Trump's Star Wars - Dozens Added by Conservative Anti-PC Street Artists


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District


Even though these got peeled off, some Pro Consersative Anti-PC Artists did make their statement.

If this was legal and not vandalism, that's one step better than the protests destroying the sidewalk
which resulted in arrests, charges and prosecution procedures for breaking the law (at taxpayers' expense and whoever has to pay for repairs). So far these street artists paid their own costs for their art; if they pay for any other costs incurred by their actions, that would be consistent with Conservative values of individual responsibility and not dumping on govt or taxpayers to pay for your "free speech" or right to protest.

Not sure if charges will be filed for vandalizing the sidewalk by ADDING art to it!
Had it been permanent or cost money to remove, maybe that could still incur charges.

Statement made, but if Conservatives are consistent, then if this Sidewalk is PRIVATELY owned
and the voting on adding or removal is PRIVATE then by limited govt/free choice, the govt cannot
be abused to FORCE individuals how to express themselves if they own this property. Maybe if
it is a PUBLIC sidewalk, that gets into public jurisdiction.

If a group makes public claims that count as FALSE ADVERTISING, slander, misrepresentation
or defamation of character, that can be grounds for legal action. But free speech and free choice
even by Conservative standards are not to be punished or dictated by govt. We'll see how this
"Star Wars" plays out.


  • Trump Stars.jpg
    Trump Stars.jpg
    65.2 KB · Views: 40
Yo, looks like an improvement in that shit-hole Town, GO TRUMP!!!!!


Thanks 1stRambo I don't think the stars themselves lasted long before they got peeled off.
But I think the Statement will last online, and these artists knew they could stand their ground that way.
They paid for their own statement, and I hope they will pay any other costs associated so
they show the DIFFERENCE between liberal and conservative "free speech" and "right to protest."

The Tea Party was credited for cleaning up after their demonstrations that were civil and law abiding.
The Occupy movement was credited for 10-30 million dollars in clean up costs left to the public/taxpayers to pay for.

We can use this example as a teachable exercise.

If we add up the cost to taxpayers of the destruction and prosecution for vandalism
by removing Trump's Star with a pick axe
vs. the cost of individuals adding stars, and then whoever removed them, and what that cost of their time,
why not compare?

Heck if I were Trump I would set up a Hollywood media outreach task force,
and start contests to write better scripts with Conscience and Character.

And get Conservatives to invest in producing better music, movies and entertainment
that is more educational, creative/comedic, better written, and better produced.

Even John Cusack called out Hollywood for its destructive culture.
How many stars would welcome the chance to clean up the bigger messes in society
that Hollywood exploits?

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