Trump’s tax plan punishes children and the middle class it’s a massive con, like Leader Pelosi says

Only a damn fool could have believed that a rich guy would protect the little people, who he has been fucking to get rich his entire life.
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Only a damn fool could have believe that a rich guy would protect the little people, who he has been fucking to get rich his entire life.

The little guys don't pay taxes because they're mostly on the public dole. My problem with this plan is it doesn't PUNISH people who are on that dole long-term.

Trump doesn’t pay taxes. That’s why he won’t release his returns.
Only a damn fool could have believe that a rich guy would protect the little people, who he has been fucking to get rich his entire life.

The little guys don't pay taxes because they're mostly on the public dole. My problem with this plan is it doesn't PUNISH people who are on that dole long-term.
On the dole long term? You mean retired veterans and government workers? Police, firefighters? Grandma and Grandpa on Social Security? Those blood-suckers on the working man?
Only a damn fool could have believe that a rich guy would protect the little people, who he has been fucking to get rich his entire life.

The little guys don't pay taxes because they're mostly on the public dole. My problem with this plan is it doesn't PUNISH people who are on that dole long-term.

Trump doesn’t pay taxes. That’s why he won’t release his returns.
We likely send him a check every year. He pays people so he doesn't have to pay for the nation that makes him rich. And these morons love him all the more for it.
Anyone notice how many left wing new posters are coming here with their bullshit soros cliches?

Their pathetic stupid long winded old robin hood class warfare bullshit unoriginal cliches.

No doubt recent stupid useless morons who just graduated in poly sci in one of those pathetic institutions of lower living where they have been brainwashed into thinking socialism is some pathetic mythical utopia.

Do you think this pathetic college know it all soros hippy intern has a Che t shirt?
Trump doesn’t pay taxes. That’s why he won’t release his returns.

That's fine with me. So long S it's being done through legal means.
This kind is why we have so many laws on the books. They have no morals and force the rest of us to write laws to keep them in check. They'd sell women and children to the highest bidder for sex if we didn't have a law against it.
On the dole long term? You mean retired veterans and government workers? Police, firefighters? Grandma and Grandpa on Social Security? Those blood-suckers on the working man?

Those on Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, SNAP, cash assistance, WIC, etc... along with all Government workers whose jobs are not directly tied to Constitutional Government.
Only a damn fool could have believe that a rich guy would protect the little people, who he has been fucking to get rich his entire life.

The little guys don't pay taxes because they're mostly on the public dole. My problem with this plan is it doesn't PUNISH people who are on that dole long-term.

Trump doesn’t pay taxes. That’s why he won’t release his returns.
He paid 38 million according to the last ones found by the press!
Trump is giving tax breaks to his rich friends while punishing children and the middle class.

Leader Pelosi is absolutely correct.

Nancy Pelosi: GOP tax plan is a 'massive con'

How much LESS can or should the "Middle Income" workers pay?

Why should not ALL citizens share in the cost of our country?

OMB: Top 20% pay 95% of taxes, middle class 'single digits'
by Paul Bedard | Oct 27, 2017, 7:35 AM


If you break the income tax universe into what we call quintiles, so equal sized 20 percent columns, the first two columns, the first quintile and the lower quintile, don't pay any taxes at all. In fact they net positive. We pay them when they file a tax return.

That middle quintile, which you might describe, some people do, as middle class, pays an effective rate in the low single digits. And all of the taxes are paid by folks in the top two quintiles, and that last quintile pays almost fully, 95 percent I think, of the taxes.

People always ask all the time, ‘Why do you want to give a tax cut to the rich?' Here's the math. We have a progressive tax system, which means that if you make $1 million and I make $50,000, we both pay the exact same rate on the first, let's say, $20,000. And then, from the next $20,000 up to my $50,000, and her next $20,000 to her next $50,000, we pay the same, I think it's 12 percent of 15 percent, I can't remember where the brackets are right now. And then she goes on to pay her higher rate on the stuff that she makes and I stop.

Well, if you want to give me, the middle class, a cut, take my 15 percent rate down to say 10 percent, and that gives the middle class a cut. Guess who else benefits from that, she does. She pays that same rate on the way up the brackets.


OMB: Top 20% pay 95% of taxes, middle class 'single digits'

Why not the top 20% pay 70 percent of all income taxes and the lower 80% pay at least 30 percent of Federal income taxees?
On the dole long term? You mean retired veterans and government workers? Police, firefighters? Grandma and Grandpa on Social Security? Those blood-suckers on the working man?

Those on Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, SNAP, cash assistance, WIC, etc... along with all Government workers whose jobs are not directly tied to Constitutional Government.
Don't even communicate with that fucking soros moron. She actually brought up Trump tax returns. As if these deranged bags of shit did not see or deliberately forgot their stupid embarrassing dyke with the ugly short hair and typical liberal dark thick rimmed glasses on msnbc. Remember when that blow hard had the BREAKING NEWS on his TAX RETURNS?

Only to find out he paid more in taxes than all of those stupid pathetic hypocritical douche bags on the left.

Here this fucking dumb soros intern is bringing up Trump tax returns again.

Good Lord they are pathetic.
On the dole long term? You mean retired veterans and government workers? Police, firefighters? Grandma and Grandpa on Social Security? Those blood-suckers on the working man?

Those on Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, SNAP, cash assistance, WIC, etc... along with all Government workers whose jobs are not directly tied to Constitutional Government.
Where in the Constitution does it say we are allowed to pay retired soldiers for the rest of their lives to do nothing at all for us? Right, it doesn't.
Mrs Pelosi is living in the past before the information age when democrats could spout cliches and get away with it. Somebody should remind her that democrats lost almost every significant election in the last six years.
Where in the Constitution does it say we are allowed to pay retired soldiers for the rest of their lives to do nothing at all for us? Right, it doesn't.

I tend to feel it falls under raising and maintaining an army, but I understand not everyone may agree. I definitely feel there's a better case for thst than any employee of the Dept. Of Education, Energy, HHS, etc...

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