Truss of UK resigns...why? Huh? Democracy in action after a month?

The head of lettuce was woefully unprepared for the office. She made huge amateurish mistakes which immediately bit her in the ass and damaged the economy.
Just like Biden but he won't resign.
5 weeks isn't enough time to implement anything. Something weird happened.
The markets collapsed. She gave huge tax cuts to the rich that were unfunded. She wanted £60bn give aways and offered no idea how to fund it. The cost of govt borrowing doubled because of this and the national debt increased. Pension funds ere collapsiing and the Bank had to step in to support collapcing pension funds.
It will impoverish us for a generation.
You are correct. It is wierd. But a tory crisis with no one else to blame.
A week after the economy tanked she then sacked her Chancellor and ripped up all her nonsense.
She was nearly as bad as johnson.
5 weeks isn't enough time to implement anything. Something weird happened.
Did you not hear? She got the pound diving, she added £500 per month to an average mortgage and as far as Tories are concerned she has ruined Conservatism. The policies she wanted to bring in 'trickle down economics' would not work especially at this time. They might briefly for a short time then that would be it. We would be on a much worse recession. Then I think it was the IMF who were afraid she was going to make problems for global Capitalism. She was destroyed by the people who control markets. She got rid of her Chancellor and another came in who wanted the opposite of what she did. She got rid of her home secretary and another person. Everyone was taking the piss out of her and saying she should go....and eventually she did. It really was not possible for her to stay once she had uturned on the 'mini budget'
You are not a supporter of the democratic process as you back a violent overthrow of your elected president.

Hey idiot. Biden was installed by a corrupted system NOT elected, look at him within a few months already getting booed everywhere he went, and the "democratic process" (we are a Republic, Fool) DEMANDS that good people act when their nation is under attack.

The Steal was even ADMITTED TO in print: Time Magazine Feb. 3, 2021.

And, you can't overthrow Joe Biden on January 6, 2021 when HE WASN'T EVEN THE FUCKING PRESIDENT YET, dolt, much less with a group of people who came there with nothing but flags and cellphones! :laughing0301:

Hey idiot. Biden was installed by a corrupted system NOT elected, look at him within a few months already getting booed everywhere he went, and the "democratic process" (we are a Republic, Fool) DEMANDS that good people act when their nation is under attack.

The Steal was even ADMITTED TO in print: Time Magazine Feb. 3, 2021.

And, you can't overthrow Joe Biden on January 6, 2021 when HE WASN'T EVEN THE FUCKING PRESIDENT YET, dolt, much less with a group of people who came there with nothing but flags and cellphones! :laughing0301:

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You are an extremist loon. You lack standing when adults discuss important issues.
Shows the impact of unchecked Conservatism

We are next
Eurotrash 'conservatives' are not like American conservatives, only a fool would make such comparisons. Unless you can show us a few Eurotrash 'conservatives' who support individual gun rights, state's rights, and fiscal sanity.
Ok, my last few thoughts then on creature Liz.. the debate is moving on v. quick to speculation as to who will be the next PM, so Liz is going to be forgotten about pretty soon I think..
She smashed George Canning's record of 119 days completely, his office cut short by death, ill health, but I can't remember exactly what, it's on wiki for the curious. I guess she'll be remembered in history for being a failure, therefore.
It's a shame.. I like Liz, I was warming gradually to 'Liz-style'.. I guess it helps she's a nice looking blonde.. but she was also funny at times, and clever, good with the business world, has done some important trade deals for britain. Dunno if she suffered from egotism, and arrogance at times, in the complex world of politics, dunno maybe.
Didn't see much of Mr Truss, just briefly at the leadership contest, with his wry smile at his wife's new ambition to make britain better.. if the Tories still know what that means anymore, gulp. I decided he reminded me of Dave Cameron a bit.. haha, much better looking than Bojo's partner, that sad trollop thankfully no longer in the news.. I never did remember her/it's name (interfering, meglomaniac, b**ch).
OOI, why did it go so wrong?.. it happened so quickly, it's very hard to analyse it.. it seemed to dip badly after she fired Kwasi on friday, before that it didn't look too bad, so if I was trying to figure out the reason why, I guess I would start with what happened over Kwasi's economic plans.. but it's very complicated stuff, and I haven't got time to get it into, now.

Earlier on, fri morning, I was enjoying some of the Dave Mellor thoughts on GBnews.. jealous of him sitting next to another nice blonde, sweet Ellie.. perks of the job I guess. With her nice chest bulges. He should accidently reach past her for a coffee mug, and get a free feel in the morning, haha.
He's a clever boy, the Mellor mind is as sharp as ever.. he got a bit stitched up in the 90s with actress Antonia, and resigned. Some people still remember this stuff. Mellor must be a mega Tory die-hard.. he still believes there's a way back for the Tories from this mess.. I think me and a bunch of people now in the country are waiting for a labour goverment, as a way forward now.. I can't see the Tories have any more ideas now, completely out of gas now, it's time for a real change I think.. I guess some rich elite types out there with vested interests want to hang on to the Tories, but surely it's 'dead in the water' now. I mean it must be.. it's beyond laughable.

Next Tory leader? don't really care.. Sunak will do it, give it to him, anyone now really. Personally I'd prefer Penny, but.. did I catch her underperforming at the tv debates, last contest? (shockingly deliberately?...or am I imagining it??.. she'd say I had become obsessed with her.. well maybe..if it's true that's very naughty Penny :auiqs.jpg:)

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