Trump's tweet about Mika

I don't see any other threads on this one. Weird.


I've burned through all the adjectives I can come up with to describe how embarrassing and temperamentally unfit for office this guy is, so I'll hold off a bit.
I think America has the president it deserves. It's fitting.
There would be no trump if there was no Obama... fact

Yup it's all the leftys fault...they do something assnine like electing Obama, using the harry Reid nuke option and then cry wolf when the Republicans see them and then raise the stakes

To hilarious.

Psycho Joe and Low IQ Mika is my favorite morning radio zoo show in America.
But all are judged on the basis of their behavior. The President of the United States being considered an asshole reflects on all of us

No, it seems to me the you suddenly become concerned about the demeanor of someone (be it the president or otherwise) when he's from the other party and you don't like him. It's the same for both sides.

But never you mind about people fantasizing about assassinating the president. Forget it happened. They can't possibly be as bad as the things Trump says on Twitter, am I right?
No........I actually expect a standard of behavior from a president of either party
I condemned Bill Clinton as an embarrassment and I condemn Trump as the same
"Mr. President, your tweet was beneath the office and represents what is wrong with American politics, not the greatness of America." - Lesbian Lindsey Graham

Trump's tweets are beneath the dignity of the White House, where presidents diddle interns with cigars and run guns to Mexico.
Of course progressives heads explode because they have as much humor in them as a small soap dish. Ive been laughing my balls off all morning after seeing this........beyond hysterical. And this comes on the heels of CNN taking multiple kicks to the nut sack this week..........:bye1::rofl::rofl:

Dang.....if you are on the right, the cover of TIME Magazine for the year should be WINNING with a pic of Trump........problem is, only 17 people buy that magazine anymore.
Me too.
He probably would have kept his tweet to himself if Mika hadn't repeatedly snickered LITTLE HANDS this morning.
You reap what you sow.
The bimbo.
Shows how easy it is to bait our President doesn't it?

What will it take for Putin or Kim Jong Un to bait him?
But all are judged on the basis of their behavior. The President of the United States being considered an asshole reflects on all of us

No, it seems to me the you suddenly become concerned about the demeanor of someone (be it the president or otherwise) when he's from the other party and you don't like him. It's the same for both sides.

But never you mind about people fantasizing about assassinating the president. Forget it happened. They can't possibly be as bad as the things Trump says on Twitter, am I right?
No........I actually expect a standard of behavior from a president of either party
I condemned Bill Clinton as an embarrassment and I condemn Trump as the same


I've seen it in every election cycle since I became old enough to vote. It's always hold the leaders and other members of the opposing party to impossible standards. And when they fail to meet those impossible standards, lo and behold, you have a convenient excuse to eviscerate them. It's hypocritical to be honest.
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there will never come a more entertaining president!
Damn, the Donald is GOOD!!!
I don't see any other threads on this one. Weird.


I've burned through all the adjectives I can come up with to describe how embarrassing and temperamentally unfit for office this guy is, so I'll hold off a bit.

Rush talked about this today......Trump mentioned to him that the two idiots showed up at Trump's place and were all friendly with him....and he thought they were weird...then they went on a non stop attack of Trump and he doesn't get attacked without hitting back....

Too bad for them.
Of course progressives heads explode because they have as much humor in them as a small soap dish. Ive been laughing my balls off all morning after seeing this........beyond hysterical. And this comes on the heels of CNN taking multiple kicks to the nut sack this week..........:bye1::rofl::rofl:

Dang.....if you are on the right, the cover of TIME Magazine for the year should be WINNING with a pic of Trump........problem is, only 17 people buy that magazine anymore.
Me too.
He probably would have kept his tweet to himself if Mika hadn't repeatedly snickered LITTLE HANDS this morning.
You reap what you sow.
The bimbo.
Shows how easy it is to bait our President doesn't it?

What will it take for Putin or Kim Jong Un to bait him?

Seems to me thou'rt easily triggered also, RW.

Never mind all those attacks on Melania.... but hey, I guess some women are more deserving of respect than others, right?
Birds of a feather, so the saying goes.

The boorish admire the boorish. The crass love the crass. The bully loves the company of bullies and children love other childish behavior.

But for a President to behave this way is beneath the dignity of the office. He should be as ashamed as the grownups here in America are of him. Contemptable behavior from someone we should respect.

Here's the question: do these crude tweets serve the president well? What's the virtue in such behavior? Do these churlish outbursts serve to bolster his ability to lead? Do they unite the nation? Will such behavior elicit cooperation with Congress to further his agenda?

If the answer is yes, please explain how that could possibly be. If the answer I say no, why defend and celebrate it?

If a president with a (D) behind his name behaved this way, how many so-called Conservatives would be patting him or her on the back? I think nobody who identifies as a Conservative would approve. In fact, they would be complaining about the further coarsening of our national discourse. And they would be right.
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But all are judged on the basis of their behavior. The President of the United States being considered an asshole reflects on all of us

No, it seems to me the you suddenly become concerned about the demeanor of someone (be it the president or otherwise) when he's from the other party and you don't like him. It's the same for both sides.

But never you mind about people fantasizing about assassinating the president. Forget it happened. They can't possibly be as bad as the things Trump says on Twitter, am I right?
No........I actually expect a standard of behavior from a president of either party
I condemned Bill Clinton as an embarrassment and I condemn Trump as the same


I've seen it in every election cycle since I became old enough to vote. It's always hold the leaders and other members of the opposing party to impossible standards. And when they fail to meet those impossible standards, lo and behold, you have a convenient excuse to eviscerate them. It's hypocritical to be honest.

No President in our history has displayed the lack of personal control exhibited by Trump. Trump is expected to meet basic standards of conduct and decorum......he is failing miserably
Inappropriate behavior towards a minor is a reflection on our President....not on his family

Uh huh, and there you go making shit up. I hope you realize you just accused our president of being a child predator. Without any concrete proof or evidence.

Really wanna go there?

Suit yourself. Fair warning: you can't unsee this.

Roll 'em.





This picture, pulled from a Vanity Fair shoot at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida, was taken a full seven years before Trump told Howard Stern “You know who’s one of the great beauties of the world, according to everybody. And I helped create her. Ivanka. My daughter, Ivanka. She’s six feet tall, she’s got the best body.”

It was also 10 years before he detailed his thoughts about Ivanka appearing in Playboy:

It would be really disappointing — not really — but it would depend on what’s inside the magazine. I don’t think Ivanka would do that, although she does have a very nice figure. I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.

And his further “compliments” about Ivanka in Rolling Stone:

Yeah, [Ivanka’s] really something and what a beauty, that one. If I weren’t happily married, and ya know, her father…
Hey, I warned ya, you can't unsee this. She's also fifteen in that top pic where she's sitting on his lap.

More? Brace yourself.




Btw --- one (and only one) of these photos is fake. Can you tell which one?

I can't either.

Wanna go into the whole thing of walking into the dressing rooms of teenage beauty contestants now?

"Yeah he does that" quoth Ivanka.

Okay ready? aaaaaaand SPIN.


So, where's the evidence? The affidavits? The filed charges? Court transcripts? Witness testimony?

You don't have it. If he did anything inappropriate with those teenage contestants he'd be sitting in jail right now, not in the White House. Same deal with his daughter.

Spin? Yeah, you're making me dizzy Pogo.

Can a father not enjoy love and affection from his child? Are you really implying that he preyed on his daughter? How repulsive. Yours is a very intellectually dishonest argument.

:lol: right on cue!


You asked for "concrete evidence", I gave you literally concrete evidence. Guess this spin is gonna need uh, more bigly equipment:

I can tell between snark and an actual argument you know. You are being facetious. That indicates to me you lack a substantive argument.

Moving on.

Nope, I'm being illustrative. About in this case the desperate spin you're trying to put on your Orange God.
Actually I thought the concrete-into-cement-mixer seque was pretty clever. ;)

Meanwhile speaking of spinning uncontrollably GMU's thread about Rump's whiny tweeting seems to have merged with a thread about .... Mika Brzezinski. Which of course makes PERFECT sense :wtf:

Plus, in the interim my internet went out --- AGAIN. :death:

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