Trumps Three Day Golfing Binge Has Begun

“President Donald Trump began a three-day golf weekend Friday, making his 16th visit to his New Jersey golf club since entering office and pushing his total travel and security costs for his hobby to $108.1 million,” the Huffington Post reported Friday.

“Heading into Friday, Trump had spent 60 days at his course in Northern Virginia, 59 days at Bedminster and 57 days at his resort in West Palm Beach. He has also visited his courses in Los Angeles; Doral, Florida; Jupiter, Florida; Scotland and Ireland ― all on the taxpayer dime,” the report noted.

This was the 187th day of his presidency spent at a golf course Trump owns.

Donald Trump’s three-day golfing binge has commenced

Which is a misnomer considering the fact he has a full size golf virtual machine in the White House, so every day is a golfing binge for Trump.

When he's not watching TV.

Or sleeping until 11AM.
Nonsense...our president is too busy
He has no time for golf

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