Trump’s Unwarranted Attacks on Freedom of the Press Denounced


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
‘Political analysts said there's a difference between criticizing the press and calling it "the enemy" -- a phrase authoritarian governments of the past have indeed used to de-legitimize political opponents and institutions.

"This is something that you hear tin-pot dictators say when they want to control all of the information," said Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, speaking on ABC's This Week.

Matt Mackowiak, a Texas-based Republican political consultant, said Trump is facing a "vigorously hostile press corps" that has low approval ratings of its own, and seems to be "competing to see who can be the first to cause his impeachment."

While Trump "is attacking a weak opponent that his base despises," Mackowiak added that the president needs to reach out to the broader public in order to get legislation passed. "The campaign is over," Mackowiak said. "It's time for governing and governing requires persuasion."


Nicole Renee Hemmer, assistant professor at the University of Virginia's Miller Center, said "the rhetoric is not yet cause for panic." But she said journalists need to push back and explain that "their work is a vital component of democratic governance and the system of checks and balances, especially given Donald Trump's autocratic tendencies."

Said Hemmer: "Trump has a tendency to blur the distinctions between himself, the government, and the people, more so than any modern president. And his wholesale attacks on the press soften the ground for anti-press action."’

McCain defends free press, raises specter of dictatorship from Trump's attacks

The problem, of course, is that Trump is ignorant of what constitutes sound, responsible governance – indeed, he’s completely incapable of governing at all.
I love that we are having this conversation....finally.

Thank you President Trump.

1. Anyone who believes that our major news sources are not biased is simply ignorant.
2. Biased sources don't tell the whole story. They selectively tell or emphasize what they feel we need to know.
3. People are waking up to the fact that about 90% of what you read on the web is biased or out-and-out false.

I don't like Trump for many reasons.

I liked Bernie for many reasons (because he was pushing issues that required consideration in the public...that were not getting there).

Trump, intentionally or doing just that.

If our press would wake up and become "better" due to this, great.

If not, then it is not great loss.

Nobody trusts them and it was not because of Donald Trump.
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I might have agreed had the attacks not been "unwarranted". They were warranted; needed and a delight to watch.
Very fake news, petunia. And Trump's calling the losers out for their blatant bias. You're enemies of the state, just like the fake news snowflakes trying to smear him.

Well, it you look back, you'll see that C_Clayton_Jones stated:

1. Trump would not be nominated (never said it was his opinion...stated it as fact).
2. The American people would never elect Trump (again...stated as fact).

So loserboi isn't any more trustworthy as a commentator than Rachael Maddow.
‘Political analysts said there's a difference between criticizing the press and calling it "the enemy" -- a phrase authoritarian governments of the past have indeed used to de-legitimize political opponents and institutions.

"This is something that you hear tin-pot dictators say when they want to control all of the information," said Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, speaking on ABC's This Week.

Matt Mackowiak, a Texas-based Republican political consultant, said Trump is facing a "vigorously hostile press corps" that has low approval ratings of its own, and seems to be "competing to see who can be the first to cause his impeachment."

While Trump "is attacking a weak opponent that his base despises," Mackowiak added that the president needs to reach out to the broader public in order to get legislation passed. "The campaign is over," Mackowiak said. "It's time for governing and governing requires persuasion."


SO, your own source admits that the Press is "vigorously hostile" to Trump.

That's what an enemy IS.

This republican consultant who thinks that we should try persuasion with our enemy is a fucking moron.
‘Political analysts said there's a difference between criticizing the press and calling it "the enemy" -- a phrase authoritarian governments of the past have indeed used to de-legitimize political opponents and institutions.

"This is something that you hear tin-pot dictators say when they want to control all of the information," said Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, speaking on ABC's This Week.

Matt Mackowiak, a Texas-based Republican political consultant, said Trump is facing a "vigorously hostile press corps" that has low approval ratings of its own, and seems to be "competing to see who can be the first to cause his impeachment."

While Trump "is attacking a weak opponent that his base despises," Mackowiak added that the president needs to reach out to the broader public in order to get legislation passed. "The campaign is over," Mackowiak said. "It's time for governing and governing requires persuasion."


Nicole Renee Hemmer, assistant professor at the University of Virginia's Miller Center, said "the rhetoric is not yet cause for panic." But she said journalists need to push back and explain that "their work is a vital component of democratic governance and the system of checks and balances, especially given Donald Trump's autocratic tendencies."

Said Hemmer: "Trump has a tendency to blur the distinctions between himself, the government, and the people, more so than any modern president. And his wholesale attacks on the press soften the ground for anti-press action."’

McCain defends free press, raises specter of dictatorship from Trump's attacks

The problem, of course, is that Trump is ignorant of what constitutes sound, responsible governance – indeed, he’s completely incapable of governing at all.


Does the progressive media need some coloring books and Play Doh?


Very fake news, petunia. And Trump's calling the losers out for their blatant bias. You're enemies of the state, just like the fake news snowflakes trying to smear him.
Just to put this to rest...if Trump were to call out all MSM as Fake News, his first target would be Fox News which is the largest, most consumed network.

Trump only attacks outlets and stories that show him in a bad light. Which exposes the fact that his comments are not critical of news stories and sources that are misrepresentative or false...but only on stories that show him in a negative light, regardless of the veracity of their claims. If I am incorrect, please link me to where Trump has denounced a news source as fake and all lies that displayed him a positive, yet false, light.
‘Political analysts said there's a difference between criticizing the press and calling it "the enemy" -- a phrase authoritarian governments of the past have indeed used to de-legitimize political opponents and institutions.

"This is something that you hear tin-pot dictators say when they want to control all of the information," said Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, speaking on ABC's This Week.

Matt Mackowiak, a Texas-based Republican political consultant, said Trump is facing a "vigorously hostile press corps" that has low approval ratings of its own, and seems to be "competing to see who can be the first to cause his impeachment."

While Trump "is attacking a weak opponent that his base despises," Mackowiak added that the president needs to reach out to the broader public in order to get legislation passed. "The campaign is over," Mackowiak said. "It's time for governing and governing requires persuasion."


SO, your own source admits that the Press is "vigorously hostile" to Trump.

That's what an enemy IS.

This republican consultant who thinks that we should try persuasion with our enemy is a fucking moron.

Well, I don't agree.

We need an investigative press that reports facts.....not opinion.

I didn't trust Obama and I don't trust Trump.

Our MSM is not "the press".
Very fake news, petunia. And Trump's calling the losers out for their blatant bias. You're enemies of the state, just like the fake news snowflakes trying to smear him.

That is what Trump wants you to do, snowflake. Just follow along like the low information voter that you are.
I love that we are having this conversation....finally.

Thank you President Trump.

1. Anyone who believes that our major news sources are not biased is simply ignorant.
2. Biased sources don't tell the whole story. They selectively tell or emphasize what they feel we need to know.
3. People are waking up to the fact that about 90% of what you read on the web is biased or out-and-out false.

I don't like Trump for many reasons.

I liked Bernie for many reasons (because he was pushing issues that required consideration in the public...that were not getting there).

Trump, intentionally or doing just that.

If our press would wake up and become "better" due to this, great.

If not, then it is not great loss.

Nobody trusts them and it was because of Donald Trump.
It is not the government's job to control or interfere with the free speech of the press. The President represents the government. He has at his disposal the ability to challenge specific instances of unfair treatment by specific news sources with opposing facts and even opinion. That is not what he is doing. He is attempting to demonize the press with a broad brush without backing up his claims and attacks with factual data. It is exactly what authoritarian regimes do.
I love that we are having this conversation....finally.

Thank you President Trump.

1. Anyone who believes that our major news sources are not biased is simply ignorant.
2. Biased sources don't tell the whole story. They selectively tell or emphasize what they feel we need to know.
3. People are waking up to the fact that about 90% of what you read on the web is biased or out-and-out false.

I don't like Trump for many reasons.

I liked Bernie for many reasons (because he was pushing issues that required consideration in the public...that were not getting there).

Trump, intentionally or doing just that.

If our press would wake up and become "better" due to this, great.

If not, then it is not great loss.

Nobody trusts them and it was because of Donald Trump.
It is not the government's job to control or interfere with the free speech of the press. The President represents the government. He has at his disposal the ability to challenge specific instances of unfair treatment by specific news sources with opposing facts and even opinion. That is not what he is doing. He is attempting to demonize the press with a broad brush without backing up his claims and attacks with factual data. It is exactly what authoritarian regimes do.

He hasn't interfered with anything.

He should be demonizing the press. Bush should have done it and so should have Obama.

It's time to wake people up to a good conversation about the press. We need it.
Very fake news, petunia. And Trump's calling the losers out for their blatant bias. You're enemies of the state, just like the fake news snowflakes trying to smear him.

That is what Trump wants you to do, snowflake. Just follow along like the low information voter that you are.

The OP's SOURCE description of the press fits to a T, the meaning of the word "enemy" and yet he attacks Trump for calling the press the enemy.

Trump is not the problem.

Trump is the solution, to a very sick political class.
I love that we are having this conversation....finally.

Thank you President Trump.

1. Anyone who believes that our major news sources are not biased is simply ignorant.
2. Biased sources don't tell the whole story. They selectively tell or emphasize what they feel we need to know.
3. People are waking up to the fact that about 90% of what you read on the web is biased or out-and-out false.

I don't like Trump for many reasons.

I liked Bernie for many reasons (because he was pushing issues that required consideration in the public...that were not getting there).

Trump, intentionally or doing just that.

If our press would wake up and become "better" due to this, great.

If not, then it is not great loss.

Nobody trusts them and it was because of Donald Trump.
It is not the government's job to control or interfere with the free speech of the press. The President represents the government. He has at his disposal the ability to challenge specific instances of unfair treatment by specific news sources with opposing facts and even opinion. That is not what he is doing. He is attempting to demonize the press with a broad brush without backing up his claims and attacks with factual data. It is exactly what authoritarian regimes do.

He hasn't interfered with anything.

He should be demonizing the press. Bush should have done it and so should have Obama.

It's time to wake people up to a good conversation about the press. We need it.

no way Obama would do that. THe press loved him and did nothing but spew propaganda for him.
When the majority of the news distorts and misleads the public like calling an executive order a Muslim ban when they know full well it isn't these media are being at best political activist pretending to be journalist at worst propagandist. As I stated on another thread calling the media enemies of the people does not serve the country but having media that can not or will not be fair and unbiased does not serve the country either.
I love that we are having this conversation....finally.

Thank you President Trump.

1. Anyone who believes that our major news sources are not biased is simply ignorant.
2. Biased sources don't tell the whole story. They selectively tell or emphasize what they feel we need to know.
3. People are waking up to the fact that about 90% of what you read on the web is biased or out-and-out false.

I don't like Trump for many reasons.

I liked Bernie for many reasons (because he was pushing issues that required consideration in the public...that were not getting there).

Trump, intentionally or doing just that.

If our press would wake up and become "better" due to this, great.

If not, then it is not great loss.

Nobody trusts them and it was because of Donald Trump.
It is not the government's job to control or interfere with the free speech of the press. The President represents the government. He has at his disposal the ability to challenge specific instances of unfair treatment by specific news sources with opposing facts and even opinion. That is not what he is doing. He is attempting to demonize the press with a broad brush without backing up his claims and attacks with factual data. It is exactly what authoritarian regimes do.

He hasn't interfered with anything.

He should be demonizing the press. Bush should have done it and so should have Obama.

It's time to wake people up to a good conversation about the press. We need it.

no way Obama would do that. THe press loved him and did nothing but spew propaganda for him.

I agree. But I never gave Obama props for integrity.
Nobody is attacking freedom of the Press. Trump is rightly calling them out on their bullshit and lies. Big difference.
When the majority of the news distorts and misleads the public like calling an executive order a Muslim ban when they know full well it isn't these media are being at best political activist pretending to be journalist at worst propagandist. As I stated on another thread calling the media enemies of the people does not serve the country but having media that can not or will not be fair and unbiased does not serve the country either.

If they are behaving as the enemy, then calling them the enemy is just facing the Truth.
I love that we are having this conversation....finally.

Thank you President Trump.

1. Anyone who believes that our major news sources are not biased is simply ignorant.
2. Biased sources don't tell the whole story. They selectively tell or emphasize what they feel we need to know.
3. People are waking up to the fact that about 90% of what you read on the web is biased or out-and-out false.

I don't like Trump for many reasons.

I liked Bernie for many reasons (because he was pushing issues that required consideration in the public...that were not getting there).

Trump, intentionally or doing just that.

If our press would wake up and become "better" due to this, great.

If not, then it is not great loss.

Nobody trusts them and it was because of Donald Trump.
It is not the government's job to control or interfere with the free speech of the press. The President represents the government. He has at his disposal the ability to challenge specific instances of unfair treatment by specific news sources with opposing facts and even opinion. That is not what he is doing. He is attempting to demonize the press with a broad brush without backing up his claims and attacks with factual data. It is exactly what authoritarian regimes do.

It's not the presses job to be biased either...about time we had someone with the balls to call em out on it.

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