Trump's tweet about Mika

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MAD Magazine @MADmagazine

Let’s Do Punch Dept.

12:50 PM - 29 Jun 2017
I have never seen pictures of Trump interacting naturally with children. He seems very awkward when forced to deal with children.......even his own

Trump, acting ...naturally.


Ivanka: Dear God, make me a bird so I can fly far, far away from here...

So, what's worse, attacking another woman on twitter or attacking the family of a sitting president?

Oh wait, there's no bar too low for you, is there?
That wasn't an attack, you idiotic buffoon.

Yeah that was a bizzaro post. :cuckoo:

In what way? You aren't going to sit there and call me crazy without explaining why.

Let's have it.

:dunno: you tell me --- you're the one who termed it an "attack". Which makes no sense.

The media is collapsing in on itself yet he feels the need to personally attack individuals? Beyond dumb.

Way to take the spotlight OFF the collapsing Russia story dumbass.
I thought his tweet was fucking hilarious.
If course you did, low class scum enjoy when women are personally attacked like that.

But people like Kathy Griffin and Johnny Depp get to joke about Trump's assassination with little to no repercussions. A Shakespeare play gets to depict his assassination. Where are you on that, gramps?

Any of that behavior dwarfs anything the President says or does. I'm sorry.

Uhhhmmm.. .... people like Kathy Griffin and Johnnny Depp are not occupying the most responsible position in the world HEL -lo.

So, are you excusing their behavior? Because it sounds like you are.

Where do you get "excusing" anything out of that? Put that on your list after you essplain "attack".

When you're a Hollywood actor, and/or a Comedian who is visible to millions of people on TV and social media and you joke about killing someone, shouldn't you be taken to task for that? Shouldn't you be held responsible for your actions?

Everyone should be held responsible for his/her actions. I never indicated otherwise; you just made that up. Unfortunately that also applies to Rump, who's never taken responsibility for anything in his life, with the single exception of the Tic Tac Tape. He had no way out. He was nailed. Kaboom. But other than that ---- Zzzzzzzero.

To this day he won't admit he was wrong about the Central Park Five even after DNA evidence proves it. He denies impersonating his own nonexistent press agent "John Miller" a/k/a "John Barron" even after admitting he did it.

Diga me hombre --- what kind of mental illness brings a person to pretend he's somebody else, then admit he did it, then claim he never did it after he already admitted it? Does it even get any more fucked up?

Anyway all I noted was the matter of degree. If the MOST responsible position is to be given carte blanche ----- ooops sorry, make that carte orange :D to shirk responsibility for anything and everything, then where exactly do you get off demanding it from actors and comedians?

Hm? Actors and comedians "dwarf anything the President says or does"? On what planet?

Until you reply I will be under the impression that you think it's okay for people to joke about or depict the assassination of the President. Not cool.

Suit yourself --- you made it up yourself. Not cool. :nono:
If she and her ilk didn't publicly disparage Trump first he probably wouldn't have reacted so crassly. Journalists who insult others need to grow a thicker skin.

Trump made a mistake. The alt-Left media has skin so thick they can't see anything outside of it. His tweet just gave them a bone to chew on. Unforced error.
gotta love anna.... i do believe she is speaking for all normal human beings.

“Please just stop. This isn’t normal and it’s beneath the dignity of your office.”
— Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE), on Twitter, criticizing President Trump’s tweets about Joe Scarborough and Mike Brzezinski.

/---- Look where civility got GW Bush. No thanks Trump will kick Morning Joe in the nuts

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I've burned through all the adjectives I can come up with to describe how embarrassing and temperamentally unfit for office this guy is, so I'll hold off a bit.

You're unfit to be an American.
Watching the news this is hilarious


sad that you think so.

I can't stand Mika she is crazy, she reminds me of a character from SNL

And she is paid to tell the news.


I don't care if you like her or not. T should not be down talking people on cable news. Doesn't he has anything better to do like study healthcare.

I have not been able to stand the lying freak for years, he is a charlatan and has always been one.
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Why start a thread about Trump making idiotic tweets? It's about as useful as starting a thread every time someone discovers water is wet.
gotta love anna.... i do believe she is speaking for all normal human beings.

“Please just stop. This isn’t normal and it’s beneath the dignity of your office.”
— Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE), on Twitter, criticizing President Trump’s tweets about Joe Scarborough and Mike Brzezinski.

/---- Look where civility got GW Bush. No thanks Trump will kick Morning Joe in the nuts

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But there is a big difference between entertainers being assholes and the President of the United States being an asshole

Sorry to burst your bubble, but the president has the same free speech rights as Griffin or Depp do. Interestingly enough, why are you suddenly concerned with how the President behaves? Would you have assumed this attitude if Hillary were behaving this way in the White House?

Pogo's Law strikes again! :eusa_dance:

Yanno, every time somebody does that I get a royalty of a nickel. Youse guys make me rich.
Watching the news this is hilarious


sad that you think so.

I can't stand Mika she is crazy, she reminds me of a character from SNL

And she is paid to tell the news.


I don't care if you like her or not. T should not be down talking people on cable news. Doesn't he has anything better to like study healthcare.

I have not been able to stand the lying freak for years, he is a charlatan and has always been one.

I kind of agree but it's funny if you watch her the way she talks the disgust look on her face when talking about Trump and to find out they were at margo on new years Eve...

Makes it more funny..

I thought his tweet was fucking hilarious.
If course you did, low class scum enjoy when women are personally attacked like that.

But people like Kathy Griffin and Johnny Depp get to joke about Trump's assassination with little to no repercussions. A Shakespeare play gets to depict his assassination. Where are you on that, gramps?

Any of that behavior dwarfs anything the President says or does. I'm sorry.

Uhhhmmm.. .... people like Kathy Griffin and Johnnny Depp are not occupying the most responsible position in the world HEL -lo.

So, are you excusing their behavior? Because it sounds like you are.

When you're a Hollywood actor, and/or a Comedian who is visible to millions of people on TV and social media and you joke about killing someone, shouldn't you be taken to task for that? Shouldn't you be held responsible for your actions?

Until you reply I will be under the impression that you think it's okay for people to joke about or depict the assassination of the President. Not cool.
Not going to answer me huh? That's perfectly fine. Now I know what your real feelings are.

Tsk tsk. You young'uns want everything "now". Hey, I was working on the Rump pedo pics for you --- and that's no small task. You think concrete parrots harden in fifteen minutes??
Why start a thread about Trump making idiotic tweets? It's about as useful as starting a thread every time someone discovers water is wet.

It's a big news story right now on cable..hucklebee daughter even came out to address the news corps about it.


Why start a thread about Trump making idiotic tweets? It's about as useful as starting a thread every time someone discovers water is wet.

It's a big news story right now on cable..hucklebee daughter even came out to address the news corps about it.



It's news sure, but it isn't surprising that it happened. It's something inevitable, like the sun rising in the East.
Funny tho...Trump only punches when punched first. Then he knocks them out. :badgrin:
Trump, acting ...naturally.


Ivanka: Dear God, make me a bird so I can fly far, far away from here...

So, what's worse, attacking another woman on twitter or attacking the family of a sitting president?

Oh wait, there's no bar too low for you, is there?

Inappropriate behavior towards a minor is a reflection on our President....not on his family

Uh huh, and there you go making shit up. I hope you realize you just accused our president of being a child predator. Without any concrete proof or evidence.

Really wanna go there?

Suit yourself. Fair warning: you can't unsee this.

Roll 'em.





This picture, pulled from a Vanity Fair shoot at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida, was taken a full seven years before Trump told Howard Stern “You know who’s one of the great beauties of the world, according to everybody. And I helped create her. Ivanka. My daughter, Ivanka. She’s six feet tall, she’s got the best body.”

It was also 10 years before he detailed his thoughts about Ivanka appearing in Playboy:

It would be really disappointing — not really — but it would depend on what’s inside the magazine. I don’t think Ivanka would do that, although she does have a very nice figure. I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.

And his further “compliments” about Ivanka in Rolling Stone:

Yeah, [Ivanka’s] really something and what a beauty, that one. If I weren’t happily married, and ya know, her father…
Hey, I warned ya, you can't unsee this. She's also fifteen in that top pic where she's sitting on his lap.

More? Brace yourself.




Btw --- one (and only one) of these photos is fake. Can you tell which one?

I can't either.

Wanna go into the whole thing of walking into the dressing rooms of teenage beauty contestants now?

"Yeah he does that" quoth Ivanka.

Okay ready? aaaaaaand SPIN.


So, where's the evidence? The affidavits? The filed charges? Court transcripts? Witness testimony?

You don't have it. If he did anything inappropriate with those teenage contestants he'd be sitting in jail right now, not in the White House. Same deal with his daughter.

Spin? Yeah, you're making me dizzy Pogo.

Can a father not enjoy love and affection from his child? Are you really implying that he preyed on his daughter? How repulsive. Yours is a very intellectually dishonest argument.

:lol: right on cue!


You asked for "concrete evidence", I gave you literally concrete evidence. Guess this spin is gonna need uh, more bigly equipment:

I don't see any other threads on this one. Weird.


I've burned through all the adjectives I can come up with to describe how embarrassing and temperamentally unfit for office this guy is, so I'll hold off a bit.

Hmmm, let's do the rankings for what we should rank Trump on for office fitness....

1. Healthcare
2. Jobs
3. Terror
4. The Wall
1,098,999 A tweet about a corporate lobbyist.

You're right; clearly Trump should be impeached.
I would put intellectual capacity and mature temperament at #1, because they affect everything that follows. Literally.

Before Trump, I wouldn't have even thought of those two qualities, I just pretty much assumed them.

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