Trumpty Dumpty's Presidency summed up - you are fired!

jwoodie, post: 16575133
I can't decide between the Iraq pullout

He Iraq pullout was negotiated by Bush agreeing to a date certain that Obama did not disregard.

There is your lie number one.

The 2008 SOFA is a clear historical fact. You can't lie about it not existing.
jwoodie, post: 16575133
the Syrian/Libyan refugee crisis,

Obama did not cause the Syrian Civil war. List what he did to start it if you think he did. Your real culprits lprits are Assad and Putin. Trump is impressed with mass murderes. So we will see how that goes if he can find and keep a national security advisor.
jwoodie, post: 16575133
approving a pathway for Iranian nuclear weapons,

Nope. Obama seriously got Russia and China to go along with imposed sanctions that halted Iran's alleged path to nuclear weapons that was set in motion during the Bush Administration.
ACA, which has been renamed "Obamacare" by the right, will be repealed, and then reinstated with one change. The GOP will eliminate the mandate, and will subsidize insurance companies for low income people , so that they will be incentivized to sign up, which, in theory, will make the continuation of the guaranteed issue feature possible. However, employers already do this, by paying about 75% of the employee only premium, but about 1/3 of employees don't sign up anyway, leading to a population of insureds with adverse selection.

They will call this abomination, "TrumpCare", and it will still walk and talk like a duck, but the GOP voters will claim that this was the magnificent invention of their own, and MUCH better than ACA!
Sun Devil 92
Pence takes over and then you guys are really in deep crap.

Pence's policies are horrible for America but let's remember he was highly unpopular in a Red State like Indiana and probably no going to be re-elected.

He is a dud politician and is not the shining object celebrity that America's deplorables needed to rally around.

He does no how to govern whereas the top of the ticket is way over his head and dangerous.

But if Pence's path to the Presidency came through Russian influence on our election I am not sure that Pence rises beyond lame duck unless he appeals strongly to the center and even left of center.

He should have learned that lesson while governing Indiana.
Putin sees Flynn firing as a blow to Russian interests. There is an increase in Russian provocations CNN is reporting.
Operation wide receiver came first, I don't hear you complain about that

See above and cease bothering me. hack
Tell us about wide receiver, sweetie? It must suck to be wrong again

You try your feeble attempt to be condescending again I'll put your stupid ass on ignore, snowflake

Done...see that didn't work out so well for you did it, snowflake? There isn't a left loon on this forum I give two shits about
Then why do you respond to all of their posts all the time, cottage cheese thighs?
Fired for what, and be specific.

Fast and Furious for starters.

I'm not going to sit here and argue with a parisian hack...that and you're fucking stupid
Operation wide receiver came first, I don't hear you complain about that

See above and cease bothering me. hack
Tell us about wide receiver, sweetie? It must suck to be wrong again

You try your feeble attempt to be condescending again I'll put your stupid ass on ignore, snowflake
Oh gosh, she's doing the old, I'll put you on ignore routine again. LOL.

Of course, she never follows through on those threats. LOL.
Sun Devil 92
Pence takes over and then you guys are really in deep crap.

Pence's policies are horrible for America but let's remember he was highly unpopular in a Red State like Indiana and probably no going to be re-elected.

He is a dud politician and is not the shining object celebrity that America's deplorables needed to rally around.

He does no how to govern whereas the top of the ticket is way over his head and dangerous.

But if Pence's path to the Presidency came through Russian influence on our election I am not sure that Pence rises beyond lame duck unless he appeals strongly to the center and even left of center.

He should have learned that lesson while governing Indiana.

Can you supply one shred of support for these assertions ?
Sun Devil 92, post: 16576849
Can you supply one shred of support for these assertions ?

What facts are you dusputing?

Pence’s job approval rating is underwater at 40 percent, according to a May poll, and even among Republicans only six-in-10 supported his re-election.

“It’s a tight race,” said Christine Matthews, a Republican pollster who has conducted extensive polling in Indiana, but is not affiliated with the Pence campaign. “It’s not because Gregg’s popular. Thirty percent of the people don’t even know who he is.”

Pence’s fights on social issues have damaged his position among key Republicans constituencies, from business leaders to college-educated women in vote-rich Marion County.

“There was a sense that he was pursuing these divisive conservative issues in a way that Mitch Daniels never did,” said Matthews, who conducted polling for both of Daniels’ gubernatorial campaigns.

That’s left some Republicans salivating at the prospect of Pence’s departure and the prospect of Daniels taking his place atop the ticket. Daniels, who currently serves as the president of Purdue University, has not ruled out making a run. The decision must be made soon: July 15 is the deadline by which Pence must withdraw from the gubernatorial race to avoid appearing on the ballot.

Trump flirts with unpopular Pence

His approval went up after he joined the Trump Ticket. Trump used his social policies to appeal to right winger Christians. But he want that popular in a fairly moderate state which was my point.
Sun Devil 92, post: 16576849
Can you supply one shred of support for these assertions ?

What facts are you dusputing?

Pence’s job approval rating is underwater at 40 percent, according to a May poll, and even among Republicans only six-in-10 supported his re-election.

“It’s a tight race,” said Christine Matthews, a Republican pollster who has conducted extensive polling in Indiana, but is not affiliated with the Pence campaign. “It’s not because Gregg’s popular. Thirty percent of the people don’t even know who he is.”

Pence’s fights on social issues have damaged his position among key Republicans constituencies, from business leaders to college-educated women in vote-rich Marion County.

“There was a sense that he was pursuing these divisive conservative issues in a way that Mitch Daniels never did,” said Matthews, who conducted polling for both of Daniels’ gubernatorial campaigns.

That’s left some Republicans salivating at the prospect of Pence’s departure and the prospect of Daniels taking his place atop the ticket. Daniels, who currently serves as the president of Purdue University, has not ruled out making a run. The decision must be made soon: July 15 is the deadline by which Pence must withdraw from the gubernatorial race to avoid appearing on the ballot.

Trump flirts with unpopular Pence

His approval went up after he joined the Trump Ticket. Trump used his social policies to appeal to right winger Christians. But he want that popular in a fairly moderate state which was my point.

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