Trumps Spygate Conspiracy Theory Ends With A Whimper

Weird how democrats are all too willing to dismiss this, yet entertain basically anything that makes Trump look bad. The Russia investigation, which let’s face it—is based on nothing really—has been going on for two years, yet they come to this conclusion that Trump’s claim of campaign spying is full of shit in less than a week.

Here’s the thing: they don’t CARE if it’s true or not bc it’s their job to prove him wrong and by God they WILL prove him wrong.

The evidence proves that trump was lying again. The evidence was viewed yesterday by that gang of eight. They said that there was no spy.

Why are you so quick to believe trump's lies and not honest hard facts?

Seems to me that it's people like you who don't want truth or honesty.

There was no spy in trump's campaign. There was no wiretaps on trump tower.

Nothing that trump has said about this has turned out to have any evidence or truth.

If all of that happened where's the evidence? Where's the proof? Just saying that there was a spy in trump's campaign doesn't make it true.

Meanwhile all evidence screams that trump is a liar and you believe those lies.

I like how you scream where is proof and evidence, but you go right along with the Russian collusion thingy with zero proof, sad

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this guy was a SPY! these knuckleheads are...this is so dangerous what they're doing, they're covering up the truth. it's a scam by scum!

what's the difference between an informant & a catfish?

one is a bottom-feeding scumsucker...the other is a fish!
Weird how democrats are all too willing to dismiss this, yet entertain basically anything that makes Trump look bad. The Russia investigation, which let’s face it—is based on nothing really—has been going on for two years, yet they come to this conclusion that Trump’s claim of campaign spying is full of shit in less than a week.

Here’s the thing: they don’t CARE if it’s true or not bc it’s their job to prove him wrong and by God they WILL prove him wrong.
The spy thing was a Trump invention. It's not that we don't care, it's that it's not true.

SO Clapper and Brennen telling us that they did indeed have human interference interface (Human spies) were lying when they told us there were indeed Spies?
That one single guy was not a spy :itsok:
Poor little retard....

There were no less than four paid informants.. Hang on to your ass, the ride is about to go into orbit. 2 inside the US and two in foreign countries who were spying for Obama's illegal criminal organization to fix the election...

The tinfoil is wrapped strong with this one.
So you don't believe Brennen and Clapper?
"Yep, Pops Two Scoops is running out of WeakWhyte dogwhistles, folks."
The spy thing was a Trump invention. It's not that we don't care, it's that it's not true.

SO Clapper and Brennen telling us that they did indeed have human interference interface (Human spies) were lying when they told us there were indeed Spies?
That one single guy was not a spy :itsok:
Poor little retard....

There were no less than four paid informants.. Hang on to your ass, the ride is about to go into orbit. 2 inside the US and two in foreign countries who were spying for Obama's illegal criminal organization to fix the election...

The tinfoil is wrapped strong with this one.
So you don't believe Brennen and Clapper?

I don't know anything about Brennan and Clapper having any tinfoil.

But if you have either Brennan or Clapper saying that they were spying for "Obama's illegal crime organization'- please post that quote here.

I will wait with great anticipation.
“Nothing we heard today has changed our view that there is no evidence to support any allegation that the FBI or any intel agency placed a spy in the Trump campaign,” said a statement Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., read to reporters on behalf of himself, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. and Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va.

But just as the notorious “Nunes memo” ended up backfiring, undermining Trump World’s own arguments, the secret information divulged yesterday brought into focus another inconvenient truth for the president: there was no spy. Trump’s assertions on the matter have been ridiculous from the outset.

Trump's nonsensical 'Spygate' conspiracy theory ends with a whimper

Let me get this straight...because Schiff, Pelosi, Shumer and Warner didn't feel like they heard anything about the FBI's plant that changed their's over? That's some funny shit, Skews! I think it's time to appoint a Special Counsel to start investigating EVERYTHING that the Obama Administration...the Clinton Campaign...and the DNC did leading up to that election! There is a palpable stench coming from the whole sordid mess!

Well, I'm just waiting for the four GOP Senators/House Member's response. It's been well over 24 hours at this point. Are they speechless?.
Don’t be an idiot, or a liberal (i repeat myself). he was A SPY!

And by spy- you mean of course- he wasn't a spy.

"Spygate," the false allegation that the FBI had a spy in the Trump campaign, explained
This deep familiarity with both Republican politics and the world of international spycraft may have been what made Halper an ideal informant for the FBI during the 2016 campaign.

On July 7 of that year, Trump foreign policy adviser Carter Page traveled to Moscow to give a lecture. Page had long been on the FBI’s radar due to his contacts with Russia; in 2013, Russian intelligence reached out to him directly in a short-lived effort to recruit him as an intelligence asset. Less than a week later, Halper met Page at a conference on US foreign policy and the 2016 election held in Cambridge. The two men struck up an email correspondence.

It’s not clear whether that initial meeting was done at the FBI’s behest. It’s possible that these two men just had a lot in common and established a sort of friendship; Halper is reportedly known for being a major networker.

But on July 31, about three weeks after Halper and Page first met, the FBI began a counterintelligence investigation into Russian efforts to infiltrate the Trump campaign and alter the outcome of the 2016 election. As part of this investigation, they asked Halper to reach out to two Trump advisers — Page and George Papadopoulos — to see what he could learn about connections between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Between August 1 and the November 2016 election, Halper was in regular contact with those two men. In September, he met with Papadopoulos in London — the pretext was Halper paying Papadopoulos to write a paper on Middle Eastern energy markets — and asked him about Trump contacts with the Kremlin.

Papadopoulos denied any knowledge of Russian outreach to the Trump team, which was a lie: Papadopoulos had drunkenly bragged to an Australian diplomat about Russia offering him “dirt” on Hillary Clinton back in May, which led to the FBI beginning its counterintelligence investigation in the first place.

Halper also met with a third Trump foreign policy adviser, Sam Clovis; according to Clovis, they discussed China policy, not Russia. It’s not clear if this meeting was also at the FBI’s behest, or if what they discussed was relayed back to the FBI.

And that’s it. There is no evidence so far that Halper attempted to join the Trump campaign and act as a double agent; nor is there evidence that he conducted any kind of illegal snooping on Page or Papadopoulos. We also don’t know whether Halper’s meetings yielded anything useful to the FBI: Papadopoulos seems to have stonewalled him, and the contents of his conversations with Page aren’t yet public knowledge.
“Nothing we heard today has changed our view that there is no evidence to support any allegation that the FBI or any intel agency placed a spy in the Trump campaign,” said a statement Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., read to reporters on behalf of himself, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. and Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va.

But just as the notorious “Nunes memo” ended up backfiring, undermining Trump World’s own arguments, the secret information divulged yesterday brought into focus another inconvenient truth for the president: there was no spy. Trump’s assertions on the matter have been ridiculous from the outset.

Trump's nonsensical 'Spygate' conspiracy theory ends with a whimper
Ya when global warming hoax didn’t work ya switched to climate change
You don’t like spying so you switch to imbedded informer. Well that's what it is this week
Don’t be an idiot, or a liberal (i repeat myself). he was A SPY!

And by spy- you mean of course- he wasn't a spy.

"Spygate," the false allegation that the FBI had a spy in the Trump campaign, explained
This deep familiarity with both Republican politics and the world of international spycraft may have been what made Halper an ideal informant for the FBI during the 2016 campaign.

On July 7 of that year, Trump foreign policy adviser Carter Page traveled to Moscow to give a lecture. Page had long been on the FBI’s radar due to his contacts with Russia; in 2013, Russian intelligence reached out to him directly in a short-lived effort to recruit him as an intelligence asset. Less than a week later, Halper met Page at a conference on US foreign policy and the 2016 election held in Cambridge. The two men struck up an email correspondence.

It’s not clear whether that initial meeting was done at the FBI’s behest. It’s possible that these two men just had a lot in common and established a sort of friendship; Halper is reportedly known for being a major networker.

But on July 31, about three weeks after Halper and Page first met, the FBI began a counterintelligence investigation into Russian efforts to infiltrate the Trump campaign and alter the outcome of the 2016 election. As part of this investigation, they asked Halper to reach out to two Trump advisers — Page and George Papadopoulos — to see what he could learn about connections between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Between August 1 and the November 2016 election, Halper was in regular contact with those two men. In September, he met with Papadopoulos in London — the pretext was Halper paying Papadopoulos to write a paper on Middle Eastern energy markets — and asked him about Trump contacts with the Kremlin.

Papadopoulos denied any knowledge of Russian outreach to the Trump team, which was a lie: Papadopoulos had drunkenly bragged to an Australian diplomat about Russia offering him “dirt” on Hillary Clinton back in May, which led to the FBI beginning its counterintelligence investigation in the first place.

Halper also met with a third Trump foreign policy adviser, Sam Clovis; according to Clovis, they discussed China policy, not Russia. It’s not clear if this meeting was also at the FBI’s behest, or if what they discussed was relayed back to the FBI.

And that’s it. There is no evidence so far that Halper attempted to join the Trump campaign and act as a double agent; nor is there evidence that he conducted any kind of illegal snooping on Page or Papadopoulos. We also don’t know whether Halper’s meetings yielded anything useful to the FBI: Papadopoulos seems to have stonewalled him, and the contents of his conversations with Page aren’t yet public knowledge.

"Trump has a unique set of political skills. It’s the rare politician that can get the Democrats to expose who they are, and to show us their butts so often. Who else could’ve convinced the Dems to side with MS-13, North Korea, & illicit govt spying in just the past month?"
Interesting concept...
So now you're claiming that the FBI was worried about Russian attempts to sway the election and THAT was why they had someone spying on the Trump campaign? Gee, weren't the Russians also putting out ads that were negative to Trump? So did the FBI put an informant inside of the Clinton campaign? If so...then they should have known all about Clinton paying for the Trump "dossier"? Why wouldn't they IMMEDIATELY start investigating Clinton and the DNC as soon as that was uncovered? If they didn't have a spy in the Clinton campaign...then kindly explain...why not?
This is making me sick to my stomach. He needs to be stopped from this game he's playing; it's gone too far. I'm not joking.

I've been attempting to reduce my exposure to Donald Trump and politics in general as much as possible OL. I find it best to remain in a place that sits somewhere in between fully informed and comfortably numb.

This most recent behavior is his scariest to date. At this point one gets the feeling that he will literally burn the country to the ground if that's what it takes to protect his presidency. IOW, he's feeling like a cornered rat and what he's liable to do next is scary as all hell.

I'm not joking either.

Hell if it gets any better around here I won’t be able to take it. Trump just keeps making things better, y’all should jump on the train and enjoy this . And stop bitching about nothing.

Had Obama pulled half the crap this president has, y'alls hair would be on fire.

Yeah, i think he is the source of a bunch of those leaks we keep getting. That's a crime the last time i looked.

"I think" style accusations are not accepted and SERIOUS links are required. The primary source of leaks has been the Donald Trump White House. The secondary source has been Devin Nunes.

Smart folk know this Westwall - do you know any? ;-)

Yes, smart people DO think that schiff has been leaking. Leaking like a sieve in point of fact.

Schiff denies leaking 'non-public' information about Trump Jr.'s testimony

Schiff denies leaking 'non-public' information about Trump Jr.'s testimony

Leaking more than Nunes?

I doubt it.

Devin was equipped at birth with an extra orifice designed specifically for leakage - Usually to Fox News, the Washington Examiner, or the president himself.
Do not bunch me in with the Trump worshipers who will defend and believe him no matter what. Way too many people on these forums love to generalize, unaware of how wrong they are to do so.

Use MY OWN WORDS against me, not your imaginings dictated by personal bias and then I’ll take you and any other generalizers seriously.

Weird how democrats are all too willing to dismiss this, yet entertain basically anything that makes Trump look bad. The Russia investigation, which let’s face it—is based on nothing really—has been going on for two years, yet they come to this conclusion that Trump’s claim of campaign spying is full of shit in less than a week.

Here’s the thing: they don’t CARE if it’s true or not bc it’s their job to prove him wrong and by God they WILL prove him wrong.
Mueller's investigation has only been going on for one year.

You guy's need to get your stories straight. On the one hand, you claim Obama did nothing about Russia's interference. In the next breath, you claim Obama was investigating the Russian interference during the Trump campaign!

Positively schizophrenic.

Of course, the rube herd used to deny there even was any Russian interference. Then you changed your story to Obama didn't do anything about the interference you all claimed didn't exist!

You guys suffer from multiple personalities!

And as a last defense, when all this cognitive dissonance begins to overwhelm you, you scream, "LA-LA-LA-I-CAN'T-HEAR-YOU!"
Note the highlighted part below—not true and from what I’ve seen in political online forums, the Trump haters have NO PROBLEMS keeping up with his Twitter activities. The only reason I ever know what he tweets is bc his opposition shoves it in my face day after day.

People can vote for someone and not believe and support them indefinitely. I voted for Trump bc of who he was running against more than anything.


Looking at things objectively is so insane. No wonder hardly anyone wants to do it. Toss me in a padded room and throw away the key! We can’t let anyone make informed decisions!

The media wants us all to bob our heads and repeat after them. I say fuck that.]

Trumpsters want you all to bob your heads and repeat Trump's tweets after them.

I say fuck that.

Looking at Trump's claim of a spy- objectively- is that there is no evidence of such a spy.

But Trump and the GOP spinmeister's are working hard to convince their core- that despite the lack of evidence- that there was a spy- and that it was all part of some nefarious plot against Trump.

They certainly don't want anyone to look at that story 'objectively'
Look at my other responses here and you can see I’m sticking to the topic at hand. Get a life.

I’m not trying to change the subject. I’m simply pointing something out I feel is relevant. Sorry you have a problem with that.

Meanwhile no one cares that Hillary’s campaign worked with foreign officials to get dirt on Trump in order to INFLUENCE THE OUTCOME OF THE ELECTION! I guess working with outsiders to influence an election is only a problem when Trump supposedly does it.]

Well nice attempt to change the subject from the current President's attempts to get dirt on Clinton- to the person who didn't get elected.

Clearly you were trying to change the subject- and I'm simply pointing that out. I really don't care if you have a problem with that.

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