Trump’s Written Order of Declassification of Crossfire Hurricane (the fake Russia collusion investigation) Documents

"Crossfire hurricane" was what?
The right question. Now, answer it.

Even the often unreliable Wiki can advise you:

Crossfire Hurricane was the code name for the counterintelligenceinvestigation undertaken by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) from July 31, 2016, to May 17, 2017, into myriad links between Russian officials and associates of Donald Trump and "whether individuals associated with [his] presidential campaign were coordinating, wittingly or unwittingly, with the Russian government's efforts to interfere in the 2016 U.S. presidential election".

Where is that order? Does it include something like " that a declassification review could be performed and so I could determine to what extent materials.... should be released in unclassified form" like the declassification memorandum does in the OP?

No declassification reviews are necessary when the POTUS (among some other officials) is declassifying them, that is per Øbama's EO which is still in effect and I have mentioned and linked to elsewhere on this site.
Not a fake investigation.
No declassification reviews are necessary when the POTUS (among some other officials) is declassifying them, that is per Øbama's EO which is still in effect and I have mentioned and linked to elsewhere on this site.
About that EO

Executive Order 13526 (EO 13526) is the most recent in a series of executive orders promulgated by U.S. presidents to govern the handling of classified information, put forth by President Barack Obama in 2009. With respect to the authority to designate information as classified, in Section 1.3(a)(1), EO 13526 explicitly states that the president is an “original classification authority,” meaning he can decide on his own whether information should be classified.

With respect to declassification, the EO’s wording is a little different. Rather than explicitly listing the president as having declassification authority, EO 13526 states:

Sec. 3.1. Authority for Declassification.
  1. Information shall be declassified as soon as it no longer meets the standards for classification under this order.
  2. Information shall be declassified or downgraded by:
  3. the official who authorized the original classification, if that official is still serving in the same position and has original classification authority
  4. the originator’s current successor in function, if that individual has original classification authority;
  5. a supervisory official of either the originator or his or her successor in function, if the supervisory official has original classification authority; or
  6. officials delegated declassification authority in writing by the agency head or the senior agency official of the originating agency.
So, the EO does not specifically list a president as someone who can declassify information, even though it does list the president as someone who can classify information. A president could hold the declassification authority listed in Section 3.1(b)(1) of EO 13526 if he were the one who had authorized an original classification, as long as he was still serving as president.
He had a standing order that classified documents removed to his residence (MAL) were automatically declassified. Period. That is all he needed.
Oh really. Is there any evidence of that standing order? What actions were taken? Like you know... a declassified stamp on these documents, maybe an actual catalog of what documents they are so they can be actually made available to the general public. Oh, I know, maybe a court document where his lawyers assert such a thing?

It's actually funny that people actually pretend, and I do mean pretend that they believe something that even the most gullible person would probably find incredulous. I mean what do you get out of it? Do you think I mind when other people pretend they are idiots? At worst it's irritating that people insult their own and my intelligence. Personally, I just find it amusing.
Not a fake investigation.
The facts. Uh huh. And you link your own stupid gibberish. 🤣😂
Not a fake investigation.
A hoax from start to finish.

And the Democraps we're stupid enough to to spend public money INVESTIGATING A HOAX
About that EO

Executive Order 13526 (EO 13526) is the most recent in a series of executive orders promulgated by U.S. presidents to govern the handling of classified information, put forth by President Barack Obama in 2009. With respect to the authority to designate information as classified, in Section 1.3(a)(1), EO 13526 explicitly states that the president is an “original classification authority,” meaning he can decide on his own whether information should be classified.

With respect to declassification, the EO’s wording is a little different. Rather than explicitly listing the president as having declassification authority, EO 13526 states:

So, the EO does not specifically list a president as someone who can declassify information, even though it does list the president as someone who can classify information. A president could hold the declassification authority listed in Section 3.1(b)(1) of EO 13526 if he were the one who had authorized an original classification, as long as he was still serving as president.

Try section 3.5, which I have posted previously.

Sec. 3.5. Mandatory Declassification Review.

(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, all information classified under this order or predecessor orders shall be subject to a review for declassification by the originating agency if:


(b) Information originated by the incumbent President or the incumbent Vice President; the incumbent President’s White House Staff or the incumbent Vice President’s Staff; committees, commissions, or boards appointed by the incumbent President; or other entities within the Executive Office of the President that solely advise and assist the incumbent President is exempted from the provisions of paragraph (a) of this section.​
Two things.

How do you know it was never declassified? Have you requested under the freedom of information act the relevant documents?
I haven't. I don't want the FBI on my doorstep. They were declassified, that's what that document is. Once the President orders something declassified, it is then declassified.

But Judicial Watch has been asking and asking until they finally sued. Guess when? August 1, 2022. Yep. One week before the FBI raided Mar-a-Lago looking for what? Not "classified documents," but documents with classification markings.

One. Week.

I don't think that's a co-ink-ee-dink, do you? I believe that lawsuit but the fear into them about having to release something and claim that it is the binder. The only obstacle was Trump having a copy of that binder. So, they could have redacted it down to page numbers and caught a contempt of court citation (to be enforced by themselves), but they could not have released a false version like the documents they submitted to the FISA courts, because that would have been all the reason Trump would have needed to release his copy.

He could have leaked it, but that kind of underhanded sneakiness isn't his style. That's why he is hated.
Second it is ironic to say the least that someone who claims that he believes that somehow Trump declassified all the documents found in Mar O Lago without any evidence to the act, seemingly is capable of finding evidence of another time he declassified something that I personally never even realised was a thing.
I'm sure there are many things in the world that neither one of us even realize is a thing. In this case it turns out to be something that you did not know is a thing, but I did. No big deal.

Now you know the declassified binder full of documents is indeed a thing. If you acknowledge that you now know something new, I will know something new, that you are an honest man who is capable of internalizing new information. We will both learn.
As an aside I will also note that on a few occasions the White House backtracked themselves when Trump was in office and claimed to have declassified something.
You have examples of Trump declassifying something, or claiming to have, and then backtracking on that?
OP is the worst kind of liar. He believes his own.
That document I posted is a lie?
"Crossfire hurricane" was what?
A fake Russia collusion investigation, as I truthfully stated.

If it were not, surely the DNC/DOJ/FBI would be eager to release the declassified binder to prove how real it was.
So what this proves is that the Trumpyberra did know how the declassification process works just two day before he left the WH. Is there any written order for the declassification of the classified documents that were found scattered around his resort?
Of course he knew how the declassification process works. He declassifies something and it is declassified at that moment.

He decided to put it in writing that time, suspecting that the DOJ would stall in releasing it. Waddaya know? Predict the DOJ will stall in releasing something they don't want the American tax payer to see, and you will bat a thousand every time. Damn! Another sports analogy when talking to a liberal. Um . . . you will get a hundred on the test, even if your daddy didn't hire an Asian guy to take it for you.
About that EO

Executive Order 13526 (EO 13526) is the most recent in a series of executive orders promulgated by U.S. presidents to govern the handling of classified information, put forth by President Barack Obama in 2009. With respect to the authority to designate information as classified, in Section 1.3(a)(1), EO 13526 explicitly states that the president is an “original classification authority,” meaning he can decide on his own whether information should be classified.
The Supreme Court had already ruled that the President is the sole authority on classification/reclassification/declassification. Obama's executive order was just a guide for how he wanted that authority exercised during his administration.
With respect to declassification, the EO’s wording is a little different. Rather than explicitly listing the president as having declassification authority, EO 13526 states:
  1. Information shall be declassified as soon as it no longer meets the standards for classification under this order.
  2. Information shall be declassified or downgraded by:
  3. the official who authorized the original classification, if that official is still serving in the same position and has original classification authority
  4. the originator’s current successor in function, if that individual has original classification authority;
  5. a supervisory official of either the originator or his or her successor in function, if the supervisory official has original classification authority; or
  6. officials delegated declassification authority in writing by the agency head or the senior agency official of the originating agency.
So, the EO does not specifically list a president as someone who can declassify information, even though it does list the president as someone who can classify information. A president could hold the declassification authority listed in Section 3.1(b)(1) of EO 13526 if he were the one who had authorized an original classification, as long as he was still serving as president.
Again, the President's power of classification/reclassification/declassification comes from the U.S. Constitution as ruled by the USSC. No Obama EO can limit his successor's constitutional powers, any more than Trump could have issued an EO stating that Biden the president is not the Commander in Chief and have it be binding on future presidents.

Even if you were right and that EO was binding during the Trump administration, line 5, which I bolded and colored red, certainly would include the President.
The Rolling Stones should sue the FBI for copyright infringements.
This whole illegal shit show has been obvious for years, yet the gaslighting media and DNC constantly deny and project.
Hillary's Bleach- Bit ~ Hammertime of subpoenaed top secret calamity is no big deal, but OH MY COOKIE, Orange Man Bad!!!!
You pathetic zombies have NO sense of self-awareness of how illogical you retarded assholes are.
The two tiered "justice" system you cheer for will someday turn on YOU.
So which docs did he declassify and where are they?
The ones remaining in the binder of materials related to the FBI's Crossfire Hurricane investigation, after Trump allowed them to identify and redact passages they deemed most crucial to keep from public disclosure. It was in the link:

Screenshot 2022-09-09 201453.png

So show us these declassified docs?
I can't. DOJ is unlawfully hiding them from the public.

Neither can Judicial Watch which sued for their release on August 1st, one week exactly before the Mar-a-Lago raid.

It's all in my links, Lesh. You may not like the facts, but the fact remain.
Another poster was swearing this does not exist. I don’t like to show people up, so I won’t call out the name.

The DNC never obeyed this order, but I guess the left thinks that kewl.

Meadows AGAIN scrapped the idea when the DOJ pushed back saying it could lead to law suits

But thanks for pointing out the process for declassification .

This was but the first step and it never went any further

Meadows AGAIN scrapped the idea when the DOJ pushed back saying it could lead to law suits

Oh Meadows was president?

The DOJ was right, it did lead to a lawsuit. Which seems to be scaring the shit out of the DOJ.

But thanks for pointing out the process for declassification .

This was but the first step and it never went any further
That was the process the president chose to use that time.

Given the DOJ's insurrection by refusing the orders of the president in a matter in which the Constitution gives him sole authority, I don't blame him for not going through all that paperwork the next time.

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