Trump's tweet about Mika

$25 says Trump won't last his entire single term. $50 says he won't be reelected. Bet?

Pssst. That's a $75 loss to you if he resigns.
He'll still be president in 2024. Then Pence for 8 more years. Newsflash > Democrats died in 2014, (and they ain't coming back)

SCOTUS, President, Congress >> all Republican/Conservative. YAY!!!
1) An expected reply from someone who believes only what Trump tells him.

2) When you present evidence of bleeding or proof that picture isn't accurate, then I'll accept the premise.
The picture means nothing.. It could have been taken 5 years ago. Stelter (CNN) had no source for it. Just another example of FAKE NEWS. Are you dumb ?
The coward President Donald Trump has humiliated America by viciously attacking a pair of TV talk show host with despicable and deplorable tweets totally unbecoming a President of the United States of America. Showing himself to be a small, immature, hateful, vengeful, less than a man human being, he has represented America in a shameful and humiliating manner.

This morning, the two talk show hosts confronted his abhorrent behavior on live National TV. They opened themselves up to questioning and interrogation and gave their sides of the story and exposed even more frightening behavior about the President.

President Donald Trump is a complete coward if he does not offer himself in a press conference and explain his actions to the American public, and indeed, the world.

President Donald Trump has humiliated America and degraded the Presidency. It is now his job to man up and show some courage, otherwise, he deserves to wear that coward brand forever.
But even if he swallows his pride and apologizes you know it's not sincere and he will do it again. The people who voted for him don't care. I'm hoping moderates and independents wake up.

But most important is the economy. If it's going well they won't care that he's not doing any better than Obama did. Republicans are held to a much lower standard. Wages, unemployment, war, debt, our standing with the rest of the world. Republicans don't judge Republicans harshly.
Why would he apologize? I can't imagine anything dumber than that.
The coward President Donald Trump has humiliated America by viciously attacking a pair of TV talk show host with despicable and deplorable tweets totally unbecoming a President of the United States of America. Showing himself to be a small, immature, hateful, vengeful, less than a man human being, he has represented America in a shameful and humiliating manner.

This morning, the two talk show hosts confronted his abhorrent behavior on live National TV. They opened themselves up to questioning and interrogation and gave their sides of the story and exposed even more frightening behavior about the President.

President Donald Trump is a complete coward if he does not offer himself in a press conference and explain his actions to the American public, and indeed, the world.

President Donald Trump has humiliated America and degraded the Presidency. It is now his job to man up and show some courage, otherwise, he deserves to wear that coward brand forever.
But even if he swallows his pride and apologizes you know it's not sincere and he will do it again. The people who voted for him don't care. I'm hoping moderates and independents wake up.

But most important is the economy. If it's going well they won't care that he's not doing any better than Obama did. Republicans are held to a much lower standard. Wages, unemployment, war, debt, our standing with the rest of the world. Republicans don't judge Republicans harshly.
Why would he apologize? I can't imagine anything dumber than that.
Yes it wouldn't be presidential.

If you have a dictator you can't get out of office.

Trump was right once. Elections are rigged.
The coward President Donald Trump has humiliated America by viciously attacking a pair of TV talk show host with despicable and deplorable tweets totally unbecoming a President of the United States of America. Showing himself to be a small, immature, hateful, vengeful, less than a man human being, he has represented America in a shameful and humiliating manner.

This morning, the two talk show hosts confronted his abhorrent behavior on live National TV. They opened themselves up to questioning and interrogation and gave their sides of the story and exposed even more frightening behavior about the President.

President Donald Trump is a complete coward if he does not offer himself in a press conference and explain his actions to the American public, and indeed, the world.

President Donald Trump has humiliated America and degraded the Presidency. It is now his job to man up and show some courage, otherwise, he deserves to wear that coward brand forever.
But even if he swallows his pride and apologizes you know it's not sincere and he will do it again. The people who voted for him don't care. I'm hoping moderates and independents wake up.

But most important is the economy. If it's going well they won't care that he's not doing any better than Obama did. Republicans are held to a much lower standard. Wages, unemployment, war, debt, our standing with the rest of the world. Republicans don't judge Republicans harshly.
Why would he apologize? I can't imagine anything dumber than that.
Owning up to his many mistakes would make him more of a man rather than the orange anus he's made of himself
$25 says Trump won't last his entire single term. $50 says he won't be reelected. Bet?

Pssst. That's a $75 loss to you if he resigns.
He'll still be president in 2024. Then Pence for 8 more years. Newsflash > Democrats died in 2014, (and they ain't coming back)

SCOTUS, President, Congress >> all Republican/Conservative. YAY!!!
So it's a bet or not? Talk is cheap and if I'm going to waste my time with you, I'd like to come away with a few years of USMB Gold Memberships.
1) An expected reply from someone who believes only what Trump tells him.

2) When you present evidence of bleeding or proof that picture isn't accurate, then I'll accept the premise.
The picture means nothing.. It could have been taken 5 years ago. Stelter (CNN) had no source for it. Just another example of FAKE NEWS. Are you dumb ?
Translation: You are 100% correct DW!

No worries, kid. One day you'll either see the errors of your ways or die a bitter old man who feels the world owes him a life.
I'm not a democract, didn't vote for Hillary nor Bernie....but Trump do represent the 27% or so that voted for him (dumb, uneducated, violent, ignorant, vulgar, greedy, bully, paranoid group of people).
I swear it never fails every Trump supporter fits that category but again in a real democracy , Trump wouldn't be a president without the majority of people voting for him.
That been said most of those ticked off Trump followers, when answering me or others will fit under those categories that I mentioned.
Not too many folks denying trumps cowardice in this thread. If he did nothing wrong, why is so afraid of addressing this issue in a public forum like a press conference?
Why the hell would he hold a press conference about Mika's plastic surgery and mental illness?
He should explain why he lied. He should prove he is not a degenerate coward.
He didn't lie about her in the first place, jackass.
She was bloody and has a low IQ ?? Come on Moe stop protecting this AH
She's not very intelligent and she knows it. And while she was growing up in her highly dysfunctional and emotionally abusive family her asshole parents and her siblings made it a point to often remind her that she was the only stupid member of the family.

She knows it, Scarborough knows it, her friends know it and Trump knows it.

She is so fucking stupid that she didn't even realize that any great leader like Trump would necessarily retaliate to her personal attacks on national television that day. Not for the personal attack on himself (she's been doing that from the get go without him saying things that would truly hurt her feelings) but for the personal attack she directed at Trump's staffers on national TV. She said they needed to be lobotomized. As their leader Trump was obligated to defend his underlings. That's part of your job when you are a leader. People who are not good leaders do not understand that.

So in retaliation he threw a brilliantly executed combination at her big three emotional soft spots, those being her stupidity, her mental illness and her body image. She misbehaved in a serious way and had to be given a spanking.
I'm not a democract, didn't vote for Hillary nor Bernie....but Trump do represent the 27% or so that voted for him (dumb, uneducated, violent, ignorant, vulgar, greedy, bully, paranoid group of people).
I swear it never fails every Trump supporter fits that category but again in a real democracy , Trump wouldn't be a president without the majority of people voting for him.
That been said most of those ticked off Trump followers, when answering me or others will fit under those categories that I mentioned.
That is the most ironic post I have ever seen
I'm not a democract, didn't vote for Hillary nor Bernie....but Trump do represent the 27% or so that voted for him (dumb, uneducated, violent, ignorant, vulgar, greedy, bully, paranoid group of people).
I swear it never fails every Trump supporter fits that category but again in a real democracy , Trump wouldn't be a president without the majority of people voting for him.
That been said most of those ticked off Trump followers, when answering me or others will fit under those categories that I mentioned.

Being a truly uneducated fool pointing fingers like you have, certainly proves the adage my Mom taught me: "When you point at someone 3 fingers point back at you"!

A) You can't even spell a common simple word, "democrat!"! There is only one "c" in "democrat"!
B) You have poor grammar..."but Trump "do"??? represent the 27% .... dumb, UNEDUCATED...)! and you are calling US uneducated.?
Dumb shit.. your sentence should be "but Trump does ...not "do"! Is this your second language as I could understand!
C) You wrote: "Trump wouldn't be president with the majority of people voting for him"... DUH!!! Dummy!!! Trump is the President because the people's vote elect the
electoral college...dummy! What you meant to say was Trump wouldn't be president if the Presidency was decided by the majority of people"! There a simple sentence that clarifies your uneducated bungling!
By the way just a fact for you.
He is the president even though Calif/New York didn't vote for him!
In FACT without Calif/New York Trump actual received more votes than Hillary!
California Hillary 8,753,788 Trump 4,483,810
New York Hillary 4,556,124 Trump 2,819,534
Total those two states:
Hillary 13,309,912 Trump 7,303,344
NOW here is where it counted!
Nationally: Hillary got 65,844,610 oh wow she won more popular votes! Trump 62,979,636 oh how sad!
BUT...Subtract NY/Calif total votes from both and you get:
Trump 55,676,292
Hillary: 52,534,698
SO Trump won the POPULAR vote when subtracting the totally Democrat states of NY/Calif!
Trump knew he couldn't compete in Calif/NY, so he concentrated on the rest of US!
Trump the consummate marketer, KNEW his market! Case closed!
United States presidential election, 2016 - Wikipedia
Not too many folks denying trumps cowardice in this thread. If he did nothing wrong, why is so afraid of addressing this issue in a public forum like a press conference?
Why the hell would he hold a press conference about Mika's plastic surgery and mental illness?
He should explain why he lied. He should prove he is not a degenerate coward.
He didn't lie about her in the first place, jackass.
She was bloody and has a low IQ ?? Come on Moe stop protecting this AH
She's not very intelligent and she knows it. And while she was growing up in her highly dysfunctional and emotionally abusive family her asshole parents and her siblings made it a point to often remind her that she was the only stupid member of the family.

She knows it, Scarborough knows it, her friends know it and Trump knows it.

She is so fucking stupid that she didn't even realize that any great leader like Trump would necessarily retaliate to her personal attacks on national television that day. Not for the personal attack on himself (she's been doing that from the get go without him saying things that would truly hurt her feelings) but for the personal attack she directed at Trump's staffers on national TV. She said they needed to be lobotomized. As their leader Trump was obligated to defend his underlings. That's part of your job when you are a leader. People who are not good leaders do not understand that.

So in retaliation he threw a brilliantly executed combination at her big three emotional soft spots, those being her stupidity, her mental illness and her body image. She misbehaved in a serious way and had to be given a spanking.

And guess what her Dad said about her fiancee, Scarborough/
On this morning’s Morning Joe, former U.S. National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski offered his expertise on the conflict in Gaza. It was all very insightful! But you’ll want to just skip to the end of this clip, where host Joe Scarborough attempts to ask for Brzezinski’s daughter Mika’s hand in marriage or something by insisting that “you cannot blame what’s going on in Israel on the Bush administration.”
This prompted Zbig to reply, “You know, you have such a stunningly superficial knowledge of what went on that it’s almost embarrassing to listen to you.” Burn!
I don't think so. Then again, we haven't had a POTUS in recent memory who's lowered themselves to the level Trump has. The fact of the matter is that as POTUS, one is "above it all;" thus one should comport oneself accordingly.

The reason for the outcry -- outcry that's coming from all respectable quarters -- is Trump's debasing himself and more importantly the office of the president. Effrontery is beneath the office. The man holding the office can think it if he wants to, but he has to have the restraint to refrain from plying his acrid brume of oppressively caustic oral effluvium.
He hasn't lowered ANYTHING. He talks like THE PEOPLE. His conduct is perfectly fine, and all this dopey criticism is just desperate attempts by enemies to derail him.. All a failure.

He "talks like" (comports himself like) some of the people, namely those in the rogues gallery of precociously maladjusted miscreants whose malignant metastasis of obloquy flows with no more restraint than the tics of one suffering from Tourette's Syndrome.
Why the hell would he hold a press conference about Mika's plastic surgery and mental illness?
He should explain why he lied. He should prove he is not a degenerate coward.
He didn't lie about her in the first place, jackass.
She was bloody and has a low IQ ?? Come on Moe stop protecting this AH
She's not very intelligent and she knows it. And while she was growing up in her highly dysfunctional and emotionally abusive family her asshole parents and her siblings made it a point to often remind her that she was the only stupid member of the family.

She knows it, Scarborough knows it, her friends know it and Trump knows it.

She is so fucking stupid that she didn't even realize that any great leader like Trump would necessarily retaliate to her personal attacks on national television that day. Not for the personal attack on himself (she's been doing that from the get go without him saying things that would truly hurt her feelings) but for the personal attack she directed at Trump's staffers on national TV. She said they needed to be lobotomized. As their leader Trump was obligated to defend his underlings. That's part of your job when you are a leader. People who are not good leaders do not understand that.

So in retaliation he threw a brilliantly executed combination at her big three emotional soft spots, those being her stupidity, her mental illness and her body image. She misbehaved in a serious way and had to be given a spanking.

And guess what her Dad said about her fiancee, Scarborough/
On this morning’s Morning Joe, former U.S. National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski offered his expertise on the conflict in Gaza. It was all very insightful! But you’ll want to just skip to the end of this clip, where host Joe Scarborough attempts to ask for Brzezinski’s daughter Mika’s hand in marriage or something by insisting that “you cannot blame what’s going on in Israel on the Bush administration.”
This prompted Zbig to reply, “You know, you have such a stunningly superficial knowledge of what went on that it’s almost embarrassing to listen to you.” Burn!
Thanks for posting that clip. But that wasn't from this morning. He died a few weeks ago.
He should explain why he lied. He should prove he is not a degenerate coward.
He didn't lie about her in the first place, jackass.
She was bloody and has a low IQ ?? Come on Moe stop protecting this AH
She's not very intelligent and she knows it. And while she was growing up in her highly dysfunctional and emotionally abusive family her asshole parents and her siblings made it a point to often remind her that she was the only stupid member of the family.

She knows it, Scarborough knows it, her friends know it and Trump knows it.

She is so fucking stupid that she didn't even realize that any great leader like Trump would necessarily retaliate to her personal attacks on national television that day. Not for the personal attack on himself (she's been doing that from the get go without him saying things that would truly hurt her feelings) but for the personal attack she directed at Trump's staffers on national TV. She said they needed to be lobotomized. As their leader Trump was obligated to defend his underlings. That's part of your job when you are a leader. People who are not good leaders do not understand that.

So in retaliation he threw a brilliantly executed combination at her big three emotional soft spots, those being her stupidity, her mental illness and her body image. She misbehaved in a serious way and had to be given a spanking.

And guess what her Dad said about her fiancee, Scarborough/
On this morning’s Morning Joe, former U.S. National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski offered his expertise on the conflict in Gaza. It was all very insightful! But you’ll want to just skip to the end of this clip, where host Joe Scarborough attempts to ask for Brzezinski’s daughter Mika’s hand in marriage or something by insisting that “you cannot blame what’s going on in Israel on the Bush administration.”
This prompted Zbig to reply, “You know, you have such a stunningly superficial knowledge of what went on that it’s almost embarrassing to listen to you.” Burn!
Thanks for posting that clip. But that wasn't from this morning. He died a few weeks ago.

OH I know that he died. My point was Brzezinski for once was right on target regarding Scarborough really shallow thinking and then on top of that it exemplifies
Mika's apparent lack of intellectual capacity to consider Scarborough as a husband! Speaks volumes!
Sorry for the typos and no English is not my second language it's actually my fifth. I speak it fluently and I would also write it correctly if in the right conditions.

So you subtracting two major states to make a claim? lol. I'm done......BTW you fit perfectly in the categories I mentioned above....and yes I don't know you but I'm more educated than you can ever dream of. Siding with Trump makes you dumber than the dumbest in this planet.

I'm not a democract, didn't vote for Hillary nor Bernie....but Trump do represent the 27% or so that voted for him (dumb, uneducated, violent, ignorant, vulgar, greedy, bully, paranoid group of people).
I swear it never fails every Trump supporter fits that category but again in a real democracy , Trump wouldn't be a president without the majority of people voting for him.
That been said most of those ticked off Trump followers, when answering me or others will fit under those categories that I mentioned.

Being a truly uneducated fool pointing fingers like you have, certainly proves the adage my Mom taught me: "When you point at someone 3 fingers point back at you"!

A) You can't even spell a common simple word, "democrat!"! There is only one "c" in "democrat"!
B) You have poor grammar..."but Trump "do"??? represent the 27% .... dumb, UNEDUCATED...)! and you are calling US uneducated.?
Dumb shit.. your sentence should be "but Trump does ...not "do"! Is this your second language as I could understand!
C) You wrote: "Trump wouldn't be president with the majority of people voting for him"... DUH!!! Dummy!!! Trump is the President because the people's vote elect the
electoral college...dummy! What you meant to say was Trump wouldn't be president if the Presidency was decided by the majority of people"! There a simple sentence that clarifies your uneducated bungling!
By the way just a fact for you.
He is the president even though Calif/New York didn't vote for him!
In FACT without Calif/New York Trump actual received more votes than Hillary!
California Hillary 8,753,788 Trump 4,483,810
New York Hillary 4,556,124 Trump 2,819,534
Total those two states:
Hillary 13,309,912 Trump 7,303,344
NOW here is where it counted!
Nationally: Hillary got 65,844,610 oh wow she won more popular votes! Trump 62,979,636 oh how sad!
BUT...Subtract NY/Calif total votes from both and you get:
Trump 55,676,292
Hillary: 52,534,698
SO Trump won the POPULAR vote when subtracting the totally Democrat states of NY/Calif!
Trump knew he couldn't compete in Calif/NY, so he concentrated on the rest of US!
Trump the consummate marketer, KNEW his market! Case closed!
United States presidential election, 2016 - Wikipedia
I'm not a democract, didn't vote for Hillary nor Bernie....but Trump do represent the 27% or so that voted for him (dumb, uneducated, violent, ignorant, vulgar, greedy, bully, paranoid group of people).
I swear it never fails every Trump supporter fits that category but again in a real democracy , Trump wouldn't be a president without the majority of people voting for him.
That been said most of those ticked off Trump followers, when answering me or others will fit under those categories that I mentioned.

Being a truly uneducated fool pointing fingers like you have, certainly proves the adage my Mom taught me: "When you point at someone 3 fingers point back at you"!

A) You can't even spell a common simple word, "democrat!"! There is only one "c" in "democrat"!
B) You have poor grammar..."but Trump "do"??? represent the 27% .... dumb, UNEDUCATED...)! and you are calling US uneducated.?
Dumb shit.. your sentence should be "but Trump does ...not "do"! Is this your second language as I could understand!
C) You wrote: "Trump wouldn't be president with the majority of people voting for him"... DUH!!! Dummy!!! Trump is the President because the people's vote elect the
electoral college...dummy! What you meant to say was Trump wouldn't be president if the Presidency was decided by the majority of people"! There a simple sentence that clarifies your uneducated bungling!
By the way just a fact for you.
He is the president even though Calif/New York didn't vote for him!
In FACT without Calif/New York Trump actual received more votes than Hillary!
California Hillary 8,753,788 Trump 4,483,810
New York Hillary 4,556,124 Trump 2,819,534
Total those two states:
Hillary 13,309,912 Trump 7,303,344
NOW here is where it counted!
Nationally: Hillary got 65,844,610 oh wow she won more popular votes! Trump 62,979,636 oh how sad!
BUT...Subtract NY/Calif total votes from both and you get:
Trump 55,676,292
Hillary: 52,534,698
SO Trump won the POPULAR vote when subtracting the totally Democrat states of NY/Calif!
Trump knew he couldn't compete in Calif/NY, so he concentrated on the rest of US!
Trump the consummate marketer, KNEW his market! Case closed!
United States presidential election, 2016 - Wikipedia
I don't think so. Then again, we haven't had a POTUS in recent memory who's lowered themselves to the level Trump has. The fact of the matter is that as POTUS, one is "above it all;" thus one should comport oneself accordingly.

The reason for the outcry -- outcry that's coming from all respectable quarters -- is Trump's debasing himself and more importantly the office of the president. Effrontery is beneath the office. The man holding the office can think it if he wants to, but he has to have the restraint to refrain from plying his acrid brume of oppressively caustic oral effluvium.
He hasn't lowered ANYTHING. He talks like THE PEOPLE. His conduct is perfectly fine, and all this dopey criticism is just desperate attempts by enemies to derail him.. All a failure.

He "talks like" (comports himself like) some of the people, namely those in the rogues gallery of precociously maladjusted miscreants whose malignant metastasis of obloquy flows with no more restraint than the tics of one suffering from Tourette's Syndrome.

Singularly well put. :thup:

I'm gonna put that on a bumper sticker. :eusa_dance:

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