Trump's sniveling "witch hunt" claim

how did I embarrass asking for a link
By playing ignorant, asking for the same links over and over again - I swear sometimes I think Liberals have the memory of a goldfish...

I didn't know Bill Clinton met with Putin when he was not the President, but Prime Minister.... ty for the link.
Slick Willy was meeting with Putin, after failing to get an audience with Russian Nuclear agents, while collecting $500k PER SPEECH from the KGB Bank....
Bbbbbbbbuuuuutttttt Clinton. It is all you got as usual tard.

That, my simple-minded, partisan friend, is because she is the only one proven - by the existence of a helluva lot of evidence - to have committed crimes...from which she was completely shielded by the Obama administration and is being shielded from now by Mueller.

In case you are not smart enough to figure it out, the Democrats are doing the same thing with Hillary as they did with James Clapper - keep citizens pre-occupied with bullshit while the statute of limitations for her crimes run out.

Obviously not proven since until this time at least, no conviction of any kind. Remember one of the partisans screaming "lock her up"? Yup he is under indictment. That did not escape you did it?
Obviously not proven since until this time at least, no conviction of any kind.
How many times are you pathetic snowflakes going to claim Obama successfully protecting his criminal cabinet from Indictment / Prison because he owned the DOJ, CIA, FBI, NIA, etc...equates having committed no crime?

Except for the fact RM has only been on the job for a year. Do not worry it will not last near as !omg as whitewater or even Watergate. And if your cheato is exonerated will it still be fake nuz then?
So you want everyone to ignore all the other fruitless investigations now, proving there was no need for Mueller or his witch hunt? lol

During Whitewater, there was a crime to investigate.
During Watergate, there was a crime to investigate.
Mueller has nothing because there was nothing.

The real collusion was easy to spot...and Democrats willingly ignored it to protect their felon they had already protected from Indictment.
- Hillary: $145 million from the KGB Bank
- Bill Clinton: $500k per speech from the KGB Bank...and he met directly with Putin.
- Mueller courted the Russian Oligarch
- Hillary colluded with a foreign spy and Russians
The IG has made it clear McCabe is dirty and should be indicted, Comey lied, and his FBI illegally acquired warrants....

Nothing really, why all the indictments and guilty pleas then? I mean since there is nothing there?
Are ANY of the indictments or guilty pleas directly related to the Trump campaign 'colluding' with Russia??????
Thought not asshole!

Didn't realize the investigation had concluded yet dick nose!
Apparently you have reading comprehension problems.

None what so ever. Is the RM investigation concluded yet?
Obviously not proven since until this time at least, no conviction of any kind.
How many times are you pathetic snowflakes going to claim Obama successfully protecting his criminal cabinet from Indictment / Prison because he owned the DOJ, CIA, FBI, NIA, etc...equates having committed no crime?


Clinton's have been being investigated for over 25 years and yet a big nothing burger. Get used to it because you goofs will believe anything. Oh I am sure Obama has been protecting her for that long, tard!
how did I embarrass asking for a link
By playing ignorant, asking for the same links over and over again - I swear sometimes I think Liberals have the memory of a goldfish...

I didn't know Bill Clinton met with Putin when he was not the President, but Prime Minister.... ty for the link.
Slick Willy was meeting with Putin, after failing to get an audience with Russian Nuclear agents, while collecting $500k PER SPEECH from the KGB Bank....
Bill Clinton gave many speeches to non-Russian audiences for that kind of money. Means nothing.
Clinton's have been being investigated for over 25 years and yet a big nothing burger. Get used to it because you goofs will believe anything. Oh I am sure Obama has been protecting her for that long, tard!

Integrity Check Time:
AR, the FBI declared they had recovered over 15,000 official documents from Hillary's server that she was required by law to turn in but that she had never turned in...... That's over 15,000 violations of the FOIA and another 15,000+ violations of the Federal Records Act....

Are you saying Hillary did not break the law?
Clinton's have been being investigated for over 25 years and yet a big nothing burger. Get used to it because you goofs will believe anything. Oh I am sure Obama has been protecting her for that long, tard!

Integrity Check Time:
AR, the FBI declared they had recovered over 15,000 official documents from Hillary's server that she was required by law to turn in but that she had never turned in...... That's over 15,000 violations of the FOIA and another 15,000+ violations of the Federal Records Act....

Are you saying Hillary did not break the law?

I absolutely believe she broke the law and should be cell mates with imperial Cheato.
Clinton's have been being investigated for over 25 years and yet a big nothing burger. Get used to it because you goofs will believe anything. Oh I am sure Obama has been protecting her for that long, tard!

Integrity Check Time:
AR, the FBI declared they had recovered over 15,000 official documents from Hillary's server that she was required by law to turn in but that she had never turned in...... That's over 15,000 violations of the FOIA and another 15,000+ violations of the Federal Records Act....

Are you saying Hillary did not break the law?
In a thread about Trump, ^^^ another rightard ^^^ can’t stop whining about the Clintons.

The Clintons are still under investigation.
Don't worry. It will soon be the Clinton's turn in the barrel.
Hillary will spend the rest of her life trying to keep out of prison.
One of the Clinton paid for murders' of Seth Rich WILL roll sooner or later.
After 12 months, Robert Mueller's investigation has already delivered indictments or guilty pleas involving 19 people and three companies. Members of Trump's inner circle express worries that the probe may yet ensnare more figures in Trump’s orbit, including family members. There is particularly worry about Trump’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., and Jared Kushner, his son-in-law and a senior adviser. President Trump combats the probe with bluster, disarray and defiance as he scrambles for survival. Trump gripes that he needs better “TV lawyers” to defend him on cable news.

Dear Trump supporters: "Witch hunts" don't yield indictments or guilty pleas involving 19 people and three companies! Every guilty plea, and every member of Trump's associates that flip give more and more legitimacy to Mueller's investigation. So stop sniveling like little girls about witch hunts and face the fact that your fearless leader and his little minions are just plain guilty.

‘Buckle up’: As Mueller probe enters second year, Trump and allies go on war footing

Trump Says There’s No Evidence of Collusion. There Is So Much Evidence Already.

Ex-Trump aide: Mueller is still 'really focused' on Russia collusion

Trump falsely says Comey memos exonerate him


One indictment was of an unpaid, self-important Trump campaign volunteers who was set up by a Hillary supporter / donor - the Aussie Rep set up a meeting with Papa in a Brit Pub, and his indictment came after the Aussie gave the FBI a 'tip' about an 'overheard drunken conversation' between himself and Papa in the bathroom of the British Pub...


ne indictment was filed by the exposed Trump-Hating FBI agent who was fired from Mueller's team and who was found to have protected Hillary and Hillary aides Mills and Abedin from being indicted for crimes. FBI Director Comey himself declared his FBI agents did not believe Flynn lied to the FBI; yet, he was still indicted by Strzok for Lying to the FBI:
--- ""Director Comey specifically told us during that briefing that the FBI agents who interviewed Lt. General Michael Flynn, 'saw nothing that led them to believe [he was] lying.'

A Judge just recently BLASTED Mueller for overreach of his authority and for going after Manafort on a charge for a suspected crime that happened before Obama was ever elected President just to try to take down Trump. It was also reported that Mueller's team overstepped their authority by seizing items not on the subpoena served on Manafort. That puts the entire case against him in jeopardy, and if Mueller's team does not comply with the Judge's order to show the letter giving them the authority to do so the Judge may throw it all out anyway.

Trump is completely wrong, though, about there being no evidence of collusion.
- Evidence exists showing Hillary colluded with foreign spies and Russians.
- Evidence exists the DOJ and FBI colluded to ensure Hillary did not get indicted (Obstruction)
- Evidence shows Mueller colluded with a Russian Oligarch, one that played a role in his case
- Evidence shows Hillary took $145 million from the KGB Bank
- Evidence shows Bill took $500k a pop from the KGB bank for speeches and met w/Putin
- Evidence shows Mueller hid Russian crimes associated w/their attempt to acquire Uranium One
- Evidence shows Obama knew about Russian activities but did nothing to gain permission from Putin to invade Syria

NO evidence exists showing Trump illegally colluded with anyone
NO evidence exists showing any crime occurred warranting Mueller's investigation of Trump

The Witch Hunters are now being investigated....can't wait!

What bullshit!!!!

There is no investigation against Mueller, or any members of his staff.

Maybe Trump should have vetted all of these people who offered to work for free. And what about all those people who plead guilty???

There is plenty of evidence of collusion.

1. Roger Stone tweeting about Podesta’s emails BEFORE WikiLeaks published them.

2. Junior’s meeting with the Russian lawyer.

3. Jeff Sessions settling the Russian lawyer’s money laundering case for pennies on the dollar.

4. Trump asking Russia to hack Hillary's emails on the very day that Russian hackers began downloading DNC emails.

5. Trump’s refusal to impose sanctions against Russia.

6. Trump giving Putin a free hand in Syria and the Crimean Penninsula.

7. The fracturing of NATO to the benefit of the Russian government.

8. Pulling out of the Iran Accord to the benefit of Russia.

And what about lifting sanctions on that Chinese telecom company, which is accused of planting spyware in American phones, after China invested $500 million in Trump’s Indonesian resort?

The list goes on and on, and every day it grows longer as Trump continues to give vast amounts of leeway and freedom to the Chinese and the Russians, to the detriment of America's long-standing friends and allies.
There is plenty of evidence of collusion.

1. Roger Stone tweeting about Podesta’s emails BEFORE WikiLeaks published them.

2. Junior’s meeting with the Russian lawyer.

3. Jeff Sessions settling the Russian lawyer’s money laundering case for pennies on the dollar.

4. Trump asking Russia to hack Hillary's emails on the very day that Russian hackers began downloading DNC emails.

5. Trump’s refusal to impose sanctions against Russia.

6. Trump giving Putin a free hand in Syria and the Crimean Penninsula.

7. The fracturing of NATO to the benefit of the Russian government.

8. Pulling out of the Iran Accord to the benefit of Russia.

And what about lifting sanctions on that Chinese telecom company, which is accused of planting spyware in American phones, after China invested $500 million in Trump’s Indonesian resort?

The list goes on and on, and every day it grows longer as Trump continues to give vast amounts of leeway and freedom to the Chinese and the Russians, to the detriment of America's long-standing friends and allies.

Wow...what a list....a list of BS!

Here's a few comments...

The Russian Lawyer - Putin's top lawyer, was BANNED from entering the United States by Barry's own Dept of immigration. To get her into the US Barry overrode his DoI and gave her a special visa normally not given to individuals like her / in her case. Once in the US, the lawyer met with numerous (D) and 9R) reps. Before meeting w/ Jr Obama knew the location of the meeting, had time to obtain warrants to bug the location, and even had his own personal Russian translator in the room. Can you say 'set-up'? Not if you are a snowflake....

Obama knew about all the things Russia as doing and did next to nothing...and he gets a pass. :p

Fracturing of mean like when Barry refused to honor a US promise to the Ukraine to help protect its sovereign borders, not even doing so much as issuing another 'Red Line' to fein like he intended to help Ukraine keep Crimea...

Pulling out of the Iran Accord'....Oh, you mean Barry's Un-Constitutional personal TREATY with Iran in which he by-passed Congress and illegally negotiated on behalf of the United States, the deal he then again by-passed Congress to run to the UN with it to get it ratified before his own country saw it?! Obama sold not only the US out but the world by negotiating his own personal deal with the leading exporter of terrorism in the world....
There is plenty of evidence of collusion.

1. Roger Stone tweeting about Podesta’s emails BEFORE WikiLeaks published them.

2. Junior’s meeting with the Russian lawyer.

3. Jeff Sessions settling the Russian lawyer’s money laundering case for pennies on the dollar.

4. Trump asking Russia to hack Hillary's emails on the very day that Russian hackers began downloading DNC emails.

5. Trump’s refusal to impose sanctions against Russia.

6. Trump giving Putin a free hand in Syria and the Crimean Penninsula.

7. The fracturing of NATO to the benefit of the Russian government.

8. Pulling out of the Iran Accord to the benefit of Russia.

And what about lifting sanctions on that Chinese telecom company, which is accused of planting spyware in American phones, after China invested $500 million in Trump’s Indonesian resort?

The list goes on and on, and every day it grows longer as Trump continues to give vast amounts of leeway and freedom to the Chinese and the Russians, to the detriment of America's long-standing friends and allies.

Wow...what a list....a list of BS!

Here's a few comments...

The Russian Lawyer - Putin's top lawyer, was BANNED from entering the United States by Barry's own Dept of immigration. To get her into the US Barry overrode his DoI and gave her a special visa normally not given to individuals like her / in her case. Once in the US, the lawyer met with numerous (D) and 9R) reps. Before meeting w/ Jr Obama knew the location of the meeting, had time to obtain warrants to bug the location, and even had his own personal Russian translator in the room. Can you say 'set-up'? Not if you are a snowflake....

Obama knew about all the things Russia as doing and did next to nothing...and he gets a pass. :p

Fracturing of mean like when Barry refused to honor a US promise to the Ukraine to help protect its sovereign borders, not even doing so much as issuing another 'Red Line' to fein like he intended to help Ukraine keep Crimea...

Pulling out of the Iran Accord'....Oh, you mean Barry's Un-Constitutional personal TREATY with Iran in which he by-passed Congress and illegally negotiated on behalf of the United States, the deal he then again by-passed Congress to run to the UN with it to get it ratified before his own country saw it?! Obama sold not only the US out but the world by negotiating his own personal deal with the leading exporter of terrorism in the world....

Let’s start with you lies about the Russian lawyer.

She was allowed entry into the US under a special visa from the Justice Department for the sole purpose of defending her client on money laundering charges. While in the US she met with a number of people in violation of US regulations regarding registration by agents of a foreign government and because of her activities in order to get her visa extended.

And no, the meeting wasn’t known to the Obama administration in advance, there was no translator from the administration, nor was it “bugged”. You’re now layering more lies on your original lies.

The rest of your post is just Putin’s talking points.

Just pointing out that Russia benefits from an embargo on Iranian oil and gas. Russia benefits from the US pulling out of Syria.

In fact nearly all of Trump’s foreign policy moves benefit Russia. Why is that?
After 12 months, Robert Mueller's investigation has already delivered indictments or guilty pleas involving 19 people and three companies. Members of Trump's inner circle express worries that the probe may yet ensnare more figures in Trump’s orbit, including family members. There is particularly worry about Trump’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., and Jared Kushner, his son-in-law and a senior adviser. President Trump combats the probe with bluster, disarray and defiance as he scrambles for survival. Trump gripes that he needs better “TV lawyers” to defend him on cable news.

Dear Trump supporters: "Witch hunts" don't yield indictments or guilty pleas involving 19 people and three companies! Every guilty plea, and every member of Trump's associates that flip give more and more legitimacy to Mueller's investigation. So stop sniveling like little girls about witch hunts and face the fact that your fearless leader and his little minions are just plain guilty.

‘Buckle up’: As Mueller probe enters second year, Trump and allies go on war footing

Trump Says There’s No Evidence of Collusion. There Is So Much Evidence Already.

Ex-Trump aide: Mueller is still 'really focused' on Russia collusion

Trump falsely says Comey memos exonerate him

And legitimate investigations don't indict or demand guilty pleas from 19 people for crimes that have NOTHING to do with the alleged target of the investigation. If that were the case, you folks would not have declared Ken Starr's investigation illegitimate. He also obtained indictments and convictions.
Where is the collusion? Everything is upside down and ass backwards. It seems that the Hillary campaign was guilty of collusion with Russia and Mueller had contact with Russian Oligarchs. Meanwhile the Hussein administration and the FBI were engaged in 3rd world politics with freaking government spies imbedded in the Trump campaign
There is no evidence of any crime. All of the indictments are for process crimes arising from the investigation. The charges against the Russians are about to disappear since the judge ordered Mueller to produce evidence of a crime and he can't.

I love it when an idiot lefty posts a thread that gets destroyed in the 2nd post.
Let’s start with you lies about the Russian lawyer.
Ye, Let's talk about the Russian lawyer...

The Moscow lawyer had been turned down for a visa to enter the U.S. lawfully but then was granted special immigration parole by then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch. The U.S. Attorney’s office in New York confirmed Wednesday to The Hill that it let Veselnitskaya into the country on a grant of immigration parole from October 2015 to early January 2016.

Justice Department and State Department officials could not immediately explain how the Russian lawyer was still in the country in June for the meeting with Trump Jr. and the events in Washington.

Despite Obama's own agencies not wanting to give the Russian lawyer admittance into the US she gets a special visa anyway....and overstays her welcome. Obama's administration loses track of Putin's top lawyer who is in the US only because of THEM...

Records show when Jr. realizes the meeting is not what he was told it would be he contacted his secretary and had her call him to give him an excuse to leave.

During her 'extended' stay in the US she met with several politicians and reps. She tried to meet with Hillary but Hillary was not available, so she met with one of her aides.

Aside from the Fact that the Obama administration took steps to make sure she got entry into the US and the fact that she over-stayed her welcome there was nothing to the meeting with Jr. Much like all th accusations thrown out by the Left, this too was nothing but smoke and fake news.
There is no evidence of any crime. All of the indictments are for process crimes arising from the investigation. The charges against the Russians are about to disappear since the judge ordered Mueller to produce evidence of a crime and he can't.

I love it when an idiot lefty posts a thread that gets destroyed in the 2nd post.

I love the fact that tasked with presenting EVICENCE once again Mueller comes up with NOTHING! His whole case is slick-ass, high-priced liberal Lawyer spit, polish, smoke ,and mirrors.....long on accusations, short on evidence.
To protect his protégé from Indictment for his already-proven perjury and role in the 'Secret Society's attempt to take down the President, Has or when will Mueller offer Immunity ro former FBI Director Comey?

"Comey’s admitted “leak” of the memos, his set-up of President Trump, his role in the FISA abuses and bogus application, and his whitewash of Clinton’s crimes implicate any number of federal criminal statutes, such as 18 U.S.C. §1001(false statements to Congress) and 18 U.S.C. §1503, 1505, or 1512 (varieties of obstruction of justice).

Comey knows the Inspector General of the Department of Justice is working on a mammoth report that will address what the
FISA Court has already found to be serious abuses of the law by Comey’s FBI, Fourth Amendment violations against Americans, and violations of FISA by providing raw intel to two private contractors. The Inspector General’s investigation has already caused the replacement of the entire upper echelon of the FBI, including Deputy Director McCabe’s termination and criminal referral."

"Yet, remarkably, the incomparable Comey does not seem to have a care in the world as he appears on every friendly platform available to him, preaches his “Higher Loyalty,” and says whatever he wants to say—including contradicting his statements to Congress and asserting now that House Intel Committee Chairman Devin Nunes effort to find the truth is “a danger” to the country.

Is James Comey so narcissistic that he thinks he is invulnerable? Or, has buddy Bob Mueller given him immunity like Comey and the Obama Department of Justice did for the
Clinton cabal?"

AN IMPORTANT QUESTION: Has Mueller Given Comey Immunity?

Secret Society? You know that's nuts, right?

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