Trump's tweet about Mika

Trump is under no obligation to answer any questions from a hostile and dangerous press. They can get whatever they want from the fake anonymous sources they always make up.
Some more of those comedians who don't understand comedy:






So Trump is a comedian?
BTW, I can think of some funny conservative comedians like Dennis Miller.

Maybe he was funny in the 90's, what has he done lately? Seems like the only gigs he can book are on Fox News.

Liberals are easier to make fun of because they are a walking contradiction, but they don't seem to have a sense of humor, and they get very violent and destructive when they become the target of critics, so most people go for the easy mark. Somebody who traditionally doesn't fight back.

Right, because these folks have no sense of humor (really, who fucking takes you people seriously anyway?):








Liberals.....not liberal comedians.

You should take a class in reading comprehension.

And Dennis Miller does standup shows frequently.

Dennis Miller - – Mobile Site

I understand why you don't know much about what he's doing......most of his jokes don't appeal to you. They aren't about trump and they take someone with half a brain to understand them.

It's okay to post a picture like this. Because Trump's wife gave it to us.

Or this one:

Where did you get that pregnant pic of Melania? I don't think that's real. And that last one isn't Melania, either, is it?
Are you being unprincipled this morning?
So Sen Ben Sasse is playing right into the progressive's hands.
The time for civility was over during Bush II's term. You idiots made the bed, now sleep in it.
Your problem is your definition of civility is bash Trump all you want, and then expect that he must be civil and not answer back. We elected him (an outsider) to put a stop to that dopey Washington protocol.

As for Ben Sasse, he IS a progressive (RINO) who hopefully will be voted out in the next election. Ditto with Ryan, Collins and Graham. Nothing Trump said was improper. If someone showed up at my place with a bleeding face, I'd expect them to fix their problem first, not bleed all over my carpets. Common sense.
“Please just stop. This isn’t normal and it’s beneath the dignity of your office.”
— Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE), on Twitter, criticizing President Trump’s tweets about Joe Scarborough and Mike Brzezinski.
It is RAISING the dignity of the office. Obama was the one who equated being a doormat, with dignity. That is currently being cleansed. :biggrin:
The coward President Donald Trump has humiliated America by viciously attacking a pair of TV talk show host with despicable and deplorable tweets totally unbecoming a President of the United States of America. Showing himself to be a small, immature, hateful, vengeful, less than a man human being, he has represented America in a shameful and humiliating manner.

This morning, the two talk show hosts confronted his abhorrent behavior on live National TV. They opened themselves up to questioning and interrogation and gave their sides of the story and exposed even more frightening behavior about the President.

President Donald Trump is a complete coward if he does not offer himself in a press conference and explain his actions to the American public, and indeed, the world.

President Donald Trump has humiliated America and degraded the Presidency. It is now his job to man up and show some courage, otherwise, he deserves to wear that coward brand forever.

He is the Republican mindset let loose. He is obviously mentally ill and that coming from many psychiatrists around the country. This sad hollow person is not in control of his own bowels and should not be in control of anything else. His children are all trainwrecks as well. You look at a family to see if there is one sane one among them and for the Trumps there isn't. Illness is their family crest.
Why are republicans okay with Trump not having a solo press conference since February?"

Obama & the Press: Analyzing Obama's Lack of News Conferences
- Snowflakes had no problem with it.

Hillary Clinton hasn’t held a press conference in 257 days. That’s ridiculous.
- Snowflakes had no problem with it.

Oh boo-hoo...The President is not 'feeding' the Fake News Media.....based on CNN's continued decline into the depths of Fake News hell, why bother?! Trump is treating the press badly? Really?

11 Times Barack Obama Abused Press Freedom - Breitbart

1. Campaign plane “hijacking” journalists. In 2008, the Obama campaign flew 25 members of the media to Chicago — without telling them then-Sen. Obama was not, in fact, on board.

2. Closing White House events to all but the official photographer. Obama barred the media from events — including, ironically, an award ceremony where he was recognized for “transparency:p

3. Trying to shut out Fox News. The Obama administration targeted Fox News for isolation and marginalization, arguing that it was not a legitimate news organization but “the research arm or the communications arm of the Republican Party.”
- Wow, hypocrisy and karma are a bit@h!

4. Stonewalling FOIA requests. The Obama administration “set a record” for failing to provide information requested by the press and the public under the Freedom of Information Act. The low point was Hillary Clinton’s email scandal, where tens of thousands of emails were hidden on a private server and deleted.
- Most Transparent Administration EVUH!

5. Prosecuting journalists and their sources. The Obama administration pursued Fox News reporter James Rosen’s private emails — then misled Congress about it.
- Perhaps Trump should have Sessions round up some of CNN's disgraced Fake News Reporters, huh?

6. Wiretapping the Associated Press. After the Obama administration’s snooping on the AP was exposed in 2013
- ILLEGAL wire-tapping!

7. Refusing to hold press conferences. For long stretches of his presidency, Obama refused to hold press conferences at all, going 10 months without a formal press conference in a critical stretch from 2009 to 2010.
- Gee, and 'Despicable Donny' did not hold a Press Conference at all in the last 5 months....

8. Filibustering at press conferences. When Obama did, finally, hold press conference, he often limited the number of questions by delivering long, rambling, often condescending answers.

9. Attacking tough questions. When a Major Garrett of CBS actually asked a tough question — about why the administration seemed not to be trying hard to free Americans held by Iran, including Washington Post journalist Jason Rezaian — Obama scolded him.
- How DARE you ask such a tough, appropriate question!

10. Appearing on fringe outlets. While media elites gripe about conservative journalists being given a chance, Obama often restricted his appearances to fringe media: Inside Edition; Funny or Die’s Between Two Ferns (which was then nominated for an Emmy); YouTube stars; and a radio show called Pimp with a Limp.”
- Hey, don't laugh! it turns out that 'Pimp With a Limp' is more CREDIBLE than CNN! :p

11. Iran deal “echo chamber.” The Obama administration created “fake news” to support the Iran deal, setting up what it later boasted was an “echo chamber” of “experts” who would comment in the media to support the White House narrative on the negotiations. Meanwhile, key details were hidden from the public.

- Propaganda-Pushing Echo Chambers...

"Through it all, President Obama regarded himself as a champion of press freedom, having run the “most transparent administration ever.”

View attachment 136297

I do LOVE the Internet Age, where you can reach back, find awesome things like this from the past, and bring them back up to remind snowflakes of their own hypocrisy and BS.
Liberals.....not liberal comedians.

Isn't that one in the same?

You should take a class in reading comprehension.

You should stop trying to redefine parameters mid-stream.

And Dennis Miller does standup shows frequently.

All comedians do. I was referring to a TV show.

I understand why you don't know much about what he's doing......most of his jokes don't appeal to you. They aren't about trump and they take someone with half a brain to understand them.

He doesn't really make jokes.
BTW, I can think of some funny conservative comedians like Dennis Miller.

Maybe he was funny in the 90's, what has he done lately? Seems like the only gigs he can book are on Fox News.

Liberals are easier to make fun of because they are a walking contradiction, but they don't seem to have a sense of humor, and they get very violent and destructive when they become the target of critics, so most people go for the easy mark. Somebody who traditionally doesn't fight back.

Right, because these folks have no sense of humor (really, who fucking takes you people seriously anyway?):








Liberals.....not liberal comedians.

You should take a class in reading comprehension.

And Dennis Miller does standup shows frequently.

Dennis Miller - – Mobile Site

I understand why you don't know much about what he's doing......most of his jokes don't appeal to you. They aren't about trump and they take someone with half a brain to understand them.
Dennis Miller looked for a new audience when he found out he wasn't funny. He found it.

It's like "idiot smug".
The coward President Donald Trump has humiliated America by viciously attacking a pair of TV talk show host with despicable and deplorable tweets totally unbecoming a President of the United States of America. Showing himself to be a small, immature, hateful, vengeful, less than a man human being, he has represented America in a shameful and humiliating manner.

This morning, the two talk show hosts confronted his abhorrent behavior on live National TV. They opened themselves up to questioning and interrogation and gave their sides of the story and exposed even more frightening behavior about the President.

President Donald Trump is a complete coward if he does not offer himself in a press conference and explain his actions to the American public, and indeed, the world.

President Donald Trump has humiliated America and degraded the Presidency. It is now his job to man up and show some courage, otherwise, he deserves to wear that coward brand forever.

What I can't understand is Trump's insistence on lying

Why the made up story about Mika "Bleeding from the face" if it is so easily disproven?
Obama lied about where he was conceived, Hillary lied about landing under sniper fire. What's your point?

Birthers....gotta love em
Cons can't defend Trump so they drag up a Red Herring from 20 years in the past to try to deflect from Trump's illness. Won't work derps, you own Trump and his clinical psychosis. He is you and you are him. He has the mentallity of an 8 year old and the intelligence of a log. He's the perfect conservative candidate. Arrogant abject stupidity and the behavior of the town drunk.
the couple respond to Trump

This year, top White House staff members warned that the National Enquirer was planning to publish a negative article about us unless we begged the president to have the story spiked. We ignored their desperate pleas. … Despite his constant claims that he no longer watches the show, the president’s closest advisers tell us otherwise.”

“Mr. Trump claims that we asked to join him at Mar-a-Lago three nights in a row. That is false. He also claimed that he refused to see us. That is laughable. The president-elect invited us both to dinner on Dec. 30. Joe attended because Mika did not want to go. After listening to the president-elect talk about his foreign policy plans, Joe was asked by a disappointed Mr. Trump the next day if Mika could also visit Mar-a-Lago that night. She reluctantly agreed to go. After we arrived, the president-elect pulled us into his family’s living quarters with his wife, Melania, where we had a pleasant conversation. We politely declined his repeated invitations to attend a New Year’s Eve party, and we were back in our car within 15 minutes.”

Mr. Trump also claims that Mika was ‘bleeding badly from a face-lift.’ That is also a lie. Putting aside Mr. Trump’s never-ending obsession with women’s blood, Mika and her face were perfectly intact, as pictures from that night reveal. And though it is no one’s business, the president’s petulant personal attack against yet another woman’s looks compels us to report that Mika has never had a face-lift.
the couple respond to Trump

This year, top White House staff members warned that the National Enquirer was planning to publish a negative article about us unless we begged the president to have the story spiked. We ignored their desperate pleas. … Despite his constant claims that he no longer watches the show, the president’s closest advisers tell us otherwise.”

“Mr. Trump claims that we asked to join him at Mar-a-Lago three nights in a row. That is false. He also claimed that he refused to see us. That is laughable. The president-elect invited us both to dinner on Dec. 30. Joe attended because Mika did not want to go. After listening to the president-elect talk about his foreign policy plans, Joe was asked by a disappointed Mr. Trump the next day if Mika could also visit Mar-a-Lago that night. She reluctantly agreed to go. After we arrived, the president-elect pulled us into his family’s living quarters with his wife, Melania, where we had a pleasant conversation. We politely declined his repeated invitations to attend a New Year’s Eve party, and we were back in our car within 15 minutes.”

Mr. Trump also claims that Mika was ‘bleeding badly from a face-lift.’ That is also a lie. Putting aside Mr. Trump’s never-ending obsession with women’s blood, Mika and her face were perfectly intact, as pictures from that night reveal. And though it is no one’s business, the president’s petulant personal attack against yet another woman’s looks compels us to report that Mika has never had a face-lift.
BTW, I can think of some funny conservative comedians like Dennis Miller.

Maybe he was funny in the 90's, what has he done lately? Seems like the only gigs he can book are on Fox News.

Liberals are easier to make fun of because they are a walking contradiction, but they don't seem to have a sense of humor, and they get very violent and destructive when they become the target of critics, so most people go for the easy mark. Somebody who traditionally doesn't fight back.

Right, because these folks have no sense of humor (really, who fucking takes you people seriously anyway?):








A good sense of humor requires intelligence. Ergo....
How smart must one be to understand dick jokes and jokes about a person's looks?

Not very.

Apparently you aren't because Trump told a bad joke about Mika's facelifts and you think it's thermal nuclear warfare

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