Trump's state visit to Britain put on hold

President Trump.

You'll get used to it.

it's only a matter of time. tick-tock.

carter page

so many.

oh my. oh my my MY my my............ this is precious.


He's really limiting his travel destinations if that's his reasoning.

Well, let's be honest. There is no reason really for any politician to spend the people's money on sightseeing junkets anyway.

There is a unique invention that renders it unecessary.
Donald wants to ride in the Royal Carriage. That's true. I read it shortly after the invitation.

that seriously would not surprize if true. he loooooved all that glitz, glamour & attention on him spilled on him from the saudis.
It's true. I read a reputable source that he had requested it. It was causing a little security kerfluffle (when Obama visited he decided to forego the Carriage to give British security a "break"). But nothing they weren't willing to handle.
Trump does love his gilt. :rolleyes:

Trump and guilt go hand in hand….
Really? The general public in Britain protesting Trump and his policies is enough to dissuade him from making a state visit to the UK, our most ardent ally? Really?!? Oh, my....I had no idea his need for "adoring crowds" is that profound.
I'm sure he had a completely unselfish reason, like he wanted to spare Great Britain the extra security headache. LOL LOL LOL
Like I said, though, I'm not convinced it's true. The fact that there hasn't been a date set yet, though, is a point in the rumor's favor. I seem to recall it was originally going to be in September or October--early fall, anyway. That's not so far away; you'd think they'd be setting it up by now?
Take a look at the dates and how long after each man's inauguration they occurred, especially recent presidents.
It was the Queen and May who invited him. He didn't just call and say he was coming, Xelor.

All the more reason he should be going.

None of them just called and announced they were going to appear.
I agree he should go. If this is true and he wants to wait until he's popular, the Queen could be waiting a long time, though.
If ...he wants to wait until he's popular,the Queen could be waiting a long time, though.
She's quite old. At her age, it's quite possible she'll pass before Trump becomes popular among her subjects. It's far from certain she can wait a long time, but I suspect she doesn't give a tinker's dam about having to wait. There's no doubt in my mind that Trump has more to gain by being in her presence (or that of any decent human being, quite frankly) than she in his.

As far as I know, Trump's never been given an audience with Queen Elizabeth. And I'm quite sure he lacks the stature to merit her giving him an honorary knighthood.
I'm sure he had a completely unselfish reason, like he wanted to spare Great Britain the extra security headache. LOL LOL LOL
Like I said, though, I'm not convinced it's true. The fact that there hasn't been a date set yet, though, is a point in the rumor's favor. I seem to recall it was originally going to be in September or October--early fall, anyway. That's not so far away; you'd think they'd be setting it up by now?
Take a look at the dates and how long after each man's inauguration they occurred, especially recent presidents.
It was the Queen and May who invited him. He didn't just call and say he was coming, Xelor.

All the more reason he should be going.

None of them just called and announced they were going to appear.
I agree he should go. If this is true and he wants to wait until he's popular, the Queen could be waiting a long time, though.
If ...he wants to wait until he's popular,the Queen could be waiting a long time, though.
She's quite old. At her age, it's quite possible she'll pass before Trump becomes popular among her subjects. It's far from certain she can wait a long time, but I suspect she doesn't give a tinker's dam about having to wait. There's no doubt in my mind that Trump has more to gain by being in her presence (or that of any decent human being, quite frankly) than she in his.

As far as I know, Trump's never been given an audience with Queen Elizabeth. And I'm quite sure he lacks the stature to merit her giving him an honorary knighthood.
He's rather be crowned.
Take a look at the dates and how long after each man's inauguration they occurred, especially recent presidents.
It was the Queen and May who invited him. He didn't just call and say he was coming, Xelor.

All the more reason he should be going.

None of them just called and announced they were going to appear.
I agree he should go. If this is true and he wants to wait until he's popular, the Queen could be waiting a long time, though.
If ...he wants to wait until he's popular,the Queen could be waiting a long time, though.
She's quite old. At her age, it's quite possible she'll pass before Trump becomes popular among her subjects. It's far from certain she can wait a long time, but I suspect she doesn't give a tinker's dam about having to wait. There's no doubt in my mind that Trump has more to gain by being in her presence (or that of any decent human being, quite frankly) than she in his.

As far as I know, Trump's never been given an audience with Queen Elizabeth. And I'm quite sure he lacks the stature to merit her giving him an honorary knighthood.
He's rather be crowned.
I suspect so. He already behaves as though he's an absolute monarch.
Trump doesn't really want to be president, he just wants the position so he can get his ego stroked.

If he was actually interested in being president, how come he is spending so much time on the golf course? I seem to remember a lot of conservatives bitching about Obama being on vacation when Germany had a terror attack. Now? Well there have been several attacks on other countries, one of which is a close ally (or at least was before Trump became elected), and he is STILL playing golf every weekend.

Trump has played more golf than Obama did, and not a peep out of conservatives.
No American in their right mind, Trump or otherwise, would touch the muslim semen receptacle called the UK with a 1000-mile pole. I've read enough BBCrap and Guardiabomination to see that the Brits are the stupidest, phoniest, arrogant, sadistically, violently American-hating cocksuckers in the entire Anglosphere, who spew violent, dehumanizing hatred at "seppos" for things they are guiltier of themselves...while pimping their own daughters to muslim and singing Islam's praises. I detest that nation of pigs with every last quantum of my yankee-doodle soul. England is not only a nation of sick fucks, they're a nation of friendless fucks - I've seen quite a few Canadians, Kiwis and Aussies who hate "whinging poms" far more than they hate Americans, as plenty have been happy to tell me.

If you need further proof of the UK's degeneracy, go to Youtube and watch the Jeremy Kyle show; the tracksuited guests on that show are walking Halloween-costume horrors that really show you the level of mass-inbreeding on that island. If you think you've seen white trash before, the UK's Jeremy Kyle "chavs" will re-define the word for you.

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