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Those that support Trump do not and will not care about his lies. They care that he is an entertainer. They care that he can make liberals heads explode. They love the fact he says whatever he feels like and cares nothing about the consequences.

Exactly, which speaks unfortunate volumes about what their priorities are, and what they are not.
Some people don't care about the truth. We call them Trump supporters or false conservatives aka CONS. Politicians lie and that is a given. Politicians make false statements that may or may not be lies but when Trump makes false statements and his false statements are lies. Att CONS: a lie is when you say something that you know is untrue. Is there anything about that you don't understand CONS/Trump Supporters/Fools?

Trump has set records for lying. He's even beaten Romney and Lyin Paul Ryan at the game. 76% of what Trump says are lies. The worst thing about Trump's constant is that his supporters know he's a liar and they support him anyway. And while Trump supporters are stupid, it is not because they are stupid that they believe his lies. The simple fact remains; Trump supporters are just no damn good and most of them are even worse than Trump.

Trump's lies are so often and so many that there is now a growing repository for his lies. Visit Trump Tower Of Lies and post it here and everywhere. Maybe there are some Trump supporter who are only stupid and do care about the truth.


Here is a question tRump supporters lack the honesty to answer. It is a fact that Trump lies at least 76% of the time making him the biggest liar to ever run for POTUS.

Why do you CONS support Trump? I will ask again.. Why do you CONS support the biggest liar?

I find it amazing Republicans dare call Elizabeth Warren Pokahontas when Trump lies so much

From the size of his inaugural crowds to a hurricane threatening Alabama

But, there was still some surprise this week when at services to mark the 18th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks, the president insisted, "Soon after, I went down to Ground Zero with men who worked for me to try to help in any little way that we could ... We were not alone. So many others were scattered around trying to do the same. They were all trying to help."

Richard Alles, battalion chief of the New York Fire Department at the time of the attacks, spent several months in the smoking, choking ruins at ground zero. He told PolitiFact this summer, "I was there for several months — I have no knowledge of his being down there." He added that there would be a record of Donald Trump sending a hundred or more workers to aid in the harrowing recovery efforts at Ground Zero; there is not.

How does he get away with this?

If I were a stupid, demodummie, left tarded, shitforbrains, anything havin to do with the truth would be the very last subject I'd want to bring up.

Trump lies constantly. You want to ignore that? YOu want to make a big deal over pocahontas but not lying about being part of the help during 9-11? You guys are truly scum
Some people don't care about the truth. We call them Trump supporters or false conservatives aka CONS. Politicians lie and that is a given. Politicians make false statements that may or may not be lies but when Trump makes false statements and his false statements are lies. Att CONS: a lie is when you say something that you know is untrue. Is there anything about that you don't understand CONS/Trump Supporters/Fools?

Trump has set records for lying. He's even beaten Romney and Lyin Paul Ryan at the game. 76% of what Trump says are lies. The worst thing about Trump's constant is that his supporters know he's a liar and they support him anyway. And while Trump supporters are stupid, it is not because they are stupid that they believe his lies. The simple fact remains; Trump supporters are just no damn good and most of them are even worse than Trump.

Trump's lies are so often and so many that there is now a growing repository for his lies. Visit Trump Tower Of Lies and post it here and everywhere. Maybe there are some Trump supporter who are only stupid and do care about the truth.


Here is a question tRump supporters lack the honesty to answer. It is a fact that Trump lies at least 76% of the time making him the biggest liar to ever run for POTUS.

Why do you CONS support Trump? I will ask again.. Why do you CONS support the biggest liar?

I find it amazing Republicans dare call Elizabeth Warren Pokahontas when Trump lies so much

From the size of his inaugural crowds to a hurricane threatening Alabama

But, there was still some surprise this week when at services to mark the 18th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks, the president insisted, "Soon after, I went down to Ground Zero with men who worked for me to try to help in any little way that we could ... We were not alone. So many others were scattered around trying to do the same. They were all trying to help."

Richard Alles, battalion chief of the New York Fire Department at the time of the attacks, spent several months in the smoking, choking ruins at ground zero. He told PolitiFact this summer, "I was there for several months — I have no knowledge of his being down there." He added that there would be a record of Donald Trump sending a hundred or more workers to aid in the harrowing recovery efforts at Ground Zero; there is not.

How does he get away with this?

If I were a stupid, demodummie, left tarded, shitforbrains, anything havin to do with the truth would be the very last subject I'd want to bring up.

Trump lies constantly. You want to ignore that? YOu want to make a big deal over pocahontas but not lying about being part of the help during 9-11? You guys are truly scum

To be fair, I believe what Rump said was that he went to Seven-eleven.


A very wonderful one, in Germany. Thousands and thousands of very fine people were there, dancing on the rooftops. More people on rooftops than anybody since Reagan.
Why do you CONS support Trump? I will ask again..

I agree that Trump sometimes embellishes or stretches the truth and has made untruthful statements. Still, I support him because I believe that he is better for poor and working-class Americans than any other candidate. The Democratic Party wants poor and working-class Americans to subsidize a welfare state for the world's poor and to turn the U.S. into a socialist state, all of which would dramatically reduce the standard of living for poor and working-class Americans.
I will add this. Trump has made untruthful comments, usually "shooting from the hip", so to speak. But he isn't the calm, calculating liar that Obama was. One example is when Obama was asked when he learned about Hillary's private server and he blatantly LIED when he responded that he only found out about it when it came out in the news. I presume you don't have any issue with Obama's egregious lies.
It's a dangerous cultish sort of attitude that is absolutely crucial to an authoritarian leader.

Did you complain about "authoritarian" behavior when Obama's IRS prevented conservative organizations from participating in the 2012 election?
Here is a question tRump supporters lack the honesty to answer. It is a fact that Trump lies at least 76% of the time making him the biggest liar to ever run for POTUS.

Why do you CONS support Trump? I will ask again.. Why do you CONS support the biggest liar?

Let’s start by agreeing that Trump is NOT actually a Republican. He ended up being the Republican nominee because the party could not come up with any other candidate who wasn’t a Centrist/Moderate Establishment candidate. After two previous candidates of that type (Romney/McCain) those of us on the Right flatly refused to accept another Democrat-lite candidate. Therefore we embraced Trump, not as a perfect or even great candidate, but as a departure from the Establishment crap we have no use for.

Politics is War, and we all know that ALL is Fair in Love and War. We would love to be able to support a truly Conservative, Right Wing, Authoritarian candidate of value but we haven’t been able to find one in the Republican Party.

Trump was the only one that didn't need the job and was the only one willing to fight the establishment and put poor and average Americans first, for a change. I will say that, after 8 years of Obama, it is refreshing to have a pro-American president.
Those that support Trump do not and will not care about his lies. They care that he is an entertainer. They care that he can make liberals heads explode. They love the fact he says whatever he feels like and cares nothing about the consequences.

The rest of us care because this is a POTUS, not a political commentator working the 9pm time-slot.

I care about the standard of living of poor and working-class Americans. We need a vibrant economy to HELP those people. If Bernie or Warren win and if Democrats take control of Congress, our economy is going down the toilet and our standard of living with it. Why do you support such an outcome?
Why do you CONS support Trump? I will ask again..

I agree that Trump sometimes embellishes or stretches the truth and has made untruthful statements. Still, I support him because I believe that he is better for poor and working-class Americans than any other candidate. The Democratic Party wants poor and working-class Americans to subsidize a welfare state for the world's poor and to turn the U.S. into a socialist state, all of which would dramatically reduce the standard of living for poor and working-class Americans.

We want to roll back the tax breaks that unfairly benefit the rich. They also widened the gap between the rich and rest of us. This has been a problem for decades and Trump didn't fix it he made it worse.

We want strong unions because without them, this is what you get. Since corporate republicans started waging war on unions, wages have stayed flat. Today the rich are richer than ever.

So there really isn't anything wrong with the US economy other than today the people in the executive boardroom are getting all the profits. Employees aren't being included in the gains. Do you understand this? But any talk about making those companies pay their employees better is met with resistance from the right wingers.

Do you not get this? Back in the day, a unionized company would show a profit and the unions would insist employees get profit sharing. So the company made money, shareholders made money and the employees shared in the profits too. Today, there is no union so the employees haven't gotten a raise since 1970 but CEO and executive pay just keeps going up and up and up. And shareholders get bigger dividend checks. So basically the CEO's and shareholders have no reason to share the profits with the employees. If they aren't unionized and can't force the companies to pay more, they won't. They'll just keep giving the CEO's bigger bonus' year after year.

See this is what's wrong with Americans. They don't see that Trump is only giving the middle class crumbs. We still aren't doing as well as we did in 1070 yet you are ready to claim America is great again? No it's not. It's pretty much the same as it was under Bush/Obama. And Trump's tariff war with China is going to eat up your tax breaks. So is his war with Iran. Gas prices are about to sore. And you like Trump?

Boy, I wish you were this understanding and forgiving towards Obama.
What about
I will add this. Trump has made untruthful comments, usually "shooting from the hip", so to speak. But he isn't the calm, calculating liar that Obama was. One example is when Obama was asked when he learned about Hillary's private server and he blatantly LIED when he responded that he only found out about it when it came out in the news. I presume you don't have any issue with Obama's egregious lies.

Are you kidding?

George W. Bush White House ‘Lost’ 22 Million E-mails?
Some 22 million official White House e-mails, the majority of which were sent and received via private, non-government servers, were reported as lost or missing during the George W. Bush administration.

Trump's most senior staff use a private email server
Wait, didn't Hillary Clinton get skewered during the campaign for using one of those?

Donald Trump's senior White House staff including Kellyanne Conway, Jared Kushner, Sean Spicer and Steve Bannon all use a private RNC email server, according to a Newsweek report published Wednesday. This is the same RNC email server that mysteriously disappeared 22 million messagesduring George W Bush's administration and the one that US intelligence services believe was compromised by the Russians at the same time as the DNC's, earlier this year.

Using the system, rnchq.org, is not technically illegal and is often employed so that an administration's senior staff can segregate their in-party correspondence from their actual White House duties. The Office of Government Ethics does not explicitly prohibit the use of such accounts either. However any staffer that does employ one is subject to the "Disclosure Requirement For Official Business Conducted Using Electronic Messaging Accounts" law which demands that any correspondence on that server be copied and forwarded to the government within 20 days. (THEY DON'T FOLLOW THESE RULES)

The George W Bush administration was actually sued in 2007 by the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) after 22 million such private emails never made it to the government and simply disappeared. "They don't want anyone ever to be able to come back and see what was going on behind the scenes," CREW Director Melanie Sloan told Newsweek at the time. Failing to forward emails from the private server to an official White House address is also a violation of the Presidential Records Act.

And we all know what Republicans say when Trump violates one of these laws. They say YAWN.

They don't care, unless it's Hillary doing it.
Those that support Trump do not and will not care about his lies. They care that he is an entertainer. They care that he can make liberals heads explode. They love the fact he says whatever he feels like and cares nothing about the consequences.

The rest of us care because this is a POTUS, not a political commentator working the 9pm time-slot.

I care about the standard of living of poor and working-class Americans. We need a vibrant economy to HELP those people. If Bernie or Warren win and if Democrats take control of Congress, our economy is going down the toilet and our standard of living with it. Why do you support such an outcome?

Our standard of living?

Most Americans aren't saving nearly enough for retirement
  • When it comes to their golden years, most people say they'd like to spend more time with their friends and family, buy a vacation home and possibly travel the world.
  • However, they haven't saved even close to enough to afford all of that once they stop working, according to a new report.
Jessica Dickler | @jdickler
Published 9:01 AM ET Tue, 13 Nov 2018 Updated 2:45 PM ET Tue, 13 Nov 2018

You want to give working class Americans a better standard of living? Give us a raise.
Profits up, wages flat: why workers aren't sharing in the good times
By business reporter David Taylor
Updated 27 Feb 2018, 3:32am

A record 94 per cent of reporting companies produced a profit this year.

Key points:
  • Two-thirds of companies have raised dividends relative to a year ago
  • 94 per cent of companies listed on the ASX reported a profit in the February results season, the highest rate since the GFC
  • Wage growth continues near historic lows of 2 per cent a year

That is the highest number since the global financial crisis. But the rewards are not going to workers.

Instead, company executives are pocketing higher bonuses, and investors are reaping fatter dividends and other financial rewards.

Profits up, wages flat: why workers aren't sharing in the good times
Some people don't care about the truth. We call them Trump supporters or false conservatives aka CONS. Politicians lie and that is a given. Politicians make false statements that may or may not be lies but when Trump makes false statements and his false statements are lies. Att CONS: a lie is when you say something that you know is untrue. Is there anything about that you don't understand CONS/Trump Supporters/Fools?

Trump has set records for lying. He's even beaten Romney and Lyin Paul Ryan at the game. 76% of what Trump says are lies. The worst thing about Trump's constant is that his supporters know he's a liar and they support him anyway. And while Trump supporters are stupid, it is not because they are stupid that they believe his lies. The simple fact remains; Trump supporters are just no damn good and most of them are even worse than Trump.

Trump's lies are so often and so many that there is now a growing repository for his lies. Visit Trump Tower Of Lies and post it here and everywhere. Maybe there are some Trump supporter who are only stupid and do care about the truth.


Here is a question tRump supporters lack the honesty to answer. It is a fact that Trump lies at least 76% of the time making him the biggest liar to ever run for POTUS.

Why do you CONS support Trump? I will ask again.. Why do you CONS support the biggest liar?

I find it amazing Republicans dare call Elizabeth Warren Pokahontas when Trump lies so much

From the size of his inaugural crowds to a hurricane threatening Alabama

But, there was still some surprise this week when at services to mark the 18th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks, the president insisted, "Soon after, I went down to Ground Zero with men who worked for me to try to help in any little way that we could ... We were not alone. So many others were scattered around trying to do the same. They were all trying to help."

Richard Alles, battalion chief of the New York Fire Department at the time of the attacks, spent several months in the smoking, choking ruins at ground zero. He told PolitiFact this summer, "I was there for several months — I have no knowledge of his being down there." He added that there would be a record of Donald Trump sending a hundred or more workers to aid in the harrowing recovery efforts at Ground Zero; there is not.

How does he get away with this?

If I were a stupid, demodummie, left tarded, shitforbrains, anything havin to do with the truth would be the very last subject I'd want to bring up.

Trump lies constantly. You want to ignore that? YOu want to make a big deal over pocahontas but not lying about being part of the help during 9-11? You guys are truly scum
It seems that your head is too far up your ass for you to be helped so you're doomed.
Those that support Trump do not and will not care about his lies. They care that he is an entertainer. They care that he can make liberals heads explode. They love the fact he says whatever he feels like and cares nothing about the consequences.

The rest of us care because this is a POTUS, not a political commentator working the 9pm time-slot.

I care about the standard of living of poor and working-class Americans. We need a vibrant economy to HELP those people. If Bernie or Warren win and if Democrats take control of Congress, our economy is going down the toilet and our standard of living with it. Why do you support such an outcome?

Warren or Sanders are not likely to win the nomination. The economy is not going to remain vibrant for much longer no matter who wins the election. The outcome is inevitable.
The economy is not going to remain vibrant for much longer no matter who wins the election.

Wow. How wrong you are. If the Democrats abolish ICE and institute "free" healthcare for illegals and then institute free healthcare for all able-bodied American adults that don't want to work and institute free college education, our economy is going down the toilet. The standard of living for poor and average Americans will go down with it.
Some people don't care about the truth. We call them Trump supporters or false conservatives aka CONS. Politicians lie and that is a given. Politicians make false statements that may or may not be lies but when Trump makes false statements and his false statements are lies. Att CONS: a lie is when you say something that you know is untrue. Is there anything about that you don't understand CONS/Trump Supporters/Fools?

Trump has set records for lying. He's even beaten Romney and Lyin Paul Ryan at the game. 76% of what Trump says are lies. The worst thing about Trump's constant is that his supporters know he's a liar and they support him anyway. And while Trump supporters are stupid, it is not because they are stupid that they believe his lies. The simple fact remains; Trump supporters are just no damn good and most of them are even worse than Trump.

Trump's lies are so often and so many that there is now a growing repository for his lies. Visit Trump Tower Of Lies and post it here and everywhere. Maybe there are some Trump supporter who are only stupid and do care about the truth.


Here is a question tRump supporters lack the honesty to answer. It is a fact that Trump lies at least 76% of the time making him the biggest liar to ever run for POTUS.

Why do you CONS support Trump? I will ask again.. Why do you CONS support the biggest liar?

I find it amazing Republicans dare call Elizabeth Warren Pokahontas when Trump lies so much

From the size of his inaugural crowds to a hurricane threatening Alabama

But, there was still some surprise this week when at services to mark the 18th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks, the president insisted, "Soon after, I went down to Ground Zero with men who worked for me to try to help in any little way that we could ... We were not alone. So many others were scattered around trying to do the same. They were all trying to help."

Richard Alles, battalion chief of the New York Fire Department at the time of the attacks, spent several months in the smoking, choking ruins at ground zero. He told PolitiFact this summer, "I was there for several months — I have no knowledge of his being down there." He added that there would be a record of Donald Trump sending a hundred or more workers to aid in the harrowing recovery efforts at Ground Zero; there is not.

How does he get away with this?

If I were a stupid, demodummie, left tarded, shitforbrains, anything havin to do with the truth would be the very last subject I'd want to bring up.

Trump lies constantly. You want to ignore that? YOu want to make a big deal over pocahontas but not lying about being part of the help during 9-11? You guys are truly scum
It seems that your head is too far up your ass for you to be helped so you're doomed.

How am I doomed? I make around $100K a year and I have no bills. I save over 20% of my income. I'm not one of you

“Most American workers aren’t saving at levels that will allow them to retire fully at age 65 at their current standard of living,” researchers at the Stanford Center on Longevity conclude in a 2018 report, “Seeing Our Way to Financial Security in the Age of Longevity.”

After considering factors such as the rate of return on investments, salary growth, life expectancy and Social Security benefits, the researchers project that, if you want to retire at age 65 and maintain your standard of living, you need to put 10 to 17 percent of your current income into a retirement account. And that’s if you start saving as early as age 25.

If you wait until 35 to start, you have to save 15 to 20 percent of your income to retire by 65. Keep in mind that this amount does not include your short-term savings, so it would be on top of any money you’re putting in an emergency fund, for example.

Most employees aren’t saving nearly that much, according to the report: “Based on our estimation, families age 25-64 are currently only saving a median of about 6 to 8 percent of income toward retirement.”

I'm not doomed. YOU ARE ya stupid fuck.

And it's not because they won't save. It's because

63% Of Americans Don't Have Enough Savings To Cover A $500 Emergency

The bottom 90 percent of households saved 10 percent of their income in the first Reagan administration. By 2006, their savings rate was nearly negative-10 percent.

Thanks Reagan and BUSHz`
The economy is not going to remain vibrant for much longer no matter who wins the election.

Wow. How wrong you are. If the Democrats abolish ICE and institute "free" healthcare for illegals and then institute free healthcare for all able-bodied American adults that don't want to work and institute free college education, our economy is going down the toilet. The standard of living for poor and average Americans will go down with it.

Neither abolishing ICE or free healthcare will happen. Those are specious campaign promises to pander for votes. Even if the Democrats take both Congress and the Presidency, it would likely require a super majority to get those items passed. That on top of the fact that red state district Democrats will not agree to such legislation without risking a backlash from their conservative constituents.
The economy is not going to remain vibrant for much longer no matter who wins the election.

Wow. How wrong you are. If the Democrats abolish ICE and institute "free" healthcare for illegals and then institute free healthcare for all able-bodied American adults that don't want to work and institute free college education, our economy is going down the toilet. The standard of living for poor and average Americans will go down with it.
We already have free healthcare for illegals. Emergency rooms don't turn away illegals who are sick and those illegals don't pay.

We collectively pay more than every other country combined and get pretty shitty healthcare coverage. I mean I get great healthcare because I have great benefits through my company but even most working Americans who have healthcare through their company pay too much and get too little in exchange. It's over priced. Copays, deductables. You have to spend $5000 before the insurance even kicks in one penny.

Are you kidding me? We're getting ripped off.

But guys like me don't want to change it because we got it better than the rest of you. We think if it gets change it's going to cost me more and give me less. But it's going to give so many more people more than what they have now. In other words, I selfishly don't want universal healthcare.

Until I stop working of course. Then I'll wish there was a public option for people like me. Because again, I'll be wanting what's best for ME.

Right now I'm thinking about what's best for the country overall.
Some people don't care about the truth. We call them Trump supporters or false conservatives aka CONS. Politicians lie and that is a given. Politicians make false statements that may or may not be lies but when Trump makes false statements and his false statements are lies. Att CONS: a lie is when you say something that you know is untrue. Is there anything about that you don't understand CONS/Trump Supporters/Fools?

Trump has set records for lying. He's even beaten Romney and Lyin Paul Ryan at the game. 76% of what Trump says are lies. The worst thing about Trump's constant is that his supporters know he's a liar and they support him anyway. And while Trump supporters are stupid, it is not because they are stupid that they believe his lies. The simple fact remains; Trump supporters are just no damn good and most of them are even worse than Trump.

Trump's lies are so often and so many that there is now a growing repository for his lies. Visit Trump Tower Of Lies and post it here and everywhere. Maybe there are some Trump supporter who are only stupid and do care about the truth.


Here is a question tRump supporters lack the honesty to answer. It is a fact that Trump lies at least 76% of the time making him the biggest liar to ever run for POTUS.

Why do you CONS support Trump? I will ask again.. Why do you CONS support the biggest liar?

I find it amazing Republicans dare call Elizabeth Warren Pokahontas when Trump lies so much

From the size of his inaugural crowds to a hurricane threatening Alabama

But, there was still some surprise this week when at services to mark the 18th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks, the president insisted, "Soon after, I went down to Ground Zero with men who worked for me to try to help in any little way that we could ... We were not alone. So many others were scattered around trying to do the same. They were all trying to help."

Richard Alles, battalion chief of the New York Fire Department at the time of the attacks, spent several months in the smoking, choking ruins at ground zero. He told PolitiFact this summer, "I was there for several months — I have no knowledge of his being down there." He added that there would be a record of Donald Trump sending a hundred or more workers to aid in the harrowing recovery efforts at Ground Zero; there is not.

How does he get away with this?

If I were a stupid, demodummie, left tarded, shitforbrains, anything havin to do with the truth would be the very last subject I'd want to bring up.

Trump lies constantly. You want to ignore that? YOu want to make a big deal over pocahontas but not lying about being part of the help during 9-11? You guys are truly scum
It seems that your head is too far up your ass for you to be helped so you're doomed.

How am I doomed? I make around $100K a year and I have no bills. I save over 20% of my income. I'm not one of you

“Most American workers aren’t saving at levels that will allow them to retire fully at age 65 at their current standard of living,” researchers at the Stanford Center on Longevity conclude in a 2018 report, “Seeing Our Way to Financial Security in the Age of Longevity.”

After considering factors such as the rate of return on investments, salary growth, life expectancy and Social Security benefits, the researchers project that, if you want to retire at age 65 and maintain your standard of living, you need to put 10 to 17 percent of your current income into a retirement account. And that’s if you start saving as early as age 25.

If you wait until 35 to start, you have to save 15 to 20 percent of your income to retire by 65. Keep in mind that this amount does not include your short-term savings, so it would be on top of any money you’re putting in an emergency fund, for example.

Most employees aren’t saving nearly that much, according to the report: “Based on our estimation, families age 25-64 are currently only saving a median of about 6 to 8 percent of income toward retirement.”

I'm not doomed. YOU ARE ya stupid fuck.

And it's not because they won't save. It's because

63% Of Americans Don't Have Enough Savings To Cover A $500 Emergency

The bottom 90 percent of households saved 10 percent of their income in the first Reagan administration. By 2006, their savings rate was nearly negative-10 percent.

Thanks Reagan and BUSHz`

Well I've got you beat and I don't even work anymore. But you're still doomed to a lifetime of cluelessness and stupidity.

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