Trump's top aide: 'he's losing grip on reality'

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
'You're FIRED!' Trump's top adviser exits campaign amid Megyn Kelly 'Bloodgate' row and says The Donald is 'losing grip on reality'
  • A spokesman for Trump said the GOP presidential candidate axed Stone, an alumni of Richard Nixon's White House, last night
  • Not true, says Stone: 'Sorry @RealDonaldTrump didn't fire me- I fired Trump. Diasagree with diversion to food fight with away core issue messages
  • Resignation letter reportedly sent to Trump this am cites the 'current controversies and provocative media fights' as reason for departure
  • Trump's blow-out fight with Fox News host Megyn Kelly got him uninvited from a major conservative gathering today
  • He raised the stakes on CNN on Friday by claiming 'blood was coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her — wherever' during debate
  • Jab at Kelly was interpreted by many to be a thinly-veiled comment about her menstrual cycle but Trump says he meant her nose
  • 'Only a deviant would think anything else,' he charged
  • Jeb Bush said Saturday afternoon at the conference, the annual RedState gathering, that Trump should 'apologize' to Kelly for what he said.
  • 'Do we want to win? Do we want to insult 53 percent of all voters?' a riled up Bush said. 'What Donald Trump said is wrong'


Read more: Trump campaign in turmoil War of words as tycoon fires key adviser who claims to have quit first and Jeb Bush calls for apology over sexist attack on Megyn Kelly Daily Mail Online
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No doubt we'll be seeing a lot more of the Trump Soap Opera.

Funny but embarrassing that the world is watching.
This is the early blood letting I expected. Conservative Republicans will back a variety of inhumane and regressive policy positions, but they don't want an out of control loudmouth ruining their "process".
Stone: 'Donald, stop with the Megyn Kelly shit. It's fucking crazy. It's killing us.'

Trump: 'What do you mean? I won the debate. People loved it.'

Stone: 'You didn't win the debate.'

Trump: 'Yes I did. Look at the polling. Look at Drudge.'

Stone: 'The Drudge Report poll isn't a scientific poll. You won't give me the money to pay for a scientific poll. And you're off-message.'

Trump: 'There are other polls.'

Stone: 'Those are bullshit polls, Donald. They're not scientific polls. We need to run a professional campaign and talk about what people really care about.'

Trump: 'We're winning.'

Read more: Trump campaign in turmoil War of words as tycoon fires key adviser who claims to have quit first and Jeb Bush calls for apology over sexist attack on Megyn Kelly Daily Mail Online
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Question for RWs: On an scale of 1 to 10, what is your favorite color of the alphabet?

I have that on a T-Shirt.

Really confuses LWers.
This is the early blood letting I expected. Conservative Republicans will back a variety of inhumane and regressive policy positions, but they don't want an out of control loudmouth ruining their "process".

Ya think?

That he can't control what comes out of his mouth seems to be what some like about him.

That non-debate proved what we've all seen and already knew. He has no policy beyond "you're fired", "you're a dummy", you're mean to me". He couldn't take the pressure and went to pieces.
This is the early blood letting I expected. Conservative Republicans will back a variety of inhumane and regressive policy positions, but they don't want an out of control loudmouth ruining their "process".

omg, talk about Regressive and loudmouths.
This is the early blood letting I expected. Conservative Republicans will back a variety of inhumane and regressive policy positions, but they don't want an out of control loudmouth ruining their "process".

omg, talk about Regressive and loudmouths.
You notice they hate Trumps free speech more then anything?

And if he doesn't run "third party", I hope they write him in.

You RW nutters need to make your voices heard. Send a strong message that you want Duh Donuld for prez cuz he'll send more jobs to China and Fiorina for veep so she can send the rest of the jobs to India.
You notice they hate Trumps free speech more then anything?

he's free to say whatever he wants.

He just doesn't have the right to not be criticized for what he says.

Criticizing the media is like bitching about the umpires... it just makes you look small.
Except when the umpires join in the game.


Kelly didn't stop him from making an ass of himself and no one is saying he can't do it again tomorrow.

And you can bet he will.
Trump has reached his peak. The media, as well as the other candidates, have learned how to troll HIM into making an ass out of himself. Look for reporters and other candidates intentionally setting the fuses that make Trump's head explode. it doesn't take much.
Trump has reached his peak. The media, as well as the other candidates, have learned how to troll HIM into making an ass out of himself. Look for reporters and other candidates intentionally setting the fuses that make Trump's head explode. it doesn't take much.
And his poll numbers continue to rise.
None of the boneheads that run Washington live in reality. This is not a new development.
I've previously stated that Trump wouldn't do well in the debates (I actually thought it was going to be a real back-and-forth type debate, not what it was) and his numbers would fall afterwards. He will eventually drop out and he won't run third party (no matter how much he says otherwise). He'd split the Rs, giving the presidency to the Ds and he'd end up losing huge in his businesses because he'd piss so many people off. He's a money guy, a business guy, he doesn't want to lose business.

Unless, of course, his plan is to hand the Ds the presidency and he profits from pol promises.

Personally I think he'll fade away. While I do so like how he isn't pc, he is too much like obama ... narcissistic and petulant. Always 'look at me!' then whines when he gets too much of the 'wrong' attention.
Trump has reached his peak. The media, as well as the other candidates, have learned how to troll HIM into making an ass out of himself. Look for reporters and other candidates intentionally setting the fuses that make Trump's head explode. it doesn't take much.
And his poll numbers continue to rise.

They have? He's been disinvited to events, people are pissed at his Kelley comments.

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