Trump's tax returns?

Are Trump's tax returns still being audited? In less than a month, Trump will control the agency auditing those same returns. That isn't a conflict of interest. Nooooooooooo.

The lying Trump will never release his returns as yet another example of how he lied to his base & they could care less.
I'll start worry about those soon as we see Obama's REAL birth certificate and his college records :)
As I recall the Clinton Foundation is under investigation by the FBI. You might want to wait for their finding before you open your big mouth about how the Clintons never took money from the foundation?

Oh and how was Chelsea's wedding paid for?? Seems to me I heard it was with money from the Clinton Foundation.

Carry on dumbass.
over done, doesn't matter any more. Donald said Hillary and Bill are good people . Only needed "lock her up" before the vote, not anymore.
Are Trump's tax returns still being audited? In less than a month, Trump will control the agency auditing those same returns. That isn't a conflict of interest. Nooooooooooo.

The lying Trump will never release his returns as yet another example of how he lied to his base & they could care less.
I'll start worry about those soon as we see Obama's REAL birth certificate and his college records :)

Hey Trump said he was born in the US, Trump is your God, listen to him.
As I recall the Clinton Foundation is under investigation by the FBI. You might want to wait for their finding before you open your big mouth about how the Clintons never took money from the foundation?

Oh and how was Chelsea's wedding paid for?? Seems to me I heard it was with money from the Clinton Foundation.

Carry on dumbass.
over done, doesn't matter any more. Donald said Hillary and Bill are good people . Only needed "lock her up" before the vote, not anymore.

LMAO Time will tell.
Are Trump's tax returns still being audited? In less than a month, Trump will control the agency auditing those same returns. That isn't a conflict of interest. Nooooooooooo.

The lying Trump will never release his returns as yet another example of how he lied to his base & they could care less.

Setting aside that he is under no obligation to release his tax returns, how is not doing so "yet another example of how he lied to his base". Please be specific now.
He said he would release his returns. He has not.

He said he would not release while under audit. There is no evidence that audit is over.

So, that makes you the liar.

Better luck next time.
Serious questions if Trump released his tax returns tomorrow how many here would actually look at them? Do you even care about them or do you just need something to bitch about?
Are Trump's tax returns still being audited? In less than a month, Trump will control the agency auditing those same returns. That isn't a conflict of interest. Nooooooooooo.

The lying Trump will never release his returns as yet another example of how he lied to his base & they could care less.

Setting aside that he is under no obligation to release his tax returns, how is not doing so "yet another example of how he lied to his base". Please be specific now.
He said he would release his returns. He has not.

He said he would not release while under audit. There is no evidence that audit is over.

So, that makes you the liar.

Better luck next time.
Where is the roof he is being audited?

Nixon released his taxes while being audited.
Serious questions if Trump released his tax returns tomorrow how many here would actually look at them? Do you even care about them or do you just need something to bitch about?
Have your orange buddy release them & let's see
Serious questions if Trump released his tax returns tomorrow how many here would actually look at them? Do you even care about them or do you just need something to bitch about?
The majority wouldn't understand the returns if they could see them. What they would do is wait for some talking head to complain about something in the returns, then regurgitate it all over the board and think they accomplished something.
Are Trump's tax returns still being audited? In less than a month, Trump will control the agency auditing those same returns. That isn't a conflict of interest. Nooooooooooo.

The lying Trump will never release his returns as yet another example of how he lied to his base & they could care less.
Some audits take years and considering who Trump is, who knows.

Will you guys ever stop whining?
Are Trump's tax returns still being audited? In less than a month, Trump will control the agency auditing those same returns. That isn't a conflict of interest. Nooooooooooo.

The lying Trump will never release his returns as yet another example of how he lied to his base & they could care less.

You mean like you have demonstrated how much you care by identifying the law used to circumvent paying taxes?
You are are just plain stupid. It is not about paying taxes it is about his sources of income & where his investments are & to whom he owes money.

No wonder you voted for Trump. He did carry the uneducated voter bracket.
Leftist commie dumbasses think it's great for the govt. to steal people's money and waste it.
Serious questions if Trump released his tax returns tomorrow how many here would actually look at them? Do you even care about them or do you just need something to bitch about?
Have your orange buddy release them & let's see
He's not my buddy if your not willing to answer the questions don't bother responding you don't need him to release them to know if you really care about them or if you would look at them.
Are Trump's tax returns still being audited? In less than a month, Trump will control the agency auditing those same returns. That isn't a conflict of interest. Nooooooooooo.

The lying Trump will never release his returns as yet another example of how he lied to his base & they could care less.

Setting aside that he is under no obligation to release his tax returns, how is not doing so "yet another example of how he lied to his base". Please be specific now.
He said he would release his returns. He has not.

He said he would not release while under audit. There is no evidence that audit is over.

So, that makes you the liar.

Better luck next time.
Where is the roof he is being audited?

Nixon released his taxes while being audited.

His tax lawyers released a statement confirming the audit. So again, he did not lie. You did.

Don't care about Nixon, there is nothing requiring a President to release his tax returns.

You're just butthurt things didn't work out in the election so you cling on to anything you can. Really pathetic.
Are Trump's tax returns still being audited? In less than a month, Trump will control the agency auditing those same returns. That isn't a conflict of interest. Nooooooooooo.

The lying Trump will never release his returns as yet another example of how he lied to his base & they could care less.

Setting aside that he is under no obligation to release his tax returns, how is not doing so "yet another example of how he lied to his base". Please be specific now.
He said he would release his returns. He has not.

He said he would not release while under audit. There is no evidence that audit is over.

So, that makes you the liar.

Better luck next time.

Where is the roof he is being audited?

Nixon released his taxes while being audited.

His tax lawyers released a statement confirming the audit. So again, he did not lie. You did.

Don't care about Nixon, there is nothing requiring a President to release his tax returns.

You're just butthurt things didn't work out in the election so you cling on to anything you can. Really pathetic.

His lawyers said so. Wow. The people the giant Cheeto pays is telling us. Where is the letter from the IRS?

There is nothing that says Presidents need to release their birth certificate or their college transcripts & assholes like you bitched about them for 8 freakin years.
Along comes Trump & all that is no longer important.

Funny chit how duped you morons really are.
Setting aside that he is under no obligation to release his tax returns, how is not doing so "yet another example of how he lied to his base". Please be specific now.
He said he would release his returns. He has not.

He said he would not release while under audit. There is no evidence that audit is over.

So, that makes you the liar.

Better luck next time.

Where is the roof he is being audited?

Nixon released his taxes while being audited.

His tax lawyers released a statement confirming the audit. So again, he did not lie. You did.

Don't care about Nixon, there is nothing requiring a President to release his tax returns.

You're just butthurt things didn't work out in the election so you cling on to anything you can. Really pathetic.

His lawyers said so. Wow. The people the giant Cheeto pays is telling us. Where is the letter from the IRS?

There is nothing that says Presidents need to release their birth certificate or their college transcripts & assholes like you bitched about them for 8 freakin years.
Along comes Trump & all that is no longer important.

Funny chit how duped you morons really are.

So you're going to suggest that tax attorneys would release a public statement that is false, risking their reputations and their very livelihood, because doing so would most certainly result in their disbarment.

Didn't think that one through, did ya?

Asshole? Moron?

Another logical fallacy from a lefty. Color me shocked.

So, after all this back and fourth, you still have failed to demonstrate how Trump lied regarding his taxes.

Guess that makes you the liar.
He said he would release his returns. He has not.

He said he would not release while under audit. There is no evidence that audit is over.

So, that makes you the liar.

Better luck next time.

Where is the roof he is being audited?

Nixon released his taxes while being audited.

His tax lawyers released a statement confirming the audit. So again, he did not lie. You did.

Don't care about Nixon, there is nothing requiring a President to release his tax returns.

You're just butthurt things didn't work out in the election so you cling on to anything you can. Really pathetic.

His lawyers said so. Wow. The people the giant Cheeto pays is telling us. Where is the letter from the IRS?

There is nothing that says Presidents need to release their birth certificate or their college transcripts & assholes like you bitched about them for 8 freakin years.
Along comes Trump & all that is no longer important.

Funny chit how duped you morons really are.

So you're going to suggest that tax attorneys would release a public statement that is false, risking their reputations and their very livelihood, because doing so would most certainly result in their disbarment.

Didn't think that one through, did ya?

Asshole? Moron?

Another logical fallacy from a lefty. Color me shocked.

So, after all this back and fourth, you still have failed to demonstrate how Trump lied regarding his taxes.

Guess that makes you the liar.

So now you claim lawyers don't lie.

I posted a quotatron from your orange buddy where he said he was going to release them.

He did not.

That my dear friend is a lie.
He said he would not release while under audit. There is no evidence that audit is over.

So, that makes you the liar.

Better luck next time.

Where is the roof he is being audited?

Nixon released his taxes while being audited.

His tax lawyers released a statement confirming the audit. So again, he did not lie. You did.

Don't care about Nixon, there is nothing requiring a President to release his tax returns.

You're just butthurt things didn't work out in the election so you cling on to anything you can. Really pathetic.

His lawyers said so. Wow. The people the giant Cheeto pays is telling us. Where is the letter from the IRS?

There is nothing that says Presidents need to release their birth certificate or their college transcripts & assholes like you bitched about them for 8 freakin years.
Along comes Trump & all that is no longer important.

Funny chit how duped you morons really are.

So you're going to suggest that tax attorneys would release a public statement that is false, risking their reputations and their very livelihood, because doing so would most certainly result in their disbarment.

Didn't think that one through, did ya?

Asshole? Moron?

Another logical fallacy from a lefty. Color me shocked.

So, after all this back and fourth, you still have failed to demonstrate how Trump lied regarding his taxes.

Guess that makes you the liar.

So now you claim lawyers don't lie.

I posted a quotatron from your orange buddy where he said he was going to release them.

He did not.

That my dear friend is a lie.

The burden's on you to prove his tax attorneys falsely claimed he is under audit.

Good luck with that.

He said he would not release them while under audit. So that would be lie #2 from you.

Where is the roof he is being audited?

Nixon released his taxes while being audited.

His tax lawyers released a statement confirming the audit. So again, he did not lie. You did.

Don't care about Nixon, there is nothing requiring a President to release his tax returns.

You're just butthurt things didn't work out in the election so you cling on to anything you can. Really pathetic.

His lawyers said so. Wow. The people the giant Cheeto pays is telling us. Where is the letter from the IRS?

There is nothing that says Presidents need to release their birth certificate or their college transcripts & assholes like you bitched about them for 8 freakin years.
Along comes Trump & all that is no longer important.

Funny chit how duped you morons really are.

So you're going to suggest that tax attorneys would release a public statement that is false, risking their reputations and their very livelihood, because doing so would most certainly result in their disbarment.

Didn't think that one through, did ya?

Asshole? Moron?

Another logical fallacy from a lefty. Color me shocked.

So, after all this back and fourth, you still have failed to demonstrate how Trump lied regarding his taxes.

Guess that makes you the liar.

So now you claim lawyers don't lie.

I posted a quotatron from your orange buddy where he said he was going to release them.

He did not.

That my dear friend is a lie.

The burden's on you to prove his tax attorneys falsely claimed he is under audit.

Good luck with that.

He said he would not release them while under audit. So that would be lie #2 from you.


So, If I said my tax returns are under audit, it would be up to you to prove I wasn't? Spoken like the total dolt you are.
Are Trump's tax returns still being audited? In less than a month, Trump will control the agency auditing those same returns. That isn't a conflict of interest. Nooooooooooo.

The lying Trump will never release his returns as yet another example of how he lied to his base & they could care less.
Trump boasted that he is cleverer than Americans who pay income tax.

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