Trumpworld is already weighing veeps for 2024. Hint: it won't be Pence

IF he runs, his running mate will be DeSantis. Unlike Uncle Joe, Trump will actually be up to campaigning in 3 years. Joe will be using Depends by then. For four years, we watched and heard the Left complaining about the nation being a laughingstock because of Trump's tweets. So they run a potato and he winds up sitting in the most powerful position on a potato. I lived through the scariest parts of the cold war and I was never as afraid for our nation as I am right now.
I think the only thing protecting this nation today is the confusion of Xi and Putin and Khamenei over WHO is actually in charge of our nuclear response.
i'd go with Chris Christie myself. he's young, he's energetic, he's got that stamina

I can't see him asking another obvious establishment-type industrial-strength RINO to run with him. It'll be DeSantis and if Trump chooses not to run, the top of the ticket will be DeSantis. My guess is he'd choose Kristi Noem to fill the ticket. She can't bring the backing of a major state to the ticket but she's seen as no-nonsense and all for America-first and these days, THAT is the most important attribute of all.
I can't see him asking another obvious establishment-type industrial-strength RINO to run with him. It'll be DeSantis and if Trump chooses not to run, the top of the ticket will be DeSantis. My guess is he'd choose Kristi Noem to fill the ticket. She can't bring the backing of a major state to the ticket but she's seen as no-nonsense and all for America-first and these days, THAT is the most important attribute of all.
Pence totally pussied out....too bad I really liked the guy...but when it was time to be a man he was a stuffed Pokémon toy instead. you don't build a team with that kind of person.
I want to see Austin Peterson on the ticket.
Not the orange lard.

Has he decided what party he is going to join? I met him once. I asked him if he would still carry out all our useless wars. He said he would, just not to the level we currently are (were).

Pence totally pussied out....too bad I really liked the guy...but when it was time to be a man he was a stuffed Pokémon toy instead. you don't build a team with that kind of person.
Pence is a man of honor. It bothered him morally and that is all you can expect from someone who's morality was front and center no?
Has he decided what party he is going to join? I met him once. I asked him if he would still carry out all our useless wars. He said he would, just not to the level we currently are (were).

He registered republican, last time i checked.
It should be DeSantis. I really hope he doesn't cave in to the suburban women who will demand he pick someone with a vagina.
It should be DeSantis. I really hope he doesn't cave in to the suburban women who will demand he pick someone with a vagina.

Desantis will go after the nomination himself. Running with Trump would be a career killer.
Does it matter who he picks for VP?

The reality is Harris win by a landslide with Cortez as her VP in 2024 after Dominion make sure Hugo Chavez Ghost stuff the ballot box…

Also it will be Haley…
GOD I hope not. She still has a chance to rehabilitate her political image and aspirations, but only if she distances herself from Trump. She should have never accepted the U.N. job...

For some reason I believe she has drank the kool aid and will follow Trump off that cliff…
For some reason I believe she has drank the kool aid and will follow Trump off that cliff…

That's my fear as well. Just when I think she has started to distance herself from the man, I hear she has something that draws her back. It's a shame, I like her. She was governor when I moved here to SC and she struck me as being interested in what was best for all the state's residents. I don't get that vibe from McMaster, besides, he's something of a doofus, IMO.
That's my fear as well. Just when I think she has started to distance herself from the man, I hear she has something that draws her back. It's a shame, I like her. She was governor when I moved here to SC and she struck me as being interested in what was best for all the state's residents. I don't get that vibe from McMaster, besides, he's something of a doofus, IMO.

She had a bright political future but hitching her career to Donald “ The Tabloid King “ Trump wagon has all but sure it is over.

Now if she is the VP for Trump and Trump win the Electoral College ( he will never win the popular vote ) then expect her to win in 2028 but if they lose then her career is all but over…

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