Trump's tweet about Mika

You totally discredit yourself when you use the term " fake news."

A term you folks on the left coined and are now in a tizzy when you hear it because it's being used against your "news" outlets more legitimately.

Thats hilarious. Guess there is no requirement for objectivity to be a mod on this site.

So you deny that the political left started the fake news hysteria?

Not at all. I deny that it's now being used against left wing news sources "more legitimately". That's laughable at best.

Well, you can deny it to the New York Times and CNN who in the past couple of weeks have had to retract stories and terminate employment of staff for publishing of their fake news.
America's childlike immature whining President has taken himself into a new low and disgusting place of prominence with the implementation of a tweet battle with a female journalist. This time, he exhibits his profound mental illness along with his basic low-life repugnant creature from under the rock personality.

Not to worry, the cult will come to his defense and explain why it is OK to have this kind of degenerate scum bag for a President.

I just don't get it

Does our President think he "wins" when he drags his office down into the mud?
He is unable to control his emotions. His giant ego prevents him from rational thinking. That is what makes his affliction a mental illness and not just a question of the lack of character and integrity. A person can stuill functions despite not have character or integrity. Trump lacks both, but his erratic responses indicate the mental illness factor.
Well you all already know I think he's an embarrassment to the office of the president. An insecure mental midget, disgusting in every manner, thin skinned, petty and vindictive adolescent that is a disgrace to all of human kind and to our Nation.

I have no problem with him wanting to ''punch back'', if he must...

But do it with some dignity...respectfully denounce what the couple has said against him, prove and show why they are wrong....

but these toddler antics of his, just shows the world... what a disgraceful, insecure, lowly human being he really is...
The pussy grabber is 71 years old and will never change. The time to have stopped this man/ child/ slimeball was BEFORE the election.
Anyone who voted for him after the countless disgraceful types of behavior exhibited during the campaign is responsible for a president who has embarrassed the United States and made him and us a laughing stock thruout the world.
You totally discredit yourself when you use the term " fake news."

A term you folks on the left coined and are now in a tizzy when you hear it because it's being used against your "news" outlets more legitimately.

Thats hilarious. Guess there is no requirement for objectivity to be a mod on this site.

So you deny that the political left started the fake news hysteria?

Not at all. I deny that it's now being used against left wing news sources "more legitimately". That's laughable at best.

Well, you can deny it to the New York Times and CNN who in the past couple of weeks have had to retract stories and terminate employment of staff for publishing of their fake news.
That's what good news organizations do. They correct their mistakes. Not so with Gateway Pundit, Breitbart, Fox and the whole sleazy bunch on the right.
The media is collapsing in on itself yet he feels the need to personally attack individuals? Beyond dumb.

Way to take the spotlight OFF the collapsing Russia story dumbass.

Not only is it not dumb, it's pretty damn shrewd. He's single-handedly exposing the bias and corruption of the media and at the same time he is running them around in circles. HE controls what the media prints, he has since the election.

Those of us who support him like his use of Twitter for many reasons. Personally I like that what I read from him comes directly from him and is not filtered through one of the media. He says to me what he says. I like that even if I don't agree with it. Not the least of the reasons I like his use of Twitter is that he has shunned the media who we all know are dishonest and in the DNC's pocket. This pisses them off, makes lefties angry and therefor always makes me happy.
The time Trump was repulsed that Hillary used a rest room at the debate should have been an eye opener to you DEPLORABLES.
But noooooooooooo
I didn't start with lofty expectations of Trump. I didn't even believe he wanted to win the election up until a week or so prior. I was and remain delighted that hitlery is not in the WH.

All Trump has to do is keep irritating bed wetters. I don't care if nothing else is accomplished. As long as moonbats are miserable, things are going well.

Many of us have been crowing that fact from the rooftops for TWO YEARS.
Were you witness to any gays being tossed from the rooftops?
The media is collapsing in on itself yet he feels the need to personally attack individuals? Beyond dumb.

Way to take the spotlight OFF the collapsing Russia story dumbass.

Not only is it not dumb, it's pretty damn shrewd. He's single-handedly exposing the bias and corruption of the media and at the same time he is running them around in circles. HE controls what the media prints, he has since the election.

Those of us who support him like his use of Twitter for many reasons. Personally I like that what I read from him comes directly from him and is not filtered through one of the media. He says to me what he says. I like that even if I don't agree with it. Not the least of the reasons I like his use of Twitter is that he has shunned the media who we all know are dishonest and in the DNC's pocket. This pisses them off, makes lefties angry and therefor always makes me happy.
So you support he exposes himself as an ignorant, classless asshole on twitter. Got it.
Mika is a piece of shit leftist bitch who's turned Joe into a turncoat extraordinaire with her....pussy. Trump laid the wood to them and rightfully so. Now that CNN is destroyed, they're next.

Now there is the real Trumptard view on this that few conservatives are either bold enough or stupid enough to say out loud.
You totally discredit yourself when you use the term " fake news."

A term you folks on the left coined and are now in a tizzy when you hear it because it's being used against your "news" outlets more legitimately.

Thats hilarious. Guess there is no requirement for objectivity to be a mod on this site.

So you deny that the political left started the fake news hysteria?

The fake news started with the endless torrent of "Hillary has Parkinson's" and "Hillary had an affair with Yoko" ad "three million Amish mobilizing to vote for Rump" bullshit, from Macedonia or wherever it was produced. That's the original meaning of "fake news" before Rump co-opted it as the dishonest hack he is.

Being only interested in how much money they could make from bait-clicks and not having a particular interest in the actual election, these fake news mongers also output similar stories about Rump. They didn't sell, so they abandoned that course.

They didn't sell for a very simple reason --- only those dimbulbs gullible enough to buy the song and dance of a screamingly fake con artist like Rump would also be gullible enough to buy fake stories of their own confirmation bias. That's what sold, so that's what they did, the same reason fake wrestling exists. Something with which, tellingly, Rump is also knee-deep in, in his world of fake shit.

I actually saw the "three million Amish" story posted HERE on USMB. And there were those gullibles who actually believed it, because it fit their fantasies, rationality be damned. Yet another one tried to claim that a Hillary Clinton appearance (here in North Carolina) was a hologram. A green screen ruse. Seriously, I jumped into that thread because I know how green screens actually work.

THAT is what the term "fake news" refers to, and it's obvious why Rump co-opted it --- it was a major factor in his election and he would like that fact to go away. Solution: morph the definition into something it never was. Make people forget.

Sorry Rumpy -- "forget" is out of the question.
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The media is collapsing in on itself yet he feels the need to personally attack individuals? Beyond dumb.

Way to take the spotlight OFF the collapsing Russia story dumbass.
I thought his tweet was fucking hilarious.
If course you did, low class scum enjoy when women are personally attacked like that.

Some women have a sense of humour Grampa darling, we all are not offended by everything.
Here's an original thought. A president should conduct himself professionally at ALL times and do his job and govern for the sake of the people of the United States.

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