Trump's sniveling "witch hunt" claim

After 12 months, Robert Mueller's investigation has already delivered indictments or guilty pleas involving 19 people and three companies. Members of Trump's inner circle express worries that the probe may yet ensnare more figures in Trump’s orbit, including family members. There is particularly worry about Trump’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., and Jared Kushner, his son-in-law and a senior adviser. President Trump combats the probe with bluster, disarray and defiance as he scrambles for survival. Trump gripes that he needs better “TV lawyers” to defend him on cable news.

Dear Trump supporters: "Witch hunts" don't yield indictments or guilty pleas involving 19 people and three companies! Every guilty plea, and every member of Trump's associates that flip give more and more legitimacy to Mueller's investigation. So stop sniveling like little girls about witch hunts and face the fact that your fearless leader and his little minions are just plain guilty.

‘Buckle up’: As Mueller probe enters second year, Trump and allies go on war footing

Trump Says There’s No Evidence of Collusion. There Is So Much Evidence Already.

Ex-Trump aide: Mueller is still 'really focused' on Russia collusion

Trump falsely says Comey memos exonerate him

First off...... You blew up your own statement, when you said ""Witch hunts" don't yield indictments or guilty pleas". This shows how unbelievably ignorant you are. Do you know where the phrase "witch hunt" came from? The Salem Witch trials. There were tons of people who plead guilty and some were killed, because of that made up fabricated trial.

Point being..... there are always indictments and guilty pleas in witch hunts. ALWAYS. Read a book dude.

Second, there are two different things here.

One part of the investigation is, was there Russian interferrence. Answer: Yes. Russia is Russia. The original home of the world wide intelligence organizations, the KGB. They infamous. It would be more of a shocking news story, if Russia was NOT interfering.

I have no problem with that part of the investigation, except that thus far we have ZERO real hard evidence supporting it. Maybe Mueller has this evidence, and maybe he doesn't.

The second part of this investigation is about whether or not Trump had any collusion with Russia. There is NOTHING.... as in..... absolutely NOTHING, so far supporting this. Nothing. Absolutely Nothing.

I'm sorry, but I've read all the evidence that has been presented by everyone on this, and there is nothing there.

If Mueller has something to support his continuing investigation into Trump, he needs to show it, or shut it. At some point, it's not good to have a non-stop investigation that the only indictments you have are for making false statements, that don't have anything to do with the investigation. You have to show something eventually.

When Kenneth Starr put out the Star Report, he had hundreds of pages of hard evidence against Clinton. Mueller so far, has zero. At least he hasn't shown anything yet.

Except witches aren't real. That's the meaning behind "witch hunt".

Benghazi was a witch hunt.
Emails was a witch hunt.

The Trump team's corruption is very real.
Oh, forgot to also mention that even Maniforts case is likely to be tossed in one court. Muller needs a friendly court to keep that case alive, and even then it will likely get tossed in appeal. 3 years of investigations and 25 million tax payer dollars and what is there to show for it? Nothing but the best campaign propaganda Trump could ever want. Congratulations libtards, you just made sure Trump gets 4 more years!
Oh, forgot to also mention that even Maniforts case is likely to be tossed in one court.

Or not.

Manafort Case Goes Forward After D.C. Judge Denies Dismissal Bid
You don't think Russia intefering in our elections is worth investigation? What drugs are you taking?
No, OBAMA did not think the Russians interfering was worth investigating...until Hillary began to lose /lost.

Evidence shows Obama knew the Russians ran a PsyOp program using Social media that resulted in Snowflakes organizing and marching for them....and did nothing.

Evidence shows Barry knew the Russians had paid BLM, Antifa, and The Black Fist to spread ratial division and violence...and did nothing.

Evidence shows Obama knew the Russians were trying to hack senior leaders in our govt yet did not tell them and did nothing.

Evidence shows Obama knew they tried to hack the power grid...but, again, he did nothing.

He was too busy kissing Putin's ass so he could get permission to Un-Constitutionally drag the US into war in Syria by invading Syria.

Let's try to be honest for a second:
- Hillary / the DNC rigged primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud, committed election law violations, broke campaign finance law, & the DOJ / FBI committed Obstruction to prevent the DNC candidate - who could not win her party's nomination - from being indicted fro crimes she was proven to have committed, keeping her in a race she should either have been drummed out of or perp-walked out of.

Hillary and the Democrats...and liberal media...did more to illegally effect the outcome of the election than the Russians ever did.
No, OBAMA did not think the Russians interfering was worth investigating...until Hillary began to lose /lost.


July of 2016, fool.
This pervert beat/choked a minority female and insisted she call him 'master' and declare herself his 'property' and it doesn't even last a week in the news cycle.. while the media discoursed on Roy Moore 24/7 for 3 months.


“I want to make it absolutely clear,” she says. “This was under no circumstances a sex game gone wrong. This did not happen while we were having sex. I was fully dressed and remained that way. It was completely unexpected and shocking. I did not consent to physical assault.”

Four Women Accuse New York’s Attorney General, Eric Schneiderman, of Physical Abuse | The New Yorker

Pure Democrat privilege on full display.
This pervert beat/choked a minority female and insisted she call him 'master' and declare herself his 'property' and it doesn't even last a week in the news cycle.. while the media discoursed on Roy Moore 24/7 for 3 months.
He resigned within three hours. Moore has yet to even concede.
Oh, forgot to also mention that even Maniforts case is likely to be tossed in one court. Muller needs a friendly court to keep that case alive, and even then it will likely get tossed in appeal. 3 years of investigations and 25 million tax payer dollars and what is there to show for it? Nothing but the best campaign propaganda Trump could ever want. Congratulations libtards, you just made sure Trump gets 4 more years!

You can forget that fantasy. Pauley Walnuts will flip or go to jail.
Deny every unethical, immoral and shady event in your life - Filthy Don

And then panic:

"Do Something!"


Which one of these took $145 million from Putin's KGB Bank?

View attachment 193622 View attachment 193623

...'Nuff Said. :p
Which one of these wants to go to bed with his daughter?
So you counter FACT with your own sick, twisted, perverted fantasy...... Dude, get help....right after you finally accept the outcome of the election.

You are such an idiot. This isn’t about overturning the results of an election which you and your fellow Russians interfered with and affected the outcome of, this is about getting a traitorous criminal out of the Oval Office.

The election will not be overturned. Pence will be President. But Putin won’t have someone in charge who is pledged to him.
So what about that credible evidence?
Dude, don't act like you haven't been spoon-fed that evidence a dozen times and still have nothing else but to play these kids' games. Go back to the children's table and let the grown ups talk. :p

Dude, don’t pretend that you’ve given us evidence because you haven’t. You saying the sky is green doesn’t mean it it isn’t blue.
- Hillary Took Millions from the KGB Bank
NO, she did NOT.
Dude, the FBI - UNDER MUELLER - discovered the Russians were bribing the sh!t out of Nuclear energy reps and was discovered the Russians were especially 'charitable' to the Clintons, KNOWN for influence peddling.... You can call millions flowing from the KGB Bank into the Clinton Foundation a bunch of 'donations' instead of 'bribes' like everyone else was taking if it makes you feel better...

FBI uncovered Russian bribery plot before Obama administration approved controversial nuclear deal with Moscow
Spent uranium, not mined uranium...

And it took the FBI 3 more years of investigating before they were ready to charge and bring them to trial.

These investigations take time to find all the little arms or roots, to the crime.....

And the FBI doesn't talk about on going investigations.
It’s going to be fun and extremely satisfying to watch the left ‘s dreams fall apart as they must always do. Leftists don’t live in the real world. They are fed a daily regimen of lies and they believe every single word of it. Then they are crushed by reality again and again. The same will happen with this very accurately named witch hunt.
You don't think Russia intefering in our elections is worth investigation? What drugs are you taking?
No, OBAMA did not think the Russians interfering was worth investigating...until Hillary began to lose /lost.

Evidence shows Obama knew the Russians ran a PsyOp program using Social media that resulted in Snowflakes organizing and marching for them....and did nothing.

Evidence shows Barry knew the Russians had paid BLM, Antifa, and The Black Fist to spread ratial division and violence...and did nothing.

Evidence shows Obama knew the Russians were trying to hack senior leaders in our govt yet did not tell them and did nothing.

Evidence shows Obama knew they tried to hack the power grid...but, again, he did nothing.

He was too busy kissing Putin's ass so he could get permission to Un-Constitutionally drag the US into war in Syria by invading Syria.

Let's try to be honest for a second:
- Hillary / the DNC rigged primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud, committed election law violations, broke campaign finance law, & the DOJ / FBI committed Obstruction to prevent the DNC candidate - who could not win her party's nomination - from being indicted fro crimes she was proven to have committed, keeping her in a race she should either have been drummed out of or perp-walked out of.

Hillary and the Democrats...and liberal media...did more to illegally effect the outcome of the election than the Russians ever did.
I dont think youre lying, just willfully misinformed.
Actually, the executive branch doesnt decide what the FBI investigates. The executive branch sets overall policy.
There were warnings and other actions, but they were not public during election.
The FBI investigation was triggered in July 2016 after Papadopoulos bragged to an Australian diplomat, along with the online leaking of democratic emails.
It’s going to be fun and extremely satisfying to watch the left ‘s dreams fall apart as they must always do. Leftists don’t live in the real world. They are fed a daily regimen of lies and they believe every single word of it. Then they are crushed by reality again and again. The same will happen with this very accurately named witch hunt.

no way in hell a dem can out lie Trump or the democratic base sucks it up any faster than than his drones do- NO WAY IN HELL.

I guess that's why they spent more than 4 years on that Whitewater investigation that finally turned up Bill getting a blowjob. In another few years, you might have something to whine about, but for now, you crazy right wingers set the precident. Get over it.

The Trumpflakes are coming outta the woodwork! :D

It’s going to be fun and extremely satisfying to watch the left ‘s dreams fall apart as they must always do. Leftists don’t live in the real world. They are fed a daily regimen of lies and they believe every single word of it. Then they are crushed by reality again and again. The same will happen with this very accurately named witch hunt.

no way in hell a dem can out lie Trump or the democratic base sucks it up any faster than than his drones do- NO WAY IN HELL.


Watch and learn retard, watch and learn. Oops! You idiots can’t learn. Watch and cry then.
It’s going to be fun and extremely satisfying to watch the left ‘s dreams fall apart as they must always do. Leftists don’t live in the real world. They are fed a daily regimen of lies and they believe every single word of it. Then they are crushed by reality again and again. The same will happen with this very accurately named witch hunt.

Seriously, you Trumpsters are the source of all irony poisoning in the U.S.

The entire Trump admin could be frog marched out of the WH and you’d never know because Fox is outraged over therapy goats.
So far Mueller's investigation has bagged Reality Winner, who is doing Federal Prison time.
Oh, forgot to also mention that even Maniforts case is likely to be tossed in one court. Muller needs a friendly court to keep that case alive, and even then it will likely get tossed in appeal. 3 years of investigations and 25 million tax payer dollars and what is there to show for it? Nothing but the best campaign propaganda Trump could ever want. Congratulations libtards, you just made sure Trump gets 4 more years!
22 indictments including 3 convictions

Cohen is next
After 12 months, Robert Mueller's investigation has already delivered indictments or guilty pleas involving 19 people and three companies. Members of Trump's inner circle express worries that the probe may yet ensnare more figures in Trump’s orbit, including family members. There is particularly worry about Trump’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., and Jared Kushner, his son-in-law and a senior adviser. President Trump combats the probe with bluster, disarray and defiance as he scrambles for survival. Trump gripes that he needs better “TV lawyers” to defend him on cable news.

Dear Trump supporters: "Witch hunts" don't yield indictments or guilty pleas involving 19 people and three companies! Every guilty plea, and every member of Trump's associates that flip give more and more legitimacy to Mueller's investigation. So stop sniveling like little girls about witch hunts and face the fact that your fearless leader and his little minions are just plain guilty.

‘Buckle up’: As Mueller probe enters second year, Trump and allies go on war footing

Trump Says There’s No Evidence of Collusion. There Is So Much Evidence Already.

Ex-Trump aide: Mueller is still 'really focused' on Russia collusion

Trump falsely says Comey memos exonerate him
fake news

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