again later.
Russia interfered in our elections
Evidence shows the Russians attempted to hack the power grid - that's not hacking the election.

Evidence shows the Russians successfully got liberal snowflakes to organize and march fr them by using social media to manipulate them using their own already-existing hate. that's not interfering in elections - that's manipulating hate-driven stupid people.

Evidence shows the Russians PAID LIBERAL GROUPS - to include Black Lives Matter, The Black Fist, and Antifa - to spread racial division and violence. That's not interfering in elections. That's manipulating weak liberal racists.

Evidence shows the Russians attempted to hack senior US govt officials ... and failed. That's not interfering in US elections....and Barry never did anything about it.

Evidence shows Barry and his DHS attempted to hack state election processes - that IS attempting to interfere in US elections!

Evidence shows Hillary DID interfere by violating US election laws by using the fake news dossier she bought from foreign spies and Russians illegally in a US election....and the IG proved the FBI illegally used that report to acquire warrants to spy on the GOP candidate and his team...which ARE attempts to interfere in the election.

Evidence shows the DNC rigged primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud...the FBI and DOJ Obstructed Justice to keep a felon on the ballot when she should never have been there.....

Empty snowflake claims versus reality backed by evidence.

Sorry, but I can only deal with crazy for so long at the time. You've reached your limit for now. Try again later.
That's have my permission to leave. Run along back to the kids' table and let the grown-ups, who accept the outcomes of elections, talk...
how did I embarrass asking for a link
By playing ignorant, asking for the same links over and over again - I swear sometimes I think Liberals have the memory of a goldfish...

I didn't know Bill Clinton met with Putin when he was not the President, but Prime Minister.... ty for the link.
Slick Willy was meeting with Putin, after failing to get an audience with Russian Nuclear agents, while collecting $500k PER SPEECH from the KGB Bank....

Let’s see, Clinton advised the State Department and received permission to meet with Putin, after cancelling meetings with Russian nuclear agents. Oh and he had permission to both meet with the “nuclear agents too”.

Bill also had permission to speak in Russia and to be paid for that speech. All of which was known by and cleared by the US government in advance of the trip. And the $500,000 went directly to the Clinton Foundation not to Bill Clinton.

Did Trump get permission for all those Russian meetings? What about the secret meeting in the Seychelles? Why did the Trump staffers all “forget” about meeting with Russians. 100 “forgettable”

You keep referring to the KGB Bank as if there is something nefarious is accepting funds which donors deposited to the bank accounts there. There isn’t. It’s just another of your typical misinformation deceptions.

The Clintons did everything out in the open because they had nothing to hide. Trump did everything in secret because he has plenty to hide.

The Russians interfered and made Hills lose . There is no proof of that nor does there need to be because it’s a very strong feeling
Let’s see, Clinton advised the State Department and received permission to meet with Putin, after cancelling meetings with Russian nuclear agents. Oh and he had permission to both meet with the “nuclear agents too”.

Bill also had permission to speak in Russia and to be paid for that speech. All of which was known by and cleared by the US government in advance of the trip. And the $500,000 went directly to the Clinton Foundation not to Bill Clinton.

Did Trump get permission for all those Russian meetings? What about the secret meeting in the Seychelles? Why did the Trump staffers all “forget” about meeting with Russians. 100 “forgettable”

You keep referring to the KGB Bank as if there is something nefarious is accepting funds which donors deposited to the bank accounts there. There isn’t. It’s just another of your typical misinformation deceptions.

The Clintons did everything out in the open because they had nothing to hide. Trump did everything in secret because he has plenty to hide.

Bwuhahaha....I see you have your head planted firmly up the Clinton's rectum....

The Clintons received millions of dollars from the KGB bank, Bill was attempting to meet with Russian nuclear energy agency directors while his wife sat on a board that had the task of approving Uranium 1's sale to the Russians...who they KNEW were engaging in blackmail, intimidation, and other crimes to try to ensure the sale went through... and you're good with that.

Bill was meeting directly with Vladimir Putin...and that's ok with you...but you freak out over the Trump team initiating discussions with Russian govt counterparts to get ready to step into the WH, something Obama himself said was legal and something he and his own team did in 2008. Had Trump met directly with Putin at the same time Bill did snowflakes would be losing their damn minds claiming that's all the proof they need to claim 'evidence' of illegal collusion. OK for a felon's husband to do it but not Trump!

You are SERIOUSLY trying to make the argument defending the Clintons getting millions from the KGB BANK? The Russian govt bank run by Putin's old KGB pals, the one known to be criminal as hell and Putin/KGB-driven/controlled?! SERIOUSLY? Do you know how ridiculous that argument sounds? That's got to be one of the lamest, laughable attempts to defend not only the Clintons but THE RUSSIANS as well!

The Clintons 'laid everything out there' - transparent? Bwuhahaha.....

The FBI found approx. 30,000 official documents Hillary intentionally failed to turn in as required by 2 Federal laws - when subpoenaed to turn over EVERYTHING she delayed, shredded, burned, took a hammer to, bleach bit, destroyed, took the sim cards out of devices and hid them, Obstructing justice by trying to hide or destroy thousands of documents and several classified devices.....

Do you guys say these things out loud or type them up and go over them before you hit 'post'? If not, you REALLY should...because a LOT of the things you guys post are just ridiculous / laughably un-believable.
There is no evidence of any crime. All of the indictments are for process crimes arising from the investigation. The charges against the Russians are about to disappear since the judge ordered Mueller to produce evidence of a crime and he can't.

I love it when an idiot lefty posts a thread that gets destroyed in the 2nd post.

I love the fact that tasked with presenting EVICENCE once again Mueller comes up with NOTHING! His whole case is slick-ass, high-priced liberal Lawyer spit, polish, smoke ,and mirrors.....long on accusations, short on evidence.

His investigation's sole purpose is to hide what he, the FBI, Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton did during the election. Smoke and mirrors, deflect the attention away from the real truth.
There is no evidence of any crime. All of the indictments are for process crimes arising from the investigation. The charges against the Russians are about to disappear since the judge ordered Mueller to produce evidence of a crime and he can't.

I love it when an idiot lefty posts a thread that gets destroyed in the 2nd post.

I love the fact that tasked with presenting EVICENCE once again Mueller comes up with NOTHING! His whole case is slick-ass, high-priced liberal Lawyer spit, polish, smoke ,and mirrors.....long on accusations, short on evidence.

You have yet to present evidence of your accusations against Obama or Clinton. You just link to lying alt-right websites and then deflect to Putin’s talking points.

Robert Mueller has the evidence. If he didn’t, people wouldn’t be pleading guilty.
The Russians interfered and made Hills lose . There is no proof of that nor does there need to be because it’s a very strong feeling
'Made Hillary win or lose' has nothing to do with it! Whether an opponent won or loss has nothing to do with what Trump crimes were committed, if any at all!
So stop sniveling like little girls about witch hunts and face the fact that your fearless leader and his little minions are just plain guilty.

We don't snivel, we don't whine...we just WIN. Oh, and there's nothing "little" about us...we are thick-wristed brawlers who you're terrified of away from your roach-ridden keyboard.
So stop sniveling like little girls about witch hunts and face the fact that your fearless leader and his little minions are just plain guilty.

We don't snivel, we don't whine...we just WIN. Oh, and there's nothing "little" about us...we are thick-wristed brawlers who you're terrified of away from your roach-ridden keyboard.

Who do you think you're fooling? Both sides have their share of sniveling whiners.

There is no evidence of any crime. All of the indictments are for process crimes arising from the investigation. The charges against the Russians are about to disappear since the judge ordered Mueller to produce evidence of a crime and he can't.

I love it when an idiot lefty posts a thread that gets destroyed in the 2nd post.

I love the fact that tasked with presenting EVICENCE once again Mueller comes up with NOTHING! His whole case is slick-ass, high-priced liberal Lawyer spit, polish, smoke ,and mirrors.....long on accusations, short on evidence.

His investigation's sole purpose is to hide what he, the FBI, Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton did during the election. Smoke and mirrors, deflect the attention away from the real truth.

Are you that wilfully stupid? Are you so desperate for a Republican “win” that you’re willing to sell out your country to Vladimir Putin and the Russians in exchange for what? Tax breaks for millionaires? Because that’s all you’ve got so far.

So far, Trump is using the dictator’s handbook for running the US.

1. Discredit the media and newspapers which criticize the government as “enemies of the people”.

This has been easy since Republicans have been laying the groundwork for decades.

2. Discredit trusted government institutions and law enforcement. The attacks on the FBI, the CIA and other government law enforcement.

3. The whole phony “Deep State” bullshit. There is no Deep State, except in the fevered imaginations of Trump supporters.

Every foreign policy move, every big move on trade, all have benefitted China or Russia.

China is now the lead nation for the Trans Pacific Partnership.

Putin is taking over the Middle East. Pulling out of the Iran deal caused the price of oil to rise, and Europeans must now cancel oil deals with Iran and buy from Russia.

Trump is destroying your alliances and your trade deals and in every case, China and Russia are swooping in to take advantage of the vacuum created by American withdrawal.

Trump is diminishing American trade and its future, while giving Putin and Xi a free hand to expand their power and influence.

And don’t try to pretend that Trump’s sudden interest in helping a Chinese telecom company spy on Americans is interesting indeed. Could it have anything to do with the recent $500 million loan from the Chinese government to the Trump Resort in Indonesia.

You idiots are still whining about the Clinton Foundation accepting donations from foreign governments which they used to provide AIDS drugs to children in 3rd World countries and yet you ignore flagrant pay for play by the Trump’s.
Voters are not impressed by the Russia story. It is weird, and false and confusing. It has precisely nothing to do with voter's actual lives, or the issues they vote on.

Mueller's investigation grinds on, as it has for an 1 yr. So far the whole thing has produced zero evidence that Trump colluded w/ the Russian govt. None. But Mueller’s many supporters in DC don’t seem to care. That because the investigation was never about Russia, obviously.
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There is no evidence of any crime. All of the indictments are for process crimes arising from the investigation. The charges against the Russians are about to disappear since the judge ordered Mueller to produce evidence of a crime and he can't.

I love it when an idiot lefty posts a thread that gets destroyed in the 2nd post.

I love the fact that tasked with presenting EVICENCE once again Mueller comes up with NOTHING! His whole case is slick-ass, high-priced liberal Lawyer spit, polish, smoke ,and mirrors.....long on accusations, short on evidence.

You have yet to present evidence of your accusations against Obama or Clinton. You just link to lying alt-right websites and then deflect to Putin’s talking points.

Robert Mueller has the evidence. If he didn’t, people wouldn’t be pleading guilty.

Who is pleading guilty liar? What are these imaginary people pleading guilty to liar?
There is no evidence of any crime. All of the indictments are for process crimes arising from the investigation. The charges against the Russians are about to disappear since the judge ordered Mueller to produce evidence of a crime and he can't.

I love it when an idiot lefty posts a thread that gets destroyed in the 2nd post.

I love the fact that tasked with presenting EVICENCE once again Mueller comes up with NOTHING! His whole case is slick-ass, high-priced liberal Lawyer spit, polish, smoke ,and mirrors.....long on accusations, short on evidence.

His investigation's sole purpose is to hide what he, the FBI, Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton did during the election. Smoke and mirrors, deflect the attention away from the real truth.

Are you that wilfully stupid? Are you so desperate for a Republican “win” that you’re willing to sell out your country to Vladimir Putin and the Russians in exchange for what? Tax breaks for millionaires? Because that’s all you’ve got so far.

So far, Trump is using the dictator’s handbook for running the US.

1. Discredit the media and newspapers which criticize the government as “enemies of the people”.

This has been easy since Republicans have been laying the groundwork for decades.

2. Discredit trusted government institutions and law enforcement. The attacks on the FBI, the CIA and other government law enforcement.

3. The whole phony “Deep State” bullshit. There is no Deep State, except in the fevered imaginations of Trump supporters.

Every foreign policy move, every big move on trade, all have benefitted China or Russia.

China is now the lead nation for the Trans Pacific Partnership.

Putin is taking over the Middle East. Pulling out of the Iran deal caused the price of oil to rise, and Europeans must now cancel oil deals with Iran and buy from Russia.

Trump is destroying your alliances and your trade deals and in every case, China and Russia are swooping in to take advantage of the vacuum created by American withdrawal.

Trump is diminishing American trade and its future, while giving Putin and Xi a free hand to expand their power and influence.

And don’t try to pretend that Trump’s sudden interest in helping a Chinese telecom company spy on Americans is interesting indeed. Could it have anything to do with the recent $500 million loan from the Chinese government to the Trump Resort in Indonesia.

You idiots are still whining about the Clinton Foundation accepting donations from foreign governments which they used to provide AIDS drugs to children in 3rd World countries and yet you ignore flagrant pay for play by the Trump’s.

Lol dumb fuck:

After 12 months, Robert Mueller's investigation has already delivered indictments or guilty pleas involving 19 people and three companies. Members of Trump's inner circle express worries that the probe may yet ensnare more figures in Trump’s orbit, including family members. There is particularly worry about Trump’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., and Jared Kushner, his son-in-law and a senior adviser. President Trump combats the probe with bluster, disarray and defiance as he scrambles for survival. Trump gripes that he needs better “TV lawyers” to defend him on cable news.

Dear Trump supporters: "Witch hunts" don't yield indictments or guilty pleas involving 19 people and three companies! Every guilty plea, and every member of Trump's associates that flip give more and more legitimacy to Mueller's investigation. So stop sniveling like little girls about witch hunts and face the fact that your fearless leader and his little minions are just plain guilty.

‘Buckle up’: As Mueller probe enters second year, Trump and allies go on war footing

Trump Says There’s No Evidence of Collusion. There Is So Much Evidence Already.

Ex-Trump aide: Mueller is still 'really focused' on Russia collusion

Trump falsely says Comey memos exonerate him

Well, it’s already being speculated that one of those 19 indictments will in time will be considered a fraudulent guilty plea, then you have the Russian troll farm indictments, that’s not going to good for Muller as they are showing up to answer charges and ask g Muller to produce the evidance he has so those will likely get tossed, so that right there is potentially 14 out of 19 indictments that stand a really good chance of getting tossed. The one conviction Muller got bette a sentence of 30 days and how much did that cost? And STILL, no Trump?
Oh, forgot to also mention that even Maniforts case is likely to be tossed in one court. Muller needs a friendly court to keep that case alive, and even then it will likely get tossed in appeal. 3 years of investigations and 25 million tax payer dollars and what is there to show for it? Nothing but the best campaign propaganda Trump could ever want. Congratulations libtards, you just made sure Trump gets 4 more years!

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