truth about the sequester

Those of us who can Do Math have known this all along. All the sequester does is cut a bit out of the amount of increased government spending.
I think he overplayed his hand by cancelling the White House tours.
The Sequester Doesn't Cut Spending At All - Seeking Alpha

read it liberals, your kenyan messiah and his worshiping media are LYING to you.

Here is another prrspective:
Beltway bubble insulated from reality of sequester
But this local coverage tells a different story with a different emphasis. Real people around the country are beginning to tune into the possibility that these spending cuts could do real damage to their communities and to the country’s economic recovery.
They know


They don't care

I'm not sure many really know that. Kimmel had many Obama supporters convinced that Obama might pardon the sequester and send it to Portugal. If they believe that, how hard is it for the left to pull one over on them?

I think he overplayed his hand by cancelling the White House tours.

He just wants the sheeple to cry about the cuts and disappointing thousands of little school children should do it. Then he'll tell them to blame the Repubs and garner up some more hate. In a way, he is a transparent president because it's easy to see right through his bullshit.
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The Sequester Doesn't Cut Spending At All - Seeking Alpha

read it liberals, your kenyan messiah and his worshiping media are LYING to you.

Here is another prrspective:
Beltway bubble insulated from reality of sequester
But this local coverage tells a different story with a different emphasis. Real people around the country are beginning to tune into the possibility that these spending cuts could do real damage to their communities and to the country’s economic recovery.

Since you're the first taker, can you explain the government posting 400 new job openings on Monday or how the TSA can agree to a $5million uniform contract?
Or, maybe, how White House tours led by volunteers are cut over costs??
Just more lies out of the riff raff in Washington. Before it's all over with they are going to destroy America as we know it. All Democrats should be horse whipped.
The Sequester Doesn't Cut Spending At All - Seeking Alpha

read it liberals, your kenyan messiah and his worshiping media are LYING to you.

Here is another prrspective:
Beltway bubble insulated from reality of sequester
But this local coverage tells a different story with a different emphasis. Real people around the country are beginning to tune into the possibility that these spending cuts could do real damage to their communities and to the country’s economic recovery.

Since you're the first taker, can you explain the government posting 400 new job openings on Monday or how the TSA can agree to a $5million uniform contract?
Or, maybe, how White House tours led by volunteers are cut over costs??

Those issues are discussed here:
Federal Government Posts 400 New Jobs on Monday - Heather Ginsberg
Nothing from our liberal posters but-----------------crickets------------------crickets--------------and more crickets.

Funny how they always run from the truth.
Nothing from our liberal posters but-----------------crickets------------------crickets--------------and more crickets.

Funny how they always run from the truth.

It's Sunday the office they get their talking points from is closed, or it could be closed because of the sequester.
The Sequester Doesn't Cut Spending At All - Seeking Alpha

read it liberals, your kenyan messiah and his worshiping media are LYING to you.

Here is another prrspective:
Beltway bubble insulated from reality of sequester
But this local coverage tells a different story with a different emphasis. Real people around the country are beginning to tune into the possibility that these spending cuts could do real damage to their communities and to the country’s economic recovery.

Yeah, it's the perspective of Obama propaganda organs - bullshit, in other words.

Since you're the first taker, can you explain the government posting 400 new job openings on Monday or how the TSA can agree to a $5million uniform contract?
Or, maybe, how White House tours led by volunteers are cut over costs??

Those issues are discussed here:
Federal Government Posts 400 New Jobs on Monday - Heather Ginsberg

It doesn't discuss anything.

You do realize that every budget in the Government went up, right? That not a single red cent has been cut from the federal budget.
The Sequester Doesn't Cut Spending At All - Seeking Alpha

read it liberals, your kenyan messiah and his worshiping media are LYING to you.

In what specific ways does that differ from the 28 years before Obama was elected? Are you old enough to remember NeoCon Ron's morons hollering the sky is falling every budget season? Honest people of a certain age and moral development will admit ReagaNUT scum pioneered the art of claiming cuts in increases are in fact cuts.

How hilarious is it that bobbleheaded corporate pawn tripled the national debt, got the lowest return on investment of any president in history before his spiritual heir, Junebug, and is regarded by halfwit America as a cost-sutting govamet busting conservative? I am laughing out loud thinking how that unrepentant New Dealer blew through the Treasury like a Bush on dope.
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It's true that from 1980 on the scum of the earth now flipping out were silent while borderline criminals blew through tax money like Latin American colonels on cocaine, but it doesn't answer the question, which acknowledges The Bush League and ReagaNUTs were screamers too, then wonders, "In what specific ways does that [edit insert: the screaming drill] differ from the 28 years before Obama was elected?"
Since you're the first taker, can you explain the government posting 400 new job openings on Monday or how the TSA can agree to a $5million uniform contract?
Or, maybe, how White House tours led by volunteers are cut over costs??

Those issues are discussed here:
Federal Government Posts 400 New Jobs on Monday - Heather Ginsberg

It doesn't discuss anything.

You do realize that every budget in the Government went up, right? That not a single red cent has been cut from the federal budget.

My last job working for the Government was 11 years ago, doing computer software support work on a contract for the Pentagon. And I've seen stories suggesting that contractors doing that kind of work are going to lose their jobs. It's understandable that they would get hit by the cuts, as they arn't permanent Defense Dept employees, nor are they working on contracts that are manufacturing essential weapon systems.
It's true that from 1980 on the scum of the earth now flipping out were silent while borderline criminals blew through tax money like Latin American colonels on cocaine, but it doesn't answer the question, which acknowledges The Bush League and ReagaNUTs were screamers too, then wonders, "In what specific ways does that [edit insert: the screaming drill] differ from the 28 years before Obama was elected?"

Turn around.

You're looking backwards.

We're taking about today.

"Forward"! Remember?

Obamageddon is sucking this for everything he can get out of this manufactured crisis

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