Trump's wall idea is dead

Realistically even if Trump declares an emergency, which I don’t think he should and I don’t even think is truly a legitimate reason to declare a national emergency for in this case, in my opinion the wall that he wants won’t be the wall that he eventually gets, if there is even a new wall at all. He really should have pushed this much harder during the first two years of his presidency if he wanted less barriers (no pun jntended) to building the wall that he promised.
How many hundred "the wall will never be built" threads have we seen so far? Guess what, Corky, there is already a wall, more being built this morning and Trump will have the money for the rest of it 16 February one way or lose (like always).
How many hundred "the wall will never be built" threads have we seen so far? Guess what, Corky, there is already a wall, more being built this morning and Trump will have the money 16 February one way or lose (like always).

There is no wall being built. Do you really think if there was a wall being built right now Trump wouldn't be on Twitter every day with photo after photo of it?
There is no wall being built. Do you really think if there was a wall being built right now Trump wouldn't be on Twitter every day with photo after photo of it?

Why do you post here? you have nothing to say......STFU gay boy.
Realistically even if Trump declares an emergency, which I don’t think he should and I don’t even think is truly a legitimate reason to declare a national emergency for in this case, in my opinion the wall that he wants won’t be the wall that he eventually gets, if there is even a new wall at all. He really should have pushed this much harder during the first two years of his presidency if he wanted less barriers (no pun jntended) to building the wall that he promised.
----------------------------------- hundreds of third worlders coming into the USA interior everyday to meet up with amigos and familia distributed all though the USA interior and thats an invasion or Emergency Grace .
Today Trump floated the idea of a "human wall". Next he'll be saying, "We're considering an army of drug sniffing gerbils to protect our border. It's like a wall... of gerbils."
Sorry Trump supporters. Trump's great big beautiful wall (that Mexico was supposed to pay for) isn't going to happen.

Interviews with a dozen GOP senators on Monday revealed broad efforts to wave Trump off from doing an end-run around Congress, part of an effort to avoid a politically perilous floor vote that could place them at odds with the president.

If the House passes a formal resolution of disapproval, the Senate would be forced to take it up with a majority threshold required for passage under procedural rules. That would mean just four GOP defections along with all Democrats would be enough to rebuke the president.

With less than 25% of Americans supporting another government shutdown over a border wall, and dwindling support from Senate Republicans, Trump's wall just isn't going to happen.

Better luck next time! :bye1:

Republicans defy Trump on national emergency
Boy have you got a suprize comming.
Sorry Trump supporters. Trump's great big beautiful wall (that Mexico was supposed to pay for) isn't going to happen.

Interviews with a dozen GOP senators on Monday revealed broad efforts to wave Trump off from doing an end-run around Congress, part of an effort to avoid a politically perilous floor vote that could place them at odds with the president.

If the House passes a formal resolution of disapproval, the Senate would be forced to take it up with a majority threshold required for passage under procedural rules. That would mean just four GOP defections along with all Democrats would be enough to rebuke the president.

With less than 25% of Americans supporting another government shutdown over a border wall, and dwindling support from Senate Republicans, Trump's wall just isn't going to happen.

Better luck next time! :bye1:

Republicans defy Trump on national emergency
Boy have you got a suprize comming.

That's what everybody was saying before his Oval Office speech. In the end he reopened the government without wall funding.
There is no wall being built. Do you really think if there was a wall being built right now Trump wouldn't be on Twitter every day with photo after photo of it?

Why do you post here? you have nothing to say......STFU gay boy.

If you have something to say then surely you can post pictures of this wall that's being built this morning.

Trump and Jarad met with border wall contractors. Looks like more wall is coming...
Trump, Kushner met with contractors to discuss building border wall - CNNPolitics

Here's where Trump's border barriers will be built in 2019
Sorry Trump supporters. Trump's great big beautiful wall (that Mexico was supposed to pay for) isn't going to happen.

Interviews with a dozen GOP senators on Monday revealed broad efforts to wave Trump off from doing an end-run around Congress, part of an effort to avoid a politically perilous floor vote that could place them at odds with the president.

If the House passes a formal resolution of disapproval, the Senate would be forced to take it up with a majority threshold required for passage under procedural rules. That would mean just four GOP defections along with all Democrats would be enough to rebuke the president.

With less than 25% of Americans supporting another government shutdown over a border wall, and dwindling support from Senate Republicans, Trump's wall just isn't going to happen.

Better luck next time! :bye1:

Republicans defy Trump on national emergency

Why are you against controlling who and what enters our community?
-------------------------------- one of the big problems is that They were taught lefty brainwashing in public school by liberal TEACHERS and millenial type parents concerning the 'statue of liberty' . So after years and years of brinwashing they accept that entry to the USA is a Free for All Correll .
The wall is an idea that is central to Trump's base. But there is no empirical evidence it is necessary to reduce illegal immigration, or that it is even the most cost-effective tool to do so.

But the OP is, imo, a sort of false narrative. The Wall Was ALWAYS a symbol created by Stone. Whether it is actually built or not, it is still an image in the Trump narrative. The problem for Trump is whether or not his political stance on the wall gains him any votes in 20.

Why are you against controlling who and what enters our community?
Sorry Trump supporters. Trump's great big beautiful wall (that Mexico was supposed to pay for) isn't going to happen.

Interviews with a dozen GOP senators on Monday revealed broad efforts to wave Trump off from doing an end-run around Congress, part of an effort to avoid a politically perilous floor vote that could place them at odds with the president.

If the House passes a formal resolution of disapproval, the Senate would be forced to take it up with a majority threshold required for passage under procedural rules. That would mean just four GOP defections along with all Democrats would be enough to rebuke the president.

With less than 25% of Americans supporting another government shutdown over a border wall, and dwindling support from Senate Republicans, Trump's wall just isn't going to happen.

Better luck next time! :bye1:

Republicans defy Trump on national emergency
So that's what you are asking Santa to bring you for Christmas? There will be some grousing by some Republicans, not about the smart fence the President wants to build, but about doing it without Congresional participation, but since this will be the third time Trump has declared a national emergency to get important things done, and the whining about it by some members of Congress led to nothing, Santa just won't be able to give you what you are asking for.
I would really love to hear Trump brag some more about the wall that he is "already building" in his self aggrandizing speech tonight, but I have a root canal scheduled in Mexico this evening that I don't want to miss.
Realistically even if Trump declares an emergency, which I don’t think he should and I don’t even think is truly a legitimate reason to declare a national emergency for in this case, in my opinion the wall that he wants won’t be the wall that he eventually gets, if there is even a new wall at all. He really should have pushed this much harder during the first two years of his presidency if he wanted less barriers (no pun jntended) to building the wall that he promised.
----------------------------------- hundreds of third worlders coming into the USA interior everyday to meet up with amigos and familia distributed all though the USA interior and thats an invasion or Emergency Grace .

No I really don’t consider that to be an emergency. I think it waters down the meaning and true intention of those emergency powers in my opinion. There are flaws in our immigration system that’s apparent, but using declaration of emergency to begin construction on a wall in order to address an emergency that is said to be happening right now doesn’t really match when it comes to timeline. Immigration hasn’t really changed in the two years Trump has been president. Why is it an emergency now but not two years ago? What is the catalyst now that warrants emergency powers versus then? I’m not opposed to fixing our immigration system, but I do question and have my doubts about the current underlying politics of the current dilemma.
Realistically even if Trump declares an emergency, which I don’t think he should and I don’t even think is truly a legitimate reason to declare a national emergency for in this case, in my opinion the wall that he wants won’t be the wall that he eventually gets, if there is even a new wall at all. He really should have pushed this much harder during the first two years of his presidency if he wanted less barriers (no pun jntended) to building the wall that he promised.
----------------------------------- hundreds of third worlders coming into the USA interior everyday to meet up with amigos and familia distributed all though the USA interior and thats an invasion or Emergency Grace .

No I really don’t consider that to be an emergency. I think it waters down the meaning and true intention of those emergency powers in my opinion. There are flaws in our immigration system that’s apparent, but using declaration of emergency to begin construction on a wall in order to address an emergency that is said to be happening right now doesn’t really match when it comes to timeline. Immigration hasn’t really changed in the two years Trump has been president. Why is it an emergency now but not two years ago? What is the catalyst now that warrants emergency powers versus then? I’m not opposed to fixing our immigration system, but I do question and have my doubts about the current underlying politics of the current dilemma.

Maybe immigration has become an emergency since Trump failed to deport 12 million illegal aliens within 2 years of his election, like he promised during his campaign.
Realistically even if Trump declares an emergency, which I don’t think he should and I don’t even think is truly a legitimate reason to declare a national emergency for in this case, in my opinion the wall that he wants won’t be the wall that he eventually gets, if there is even a new wall at all. He really should have pushed this much harder during the first two years of his presidency if he wanted less barriers (no pun jntended) to building the wall that he promised.
----------------------------------- hundreds of third worlders coming into the USA interior everyday to meet up with amigos and familia distributed all though the USA interior and thats an invasion or Emergency Grace .

No I really don’t consider that to be an emergency. I think it waters down the meaning and true intention of those emergency powers in my opinion. There are flaws in our immigration system that’s apparent, but using declaration of emergency to begin construction on a wall in order to address an emergency that is said to be happening right now doesn’t really match when it comes to timeline. Immigration hasn’t really changed in the two years Trump has been president. Why is it an emergency now but not two years ago? What is the catalyst now that warrants emergency powers versus then? I’m not opposed to fixing our immigration system, but I do question and have my doubts about the current underlying politics of the current dilemma.

30 years of inactivity in Congress and not building the wall. You may not know this, but a Democrat Congress promised to secure the border if Reagan granted amnesty to 3 million illegals in 1989.
30 years later, their promise remains unfulfilled.
Sorry Trump supporters. Trump's great big beautiful wall (that Mexico was supposed to pay for) isn't going to happen.

Interviews with a dozen GOP senators on Monday revealed broad efforts to wave Trump off from doing an end-run around Congress, part of an effort to avoid a politically perilous floor vote that could place them at odds with the president.

If the House passes a formal resolution of disapproval, the Senate would be forced to take it up with a majority threshold required for passage under procedural rules. That would mean just four GOP defections along with all Democrats would be enough to rebuke the president.

With less than 25% of Americans supporting another government shutdown over a border wall, and dwindling support from Senate Republicans, Trump's wall just isn't going to happen.

Better luck next time! :bye1:

Republicans defy Trump on national emergency

Why are you against controlling who and what enters our community?

why did donny say that mexico will pay for it?

over & over & over again?

& over & over & over AGAIN?
Sorry Trump supporters. Trump's great big beautiful wall (that Mexico was supposed to pay for) isn't going to happen.

Interviews with a dozen GOP senators on Monday revealed broad efforts to wave Trump off from doing an end-run around Congress, part of an effort to avoid a politically perilous floor vote that could place them at odds with the president.

If the House passes a formal resolution of disapproval, the Senate would be forced to take it up with a majority threshold required for passage under procedural rules. That would mean just four GOP defections along with all Democrats would be enough to rebuke the president.

With less than 25% of Americans supporting another government shutdown over a border wall, and dwindling support from Senate Republicans, Trump's wall just isn't going to happen.

Better luck next time! :bye1:

Republicans defy Trump on national emergency
What does a "rebuke" entail? Anything practical?
Congress has the power to revoke a presidential order of national emergency.

Trump's fake emergency plan involves taking money allocated to other defense projects. These defense projects may affect Republican states, and so the Senators representing those states may very well decide to revoke Trump's fake emergency order.

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