TrumpyBear having a Bigly Grumpy Day

The federal government should absolutely stop funding anything for California. It is setting itself up as a nation state. Let them do it.

Then California should withhold federal taxes, since California sends far more money to Washington than it receives in federal funding. California is not a "taker" state, so if you want to start withholding funding for a legitimate cause, like wildfire recovery, because of some idiot notion of a senile President who thinks raking underbrush prevents forest fires, but global warming is a hoax. His "gut" says so. It's smarter than the experts.

Still clinging to that claim? California gets one third of the welfare payments for then ENTIRE country. Making them the biggest TAKER state in the union. Never mind their $1.8 TRILLON in debt. Go ahead and withhold federal tax money. See what happens when the federal checks stop coming. Then again, a 5 year old is smarter than you and most lefties....

Really. Welfare isn't paid by the federal government. Medicaid, SNAP, Section, 8, but actual welfare is a state matter.
Trump's still in a pinched snit over California handing Hillary the popular vote.
Actually it was Mexico, not California
Yeah, five million illegal Mexicans got in line to vote, and not one was caught! Those Mexicans are clever! :lol:

You couldn't hardly get to the polls, what with all the illegal Mexicans in the way...

Just the facts please.
When an illegal aliens applies for a CA driver's license they are asked if the are here legally.
If they say yes then they are automatically registered to vote.
"Just the facts please". And then you lie out of your ass.

Utter horseshit. Why do you lie like that, dipshit?

You are actually fucking stupid enough to believe they just take someone's word? Which one of your lying propagandists filled your empty head with that fucking bullshit?

Geezus, you people just get dumber by the day.

California Driver Handbook - Obtaining a Driver License

When you apply for an original California DL, you must present acceptable documents establishing your identity, residency and birthdate, and provide your social security number (SSN), if eligible. When a document is required, with the exception of proof of residency, the document(s) provided:

  • Must be a certified copy, or an original document.
  • May contain an impressed seal or original stamped impression.
  • Must not be a photocopy.
  • Must not present self-laminated cards or documents.
  • Examples of acceptable documents include: U.S. Birth Certificate, U.S. Passport, U.S. Armed Forces ID Cards, Certificate of Naturalization, Permanent Resident Card, or a foreign passport with a valid I-94. The I-94 expiration date must be more than 2 months from the DL/ID card application date.

Whenever a tard says "Just the fact please", you can be sure they are pulling something out of their ass.

You have been Duped Again LMAO
Illegals in California with Driver's Licenses Eligible to Vote After April 1
The federal government should absolutely stop funding anything for California. It is setting itself up as a nation state. Let them do it.

Then California should withhold federal taxes, since California sends far more money to Washington than it receives in federal funding. California is not a "taker" state, so if you want to start withholding funding for a legitimate cause, like wildfire recovery, because of some idiot notion of a senile President who thinks raking underbrush prevents forest fires, but global warming is a hoax. His "gut" says so. It's smarter than the experts.
We should kick CA out of the union
Trump's still in a pinched snit over California handing Hillary the popular vote.
Actually it was Mexico, not California
Yeah, five million illegal Mexicans got in line to vote, and not one was caught! Those Mexicans are clever! :lol:

You couldn't hardly get to the polls, what with all the illegal Mexicans in the way...

Just the facts please.
When an illegal aliens applies for a CA driver's license they are asked if the are here legally.
If they say yes then they are automatically registered to vote.
"Just the facts please". And then you lie out of your ass.

Utter horseshit. Why do you lie like that, dipshit?

You are actually fucking stupid enough to believe they just take someone's word? Which one of your lying propagandists filled your empty head with that fucking bullshit?

Geezus, you people just get dumber by the day.

California Driver Handbook - Obtaining a Driver License

When you apply for an original California DL, you must present acceptable documents establishing your identity, residency and birthdate, and provide your social security number (SSN), if eligible. When a document is required, with the exception of proof of residency, the document(s) provided:

  • Must be a certified copy, or an original document.
  • May contain an impressed seal or original stamped impression.
  • Must not be a photocopy.
  • Must not present self-laminated cards or documents.
  • Examples of acceptable documents include: U.S. Birth Certificate, U.S. Passport, U.S. Armed Forces ID Cards, Certificate of Naturalization, Permanent Resident Card, or a foreign passport with a valid I-94. The I-94 expiration date must be more than 2 months from the DL/ID card application date.

Whenever a tard says "Just the fact please", you can be sure they are pulling something out of their ass.

You have been Duped Again LMAO
Illegals in California with Driver's Licenses Eligible to Vote After April 1
As I already pointed out above in post 18, in anticipation of you repeating this hoax again, the licenses issued to non-citizens are clearly marked with "Federal Limits Apply" and they cannot vote, and are not registered to vote.

You tards keep repeating the same lies as if you think repeating them makes them true!

Positively Orwellian.
Trump's still in a pinched snit over California handing Hillary the popular vote.
Actually it was Mexico, not California
Yeah, five million illegal Mexicans got in line to vote, and not one was caught! Those Mexicans are clever! :lol:

You couldn't hardly get to the polls, what with all the illegal Mexicans in the way...

Just the facts please.
When an illegal aliens applies for a CA driver's license they are asked if the are here legally.
If they say yes then they are automatically registered to vote.
"Just the facts please". And then you lie out of your ass.

Utter horseshit. Why do you lie like that, dipshit?

You are actually fucking stupid enough to believe they just take someone's word? Which one of your lying propagandists filled your empty head with that fucking bullshit?

Geezus, you people just get dumber by the day.

California Driver Handbook - Obtaining a Driver License

When you apply for an original California DL, you must present acceptable documents establishing your identity, residency and birthdate, and provide your social security number (SSN), if eligible. When a document is required, with the exception of proof of residency, the document(s) provided:

  • Must be a certified copy, or an original document.
  • May contain an impressed seal or original stamped impression.
  • Must not be a photocopy.
  • Must not present self-laminated cards or documents.
  • Examples of acceptable documents include: U.S. Birth Certificate, U.S. Passport, U.S. Armed Forces ID Cards, Certificate of Naturalization, Permanent Resident Card, or a foreign passport with a valid I-94. The I-94 expiration date must be more than 2 months from the DL/ID card application date.

Whenever a tard says "Just the fact please", you can be sure they are pulling something out of their ass.

You have been Duped Again LMAO
Illegals in California with Driver's Licenses Eligible to Vote After April 1

The American Stinker? Really. You are too dumb to be one person.
Actually it was Mexico, not California
Yeah, five million illegal Mexicans got in line to vote, and not one was caught! Those Mexicans are clever! :lol:

You couldn't hardly get to the polls, what with all the illegal Mexicans in the way...

Just the facts please.
When an illegal aliens applies for a CA driver's license they are asked if the are here legally.
If they say yes then they are automatically registered to vote.
"Just the facts please". And then you lie out of your ass.

Utter horseshit. Why do you lie like that, dipshit?

You are actually fucking stupid enough to believe they just take someone's word? Which one of your lying propagandists filled your empty head with that fucking bullshit?

Geezus, you people just get dumber by the day.

California Driver Handbook - Obtaining a Driver License

When you apply for an original California DL, you must present acceptable documents establishing your identity, residency and birthdate, and provide your social security number (SSN), if eligible. When a document is required, with the exception of proof of residency, the document(s) provided:

  • Must be a certified copy, or an original document.
  • May contain an impressed seal or original stamped impression.
  • Must not be a photocopy.
  • Must not present self-laminated cards or documents.
  • Examples of acceptable documents include: U.S. Birth Certificate, U.S. Passport, U.S. Armed Forces ID Cards, Certificate of Naturalization, Permanent Resident Card, or a foreign passport with a valid I-94. The I-94 expiration date must be more than 2 months from the DL/ID card application date.

Whenever a tard says "Just the fact please", you can be sure they are pulling something out of their ass.

You have been Duped Again LMAO
Illegals in California with Driver's Licenses Eligible to Vote After April 1

The American Stinker? Really. You are too dumb to be one person.
I cannot fathom why these tards keep going back to the same lying propagandists for refills of their piss cups after being shown time and time and time again they are being lied to.

This is what I mean when I say they BEG to be lied to.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"
Still clinging to that claim? California gets one third of the welfare payments for then ENTIRE country. Making them the biggest TAKER state in the union. Never mind their $1.8 TRILLON in debt. Go ahead and withhold federal tax money. See what happens when the federal checks stop coming. Then again, a 5 year old is smarter than you and most lefties..

Since ignorance is must be a VERY happy Trump ass kisser....

Many advocates for California, including former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, have pointed to a study by the Tax Foundation as proof the state receives even less from the federal government.

That report said California received only 78 cents on the dollar from the federal government

How does it feel to go through life as a laughingstock moron? Citing a study from 2007? That has been totally debunked. It should hurt to be as stupid as you.
Trump's still in a pinched snit over California handing Hillary the popular vote.
Actually it was Mexico, not California
Yeah, five million illegal Mexicans got in line to vote, and not one was caught! Those Mexicans are clever! :lol:

You couldn't hardly get to the polls, what with all the illegal Mexicans in the way...

Just the facts please.
When an illegal aliens applies for a CA driver's license they are asked if the are here legally.
If they say yes then they are automatically registered to vote.
"Just the facts please". And then you lie out of your ass.

Utter horseshit. Why do you lie like that, dipshit?

You are actually fucking stupid enough to believe they just take someone's word? Which one of your lying propagandists filled your empty head with that fucking bullshit?

Geezus, you people just get dumber by the day.

California Driver Handbook - Obtaining a Driver License

When you apply for an original California DL, you must present acceptable documents establishing your identity, residency and birthdate, and provide your social security number (SSN), if eligible. When a document is required, with the exception of proof of residency, the document(s) provided:

  • Must be a certified copy, or an original document.
  • May contain an impressed seal or original stamped impression.
  • Must not be a photocopy.
  • Must not present self-laminated cards or documents.
  • Examples of acceptable documents include: U.S. Birth Certificate, U.S. Passport, U.S. Armed Forces ID Cards, Certificate of Naturalization, Permanent Resident Card, or a foreign passport with a valid I-94. The I-94 expiration date must be more than 2 months from the DL/ID card application date.

Whenever a tard says "Just the fact please", you can be sure they are pulling something out of their ass.

You have been Duped Again LMAO
Illegals in California with Driver's Licenses Eligible to Vote After April 1

The American Stinker? Really. You are too dumb to be one person.
Still clinging to that claim? California gets one third of the welfare payments for then ENTIRE country. Making them the biggest TAKER state in the union. Never mind their $1.8 TRILLON in debt. Go ahead and withhold federal tax money. See what happens when the federal checks stop coming. Then again, a 5 year old is smarter than you and most lefties..

Since ignorance is must be a VERY happy Trump ass kisser....

Many advocates for California, including former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, have pointed to a study by the Tax Foundation as proof the state receives even less from the federal government.

That report said California received only 78 cents on the dollar from the federal government

How does it feel to go through life as a laughingstock moron? Citing a study from 2007? That has been totally debunked. It should hurt to be as stupid as you.

All of the links I posted were written in the past year, including one that said not only was California funding red states, but that Trump's tax cuts were making that situation worse. Washington is MORE dependant on taxes from California than ever before.

And this still completely ignores that Trump's rationale for withholding funds, is based on Trump's idiot idea that global warming is not causing these fires, and that raking the underbrush prevents forest fires. The President is a danger to the country if this is how he is basing his decisions.
Still clinging to that claim? California gets one third of the welfare payments for then ENTIRE country. Making them the biggest TAKER state in the union. Never mind their $1.8 TRILLON in debt. Go ahead and withhold federal tax money. See what happens when the federal checks stop coming. Then again, a 5 year old is smarter than you and most lefties..

Since ignorance is must be a VERY happy Trump ass kisser....

Many advocates for California, including former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, have pointed to a study by the Tax Foundation as proof the state receives even less from the federal government.

That report said California received only 78 cents on the dollar from the federal government

How does it feel to go through life as a laughingstock moron? Citing a study from 2007? That has been totally debunked. It should hurt to be as stupid as you.

you mean as stupid as FORREST TRUMP ?
Trump's still in a pinched snit over California handing Hillary the popular vote.
Actually it was Mexico, not California
Yeah, five million illegal Mexicans got in line to vote, and not one was caught! Those Mexicans are clever! :lol:

You couldn't hardly get to the polls, what with all the illegal Mexicans in the way...

Just the facts please.
When an illegal aliens applies for a CA driver's license they are asked if the are here legally.
If they say yes then they are automatically registered to vote.
"Just the facts please". And then you lie out of your ass.

Utter horseshit. Why do you lie like that, dipshit?

You are actually fucking stupid enough to believe they just take someone's word? Which one of your lying propagandists filled your empty head with that fucking bullshit?

Geezus, you people just get dumber by the day.

California Driver Handbook - Obtaining a Driver License

When you apply for an original California DL, you must present acceptable documents establishing your identity, residency and birthdate, and provide your social security number (SSN), if eligible. When a document is required, with the exception of proof of residency, the document(s) provided:

  • Must be a certified copy, or an original document.
  • May contain an impressed seal or original stamped impression.
  • Must not be a photocopy.
  • Must not present self-laminated cards or documents.
  • Examples of acceptable documents include: U.S. Birth Certificate, U.S. Passport, U.S. Armed Forces ID Cards, Certificate of Naturalization, Permanent Resident Card, or a foreign passport with a valid I-94. The I-94 expiration date must be more than 2 months from the DL/ID card application date.

Whenever a tard says "Just the fact please", you can be sure they are pulling something out of their ass.

You have been Duped Again LMAO
Illegals in California with Driver's Licenses Eligible to Vote After April 1

The American Stinker? Really. You are too dumb to be one person.
Still clinging to that claim? California gets one third of the welfare payments for then ENTIRE country. Making them the biggest TAKER state in the union. Never mind their $1.8 TRILLON in debt. Go ahead and withhold federal tax money. See what happens when the federal checks stop coming. Then again, a 5 year old is smarter than you and most lefties..

Since ignorance is must be a VERY happy Trump ass kisser....

Many advocates for California, including former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, have pointed to a study by the Tax Foundation as proof the state receives even less from the federal government.

That report said California received only 78 cents on the dollar from the federal government

How does it feel to go through life as a laughingstock moron? Citing a study from 2007? That has been totally debunked. It should hurt to be as stupid as you.

All of the links I posted were written in the past year, including one that said not only was California funding red states, but that Trump's tax cuts were making that situation worse. Washington is MORE dependant on taxes from California than ever before.

And this still completely ignores that Trump's rationale for withholding funds, is based on Trump's idiot idea that global warming is not causing these fires, and that raking the underbrush prevents forest fires. The President is a danger to the country if this is how he is basing his decisions.
Still clinging to that claim? California gets one third of the welfare payments for then ENTIRE country. Making them the biggest TAKER state in the union. Never mind their $1.8 TRILLON in debt. Go ahead and withhold federal tax money. See what happens when the federal checks stop coming. Then again, a 5 year old is smarter than you and most lefties..

Since ignorance is must be a VERY happy Trump ass kisser....

Many advocates for California, including former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, have pointed to a study by the Tax Foundation as proof the state receives even less from the federal government.

That report said California received only 78 cents on the dollar from the federal government

How does it feel to go through life as a laughingstock moron? Citing a study from 2007? That has been totally debunked. It should hurt to be as stupid as you.

Have the following tattooed on your fat ass.....LMAO

California's economy has surpassed that of the United Kingdom to become the world's fifth largest, according to new federal data made public Friday. California's gross domestic product rose by $127 billion from 2016 to 2017, surpassing $2.7 trillion, the data said.May 5, 2018
Despite having their tiny balls handed to them, the Trumptards keep repeating the same stupid lies.

"The more I repeat it, the truer it becomes!"
For someone so smart why did your whole progressive socialist apparatus screw up the 2016 election? How the hell can you blame people who did nothing to you while they pay taxes too? That is just one item. How smart are you? Do you care more for yourself or the children? American children! I get it there are a lot of ignorant people. But progressive socialists have shown their hand and are just the same or worse. I saw a video of a Antifa riot where many were overweight in Portland calling drivers in their cars nasty names with some assaults. One guy had a plastic plate with ribs and cole slaw in his hand on the street calling an elderly driver names. What the hell is this? Another version of the Hunger Games...."The Obesity Games"!
Still clinging to that claim? California gets one third of the welfare payments for then ENTIRE country. Making them the biggest TAKER state in the union. Never mind their $1.8 TRILLON in debt. Go ahead and withhold federal tax money. See what happens when the federal checks stop coming. Then again, a 5 year old is smarter than you and most lefties..

Since ignorance is must be a VERY happy Trump ass kisser....

Many advocates for California, including former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, have pointed to a study by the Tax Foundation as proof the state receives even less from the federal government.

That report said California received only 78 cents on the dollar from the federal government

How does it feel to go through life as a laughingstock moron? Citing a study from 2007? That has been totally debunked. It should hurt to be as stupid as you.

Have the following tattooed on your fat ass.....LMAO

California's economy has surpassed that of the United Kingdom to become the world's fifth largest, according to new federal data made public Friday. California's gross domestic product rose by $127 billion from 2016 to 2017, surpassing $2.7 trillion, the data said.May 5, 2018

Have thes facts tattoos on your thick skull moron. California is $1.8 TRILLION in debt. Having to borrow $440 MILLiON a month just to pay interest on said debt. Refusing to count your unfunded liabilities does not mean you have a surplus. It means you are on your way to being Greece.
Despite having their tiny balls handed to them, the Trumptards keep repeating the same stupid lies.

"The more I repeat it, the truer it becomes!"
For someone so smart why did your whole progressive socialist apparatus screw up the 2016 election? How the hell can you blame people who did nothing to you while they pay taxes too? That is just one item. How smart are you? Do you care more for yourself or the children? American children! I get it there are a lot of ignorant people. But progressive socialists have shown their hand and are just the same or worse. I saw a video of a Antifa riot where many were overweight in Portland calling drivers in their cars nasty names with some assaults. One guy had a plastic plate with ribs and cole slaw in his hand on the street calling an elderly driver names. What the hell is this? Another version of the Hunger Games...."The Obesity Games"!

What are you talking about? You saw an Antifa riot in Portland? Since Antifa only come out when facists are marching, are you talking about the counter protests to the "Unite the Right" and Proud Boy marches that took place in Portland? Love how you call clashes between violent right wing protestors and Antifa "Antifa Riots"

Portland police in riot gear called in to clear clashes between right-wing and antifa protesters

Riot in Portland as far-right marchers clash with anti-fascists

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