Trump’s Vulgar Admission: Avoiding STDs Was “My Personal Vietnam” With “Few Uninfected” Women

OMG! It was the Howard Stern show.


Howard can convince anyone to talk dirty on his show. Sandra Bullock America's sweetheart gave up "secrets". Hells bells Stern could probably get Mother Theresa to talk dirty.
If Howard could lead Trump around on a string, imagine how Putin could lead him around.

Any differently than Putin has lead Obama and Clinton around?
Never happened. I know you wish it did, but it didn't.
Mark Sanford endorsed Trump. You know, the gov who ditched his security detail, flew to South America on taxpayer dime for a tryst with a Latina Fireball. But it's ok. He said he had other affairs so it wasn't just this one that shamed his sons and ruined his marriage. Like Trump and other Republicans, he is looking for a quickie divorce.
Hillarys husband hangs out with a pedophile and took 30+ trips to the Lolita Island where 16 year old girls were kept as sex slaves.

Glass houses, Deany
Trump's Vulgar Admission: Avoiding STDs was "my personal Vietnam" with "few uninfected" women | RedState

What was he doing while American soldiers were fighting in Vietnam? Trump was having his "personal Vietnam." Watch this very vulgar interview between Howard Stern and Donald Trump (NOT SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN) -- skip to 17:12:

TRUMP: It's amazing, I can't even believe it. I've been so lucky in terms of that whole world. It is a dangerous world out there. It's like Vietnam, sort of.

STERN: Hey it's your personal Vietnam isn't it?

TRUMP: It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave soldier!

STERN: A lot of guys who went through Vietnam came out unscathed. A lot of guys going through the 80's having sex with different women came out with AIDS and all kinds of things.

TRUMP: This is better than Vietnam, but it's uh... it's more fun.

STERN: A little better, but every v****a is a landmine, haven't we both said that in private?

TRUMP: [intense laughter] I think it is a potential landmine. There's some real danger there.

STERN: When you go to a bar, do you ever go with a fleet of doctors and have them check all the women, and then party with the uninfected?

TRUMP: [laughter] The few! You mean the few uninfected!


Republicans love this guy. He shares their values.
His vulgarity shows he's not political correct. It also shows he's not presidential material.
Well, according to his family and the GOP pundits, tonight is supposed to be the night that he FINALLY acts presidential.

I give him 10 min before he goes off the teleprompter and starts with his stream of thought speech.
Well, according to his family and the GOP pundits, tonight is supposed to be the night that he FINALLY acts presidential.

I give him 10 min before he goes off the teleprompter and starts with his stream of thought speech.
I've never heard him give a prepared speech. It will be interesting to see if he can. Some people simply can't do it.

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