Trump's tweet about Mika

I've very glad to see you use the word "triggered".

When I think of that term, I think of the hypersensitive, narcissistic snowflakes on college campuses just can't deal with being exposed to ideas and opinions with which they disagree, so they lash out like petulant children with acute impulse control issues.

As silly and annoying as that is on campus, it pales in comparison to when the President of the United States of America, the Leader of the Free World, acts that way.

I think it's beneath the dignity of the office, which isn't surprising coming from him, a man who has been behaving this way since he got into the race.

I have no doubt that, if he had a (D) after his name, the same people who are so thrilled by this behavior would be apoplectic in anger.
There would not be the biased MSM with a D in that case! With 96% donating to Hillary the biased MSM wouldn't be doing 89% of first days president trump negative news. By the way there are links providing facts.
Negative actions result in negative reporting

Maybe if Trump began acting like an adult, he would get better coverage

Sure... and if the MSM acted like professionals we wouldn't have this!!!

GEEZ I am encouraged by Trump calling out fakes and biased news.
Here is what started this issue but of course YOU and your lemming like people can't ever admit the biased MSM continual and truly disgusting
efforts in making fake news!

Now these professional journalists make these comments first to a guy who isn't polished, who isn't presidential AND THANK GOD for that!
Remember these dipheads SAID IT first... go for it Mr. President!!
AGAIN she shot the first cannon!

Mika Brzezinski said, “Nothing makes a man feel better than making a fake cover of a magazine about himself, lying every day and destroying the country.”
Brzezinski then said, “He’s covering his hands here because they’re teensy.”
“Let’s say someone came into NBC and took over NBC, and started tweeting wildly about people’s appearances, bullying people, talking about people in the competition, lying every day, undermining his managers, throwing them under the [bus] — that person would be thrown out,
” Brzezinski said, according to Raw Story. “It’s just not normal behavior. In fact, there would be concerns that the person who runs the company is out of his mind.”
What Did Mika Brzezinski Say to Prompt Donald Trump’s ‘Face-Lift’ Tweets?

Fake News: Associated Press Engulfed in CNN-Level Scandal as It Covers Up Invention of Imaginary Pruitt Meeting
Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt’s schedule showed he was slated to meet with Dow CEO Andrew Liveris on March 9 for about a half-hour at a Houston hotel. Rachelle Schikorra, a spokeswoman for Dow, said the formal meeting “never happened due to schedule conflicts.”

EPA spokeswoman Liz Bowman also said the formal meeting was canceled. She said Pruitt and Liveris did have a “brief introduction in passing” at the energy conference in Houston they were both attending.

“They did not discuss chlorpyrifos,” Bowman said. “During the same trip he also met with the Canadian minister of natural resources, and CEOs and executives from other companies attending the trade show.”
Correction: EPA-Dow Chemical story
None of this, NONE of it, has anything to do with his behaviors.

The press doesn't make him say or "tweet" things that are an ongoing national embarrassment.

This is about Trump, his temperament, his psychological condition, and his fitness for the most critical job on the planet.

It's not about the press, or Hillary, or Obama, or Mickey Mouse.

Has everything to do with it! I like millions like me are so disgusted with the PERSONAL attacks on president Trump by these so-called "professionals" who
are like little kids. So like little kids they have to be admonished and treated sometimes as the kids they are! Hence is totally right in slapping them around!

Only people who don't comprehend how woefully BIASED the MSM has been with 96% of MSM donating to Hillary, to 89% of Trump's first few months MSM coverage
being grossly negative... we the millions of people are all in favor of Trump's responses to us! Trump's temperament for 70 years made him a billionaire and
I trust that temperament the VAST majority of the MSM and especially the lemmings that believe the MSM!
Trump deals with facts in the decisions he makes. Prior to that he is human and I have no problem!
Can we agree that there is one person who is ultimately responsible for Trump's behaviors, and that's Trump himself?
Meanwhile, in reality, normal people don't care about tweets.

Just sayin'.
yes, it is what I've heard and I do believe it and with his behavior, have no reason to believe otherwise....

he's disengaged with his job and only concerned about himself.....his ratings, his feelings, his reality tv show that he thinks is actually his job....

he's just plain crazy, yes, mentally ill, with no interest in being president of the USA is how I view him, and he's dangerous to our nation in that capacity....

he knows nothing about being president and he doesn't want to engage himself in the he knows nothing about what's in the health care bill and talks to us about it like we are 3 years old....''it's a good bill, you are going to like it'' bullcrap without ever talking's just bizarre!!!
Obviously, they've GOT YOU PROGRAMMED. Is there a doctor in the house ?
it's plain cuckoo for Trump trying to hurt Mika and Joe by tweeting that Mika had a facelift ...when trump is like on his third plastic surgery job ... his eyes are 'turning Japanese'' from all of them... and while his trophy wife has had every plastic surgery that ever existed from boob job, to face lifts and eye lifts and Botox etc etc

He's an infantile idiot, and an embarrassment to the Presidency...
He wasn't trying to hurt her. He just mentioned that she had a facelift, and that was the reason for her face bleeding. You are fabricating. What else is new ? ho hum
it's plain cuckoo for Trump trying to hurt Mika and Joe by tweeting that Mika had a facelift ...when trump is like on his third plastic surgery job ... his eyes are 'turning Japanese'' from all of them... and while his trophy wife has had every plastic surgery that ever existed from boob job, to face lifts and eye lifts and Botox etc etc

He's an infantile idiot, and an embarrassment to the Presidency...
He wasn't trying to hurt her. He just mentioned that she had a facelift, and that was the reason for her face bleeding. You are fabricating. What else is new ? ho hum

Her face lift, or many face lifts, are not good.


They make women look strange
How plastic surgery works:

The co-hosts denied that Brzezinski had undergone the procedure — but even if she had, and then flown down to Mar-A-Lago against doctor’s orders, it’s incredibly unlikely that she’d have shed any blood, according to cosmetic surgeon Darren Smith.

“There should not, in normal circumstances, be bleeding,” the New York City-based doctor tells Allure. While bruising is likely, he says, “it would be very unusual to see actual external bleeding after a facelift. Aside from maybe 24 to 48 hours after surgery; there could be a few drops of blood that leak when the drains are removed or peek through at the incision line.”

Not exactly a bloodbath.
None of this is evidence that there wasn't bleeding from a facelift. You're grasping at straws. :rolleyes:
I don't think so. Then again, we haven't had a POTUS in recent memory who's lowered themselves to the level Trump has. The fact of the matter is that as POTUS, one is "above it all;" thus one should comport oneself accordingly.

The reason for the outcry -- outcry that's coming from all respectable quarters -- is Trump's debasing himself and more importantly the office of the president. Effrontery is beneath the office. The man holding the office can think it if he wants to, but he has to have the restraint to refrain from plying his acrid brume of oppressively caustic oral effluvium.
He hasn't lowered ANYTHING. He talks like THE PEOPLE. His conduct is perfectly fine, and all this dopey criticism is just desperate attempts by enemies to derail him.. All a failure.
The coward President Donald Trump has humiliated America by viciously attacking a pair of TV talk show host with despicable and deplorable tweets totally unbecoming a President of the United States of America. Showing himself to be a small, immature, hateful, vengeful, less than a man human being, he has represented America in a shameful and humiliating manner.

This morning, the two talk show hosts confronted his abhorrent behavior on live National TV. They opened themselves up to questioning and interrogation and gave their sides of the story and exposed even more frightening behavior about the President.

President Donald Trump is a complete coward if he does not offer himself in a press conference and explain his actions to the American public, and indeed, the world.

President Donald Trump has humiliated America and degraded the Presidency. It is now his job to man up and show some courage, otherwise, he deserves to wear that coward brand forever.
But even if he swallows his pride and apologizes you know it's not sincere and he will do it again. The people who voted for him don't care. I'm hoping moderates and independents wake up.

But most important is the economy. If it's going well they won't care that he's not doing any better than Obama did. Republicans are held to a much lower standard. Wages, unemployment, war, debt, our standing with the rest of the world. Republicans don't judge Republicans harshly.
And after Dems do the dirty work Republicans run a victory lap
Not too many folks denying trumps cowardice in this thread. If he did nothing wrong, why is so afraid of addressing this issue in a public forum like a press conference?
Why the hell would he hold a press conference about Mika's plastic surgery and mental illness?
He should explain why he lied. He should prove he is not a degenerate coward.
He didn't lie about her in the first place, jackass.
it's plain cuckoo for Trump trying to hurt Mika and Joe by tweeting that Mika had a facelift ...when trump is like on his third plastic surgery job ... his eyes are 'turning Japanese'' from all of them... and while his trophy wife has had every plastic surgery that ever existed from boob job, to face lifts and eye lifts and Botox etc etc

He's an infantile idiot, and an embarrassment to the Presidency...
He wasn't trying to hurt her. He just mentioned that she had a facelift, and that was the reason for her face bleeding. You are fabricating. What else is new ? ho hum

Her face lift, or many face lifts, are not good.


They make women look strange
Agreed. Not a fan of elective facelifts, boob jobs, etc. It's vain and superficial. Obviously common among show business people and politics, which is "show business for ugly people". Sure, the results in appearance can be stunning but appearance isn't everything.

Celebrity plastic surgery gone awry - Photos - Washington Times

Kellyanne Conway Runs Like Hell from Trump's Twitter Attack on Mika Brzezinski

Ivanka Trump, Before and After
Not too many folks denying trumps cowardice in this thread. If he did nothing wrong, why is so afraid of addressing this issue in a public forum like a press conference?
Why the hell would he hold a press conference about Mika's plastic surgery and mental illness?
He should explain why he lied. He should prove he is not a degenerate coward.
He didn't lie about her in the first place, jackass.
She was bloody and has a low IQ ?? Come on Moe stop protecting this AH

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