Trump's Syria strike: What they're not telling you


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Trump’s Syria Strike: What They’re NOT Telling You

While this is not meant to be an endorsement of President Trump’s missile strike against a Syrian air base, here’s some points to consider:

  • The air strikes were limited to an airfield, yet the runway was unharmed, meaning the air base is still operational. Six MiG-23s were destroyed along with a storage depot, a training building, a canteen and a radar station. Six people were killed and several others wounded.
  • The Syrian government called the strike “blatant aggression,” but stopped short of calling it an act of war.
  • Russia was warned about the strike beforehand… and Russian officials likely warned Syria as well. “Russian forces were notified in advance of the strike using the established deconfliction line,” said Pentagon spokesman Capt. Jeff Davis. “U.S. military planners took precautions to minimize risk to Russian or Syrian personnel located at the airfield.”
  • The strike was the “most limited” military option presented to Trump, according to the New York Times.
  • If this strike didn’t happen, and Trump went to Russia to forge an coalition to fight ISIS, the neo-cons in Congress and his administration would undermine him while claiming publicly he’s a “Russian puppet.” But now, with the strike, he can “deescalate” tensions with Russia into a coalition to fight ISIS under the guise of stopping bloodshed in Syria… which is really targeting ISIS, not Assad..............................CONTINUED

Strikes could trigger reconciliation, coalition with Russia to stop ISIS

Well if you don't bother to read it or listen to it you can never understand what you don't even know, or haven't even thought of yet.
That's why we have a Nation of sheep one tracked minds that stick to one NEWS source only , or a few that say the same dam things because they're controlled media.

and BOTS are hitting the message boards to make TRUMP look like the FOOL, so the dumb ass sheep can say "
SEEEEeeeee we told you blah blah, and see you all support war............

Listen you indoctrinated sheep you don't even know what you don't know ...
Not that we can believe anything we read these days given all the lies from the media, I read 6 soldiers and 3 civilians were killed in the attack.
Trump’s Syria Strike: What They’re NOT Telling You

While this is not meant to be an endorsement of President Trump’s missile strike against a Syrian air base, here’s some points to consider:

  • The air strikes were limited to an airfield, yet the runway was unharmed, meaning the air base is still operational. Six MiG-23s were destroyed along with a storage depot, a training building, a canteen and a radar station. Six people were killed and several others wounded.
  • The Syrian government called the strike “blatant aggression,” but stopped short of calling it an act of war.
  • Russia was warned about the strike beforehand… and Russian officials likely warned Syria as well. “Russian forces were notified in advance of the strike using the established deconfliction line,” said Pentagon spokesman Capt. Jeff Davis. “U.S. military planners took precautions to minimize risk to Russian or Syrian personnel located at the airfield.”
  • The strike was the “most limited” military option presented to Trump, according to the New York Times.
  • If this strike didn’t happen, and Trump went to Russia to forge an coalition to fight ISIS, the neo-cons in Congress and his administration would undermine him while claiming publicly he’s a “Russian puppet.” But now, with the strike, he can “deescalate” tensions with Russia into a coalition to fight ISIS under the guise of stopping bloodshed in Syria… which is really targeting ISIS, not Assad..............................CONTINUED

Strikes could trigger reconciliation, coalition with Russia to stop ISIS

Well if you don't bother to read it or listen to it you can never understand what you don't even know, or haven't even thought of yet.
That's why we have a Nation of sheep one tracked minds that stick to one NEWS source only , or a few that say the same dam things because they're controlled media.

and BOTS are hitting the message boards to make TRUMP look like the FOOL, so the dumb ass sheep can say "
SEEEEeeeee we told you blah blah, and see you all support war............

Listen you indoctrinated sheep you don't even know what you don't know ...

Alex Jones wants a Trump job, so I question anything he has to say...

I can only find this on Fox...but satellites show major damage..

Syria missile attack: Satellite photos show major damage to airfields
And OMG Alex jones, the guy who said we didn't land on the moon and the gov was responsible for 911
You really should get a job and stop sucking off your socialist benefits. Too much time in your head
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FLASHBACK: When John Kerry Said Assad Destroyed "100 Percent" of His Chemical Weapons
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And OMG Alex jones, the guy who said we didn't land on the moon and the gov was responsible for 911
You really should get a job and stop sucking off your socialist benefits. Too much time in your head
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From RT: Six MiG-23 fighter jets were destroyed in the operation, along with a material storage depot, a training facility, a canteen and a radar station, according to Russia’s Ministry of Defense (MoD).

Syria Crisis: Live Updates
Trump’s Syria Strike: What They’re NOT Telling You

While this is not meant to be an endorsement of President Trump’s missile strike against a Syrian air base, here’s some points to consider:

  • The air strikes were limited to an airfield, yet the runway was unharmed, meaning the air base is still operational. Six MiG-23s were destroyed along with a storage depot, a training building, a canteen and a radar station. Six people were killed and several others wounded.
  • The Syrian government called the strike “blatant aggression,” but stopped short of calling it an act of war.
  • Russia was warned about the strike beforehand… and Russian officials likely warned Syria as well. “Russian forces were notified in advance of the strike using the established deconfliction line,” said Pentagon spokesman Capt. Jeff Davis. “U.S. military planners took precautions to minimize risk to Russian or Syrian personnel located at the airfield.”
  • The strike was the “most limited” military option presented to Trump, according to the New York Times.
  • If this strike didn’t happen, and Trump went to Russia to forge an coalition to fight ISIS, the neo-cons in Congress and his administration would undermine him while claiming publicly he’s a “Russian puppet.” But now, with the strike, he can “deescalate” tensions with Russia into a coalition to fight ISIS under the guise of stopping bloodshed in Syria… which is really targeting ISIS, not Assad..............................CONTINUED

Strikes could trigger reconciliation, coalition with Russia to stop ISIS

Well if you don't bother to read it or listen to it you can never understand what you don't even know, or haven't even thought of yet.
That's why we have a Nation of sheep one tracked minds that stick to one NEWS source only , or a few that say the same dam things because they're controlled media.

and BOTS are hitting the message boards to make TRUMP look like the FOOL, so the dumb ass sheep can say "
SEEEEeeeee we told you blah blah, and see you all support war............

Listen you indoctrinated sheep you don't even know what you don't know ...

Another false flag by the elite. Why Trump has fallen for this false flag is beyond me. I really thought that he is smarter than this. Why would Assad even dare do such a thing as this? The elite zionist bankster establishment are at it again. They never quit, do they? They have to keep the world constantly in chaos and havoc.
The Truth About Trump's Air Strike on Syria

Gotta love Paul Watson he says it like it is..
No one is asking the critical question:
Who told Trump that Assad was responsible for the chemical attack? That is, if the Turkish post mortem reports are accurate.
Last night Donald Trump fired fifty-nine Tomahawk missiles at a Syrian air base. But according to the Washington Post (link), they were a poor choice of weaponry under the circumstances, because Russia has S-400 surface to air defense technology in place in Syria which could easily have shot them down. In addition, Reuters is reporting that the Syrian air base was barely harmed (link), and is already back to operational capacity today, because the Tomahawks were aimed at the least important targets on the base.

This means that Trump went with the wrong weaponry when he ordered the Tomahawk attack (his military advisers would have explained this to him), and he used the missiles to merely put on a show for TV viewers at home, rather than doing any real damage. In other words Trump just set a bunch of Tomahawk missiles on fire which, according to a recent Defense Department report (link), may have been worth as much as $93.8 million in total. Why would he do this? Well, he does own shares of stock in the company that makes the Tomahawks.

Tomahawk missiles are manufactured by Raytheon Inc., and according to this report from Business Insider (link), Donald Trump owned stock in Raytheon up through at least the start of the presidential election cycle. There is no record that he subsequently sold that stock. The Tomahawks that Trump just burned up will have to be replaced, meaning he just handed a nearly hundred million dollar payday to a company he owns stock in. Not surprisingly, shares of Raytheon spiked today (link), meaning he’s directly profiting from his Syria attack. And again, it appears the Tomahawks were not the ideal choice of weaponry for the Syria attack.
I'm not sure it matters "who" made the attack in so far as the missile strike goes - they tracked the plane that supposedly dropped it and bombed that airfield. If Assad didn't do it, then he lost nothing here. The only clink would be if Russia's claim that they hit a gas storage bunker and it doesn't seem like anyone is buying that... idk.

I'd like to bug out of the ME, but the advisors are running the show, and Trump said that was what would happen from the get go so it is what it is.
  • The air strikes were limited to an airfield, yet the runway was unharmed, meaning the air base is still operational. Six MiG-23s were destroyed along with a storage depot, a training building, a canteen and a radar station. Six people were killed and several others wounded.
  • The Syrian government called the strike “blatant aggression,” but stopped short of calling it an act of war.
  • Russia was warned about the strike beforehand… and Russian officials likely warned Syria as well. “Russian forces were notified in advance of the strike using the established deconfliction line,” said Pentagon spokesman Capt. Jeff Davis. “U.S. military planners took precautions to minimize risk to Russian or Syrian personnel located at the airfield.”
  • The strike was the “most limited” military option presented to Trump, according to the New York Times.
  • If this strike didn’t happen, and Trump went to Russia to forge an coalition to fight ISIS, the neo-cons in Congress and his administration would undermine him while claiming publicly he’s a “Russian puppet.” But now, with the strike, he can “deescalate” tensions with Russia into a coalition to fight ISIS under the guise of stopping bloodshed in Syria… which is really targeting ISIS, not Assad..............................CONTINUED
As usual you're manufacturing a media conspiracy where there isn't one. The first four points are pretty well known and have been reported so this "they aren't telling you" is sheer stupidity just like the rest of your endless threads, and the last is an opinion not an unreported fact.

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