Trump's tweet about Mika

We saw how much good GWBush’s refusal to fight back got us. We are dealing with indescribable evil from the left. tweet, baby, tweet!

Trump is the Hemingway of twitter!
GW refused to fight back? WTF? He invaded Afghanistan after 9/11 (Good!) then invaded Iraq (not so good).

fight back against his critics, i obviously mean. pay attention.
Not obviously. Learn how to write above the sixth grade level.
He should explain why he lied. He should prove he is not a degenerate coward.
He didn't lie about her in the first place, jackass.
She was bloody and has a low IQ ?? Come on Moe stop protecting this AH
She's not very intelligent and she knows it. And while she was growing up in her highly dysfunctional and emotionally abusive family her asshole parents and her siblings made it a point to often remind her that she was the only stupid member of the family.

She knows it, Scarborough knows it, her friends know it and Trump knows it.

She is so fucking stupid that she didn't even realize that any great leader like Trump would necessarily retaliate to her personal attacks on national television that day. Not for the personal attack on himself (she's been doing that from the get go without him saying things that would truly hurt her feelings) but for the personal attack she directed at Trump's staffers on national TV. She said they needed to be lobotomized. As their leader Trump was obligated to defend his underlings. That's part of your job when you are a leader. People who are not good leaders do not understand that.

So in retaliation he threw a brilliantly executed combination at her big three emotional soft spots, those being her stupidity, her mental illness and her body image. She misbehaved in a serious way and had to be given a spanking.

And guess what her Dad said about her fiancee, Scarborough/
On this morning’s Morning Joe, former U.S. National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski offered his expertise on the conflict in Gaza. It was all very insightful! But you’ll want to just skip to the end of this clip, where host Joe Scarborough attempts to ask for Brzezinski’s daughter Mika’s hand in marriage or something by insisting that “you cannot blame what’s going on in Israel on the Bush administration.”
This prompted Zbig to reply, “You know, you have such a stunningly superficial knowledge of what went on that it’s almost embarrassing to listen to you.” Burn!
Thanks for posting that clip. But that wasn't from this morning. He died a few weeks ago.

Ooops. LOL

Zbigniew Brzezinski, National Security Adviser to Jimmy Carter, Dies at 89
MAY 26, 2017

Zbigniew Brzezinski, the hawkish strategic theorist who was national security adviser to President Jimmy Carter in the tumultuous years of the Iran hostage crisis and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in the late 1970s, died on Friday at a hospital in Virginia. He was 89.

His death, at Inova Fairfax Hospital in Falls Church, was announced on Friday by his daughter, Mika Brzezinski, a co-host of the MSNBC program “Morning Joe.”
Mika and Joe what a joke! I didn't even know they were still on TV. Hey they said they had proof, I guess they were lying just like they do every morning.
Mika and Joe what a joke! I didn't even know they were still on TV. Hey they said they had proof, I guess they were lying just like they do every morning.
I never heard of them until SNL had a skit about them a month or so ago and I had to Google them. Trump certainly has improved their PR rating. Free advertising! They should send Trump a Christmas card every year for as long as he lives.
I don't think so. Then again, we haven't had a POTUS in recent memory who's lowered themselves to the level Trump has. The fact of the matter is that as POTUS, one is "above it all;" thus one should comport oneself accordingly.

The reason for the outcry -- outcry that's coming from all respectable quarters -- is Trump's debasing himself and more importantly the office of the president. Effrontery is beneath the office. The man holding the office can think it if he wants to, but he has to have the restraint to refrain from plying his acrid brume of oppressively caustic oral effluvium.
He hasn't lowered ANYTHING. He talks like THE PEOPLE. His conduct is perfectly fine, and all this dopey criticism is just desperate attempts by enemies to derail him.. All a failure.

He "talks like" (comports himself like) some of the people, namely those in the rogues gallery of precociously maladjusted miscreants whose malignant metastasis of obloquy flows with no more restraint than the tics of one suffering from Tourette's Syndrome.

Well then he certainly has millions of people like me that aren't shallow and intellectually challenged to see that Trump IS NOT like any politician who constantly needs a
finger in the wind to tell him which way to go! Trump supporters like me look way beyond these incidents and see a greater good being performed.
One simple example of why a non-politician like Trump is good for the country:
Trump Orders Government to Stop Work on Y2K Bug, 17 Years Later
Seventeen years after the Year 2000 bug came and went, the federal government will finally stop preparing for it.
Jared Kushner Says Government Must Move Past Floppy Disks
The Trump administration announced Thursday that it would eliminate dozens of paperwork requirements for federal agencies, including an obscure rule that requires them to continue providing updates on their preparedness for a bug that afflicted some computers at the turn of the century.
As another example, the Pentagon will be freed from a requirement that it file a report every time a small business vendor is paid,
a task that consumed some 1,200 man-hours every year.
Trump Orders Government to Stop Work on Y2K Bug

Just consider that simple act! It has been going on for 16 years! Why wasn't it stopped earlier?
Because the mentality of a politician such as GWB or Obama didn't have people around to question things like this!
...millions of people like me that aren't shallow and intellectually challenged...As another example, the Pentagon will be freed from a requirement that it file a report every time a small business vendor is paid,a task that consumed some 1,200 man-hours every year.

Shallow? Dude, you don't meaning of the word. Let me tell you what shallow is. Shallow has two dimensions: a pettiness aspect and an insufficiency of though aspect. One way in which individuals exhibit shallowness is encountering information and not giving it due consideration before publicly uttering something ignorant in reference to it, which is precisely what you did with that post above. To wit....

...millions of people like me that aren't shallow and intellectually challenged...As another example, the Pentagon will be freed from a requirement that it file a report every time a small business vendor is paid,a task that consumed some 1,200 man-hours every year.

First, and this will initially seem petty, but I'll show why it's not...the M-12-16-related example you provided isn't "another" one, it is the only one you provided pertaining to the "[elimination of dozens of paperwork requirements." The reason I point that out is that one should expect that people who are not "intellectually challenged" would recognize whether they've provided one or multiple examples of a thing. Provided they indeed have the acumen they claim, those individuals would indeed know when to use the word "an" rather than "another."

So, you see, though normally my pointing out such a thing would be petty, in this instance is it not because you hubristically attested to not being "intellectually challenged." You "made your bed." I'm just laying you in it.

...millions of people like me that aren't shallow and intellectually challenged...As another example, the Pentagon will be freed from a requirement that it file a report every time a small business vendor is paid,a task that consumed some 1,200 man-hours every year.
Not "intellectually challenged" like you? Well, let me tell you something....Assuming the Pentagon does indeed use 1200 man-hours to file a report each time it pays a small business vendor [1], the reason isn't because the requirement to do so militates for it to do so. Rather the reason most likely is that the people in the Pentagon's accounting operation are "intellectually challenged," much as you are.

The report that must be filed to comply with OMB M-12-16 (and its temporal extensions, one of which presumably increased the reporting frequency to quarterly rather than semi-annually as it was in originally stipulated in M-12-16) is something that can and should be fully automated within the standard functionality of the Pentagon's ERP system, thereby requiring no man-hours. Thus, the instruction to dispense with the reporting requirement, provided it was proposed by people who are "not intellectually challenged," was not proposed to cut back on the man-hours needed to prepare the report.

How do I know I'm right? Because after having performed and subsequently managed some 50 odd implementations of ERP systems, I picked up a few things about what they can do. One of the things that is found (and has been for decades) in any ERP system's vendor tables is a flag that users check (or don't) to indicate whether a business is a small business. Using that flag as a discriminant, it's but a matter of an hour's work to write a structured query to retrieve the invoicing and payment history pertaining to all suppliers having that flag ticked. Write the query, save it in the system's list of reports, set up a recurring report request, and let the system, upon producing the report as scheduled, email, fax, or however, send the report to the necessary recipients.​

Now, you see intellectually astute enterprise managers, even if they aren't aware of specific functionality in various enterprise management systems, with an eye toward optimizing their organization processes, at least bother to ask whether such functionality exists, or can be cost effectively made extant, before they discard an element of internal process control and oversight that, when in place and operating, allows them to detect problems when they first manifest themselves rather than only after it's festered for sometime whereafter someone complains vociferously.

However, demonstrating the intellectual acuity and depth of thought it takes to confirm what is, and what one believes to be, doesn't require one be an enterprise manager, or manager of any sort. It merely requires one be neither shallow nor intellectually challenged.

  1. Though you've cited the 1200 man-hour metric, from where did you obtain it? I don't see it specified in connection with the express order to dispense with the reporting requirements of OMB M-12-16.
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I'm sure our taxes help you somehow. You wish you lived here. Best state in America hands down.

Trump is unfit to be POTUS.

You're from California.............nobody cares what they think. In the electoral process, their input is irrelevant.:deal::boobies::boobies:
I've lived in California, courtesy of Uncle Sam. After five years at MCAS Tustin, when given the choice, I left.
You couldn't handle it. Figures.
He didn't lie about her in the first place, jackass.
She was bloody and has a low IQ ?? Come on Moe stop protecting this AH
She's not very intelligent and she knows it. And while she was growing up in her highly dysfunctional and emotionally abusive family her asshole parents and her siblings made it a point to often remind her that she was the only stupid member of the family.

She knows it, Scarborough knows it, her friends know it and Trump knows it.

She is so fucking stupid that she didn't even realize that any great leader like Trump would necessarily retaliate to her personal attacks on national television that day. Not for the personal attack on himself (she's been doing that from the get go without him saying things that would truly hurt her feelings) but for the personal attack she directed at Trump's staffers on national TV. She said they needed to be lobotomized. As their leader Trump was obligated to defend his underlings. That's part of your job when you are a leader. People who are not good leaders do not understand that.

So in retaliation he threw a brilliantly executed combination at her big three emotional soft spots, those being her stupidity, her mental illness and her body image. She misbehaved in a serious way and had to be given a spanking.

And guess what her Dad said about her fiancee, Scarborough/
On this morning’s Morning Joe, former U.S. National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski offered his expertise on the conflict in Gaza. It was all very insightful! But you’ll want to just skip to the end of this clip, where host Joe Scarborough attempts to ask for Brzezinski’s daughter Mika’s hand in marriage or something by insisting that “you cannot blame what’s going on in Israel on the Bush administration.”
This prompted Zbig to reply, “You know, you have such a stunningly superficial knowledge of what went on that it’s almost embarrassing to listen to you.” Burn!
Thanks for posting that clip. But that wasn't from this morning. He died a few weeks ago.

Ooops. LOL

Zbigniew Brzezinski, National Security Adviser to Jimmy Carter, Dies at 89
MAY 26, 2017

Zbigniew Brzezinski, the hawkish strategic theorist who was national security adviser to President Jimmy Carter in the tumultuous years of the Iran hostage crisis and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in the late 1970s, died on Friday at a hospital in Virginia. He was 89.

His death, at Inova Fairfax Hospital in Falls Church, was announced on Friday by his daughter, Mika Brzezinski, a co-host of the MSNBC program “Morning Joe.”

You obviously were a little slow on the f/u comments about his death. We all knew it.
But thanks for the behind the times notice.


there will never come a more entertaining president!
The fact that she was still bleeding from a facial procedure I do not blame him for bringing it out. The fact that she has a very low IQ is something he probably should not have brought out. She can not help it. If she could she would.
I'm sure our taxes help you somehow. You wish you lived here. Best state in America hands down.

Trump is unfit to be POTUS.

You're from California.............nobody cares what they think. In the electoral process, their input is irrelevant.:deal::boobies::boobies:
I've lived in California, courtesy of Uncle Sam. After five years at MCAS Tustin, when given the choice, I left.
You couldn't handle it. Figures.
LOL Are you trolling or admitting you live in California?
She was bloody and has a low IQ ?? Come on Moe stop protecting this AH
She's not very intelligent and she knows it. And while she was growing up in her highly dysfunctional and emotionally abusive family her asshole parents and her siblings made it a point to often remind her that she was the only stupid member of the family.

She knows it, Scarborough knows it, her friends know it and Trump knows it.

She is so fucking stupid that she didn't even realize that any great leader like Trump would necessarily retaliate to her personal attacks on national television that day. Not for the personal attack on himself (she's been doing that from the get go without him saying things that would truly hurt her feelings) but for the personal attack she directed at Trump's staffers on national TV. She said they needed to be lobotomized. As their leader Trump was obligated to defend his underlings. That's part of your job when you are a leader. People who are not good leaders do not understand that.

So in retaliation he threw a brilliantly executed combination at her big three emotional soft spots, those being her stupidity, her mental illness and her body image. She misbehaved in a serious way and had to be given a spanking.

And guess what her Dad said about her fiancee, Scarborough/
On this morning’s Morning Joe, former U.S. National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski offered his expertise on the conflict in Gaza. It was all very insightful! But you’ll want to just skip to the end of this clip, where host Joe Scarborough attempts to ask for Brzezinski’s daughter Mika’s hand in marriage or something by insisting that “you cannot blame what’s going on in Israel on the Bush administration.”
This prompted Zbig to reply, “You know, you have such a stunningly superficial knowledge of what went on that it’s almost embarrassing to listen to you.” Burn!
Thanks for posting that clip. But that wasn't from this morning. He died a few weeks ago.

Ooops. LOL

Zbigniew Brzezinski, National Security Adviser to Jimmy Carter, Dies at 89
MAY 26, 2017

Zbigniew Brzezinski, the hawkish strategic theorist who was national security adviser to President Jimmy Carter in the tumultuous years of the Iran hostage crisis and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in the late 1970s, died on Friday at a hospital in Virginia. He was 89.

His death, at Inova Fairfax Hospital in Falls Church, was announced on Friday by his daughter, Mika Brzezinski, a co-host of the MSNBC program “Morning Joe.”

You obviously were a little slow on the f/u comments about his death. We all knew it.
But thanks for the behind the times notice.

Awesome dancing, dude!! But it doesn't cover up the fact you posted "On this morning’s Morning Joe, former U.S. National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski offered his expertise on the conflict in Gaza. It was all very insightful! But you’ll want to just skip to the end of this clip, where host Joe Scarborough attempts to ask for Brzezinski’s daughter Mika’s hand in marriage or something by insisting that “you cannot blame what’s going on in Israel on the Bush administration.”
This prompted Zbig to reply, “You know, you have such a stunningly superficial knowledge of what went on that it’s almost embarrassing to listen to you.” Burn!

Burn! LOL
I'm sure our taxes help you somehow. You wish you lived here. Best state in America hands down.

Trump is unfit to be POTUS.

You're from California.............nobody cares what they think. In the electoral process, their input is irrelevant.:deal::boobies::boobies:
I've lived in California, courtesy of Uncle Sam. After five years at MCAS Tustin, when given the choice, I left.
You couldn't handle it. Figures.
LOL Are you trolling or admitting you live in California?
We noticed that you didn't deny what I said.
I'm sure our taxes help you somehow. You wish you lived here. Best state in America hands down.

You're from California.............nobody cares what they think. In the electoral process, their input is irrelevant.:deal::boobies::boobies:
I've lived in California, courtesy of Uncle Sam. After five years at MCAS Tustin, when given the choice, I left.
You couldn't handle it. Figures.
LOL Are you trolling or admitting you live in California?
We noticed that you didn't deny what I said.
"We"? You and your tape worm? The little 2 inch mouse in your pocket? You, yourself and Irene? Who is "we"?
I'm sure our taxes help you somehow. You wish you lived here. Best state in America hands down.
I've lived in California, courtesy of Uncle Sam. After five years at MCAS Tustin, when given the choice, I left.
You couldn't handle it. Figures.
LOL Are you trolling or admitting you live in California?
We noticed that you didn't deny what I said.
"We"? You and your tape worm? The little 2 inch mouse in your pocket? You, yourself and Irene? Who is "we"?
Everyone, you including you.
Our president once again humiliated himself with another childlike tantrum
If you think Trump is humiliated or even slightly embarrassed by his comments regarding Mika then you are nuts. However I do not think that you actually believe what you said. In other words, you're just fucking lying, jackass.

Trump humiliated Mika by revealing to the world that she had cosmetic surgery.
I think Trump is overly sensitive
Especially over criticism by women. He takes criticism very personally. That is why he must stew for a while and then come up with a witty retort like.....oh yea? well you are stupid
If you were the target of the shit Vika spews out every morning you would be in a straight jacket.
Are you shitting me?
I take worse abuse than that on this board every day
When it gets broadcast to millions of people, then perhaps you might have a justified complaint.
Are you kidding me?

USMB gets better ratings than Morning Joe
just ask Trump
Meanwhile, in reality, normal people don't care about tweets. Just sayin'.
When "tweets" reveal that an individual - especially the President of the United States and Leader of the Free World - clearly has both self esteem and impulse control problems, I think that's pretty significant.

He's a human being who isn't going to sit siliently by while he and his family are trashed. That's not nearly the equivalent of Antifa Cupcakes assaulting people and torching buildings.

Just sayin'.
We are glad you left. California is home of the open minded and progressive that's why is the sixth biggest economy in the world and 1st in the US.

I'm sure our taxes help you somehow. You wish you lived here. Best state in America hands down.

Trump is unfit to be POTUS.

You're from California.............nobody cares what they think. In the electoral process, their input is irrelevant.:deal::boobies::boobies:
I've lived in California, courtesy of Uncle Sam. After five years at MCAS Tustin, when given the choice, I left.
it's plain cuckoo for Trump trying to hurt Mika and Joe by tweeting that Mika had a facelift ...when trump is like on his third plastic surgery job ... his eyes are 'turning Japanese'' from all of them... and while his trophy wife has had every plastic surgery that ever existed from boob job, to face lifts and eye lifts and Botox etc etc

He's an infantile idiot, and an embarrassment to the Presidency...
He wasn't trying to hurt her. He just mentioned that she had a facelift, and that was the reason for her face bleeding. You are fabricating. What else is new ? ho hum

Her face lift, or many face lifts, are not good.


They make women look strange
She looks better than Melania
Melania looks like an alien


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