Trumps Spygate Conspiracy Theory Ends With A Whimper

So you're saying they didn't happen is that right pudding?
Not yet but it will....Trump will not go easy on these treasonous do not have the right to use government agencies as a political weapon and that is exactly what Obama did....not just the FBI and the CIA and the State Dept. but he weaponized the IRS as well...remember Lois Lerner?

Do you think Trump won because of his orange color or his money or his tweets?
He won because of how badly and corruptly Obama ran our government...the people are not stupid...Look how defiant the DOJ has become...Obama implanted that kind of hubris....
People do not want an over powering heartless government and that is what Obama gave us and the people knew Hillary would be as bad or worse.....

Look up all of the companies that were investigated over nothing until they went bankrupt under Barry...
and now they are using that same tactic on the President of the United States....

Wake up man.....

He won because rubes like you believed his bluster and bullshit! He is a snake oil salesmen and you are a buyer!
Oh and not one of them will be indicated, please carry on though. You are the cheapest form of entertainment!
He won because rubes like you believed his bluster and bullshit! He is a snake oil salesmen and you are a buyer!
Oh and not one of them will be indicated, please carry on though. You are the cheapest form of entertainment!

Obama also caused historic losses for the dems in the house and senate and state houses all over the nation...He was a crooked thug and the people saw through keep singing Obama's will help Trump....
He won because rubes like you believed his bluster and bullshit! He is a snake oil salesmen and you are a buyer!
Oh and not one of them will be indicated, please carry on though. You are the cheapest form of entertainment!

Obama also caused historic losses for the dems in the house and senate and state houses all over the nation...He was a crooked thug and the people saw through keep singing Obama's will help Trump....

Obama was/is a corporate whore. Rump is the corporate whore! Yet still nobody indicted and nobody will be!
Weird how democrats are all too willing to dismiss this, yet entertain basically anything that makes Trump look bad. The Russia investigation, which let’s face it—is based on nothing really—has been going on for two years, yet they come to this conclusion that Trump’s claim of campaign spying is full of shit in less than a week.

Here’s the thing: they don’t CARE if it’s true or not bc it’s their job to prove him wrong and by God they WILL prove him wrong.
The spy thing was a Trump invention. It's not that we don't care, it's that it's not true.

SO Clapper and Brennen telling us that they did indeed have human interference interface (Human spies) were lying when they told us there were indeed Spies?
Weird how democrats are all too willing to dismiss this, yet entertain basically anything that makes Trump look bad. The Russia investigation, which let’s face it—is based on nothing really—has been going on for two years, yet they come to this conclusion that Trump’s claim of campaign spying is full of shit in less than a week.

Here’s the thing: they don’t CARE if it’s true or not bc it’s their job to prove him wrong and by God they WILL prove him wrong.
The spy thing was a Trump invention. It's not that we don't care, it's that it's not true.

SO Clapper and Brennen telling us that they did indeed have human interference interface (Human spies) were lying when they told us there were indeed Spies?
That one single guy was not a spy :itsok:
Weird how democrats are all too willing to dismiss this, yet entertain basically anything that makes Trump look bad. The Russia investigation, which let’s face it—is based on nothing really—has been going on for two years, yet they come to this conclusion that Trump’s claim of campaign spying is full of shit in less than a week.

Here’s the thing: they don’t CARE if it’s true or not bc it’s their job to prove him wrong and by God they WILL prove him wrong.
The spy thing was a Trump invention. It's not that we don't care, it's that it's not true.

SO Clapper and Brennen telling us that they did indeed have human interference interface (Human spies) were lying when they told us there were indeed Spies?
That one single guy was not a spy :itsok:
Poor little retard....

There were no less than four paid informants.. Hang on to your ass, the ride is about to go into orbit. 2 inside the US and two in foreign countries who were spying for Obama's illegal criminal organization to fix the election...
Yeah, i think he is the source of a bunch of those leaks we keep getting. That's a crime the last time i looked.

"I think" style accusations are not accepted and SERIOUS links are required. The primary source of leaks has been the Donald Trump White House. The secondary source has been Devin Nunes.

Smart folk know this Westwall - do you know any? ;-)

Yes, smart people DO think that schiff has been leaking. Leaking like a sieve in point of fact.

Schiff denies leaking 'non-public' information about Trump Jr.'s testimony

Schiff denies leaking 'non-public' information about Trump Jr.'s testimony

Leaking more than Nunes?

I doubt it.

Based on the fact that nearly every leak has been anti trump you would be incredibly wrong.

If every leak was anti-Trump then Fox News would be broadcasting anything.
Weird how democrats are all too willing to dismiss this, yet entertain basically anything that makes Trump look bad. The Russia investigation, which let’s face it—is based on nothing really—has been going on for two years, yet they come to this conclusion that Trump’s claim of campaign spying is full of shit in less than a week.

Here’s the thing: they don’t CARE if it’s true or not bc it’s their job to prove him wrong and by God they WILL prove him wrong.
The spy thing was a Trump invention. It's not that we don't care, it's that it's not true.

SO Clapper and Brennen telling us that they did indeed have human interference interface (Human spies) were lying when they told us there were indeed Spies?
That one single guy was not a spy :itsok:
Poor little retard....

There were no less than four paid informants.. Hang on to your ass, the ride is about to go into orbit. 2 inside the US and two in foreign countries who were spying for Obama's illegal criminal organization to fix the election...

The tinfoil is wrapped strong with this one.
Oh certainly Trump is a vindictive bully. Which is why the Trumpsters like him.

Trump will take offense at the slightest hint of a slight. I am certain he is plotting his revenge against every law enforcement officer that is part of the investigation.
I wouldn't want to be Clapper Comey or Brennan right now....

And certainly they wouldn't want to be you.

I mean they are accomplished professionals with long careers behind them.

And you.....
Uh-huh. And the Russian collusion thing is an anti-Trump invention.

Remember those text messages that were publicized between two dems who were having an affair? They spoke about an “insurance policy” in case Trump won... this was before the Russia investigation was started... what do you think this “insurance policy” was?

I’m not saying this means it was dreamed up by democrats, but it looks awfully suspicious. One would think if they’ve found something of merit regarding Trump Russia collusion, they’d have wrapped things up... Two years seems like plenty of time, given all the people who believe Trump is guilty. If it was THAT obvious, it probably wouldn’t take them two plus years to nail him.

Weird how democrats are all too willing to dismiss this, yet entertain basically anything that makes Trump look bad. The Russia investigation, which let’s face it—is based on nothing really—has been going on for two years, yet they come to this conclusion that Trump’s claim of campaign spying is full of shit in less than a week.

Here’s the thing: they don’t CARE if it’s true or not bc it’s their job to prove him wrong and by God they WILL prove him wrong.
The spy thing was a Trump invention. It's not that we don't care, it's that it's not true.

“Nothing we heard today has changed our view that there is no evidence to support any allegation that the FBI or any intel agency placed a spy in the Trump campaign,” said a statement Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., read to reporters on behalf of himself, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. and Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va.

But just as the notorious “Nunes memo” ended up backfiring, undermining Trump World’s own arguments, the secret information divulged yesterday brought into focus another inconvenient truth for the president: there was no spy. Trump’s assertions on the matter have been ridiculous from the outset.

Trump's nonsensical 'Spygate' conspiracy theory ends with a whimper
Keep will take a couple of weeks for the MSM to catch then indictments will be handed out to Clapper Brennan Comey Yates etc etc etc......Obama is pure scum and scum like that does not wash off with time...

Thread bookmarked so in a couple weeks we can see how many indictments have been handed out

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Have you recorded the 5 guilty pleas, and 22 indictments in your bookmark, of the Mueller investigation so far in just one year?
Which ones were for collusion? The Russians indictments will be dismissed because Herr Mewler didn't even have a case against them prepared. Furthermore, it's not illegal for foreigners to post on Facebook, so what are the guilty of? All the other cases have serious problems, like tainted evidence and proscutorial abuse.
In other words, none were for collusion.

Thanks for playing.
Oh certainly Trump is a vindictive bully. Which is why the Trumpsters like him.

Trump will take offense at the slightest hint of a slight. I am certain he is plotting his revenge against every law enforcement officer that is part of the investigation.
I wouldn't want to be Clapper Comey or Brennan right now....

And certainly they wouldn't want to be you.

I mean they are accomplished professionals with long careers behind them.

And you.....
They both look like sleazy incompetent boobs.
“Nothing we heard today has changed our view that there is no evidence to support any allegation that the FBI or any intel agency placed a spy in the Trump campaign,” said a statement Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., read to reporters on behalf of himself, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. and Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va.

But just as the notorious “Nunes memo” ended up backfiring, undermining Trump World’s own arguments, the secret information divulged yesterday brought into focus another inconvenient truth for the president: there was no spy. Trump’s assertions on the matter have been ridiculous from the outset.

Trump's nonsensical 'Spygate' conspiracy theory ends with a whimper

Let me get this straight...because Schiff, Pelosi, Shumer and Warner didn't feel like they heard anything about the FBI's plant that changed their's over? That's some funny shit, Skews! I think it's time to appoint a Special Counsel to start investigating EVERYTHING that the Obama Administration...the Clinton Campaign...and the DNC did leading up to that election! There is a palpable stench coming from the whole sordid mess!
Yeah, i think he is the source of a bunch of those leaks we keep getting. That's a crime the last time i looked.

"I think" style accusations are not accepted and SERIOUS links are required. The primary source of leaks has been the Donald Trump White House. The secondary source has been Devin Nunes.

Smart folk know this Westwall - do you know any? ;-)

Yes, smart people DO think that schiff has been leaking. Leaking like a sieve in point of fact.

Schiff denies leaking 'non-public' information about Trump Jr.'s testimony

Schiff denies leaking 'non-public' information about Trump Jr.'s testimony

Leaking more than Nunes?

I doubt it.
What has Nunez leaked, douchebag?
Uh-huh. And the Russian collusion thing is an anti-Trump invention.

Remember those text messages that were publicized between two dems who were having an affair? They spoke about an “insurance policy” in case Trump won... this was before the Russia investigation was started... what do you think this “insurance policy” was?

I’m not saying this means it was dreamed up by democrats, but it looks awfully suspicious. One would think if they’ve found something of merit regarding Trump Russia collusion, they’d have wrapped things up... Two years seems like plenty of time, given all the people who believe Trump is guilty. If it was THAT obvious, it probably wouldn’t take them two plus years to nail him.

Weird how democrats are all too willing to dismiss this, yet entertain basically anything that makes Trump look bad. The Russia investigation, which let’s face it—is based on nothing really—has been going on for two years, yet they come to this conclusion that Trump’s claim of campaign spying is full of shit in less than a week.

Here’s the thing: they don’t CARE if it’s true or not bc it’s their job to prove him wrong and by God they WILL prove him wrong.
The spy thing was a Trump invention. It's not that we don't care, it's that it's not true.
Yeah, texts between 2 people pales pathetically in comparison to the discoveries made about Russia interfering in the election on Trump's behalf and working with his henchmen to sabotage our democracy.

Uh, what discoveries, is Trump sabotaging America by making things go so well, economy, stocks, consumer confidence, jobless rate,kicking out MS13, building the wall, renegotiate bad trade deals, match rocket man to negotiate, being able to fire sorry government employees, damn this is making me feel good, Trump is getting shit done.
Is that the sabotage you speak of?

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Uh-huh. And the Russian collusion thing is an anti-Trump invention.

Remember those text messages that were publicized between two dems who were having an affair? They spoke about an “insurance policy” in case Trump won... this was before the Russia investigation was started... what do you think this “insurance policy” was?

I’m not saying this means it was dreamed up by democrats, but it looks awfully suspicious. One would think if they’ve found something of merit regarding Trump Russia collusion, they’d have wrapped things up... Two years seems like plenty of time, given all the people who believe Trump is guilty. If it was THAT obvious, it probably wouldn’t take them two plus years to nail him.

Weird how democrats are all too willing to dismiss this, yet entertain basically anything that makes Trump look bad. The Russia investigation, which let’s face it—is based on nothing really—has been going on for two years, yet they come to this conclusion that Trump’s claim of campaign spying is full of shit in less than a week.

Here’s the thing: they don’t CARE if it’s true or not bc it’s their job to prove him wrong and by God they WILL prove him wrong.
The spy thing was a Trump invention. It's not that we don't care, it's that it's not true.

“Nothing we heard today has changed our view that there is no evidence to support any allegation that the FBI or any intel agency placed a spy in the Trump campaign,” said a statement Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., read to reporters on behalf of himself, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. and Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va.

But just as the notorious “Nunes memo” ended up backfiring, undermining Trump World’s own arguments, the secret information divulged yesterday brought into focus another inconvenient truth for the president: there was no spy. Trump’s assertions on the matter have been ridiculous from the outset.

Trump's nonsensical 'Spygate' conspiracy theory ends with a whimper
Keep will take a couple of weeks for the MSM to catch then indictments will be handed out to Clapper Brennan Comey Yates etc etc etc......Obama is pure scum and scum like that does not wash off with time...

Thread bookmarked so in a couple weeks we can see how many indictments have been handed out

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Have you recorded the 5 guilty pleas, and 22 indictments in your bookmark, of the Mueller investigation so far in just one year?

All for nothing to do with Trump, did you record that part?

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“Nothing we heard today has changed our view that there is no evidence to support any allegation that the FBI or any intel agency placed a spy in the Trump campaign,” said a statement Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., read to reporters on behalf of himself, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. and Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va.

But just as the notorious “Nunes memo” ended up backfiring, undermining Trump World’s own arguments, the secret information divulged yesterday brought into focus another inconvenient truth for the president: there was no spy. Trump’s assertions on the matter have been ridiculous from the outset.

Trump's nonsensical 'Spygate' conspiracy theory ends with a whimper
Keep will take a couple of weeks for the MSM to catch then indictments will be handed out to Clapper Brennan Comey Yates etc etc etc......Obama is pure scum and scum like that does not wash off with time...
What discoveries? Tell me what proof there is Russia was working with Trump to win him the election. I know Russia tried to influence Americans pertaining to the election, but what irrefutable evidence is there Trump was involved as well?

Uh-huh. And the Russian collusion thing is an anti-Trump invention.

Remember those text messages that were publicized between two dems who were having an affair? They spoke about an “insurance policy” in case Trump won... this was before the Russia investigation was started... what do you think this “insurance policy” was?

I’m not saying this means it was dreamed up by democrats, but it looks awfully suspicious. One would think if they’ve found something of merit regarding Trump Russia collusion, they’d have wrapped things up... Two years seems like plenty of time, given all the people who believe Trump is guilty. If it was THAT obvious, it probably wouldn’t take them two plus years to nail him.

Weird how democrats are all too willing to dismiss this, yet entertain basically anything that makes Trump look bad. The Russia investigation, which let’s face it—is based on nothing really—has been going on for two years, yet they come to this conclusion that Trump’s claim of campaign spying is full of shit in less than a week.

Here’s the thing: they don’t CARE if it’s true or not bc it’s their job to prove him wrong and by God they WILL prove him wrong.
The spy thing was a Trump invention. It's not that we don't care, it's that it's not true.
Yeah, texts between 2 people pales pathetically in comparison to the discoveries made about Russia interfering in the election on Trump's behalf and working with his henchmen to sabotage our democracy.

Politicians leak information to sway the court of public opinion. Prosecutors do not leak information because it could prejudice their case in court. You have no idea what the investigation has found in regards to possible collusion and coordination between the Trump Campaign or with the Great Grabby One himself.

There you go, you don’t know either, but the whole innocent till proven guilty thingy doesn’t apply to Trump I guess

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Weird how democrats are all too willing to dismiss this, yet entertain basically anything that makes Trump look bad. The Russia investigation, which let’s face it—is based on nothing really—has been going on for two years, yet they come to this conclusion that Trump’s claim of campaign spying is full of shit in less than a week.

Here’s the thing: they don’t CARE if it’s true or not bc it’s their job to prove him wrong and by God they WILL prove him wrong.

Weird how the Trumpsters are all too willing to believe this, yet believe virtually anything that makes the FBI or Democrats look bad.
The Russia investigation- started in part because of claims by Trump own campaign member that Russia had something on Clinton, and on one of Trump's campaign members being watched as a potential spy for Russia- has been going on now for two years, and has already resulted in multiple guilty pleas and indictments.

Meanwhile Trump has proclaimed that there is a spy- and even though there is absolutely no evidence of such a spy- the Trumpsters have complete faith that Trump must be telling the truth.

Didn’t Hillery work with Russians to get dirt on Trump (dossier), so why isn’t that the same thing, oh it’s not Trump, liberal hypocrisy in action

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No not all Trumpsters have faith he’s telling the truth... at least the ones with brains. I voted for Trump and I’m not afraid to point out he’s not as trustworthy as I first thought.

Unlike most Americans, I don’t let my personal feelings get in the way of finding out the truth. I’m as skeptical about Trump’s claims here as I am about the Russia investigation.

Weird how democrats are all too willing to dismiss this, yet entertain basically anything that makes Trump look bad. The Russia investigation, which let’s face it—is based on nothing really—has been going on for two years, yet they come to this conclusion that Trump’s claim of campaign spying is full of shit in less than a week.

Here’s the thing: they don’t CARE if it’s true or not bc it’s their job to prove him wrong and by God they WILL prove him wrong.

Weird how the Trumpsters are all too willing to believe this, yet believe virtually anything that makes the FBI or Democrats look bad.
The Russia investigation- started in part because of claims by Trump own campaign member that Russia had something on Clinton, and on one of Trump's campaign members being watched as a potential spy for Russia- has been going on now for two years, and has already resulted in multiple guilty pleas and indictments.

Meanwhile Trump has proclaimed that there is a spy- and even though there is absolutely no evidence of such a spy- the Trumpsters have complete faith that Trump must be telling the truth.
If you are skeptical about the Russian investigation then you are indeed letting your personal feeling get in the way.
This is making me sick to my stomach. He needs to be stopped from this game he's playing; it's gone too far. I'm not joking.

I've been attempting to reduce my exposure to Donald Trump and politics in general as much as possible OL. I find it best to remain in a place that sits somewhere in between fully informed and comfortably numb.

This most recent behavior is his scariest to date. At this point one gets the feeling that he will literally burn the country to the ground if that's what it takes to protect his presidency. IOW, he's feeling like a cornered rat and what he's liable to do next is scary as all hell.

I'm not joking either.

Hell if it gets any better around here I won’t be able to take it. Trump just keeps making things better, y’all should jump on the train and enjoy this . And stop bitching about nothing.

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