Trumpty Dumpty's Presidency summed up - you are fired!

Sun Devil 92, post: 16576849
Can you supply one shred of support for these assertions ?

What facts are you dusputing?

Pence’s job approval rating is underwater at 40 percent, according to a May poll, and even among Republicans only six-in-10 supported his re-election.

“It’s a tight race,” said Christine Matthews, a Republican pollster who has conducted extensive polling in Indiana, but is not affiliated with the Pence campaign. “It’s not because Gregg’s popular. Thirty percent of the people don’t even know who he is.”

Pence’s fights on social issues have damaged his position among key Republicans constituencies, from business leaders to college-educated women in vote-rich Marion County.

“There was a sense that he was pursuing these divisive conservative issues in a way that Mitch Daniels never did,” said Matthews, who conducted polling for both of Daniels’ gubernatorial campaigns.

That’s left some Republicans salivating at the prospect of Pence’s departure and the prospect of Daniels taking his place atop the ticket. Daniels, who currently serves as the president of Purdue University, has not ruled out making a run. The decision must be made soon: July 15 is the deadline by which Pence must withdraw from the gubernatorial race to avoid appearing on the ballot.

Trump flirts with unpopular Pence

His approval went up after he joined the Trump Ticket. Trump used his social policies to appeal to right winger Christians. But he was not that popular in a fairly moderate state which was my point.
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Sun Devil 92, post: 16576849
Can you supply one shred of support for these assertions ?

What facts are you dusputing?

What facts are you citing ?

That he was probably not going to be re-elected ?

That is a fact.

Sounds like a speculation to me.

What other "facts" did you provide.

And notice I called them assertions

I don't dare call them facts because they are certainly not facts.

That he was "unpopular" could be proved in that there might be polls....but even then when does someone go to being unpopular.

What is your metric.

His policies were "terrible" (from you)...and again what metric.

You are a true left winger.....

Totally confused when people ask you to use the English language the way it was supposed to be used.
Sun Devil 92, post: 16577671
That he was probably not going to be re-elected ?

That is a fact.

Sounds like a speculation to me.

Trump idiots don't know a fact from a hole in their head.

See the word 'probably'. My statement was not presented as fact.

Here is a similar statement presented as fact.

"That he was not going to be re-elected ?"

So you are the idiot for sure. Can't comprehend simple English.
Sun Devil 92, post: 16577671
That he was probably not going to be re-elected ?

That is a fact.

Sounds like a speculation to me.

Trump idiots don't know a fact from a hole in their head.

See the word 'probably'. My statement was not presented as fact.

Here is a similar statement presented as fact.

"That he was not going to be re-elected ?"

So you are the idiot for sure. Can't comprehend simple English.

Please get back to me when you can say something sensible.
Why doesn't Sarah Palin see the Russian spy ship just deployed off the US coast?
I said....when you have something to say.

You want to clutter up the board with your bat-guano...that's your call.

The use of 'probably' in a statement by others means to you that statement constitutes being a fact is your error not mine.

So keep running sun run or admit your error.
I said....when you have something to say.

You want to clutter up the board with your bat-guano...that's your call.

The use of 'probably' in a statement by others means to you that statement constitutes being a fact is your error not mine.

So keep running sun run or admit your error.

No error dickweed.

You called them facts. I pointed out that your claim was stupid.

Please move to CA so that when they exit the country, we won't keep giving you government aid.
Sun Devil 92, post: 16579236
Please move to CA so that when they exit the country, we won't keep giving you government aid.

CA pays more into the US Treasury than it gets back.

California is a donor state like many blue states.

. In January 2017, the California Legislative Analyst’s Office said by several measures California is, indeed, a donor state, but just barely. It receives $0.99 in federal expenditures per dollar of taxes paid, which is below the national average return for states of $1.22 per dollar paid, according to its review of a 2015 New York Comptroller study.

Does California give more than it gets from D.C.?

Why did you lie?

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